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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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November 28, 2015 at 2:38pm
November 28, 2015 at 2:38pm
Hey! I know you're stuffed--don' lie! I ate so much yesterday, November 26, 2015, I felt guilty. I bought a sweet potato pie, and ate half by the time guests got here. What is your favorite, I like turkey but I LOVE a scrumptious pot roast. I'm talking about a pot roast with little red potatoes and chopped celery, a bullion cube and seasonings, and baby carrots. I don't add the raw veggies until it's almost done. I like eating slices of it over a bread of rice or mashed potatoes Okay, it's your turn--what's YOUR guilty Holiday food pleasure? Just click on comment. This day contributed to me creating a new mantra over the years: Y-u-um-m-m-m-m!!!!!!!

Take care--rixxie

Hi, I'm still trying to work the excess eating off, from Thanksgiving, and here's Christmas! I've been watching all the dance and exercise infomercials. I've been dancing with the commercials. Shawn T., works it! He's all buff anyway, I think he could ea anything and it would just evaporate. You notice most of his followers are female? Ye-a-ah! I could understand that, If I was around him I would just start dancing. If you look at somebody like that, is motivation enough. I rent exercise videos about once a month. And I work out, three times a week. My work outs, are really just me dancing to the oldies, songs with a strong drum section.

I rented Zumba work out system, I like it a lot. It has strong Latin beats. It is a very energetic work out. I've even rented Jazzercize I like that too. I can get into any work out routine that has a strong, dance groove. You can try just turning your favorite dance songs on and dancing. You'll be surprised what a good work out you can get at home.

Have fun shopping and eating good food, be good, talk to you later
November 9, 2015 at 2:52am
November 9, 2015 at 2:52am
Hi! I've been busy trying to win a million dollars from the California Lottery. They just ended their,"Make Me a Zombie" contest. I'll post a picture of me as a Zombie, in my portfolio. I want to hear from you, what were you for Halloween? I had a couple of ghouls and a celebrity I walked around.

I'm trying to hold my old ticker together so that an post more oft When I dressed up like the monsters it gave me a rush!I actually felt better. When you get a chance, go to: WWW.CAlottery.com, and look up,"Make Me a Zombie". You want believe the people in the photo gallery, they are nuts! They get $400 worth of lottery tickets if you win. I got scared and I'm real grown! Click on "comment", to let me know what your costume was. And did you win a Halloween costume contest?

Talk to you soon---rixxie
Hi! Well, the lottery Make Me A Zombie contest is over! You would be amazed at the about 2,000, entries. Those people are funny and nuts! I was shocked when the woman who actually won, from Fresno, didn't have on a costume or mask!!!! Are they trying to say she IS a zombie?! Do they know her? It makes you wonder, when you log onto he lottery's site and see all the scary zombies. What going on with that contest? I had several entries in myself. You can see one of my zombies(me in costume), in my portfolio. It is, "Make Me A Zombie", item # 2066377. I think it's one of my funnier alter egos. I would like to hear from you, tell me what you dressed up as for Halloween. I ran into one lady In San Francisco, who actually won the Exotic Erotic Ball. They get real nasty with that ball. The costumes are so low down and dirty, they're hard to look at. This was almost as much fun as when I went to the casino, Thunder Valley in 2013, that Halloween party was a little naughty for my taste. It's called, (Saints & Sinner". I was still shocked when women showed up dressed as angels, and begin to do something dirty to the beat of, the disco dancer, laying themselves on the stage--FREAKY!!

I'll holler at you later--Bye,
September 5, 2015 at 10:01am
September 5, 2015 at 10:01am
What are some of the funny things that have happened to you over the years, that you can laugh at now? You can click on "Comments", and I'll share your story, keep it clean!! I'll start it off:

In the early 1970's, I was a teen. One of my older brothers was about 22. He was crazy about all the popular R&B acts of the time, The Temptations, James Brown, Gladys Knight and the PIPS. He did a tour of Viet Nam, in the military and was back home. He had little change in his pocket, and would attend the popular concerts. He had a tailor in Bancok, that could make any garment, in any magazine. My brother had a concert photo of The Temptations, they were wearing these sharp black silk walking suits. I almost didn't recognize him in the suit, it was amazing, he had on sunglasses and posed. One of my brothers took the picture. I happened to run across it a couple of days ago, and laughed out loud. He wore the suit to a concert, and came back about a hour and a half later, all scratched up and mangled clothes wrinkled. He said he got MOBBED!! He wasn't hurt badly, just shook-up. One of my brothers giggled. I didn't get it until later ; a tall brown-skinned, slim handsome guy, dressed like a popular superstar. Ha-ha-ha! He'll never do THAT again! If you go to a concert looking like one of The Temptations, you might get mugged!

Okay, that was one disaster, here's another. A friend of mine at 15 years old, liked to go to dances a lot. She went with friends, her Mom had given her a 11:00 curfew. When it became midnight and the girl's Mother didn't hear from her, she got up and drove to the school dance --just the way she was. It was 12:30, when the Mother arrived she stood in he center of the room, a tall Black lady in night gear. She just looked around, several couples stopped dancing. A minute later a girl came flying out of the dance, pulling her Mother wit her. "I lost track of time, I'm sorry". The Mother looked at her and said: "I'm your clock, I figured when you looked up in saw me in this flannel, nightgown, big fuzzy slippers and large ink curlers, you would come tearing out of here!" "Oh Lord-Mama!!!! You got to love Moms, they have such gentle ways to get our attention.

Okay, it's YOUR turn! What's the strangest or fumiest thing you or your family or friends done? Just click on comment, keep it clean!!

Talk to soon, rixxie

August 30, 2015 at 9:17pm
August 30, 2015 at 9:17pm
*Music1* *Music2* *Mic* *Cd* Does somebody have the low-down on that new show, Empire? The character, Cookie seems to be quite a Diva. What do you know about it Is it the "It" show to keep a eye on Just give me the plot run-down, it's mentioned on every regular talk show, I see. I caught about five minutes of it about a month ago. I was an actor in live theater when I was in my twenties. The style of acting they do Empire, seems to be an ensemble type of acting. It's a little different, than regular acting. Some of it involves, improv--I'm not sure if that is what they are doing or not.If you know whats going. It seems real exciting, Cookie almost reminds me of the character, that Vanessa Williams played in the show, Ugly Betty. She was kind of ruthless and powerful, that role was a good model for that type of role.

Take care rixxie

Hi, I was watching Empire the other night and something, occurred to me. Does anybody else think the character, "Cookie", is a little too hyped. I couldn't imagine anybody being allowed to live in my house or, be around me, if they were rude as these characters. She is nuts and very animated. People love to watch her and Lucius go at It. It almost seems like mostly bash. They are constantly tearing each other down. The viewing public is however, eating it up in a big spoon. It definitely has a audience; it was nominated for an Emmy or two. I didn't watch the whole award show, it was really long. It is exciting, to see Cookie, fly into some woman, or break something. The cute young sons, are little crazy. The Mother, Cookie has managed to turn a couple of them against their Dad. The little nasty bad son, is amusing. It is all st to the backdrop of the record industry.

I happened to catch a episode of the hit show, Scandal. It is, it's scandalous. I could imagine a female staff member of the President of the United States, (never mind that she's young and Black and sexy), carrying on over balconies and so forth, with the big man himself. They would have to be insane, but people like it. A mature lady like me, might find it just too outrageous to get into.I actually find both shows amusing in a way, if you take them as pure fantasy, creatively done.

Talk to you later, rixxie

June 15, 2015 at 10:20am
June 15, 2015 at 10:20am
I finally figured out what to do with my leftover minutes on my cell phone. I was going to call some lucky person in another country and make them talk about mundane things. "Hello, I am calling you from America, are all your goats in the gate? Are you going to bake bread and sweet things today/ How many children do you have, are they are all doing well in school? Can you give me your Grandmother's recipe for slukenlunk vine? These random calls are actually entertaining especially if you keep them in the realm, of non-harassment. It it is a joy to know you're using the minutes before they expire at midnight.

One of the calls I wanted to make was a random call, to a number I picked out of the Nigerian phone book. I decided instead to call the United Nations, and ask for Akondo Akelee'. I saw that name in in a African Baby name book. It sounds friendly and official. I'd say something like,"Akondo, what be like man! Hey, Brotha' you know any good rib shacks in Nigeria? What's your favorite place to eat there? Is it The Wing ShacK?" I may ask if he has a brother that still lives in Nigeria and tell him to call me. I'll them call him to use up my minutes. I'll find out the latest dance, and the club craze, and the latest movie. I think, every month Ill randomly call a different country. I told you I'd figure out a way to use up those minutes, and entertain myself at the same time. I solved that problem! i knew people who couldn't stand to lose frequent flyer miles, they'd look up strange places, and conventions and go to all kinds of things.I heard of thrifty, I wonder though if they really only picked places that served refreshments. And they filled brown bags with cookies and deli sandwiches, no purchase required! I wonder if there really is a Akondo, working at the UN from Africa, oh, well they will let me know when they read my post on their home page. I'll let you know.,Waste not. *FacePalm*

Talk to you, soon...
June 13, 2015 at 4:44am
June 13, 2015 at 4:44am
*Cat2* *FacePalm* *Mic* *Tv* I can tell I'm getting old. I find myself repeating all the tiresome, mundane thing old folks told me when I was young. They would tell you not to waste that little scrap of meat, 'cause people are hungry these days. Did you ever wonder, how your little self, eating that little fat piece of meat was going to help anybody? Old habits are hard to break, that might explain why I'm up all night trying to use 800 cell phone minutes, that don't rollover. I'm going to take hundreds of photos tomorrow, of monkeys and lions, and things that aren't all the way up the food chain, at the zoo. I'll go on the close encounter with the giraffe the latest attraction at the zoo. You can get in contact with them, you can pat them and, and my case see if they can dance. I want to see if I can get video of a giraffe doing the Electric slide. I want to see, if his long-neckedness, can bust some moves. I don't want to get slapped by a long head, for the equivalent of crossing the line in the animal world. I've seen chimpanzees, dance with little kids. A little Black Boy, from East Oakland, was teaching, one how to "Bop", something like that. He was getting down! That should use up a 100 minutes.

I'll take photos and videos, of me baking every kind of cookie, chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butter. And should I get desperate--snickerdoodles. I never knew what those were, I think they are over-rated burnt sugar cookies. I'll have every angle of them I'll go out and get the backs of peoples heads walking down the street. And other creepy things. And all that will probably only use up 200, minutes. I'll have to resort to some sneaky tactics that will make me a YouTube star without getting sued too much. The really smart or silly or NASTY, or clever people on YouTube, make thousands a month. See, and there you are working hard, for no reason. Some of those people are nuts, they ARE crazy and they're just documenting it, for the rest of the world. I hope we are not starting a disturbing trend; mental illness and vulgarity, for fun and profit. If I'm successful, I'll share some of the links with you.

Take care,rixxie
April 27, 2015 at 5:57am
April 27, 2015 at 5:57am
Hey! What's new? I love watching old episodes of comedies. I don't know what the show, Monk is considered, but I love it. It gets on my nerves but it makes me laugh. It's not reruns right now, I had to order copies from the library. What is your favorite episode? I think mine is, the time Monk accidentally, went home to the wrong house. He is confused as a character and phobic, but I still like watching his mishaps. I think the network should do a character check on themselves, or something. They had these cute real polished little kids, hawking adult centered movies. It just seemed like poor judgement, to have kids repeat lines from old movies, from before they were born, that they can;t even get into the movies to watch. The movie Taxi Driver, wasn't that about the taxi driver that found a 12 year old hooker in his cab, that had been snatched from her home? It just seems dumb and irresponsible to have kids, repeating lines from movies that weren't intended for them. *ButtonP*

I've become very fascinated by animation, lately. I'm thinking of creating some cartoons, to present online. I'm going to use some of the characters in stories I've been writing over the years. I saw some, on YouTube and thought it very fascinating. I think mine will be a little more simple than, the the really complicated ones on TV, now. Have you seen Jane and the Dragon? I can't figure out how they do that one. Some of it, may be people with animation overlapped.

I will talk to sooner than last time, take care, go out and enjoy your life,


Hi, speaking of animation, I just reviewed the Jackson Five's animated cartoon series from the 1970's, it's colorful and quirky. I had forgot about it until i got it for a gift. I'm going to dabble with some cartoons. I was just watching the old Rocky and Bullwinkle series, from the 1960's. It is really silly and sometimes, a few belly laughs. If you're interested in making your own cartoons, some people want to make educational videos, Windows Live is a good tool. It guides you right through the process, I'm going to try it out and get back to you.

I was just watching the Richard Pryor series, from 1977, I was howling. I think i might have to add his name to the Mackiest-Player list, of all time. Remember- when I was discussing who played the best player or hustler? I had mentioned, Sweet Daddy Williams, form the TV show Good Times. Sw-w-eet-ness, form the movie Roll Bounce, Morris Day, from the movie Purple Rain. I think I'm going to have to add, Pryor's mack/preacher character, or his Mackness to you. It was funny, silly and wild. You can check out my review of it on this site. It was just for fun, a grown man would be a doof if he went around, all lame like that. I'd be like, "Get over yourself!'
You can give me names of who played the the ultimate Player, on TV or the movies. You have to give the ladies equal time!

Talk to you later,
take care, rixxie
February 27, 2015 at 7:31pm
February 27, 2015 at 7:31pm
I'm going to miss Mr.Spock, Leonard Nimoy. He passed away in Feburary 2015. It doesn't seem like forty years ago, when his pointed ears graced our screens. I didn't know what to expect of the original Star Trek, It just looked exciting. I remember seeing the promotion for it. There is nobody who knew what a phenomenon it would be. I was really into the first movie, my two kids were little when it hit the theaters. He had a rich acting career and life. I had hoped he would come back in the sequel: In Search of Spock;the Afterlife

Talk to you soon, rixxie

Hi! I'm not a hope to die Trekkie but I love Star Trek the TV show and the franchise. And of course loved the iconic, Mr.Spock Leonard Nimoy played so well.You can read more about his life and adventures in my article: May The Force Be With Him at,
http://qmarpat.hubpages.com/MAY-THE-FORCE-BE-WITH-HIM. Click below and comment and let me know what your favorite Star Trek episode or movie is, I'll share it with my readers. I've ran into people who love the Wrath of Khan, I wasn't too into that one. I think I like the the first movie, even though the later movies made more money.

Take care, talk to you soon, rixxie
January 20, 2015 at 8:46pm
January 20, 2015 at 8:46pm
New Years Resolutions 2015!
Well, a couple of weeks into the new year have you broke them yet? I actually kept most of mine. If I call resolutions, "promises",to myself i can keep them. Check out one of my other blogs: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat. I write articles about movies, food and a little of this in that. You can contact me there, too.

Take care, rixxie

Hey! Do you think people's taste buds develop as they get older? I LOVE food, it's kind of scary now that I'm a-a-a-era seeeyor-NO I can't say it. Old--Okay? Anyway, food and men are starting to fascinate me again, I had wrote them off years ago, I was eating some orange, savory chicken and I liked it so much I bit my tongue. And there is TV -- Oh, the things I saw today!! These big buff dudes with muscles I had forgot about. After I stopped screaming , I realized they were half my age. They are so cute when they are that age...Get thee hence.I want you to check out my article: "I Think I Have The Wrong Number". You'll find it on my hubpages page, listed above. After you read it, let me know of any phone numbers of movies or from books. I'm interested in some numbers you may have been tempted to call. Remember, "777-9311", Morris Day's song. It turned out to be someone's real phone number. Let me know some other numbers, you've heard in songs or movies you've wondered about. I'll give you the real story behind the movie, Bruce Almighty. The number on his pager, from, "God", You don't know how many people called that number! They had all these urgent request, from the Man Upstairs! Read it and click in on comment, talk to you later.

*Clapper* *Telephone* *Mic*

Take care--rixxie

Have you broken your New Years Resolutions yet? I'm kind of hanging in here. If I don't eat what I'm suppose to, I drop a few pounds. And if I get bored I work on all my projects in the same day. It works out that way. I swore off love or anything like that, about 25 years ago. I said this year, if i got around people I consider human, with character, and brains and all, I might have a different outlook. So far I haven't found entities that meet that criteria. Do you ever think there's strange things going on around you, that you don't want to know about? Creeps have a way of weaving their way through everyone's life, like human rats and roaches. I have set my mind on trying to meet people who interest me, this year. I also decided I'm going to stay in contact with family and walk more, I walk some everyday now. I hope you're keeping,yours.

Could someone please tell me the fascination, obsession really with Fifty Shades of Grey? It's been heavily promoted for a couple of years, from the book of that title. And now, finally here is the movie. I saw previews, but I wasn't too excited, maybe I'm getting old. I remember when I was a teen sneaking copies of The Carpet Baggers and Claude Brown's Manchild in The Promised Land. I remember how exotic and exciting I thought they were. After reading several books of Ice Berg Slim, (The former a pimp of the 20th century), And several of Walter Mosley's books, I thought I heard it all. I don't know what these people invented physically, that hasn't been done in some way already. I was more excited when a new art book came out, that's how you know your taste has matured.. if you've seen it or read the book let me know if you like it, and why.

*Cool* *Books3* *Bookstack*

Take care of yourself, ,rixxie

Hi! My new good friend just won 150 million in the Powerball lottery! I don't like people who have all the best of luck. I'm really happy for her i found out she won a regular Young Black woman with four kids, I was happy! Well, if it couldn't be me, it's someone that will put it to good use,(I know I would). I wish her real good continued luck, her and her family. If I give you some lucky numbers would you buy me things? Okay, here it goes for California Lottery: Mega Millions 16 18 53 40 22 mega 11. Powerball: 10 12 23 35 56 powerball 22. Don't forget about me if you win.

Take care, talk to you later-----rixxie
October 21, 2014 at 3:49pm
October 21, 2014 at 3:49pm
*Pumpkin* HI! I was just reading a book about thirty directors and their favorite movies. It's very interesting, they mentioned some I hated like, A Clockwork Orange. One loved E.T., I loved that movie, too. I have created a whole list of movies I love, Movies that give me belly laughs and movies that disturb me. I was surprised I came up with about eighty movies. I mentioned movies like, Happy Feet, Shrek 2, I love animated movies a lot.

You click on comment and let me know what you like. I'll start listing my
favorites soon........take care rixxie

Hi! I promised my list of movies, that I either really liked or that gave me belly laughs or scared me to death! Here we go:


1.) Happy Feet - (2006) Loved it! The dancing and laughs were great!

2.) E.T. (1982)

3.) It's a Good Life- (1945)

4.) The Whiz (1976)

5.) The Preachers (1997)

6.) Stuart Little

7.) Shrek 2

8.) MIB II (2010- Will Smith) Big laughs !

9.) Haunted Mansion -Eddie Murphy, funny, scary!

10.) Shark Tales (Will Smith)

*Thumbsupl* *Thumbsupl*

(I will continue that list, for now how about some others)

*Shock* *Smile* *Shock*

I will continue the list, I have about 25 on each one. You can click and tell me your favorites.


My Belly Laughs List

1.) Wallace and Grommit& The Ware Rabbit --Funny, Funny you'll laugh your behind off!!

2.) Roll Bounce (2006) Funny!!! Sweetness, has his serious MACK on!!!

3) The Mask (Silly-but still makes me laugh)

4) Bruce Almighty (Another Jim Carey movie)

5) Madagascar ( "I like to move it-move it")

6.) Garfiled

7.) Chipwrecked (The chipmunks)

8.) The Muppets Take Manhattan (This movie came out in the 1980's--saw it with my kids)

9) Ghost Busters I ( "I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!)

10) Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein ( I saw it as a kid-and was scared and laughed loud!)


(Will finish later, and I won't take so long!)

Take care rixxie
Don't forget to tell me about YOUR favorite movies.
I won't you think about the movies, you've seen lately.
Click in and let me know, what makes you laugh and
what scares you....

Check out my personal links to the left, click on
"Cooking Articles", to find more articles on old movies.

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