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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/935637-Freeflow-Story-Bit-and-Royalty
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#935637 added June 1, 2018 at 7:53pm
Restrictions: None
Freeflow Story Bit and Royalty
Prompt: Down by the river, it was difficult to see. The fog had rolled in and I was squeezing your hand in fear. I didn't know if ...


Down by the river, it was difficult to see. The fog had rolled in and I was squeezing your hand in fear. I suspected this parasitic trepidation in me concerning the new routine of the weather signaled an omen about my new name and face.

But you murmured, “I’m here. Don’t worry. They don’t know me, but I know them.”

Although I battled my own mind to rationalize the time and place, the dread arose from the pit of my stomach to cause the icy twinges in my legs. “They may still find me,” I said, ”They know how to tune in to my DNA from the sequence of my nucleotides.”

“Don’t you think that way,” you said, tearing your eyes from my face. “I made sure the nucleotides in your DNA were masked and their sequence a bit altered.”

“I’m scared,” I said, almost breathless, like someone had punched me in the stomach.

“Don’t be,” you said. “The change in your genetic makeup is why the change of weather is affecting you this way. You were never fearful of anything before. This should tell you something.”

You had a point there. I used to be a daredevil earlier, and now…

“I am not sure I like the feeling of fear,” I said. “I’d rather be unafraid.”

“Once the intergalactic council suppresses the lizard humanoids’ aggressions and suspends their scientific experiments, the changes can be reversed. In the meantime, you’ll have to suffer feeling different types of terror and distress. You are too valuable for us to let you fall prey to other species.”

I nodded in agreement, and somehow, felt a certain pride. After all, who else in this expanding universe had pushed an entire star system into a black hole!

After a while, “Still, I’m scared,” I said, almost breathless, like someone had punched me in the stomach.

“It is to be expected. Just go with it,” you said, your voice barely audible.

Then I clung to you like what I am doing right now. And your warmth penetrates into me and you stroke my wet head where the hair sticks and your touch sends a scorching pulse through my body and I hear you breathing deeply and my heart races and I want to crawl under your skin.

This, too, is a new sensation. A sensation I am enjoying. Maybe, I like this change after all. Maybe, I won’t let you unmask and alter my nucleotide sequences back to where they were. So what if I become too afraid to mess with those fancy star systems!

*Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling*

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: I bought a People Magazine with Prince Harry and Meghan's Wedding pictures in it. My husband said they don't even know you exist. I said maybe Princess Kate and Meghan may have read my published books. With that in mind, do you think celebrities could have read books or something we had published?


Well, those of the royalty are unavoidable, aren’t they! This couple has been all over the media.

I never thought of celebrities in relation to writing, even if they have amassed degrees and such. I don’t really care if they read my work or not. I care that other writers and those who understand the writing craft read my work and tell me what they think. If such people can be among the celebrities, so be it.

© Copyright 2018 Joy (UN: joycag at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/935637-Freeflow-Story-Bit-and-Royalty