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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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January 7, 2013 at 10:57am
January 7, 2013 at 10:57am
*PartyHatP* *Confettib* *ConfettiR* *BalloonR* *BalloonB* Hi! Have you made any promises to yourself, you have no intentions on keeping- i.e. resolutions? You can do it, believe it or not, no matter how crazy or stubborn you think you are. I started about ten years ago calling them, New Years' promises to myself. I started with five major things I wanted to get over the whole span of the year. I'd then break it down to five major things a month to move me to those goals. And then I'd break it down to three things daily to work toward that goal. I cross each item off, and mark it on my day planner or calendar, as I complete them. I have a habit of keeping calendars.

You would be amazed if you wrote everything you did, to reach your goals on a calendar or day planner. You won't believe the things you get done. I was looking at a calendar from four years ago, it was really amazing. I wasn't aware I had gotten all those things done. I keep my calendars, to motivate myself. I go back and look at one that is five years old. I marked down daily and monthly goals, I planned to get done. And followed through. I was proud of all the work I had gotten done even though I had heart problems, and everything was going wrong.
When I was younger, tasks and plans seems so complicated and haphazard. I've saved myself a lot of anxiety, by simply writing it down. I remember in the late 1980's I was visiting, my older brother who seemed to have it all together. I was struggling as a single parent, school, part-time job, and tons of things. I watched him as he brought his nice suit back from the cleaners for a special dinner out. I asked him, "How do keep everything together, and get all these things done?" He told me he simply writes it down, because he has too much to do to remember, it all. I watched him as he sat a bag of groceries on the table, and hung his suit on the door. He passed me a little note written on a scratch of lined paper:

1.) Pick up my suit from cleaners
2.) Get groceries
3.) Put gas in my car
4.) Take the recyling to the center
5) Pick of a couple of videos for tonight

It is that wisdom , that is guiding me down, very simple but effective. So for this New Year, to uncomplicate your life, and help reach your goals, I'm going to pass it on to you:

That simple, please have a safe and productive new year!

Take care--rixxie
December 21, 2012 at 6:36am
December 21, 2012 at 6:36am
*CandycaneR* *Xmastree* *StockingR* *Giftv* *CupcakeP* How's your holidays shaping up? Remember you don't have to have a lot of money to celebrate the holidays! Don't forget that library cards are free. These days you can borrow a Ereader, download some free book from the libray and some other sites. You can find some colorful books with toys. And endless Christmas cookie and cake books. You just have to be creative. The discount stores have endless surprise. Don't forget about casinos, they give away gifts to all their visitors on the holidays, and bingo halls do to.

The dollar stores have rare finds, a lot of it is top rate merchandise. Some top rate thrift stores have overstock, brand new items. It just means they are leftovers. They are still in the package! I've seen people who were totally broke recycle cans, and get money for the holidays. If you live in a place, an apartment, a room, a house, and you celebrate the holidays. You don't ever have to tell a little kid you can't afford Christmas-you can! There are so many agencies that collect toys all year round. I love sorting and bagging toys for the non-profits.if you don't want to sign up and you are just temporarily out of work, you can use all the means I described above. You can look through a lot of dollar and discount stores, and thrift-doesn't matter. And get a Holiday Cookie book, bake some gifts-it makes you feel speciel. I found homemade wine and barbecue sauce books--go to the library.

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. I have a few Christmas stories in my archives, one you may enjoy is: "Christmas again, Already". I wrote it about two years ago. I'm an independant writer and artist, I don't have agents or partners. I have to kepp track of items myself. I know I take a little time sometimes, but I'll always update. Please have a lovely lovely, holiday drop me a note. Say "hello" tell a joke or short funny story.

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!
take care------rixxie
November 18, 2012 at 7:51pm
November 18, 2012 at 7:51pm
*CupcakeB* *CupcakeO* *CupcakeP* *CupcakeY* I'm a buff of recent history and pop culture. I'd like to take time to say goodbye to Hostess Twinkies, and all the other delectable cakes they made. They marked my childhood, and found their way into popular songs. My favorite treat for getting through Kidergarten, without dying are catching the COOTIES from boys, was one chocolate Hotess cupcake. I'm sure you have similar stories, that centered around a twinkie, (it's what I wanted when I was expecting my first child). Please share your Hotess stories with me. I found this funny video on YouTube: "The Twinkie Challenge", Silly people eat a stupid amount of twinkies in a short period of time. http://youtu.be/WDjbFaqYN
I was very saddened to hear about the crippling bakers' strike, that bankrupt Hotess a few days ago. Have faith though--I heard a rumor that twinkies died and were reborn as a t-shirt, and possibly candy. We'll see, thanks for the memories. Feel free to tell me about what you remember about, ho-ho's or twinkies, or cupcakes. Don't go hoard, all you can find.

Take care--Talk to you later, rixxie

Well, are you dragging from a turkey overlaod this morning? Turkey can put you in a smiling stupor real fast. I ate so much, I felt guilty about it. Are you going to go out risk your life and familiys' safety, to get trampled on Black Friday, to save $20? I donot get a rush from risking my life finding a bargain, some of them camped out. Sometimes you have to stop and think, you can get so caught up in the next trickest gadget and material things, you lose your footing. I LOVE the holidays, I just want to be safe and well and ALIVE Christmas. I was watching online and on tv, crazy were threatening people if they bumped into their little kids, during the midnight Black Friday sale. Crazy! What kind of moron drags little children at misnight or 2:00 in the morning into a stampede of 10,000 bargin seekers? You can't even see them, there have been adults killed and crumpled in those sales - idiotic. In an ever expanding marketing ploy stores started,"Black Friday", that is suppose to be the day after Thanksgiving - the biggest sale day usually of the year, on Thanksgiving. A well kept secret - you can buy the same sale items at their online site, even BEFORE the sale starts.

On another note, have you started making resolutions this year? You may have decided you're going to make more money - that's one of my favorites. I saw where these people put up funny videos on YouTube, and they got thousands of hits, advertisers started putting ads on them. They make $2,500 a month and up some make less. Sign up for a free YouTube account, start making interestingvideos. You can sign up for Adsense, they link you to advertisers, who pay you. If you want more traffic to your site you cahn use this free traffic producing site. Use this link to sign up free: http://www.linkferral.com/adwel.com/adwel.pl?oldrefid=242542. I hope you have wonderful times shopping and preparing, and creating good ideas to make money.

Talk to you soon---rixxie
October 30, 2012 at 6:28am
October 30, 2012 at 6:28am
*Jackolantern* *Ghost* *Witchhat* Remember, whne I told you I couldn't decide whether to be The First Lady Michelle or an R&B star? So I didn't!! Remember that old song; "It's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll?" I've got my costume, it's little Michele and a little just classy elegance. I can't wait to go trick-or-treating!! it's more fun when you're grown. I'm trying to talk a neighbor into going as catwoman, I just want to seen if she has the gust to do it. I finally made my costume! I'll post a little video here of me in my costume or begging for candy, in a few days. When you a grown up acting like that it's begging. I just got a felling if a grown woman shows up to man's house she really likes, BEG-GIN, for candy, she won't leave empty handed. Grab the candybars and run home, it will leave him puzzled-"What just happened?"

Click-on and let me know what YOU are going to be, for halloween don't miss out. The prize money is big this year. You go online and enter your photo wearing a costume, you could win hundreds. I'm going to enter at least ten. I just love halloween, I just love it, it makes me happy! Check with local churches they are doing free indoor safe, trick-or-treating. Oh-don't forget to check online for deals and treats, if you go to Hometown Buffets, Oct. 31 & Nov 1, kids 12 and under wearing costumes eat free! I'm so excited, I'll see you there, or my alter ego will!

Have fun, Be safe, don't forget flash lights for the kiddies if you are out in the evening! Take care--rixxie

I didn't go trick-or-treating, this year did you? I was sick, the wheather was bad. I decided because I'm grown I can go ANYTIME I like. I'm going NOW, I'm going to make my rounds of the casinos, Hometown Buffet in California, the bingo halls, etc.etc. You didn't know the first lady likes bingo-did you? She gets real excited when she hits, $50 bingo pot, or $34.50 on slots! You'll see....

Take care, later rixxie
Halloween is over--did you have nice grown up fun? I still haven't documented all the fun things I wanted to do-I'll share with you when I'm done.
September 13, 2012 at 12:31am
September 13, 2012 at 12:31am
*FlowerR* *FlowerV* *FlowerY* *Cross2* I take some time every year and reflect on 9/11/2001. I always get distracted on this day of remembrance, of a horrible American tragedy. I've said it before; some events are so horrible or powerful and, or devastating they forever mark time. You say: "Before World War ll", and "After 9/11". We will forever collectively pay honor and respect. I don't personally, particlarly like the new monument that replaced the lost Twin Towers, but it is lovely. I guess I, being an artist lean toward the dramatic. I probably would have erected a tall structure, that was a mere outline of a building. It would have been, just the structure, all beams lined in lights. We have the monument to remind us and keep us strong.

I'd like you to take a little time to remember . Please, Read some of the poems and writings of our fallen at this site. Writing.com, maintains the work, of the writers here, when they pass away. Some of the writers, were victims of 9/11. The memorial is call: The White Case Memorial. Take a little time to read some of the lovely writing. Some of the writers gave tribute to their families, and friends. It is really beautiful.

Despite it all take time to smile today,

Take time to say a little prayer, or meditate. If you have a facebook page remind all your friends and family to remember, our lost love ones. You can share a poem or inspiring story. Have you ever read, Chickensoup for the soul?

Take care-------Peace, rixxie

August 31, 2012 at 3:41pm
August 31, 2012 at 3:41pm
I have been thinking about how, picking up the loose ends affect your life. It's like getting new things sometimes, without alot of money. I remember the Curtis Mayfield song from the 1970's. Some of the lyrics were: "It's something that you never had, sitting on an oily rag. The price is right upon the tag..." It ends with saying, why don't you check out your mind,it's been with you all the time. I was watching an animated popular movie, Stuart Little 2. It was cute, real symbolic. The middle of the movie, Stuart finds himself, stranded on a garbage barge in the middle of the ocean. He shouts loudly: "There is no silver lining!" Just then, corny and hoaky as it was, he finds something he lost. His battery operated toy plane, that really flys. he founds pieces of this and that, and put it together and flew out of there.

It remimded me of the past when, people lost there job, sometimes car and apartment. They went to visit there uncle or cousin, they lived with over ten years ago. They were very surprised to find that the old, ford hoopty they left behind was still running. Their cousin that is now 22 years old, cranks it up twice a week. They were instructed to do so by your uncle, and it takes the for groceries once a week. You also find out, that he helps your uncles' friend, pack feed boxes. It wasn't a glamorous job, but it was minimum wage. And it was al still there for you; the thing you thought you out grew. The thing you needed again, and there it was.

I'm starting a new exercise, each day I'm making a list of three things, I forgot about. Three things, that I could use, and may save me. Sometimes you're killing yourself, for little or nothing because you forgot what you had.


Check-out your mind,
Check -out your mind

Take care--rixxie

Hi, I was just considering the start of fall always bring back pleasant memories for me. I love summer, but I always look at the fall as signal, for a fresh start. The school year everywhere begin, their new year. I was all happy a couple of weeks ago, it was the first day of fall for my college courses. I had decided two years ago to go back to collge, and pick up my degrees. I didn't want to have this pattern of leaving things hanging in my life. I remember talking to people and their whole conversation was ; "I was ALMOST a this or ALMOST a that". I didn't want to end up like that, with woulda coulda shouldas. My new years resolutions for 2010 and now, were to pick of all the loose strings of my life-and I am. YOU can, I have faith your strength, people have such a marvelous way of bouncing back.

Be cool- check out life and be happy--


How's your end of the universe? I had to do a lesson for a social course I'm taking, where you keep a three week journal. I'm about two weeks into it. I don't know why but it's making me more consistent, and creative. It's funny because prior to that, I'd already decided I'd add these five things to my daily routine:

a.) Look at something pretty just to admire it, ( i.e. roses, a painting, landscape, etc.)

b.) Watch a funny movie, that made me laugh out out loud.

c.) Keep something whimsical and colorful around me to make me smile. Stuffed animals, silly cards, funny kids' toys, etc.

d.) Eat something I liked that made me extremely happy, and wouldn't kill me with fat.

e.) Read something compelling, I like mysteries and funny fiction.

Now, that I started the journal, it brought that back to me. It's funny how one thing will tie up loose ends in your life, or make you more consistent.

Go experience something nice, that makes you laugh. Try watching animal of uncertain parentage, eat ice cream at the zoo--that will make you laugh! Those are the kinds of things that will get me out of a mood real fast.

See you later, I'm going to eat something funny,like gummy bears, watch something colorful, laugh.....
Be cool, rixxie

Now, that I have to keep a journal for a course I'm taking I'm more consistent. Isn't it funny how one project, spills over to other parts of your life. I was doing the assignment for the extra credit, and then started looking forward to it. I think projects like that give you more structure., and you like it. I've noticed other people, ladies I've lived near, get nervous and then amp up on a project. She would say something like, "I've got to get thi report in friday, I'm not even ready." She'd do such a good job on it, she'd sometimes get a bonus abd accolades. I would then see, the same person put the same type of pressure on herself. I may start giving myself, deadlines, I hate it but at the same time, I get this rush.

Stay at peace, smile a little today,
Take care....rixxie

Are you enjoying your Sunday? I'm catching up on reading and my blogs. Do you like long drives on Sundays? It's one of te best times of my childdhood. I've talked to people who loved to drive out to the country and lie on top of their cars. They would eat ripe fruits, bought from roadside stands. You can tell me about your fun family memories, just click comments, I love when I hear from readers.

Has anyone else noticed, tv has sunk to a new low? I know i'm getting old, I find myself waching mostly the oldie channels. I was watching one of the new, silly sitcoms the other night. I couldn't believe it, I think I said it out loud,"You've got to be kidding me!" It was a womens' fitness outdoor group. This big buff stupid, male trainer did one of the nastiest thing on tv. Bimbo-etta, a slim lady in tights, was bending over and said she needed him. He said he help hold her in place. They proceed to, how can I say this...something the FCC should have censored. I was going-Ple-as-e-e-!! I like movies though, and comedies. ET, was on last night, I got a kick out of it all over again. This time, I could see it was a bit corny. The first time, my two kids were little, and I watched it with the.

ET, looked like a little drunk running in and out the fridge, drinking beer. He was like a little freeloading, drunk. Whe the little girl screamed and he screamed, i giggled al over again. This time being older, I started contemplating things not in the script. I started wondering, how come the jerk father didn't call or send a post card. I also wondered why nobody took a any photos of him. I'd be calling all the major magazines. Did you see, a movie about aliens, that came out a little before ET? It was called, No Batteries Included. It wasn't nearly as big as ET. It was a little boring, I like it though. I also like this movie, about two boys who went into space, by themselves. It was called, Space Explorers. It featured, a blue dinosaur, barnie could be a twin of this monster. I don't know if that's where they got the idea, for Barnie or not. I was telling you about this character, he wails Little richards' songs. He learned how to talk listening to American radio stations. Th other thing, I noticed was the candy the little boy lured, ET with was Reeses pieces. I read that the producers, had approached, m&m candies, and they turned them down. I guess they thought those little M&Ms' too dignified, to hang out with a alien.

Talk to you all later, bye

Hi! I think i finally have my First Lady costume together. I need your help. Should I wear the red dress, or the balck dress or the light green one. I know which one I like I won't tell you until Halloween. Tell me what you're going to be. Some people were down some years back, lay-offs and so dorth. They went as dirty old men, to a party and won $500. I have a goal of winning three contest this year. If you know where the parties are going to be in your area, click on comment anfd I'll share it with my readers.

Quick- can you think of three things you forgot about, that may be useful. You know that is what we were discussing in this post. I can think of at least three: stories I left hanging, need to finish those short fiction books. A electric typewriter, from 2000, that interfaces with a pc. A pattern for a stuffed animal, I was going to make and sell. Check out some chocolate sites, they are sinful. I just like looking at the pictures--yeah right! I'm still trying to purge my body from the four candybars I ate last week. Those 2 for 1 sales always get me.

Be good--talk to you later- rixxie

Did you think of anything or items you have forgotten about? I asked you a few days ago, you can turn that into a writing exercise. On a whole other note, have you ever lived in a REAL funky environment, where you had want-to-be macks, yelling out 2:oo in the morning? The man's a nutjob and a moron, I'm starting to think the "woman", he plays with in the middle of the night and yells-"Y-o-o-ow", is HIM! He keeps himself good company-I wonder when he yells out 3:00 am, what does, "i got it mean"? I want to yell back; "is it catchy, is it bigger than a breadbox? Who knows what motivates nuts, I did use the interruption of my sleep as an opportunity to post in my blog.

I guess I could use that as one of my,"Something you forgot you had", time, oppotunity. I'm starting to, in my old age to try to turn negative circumstances around. I'd love it if you click on comment, and let me know what item you forgot about, that could push your life forward. A man told me about a small piece of property, he had just left standing there. He felt it was a lost. He fell on hard times, and had to use everything he had. He said he was going to fix it up, and try to sell it. The little hose on it, needed numerous repairs. He speculated, if he had just done one or two things, a month for the few years he let it stand, it would be fixed already.

Take care--rixxie

P.S. when I have extra tijme I go over to pogo.com and play free games, it's free to sign-up. My user name is like Majesticplay.

How's your Halloween shaping up? I finally think I have a handle on a great costume. It will either be an R&B, diva or the first lady depending on how it fits me-okay? You may want to try your hand at a costume. The casinos, are paying big money for the best and the scariest freaks! I know Thunder Valley is having a $10,000, contest for Halloween, on Oct.27, 2012, saturday night. I will be there, but of course Ill be my alter ego,"Miss Thang", that may be many diffrent celebrities. Like i said it all depends on how the costume fits-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I was going to hook this lady I know up as, Catwoman--I thought she'd be, Pur-rrr-fect! Only she don't have sliking, come hither brazin' hussy walk down-like I do. I'll only walk like that for the right price-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, oh lord! Click on comment and let everyone know what costume you're wearing.

Hey, it's hard times. I knew this man that was out of work, he played pool, twice a month. He'd win big. I'm a billard player, i'm going to start playing for money. The torunaments, make their rounds in northern, California, from Sacramento, to San francisco. I'll wear my "The Smoother", outfit--it will be PuR_R_R_fect!

See ya' Darlins- Same Bat station, Same Bat channel
Later rixxie

August 19, 2012 at 8:51am
August 19, 2012 at 8:51am
Do you remember that old song? Summer has always been special, Americans have a way of savoring the season. I was recently reading an article, from a popular magazine. The lead article was,"How We Summer". The images of families on the side of the road, in an old Ford, brought back pleasant memories. they were sitting ontop oor laying on the roofs of their cars. They were barefoot eating, what looked like freshly picked fruit. They were in the middle of peach trees, as far as the eye could see.

I began to remember long rides with my four brothers, out through Cherrylane, in Northern, California. The cherries were every where. The trees were spotted with them, the street was littered with them. They were bright red, some were pink or green. The whole area spelled of cherry blossoms, I'll never forget it.

What are some of your favorite summer memories? Does it involve your own kids, or your brothers and sisters? Click on comment and let me know I'll share with all my readers. Have a wonderful summer. Do some nice fun things with family and friends, that you'll smile about years later.

Take care--rixxie
July 2, 2012 at 10:40pm
July 2, 2012 at 10:40pm
What do you have planned to throw on the grill this 4th of July? I would love big meaty ribs, in endless slabs, and chicken dripping in sauce, but ny heart is saying;"A - No!" After I had heart surgery my whole life changed. I have so many special memories, of family and friends and parks and grills that make me smile. I look at old photos and chuckle. It comes a point where we may, have to adjust our eating habits. I had to do that years ago. I'm mostly, a chicken, turkey, fish and veggie lady. When I stray from that, (like I did two weeks ago) I get sicker than I could tell you. I live and die for sausage, I think it's just the flavor. I like Hishire Farms, Johnsonville and some others, I've collected all the coupons for those. When I say meat-you say -SAUSAGE ! I Love, LOVE Lousianna Hot Links. I can make a good barbecue of chicken, turkey hot links, and potatoe salad. If you have any favorite recipes, or stories to share, about the BAD THING, that happened your family barbecue, years ago, share it here. Click comment. Trust me, every family has their bad barbecue, story.

Be cool, take care,

Have you been to the state fair lately? If you're out of work, you cook enter their chili cook-offs, and other contests. The Peoples chili cook-off is like $500 in prize money, or more!!
I've entered the baking contests on my state. I love sweets! I have to cut back, an old lady like me has to watch her sweets, unless they're over 5'10 and bronze! I have some doofus, "sexy" firefighters come to my door, they were trying to be sexy and lost. I think they are really, really close playmates of each other, and decided to come out, and bother me about it. I just think their crazy, and funky. That's an idea, maybe I'll make some little ugly sweaty, stinky firefighter cookies, hunky and funky. That a be a real treat. I'm working on my people cookies this week, I'll tell you how I do at the fair. I'll post a picture of the cookies on this site, next week. I make some that look like everybody, I even making some that look like-Ya'll!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!

Talk at you later----rixxie
Have you been to the state fair yet? It's too hot here in northern California. I have asthma, and was burning up, trying to find ice cream the other day. I always wanted to be in the olympics, but not that much of athelete. I am a billard player however. I've been thing about entering tournaments. I play eight ball. when I was about 14 years old my Mom bought a pool table. It was regulation size. I play okay, I'm off my game-I've been studying up. I'm trying to pick a game name, maybe I'll use the same one I use in the online game rooms; "Majestic8player". I usually wake up and play keno, in some online game room when I can't sleep. I think it's good therapy for an old lady like me. I can get some my aggression out in the game. I may run into YOU one night online, I'm too thrifty to play for big money, ( The name of the cash game I play, but only for $1.85!) I want to know, what kind of stories you'd like me to write in this blog. Just click, comment.

See you later, take care---rixxie

June 3, 2012 at 6:36pm
June 3, 2012 at 6:36pm

It's almost Fathers' Day, have you given any thought as to what your going to get Dad? And this includes the other father figures in your life, like uncles and brothers. I'm sure everybody has funny stories about those. little funny gifts you made when you were a kid. This lady told me she knitted, a scarf for her dad when she was about ten. It was about four feet long or longer, she didn't know where to end it. I like the caps in childish scrawl, marked in red or blue markers. Caps that say things like; "BIg Daddy", or The Best, Best Daddy". I remember when these kids bought their dad, a funny looking pipe. The only problem was it was meant to smoke tobacco. Kids are so sweet, they give gifts like that with all their heart. They give dainty little pink flowered bag, with a little bulb in it, to their mom for Mothers' Day. It was called something like: "Sweet Delicate". And wondered why it made their mom and all her freinds blush. They thought it had to d with some type of perfume. I think all parents hide those naughty little gifts, and smile. Hug your dad for all the times, your dad took the ugly card, with a baskerball size head and the strange gift. He smiled and gave you a big hug, and hid the gift. Do something good for all the "dads", in your life, he'll always remember it.

take care--rixxie

Hi! Did you come up with some good ideas for Fathers' Day/ Don't forget you can always cook a nice dinner. Roasted chicken, and a lovely salad and baked potatoe your favorite drink. I presented some nice dinners, on my recipe pages. Check out: http://Qmarpat.hubpages.com. That is the site that I publish, how-to and recipes on. You can surf around there and find out how to make some cool gifts too. Please have a wonderful Fathers' Day, and enjoy your summer! Catch some rays take a dip, take a "fakecation"!

Be kind--take care rixxie
May 12, 2012 at 6:53am
May 12, 2012 at 6:53am
Here we are almost mid May. Did you keep your New Years' resolutions? I have a hard time remembering what mine were. I know I was going to work on my health-God knows I try. I was going to continue to work on my stories and articles. I've done that, I have recipes and funny articles on; http:Qmarpat.hubpages.com. Let me know about yours. I said I was going to watch less tv, I like movies alot. I saw Great Balls of Fire, last night (parts of it anyway couldn't stand to watch the rest). I didn't like it, his music is exciting but some of those images were wack. The night club scene at the start of the movie, embarassed me. The whole idea of seeing women who looke liked me doing that in a night club, made me go "Yuck" out loud. The little boy that was suppose to be Jerry Lee Lewis's friend or relative said as they peeked in the nasty bar at night, "That's the devils' music Jerry-let's go!" Isaid you might be right little boy! It wasn't the devils' music, but them nasty-wasties were the devils' people! Where they come from? I hope they really weren't doing THAT in the forties and fifties. It's wasn't much wilder actually that the "Flapper", movies I saw from the 1920's they were all white. It was wild and nasty, too! It reminds me of Chaka Khans' song; "What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?!"

A movie I saw deeply disturbed me, recently. I think it was from the fifties. It was called: The Swimmer. I think Peter Lawford was the star in that terrible movie. It was a waste of his talent. He walks around the whole movie in swimming trunks. The whole town seem to swim day and night. I liked this obscure movie, it was probably from maybe 1970-something. It was called, Space Explorers. These two boys, somehow travel to space, and find a dinosaur-like creature,(Barnie looks alot like this). The character has been listening to earth radio. He can only communicate by speaking,"radio talk", or singing. When he broke out in a Little Richard tune, strutting back and forth, I was dancing with him! He jams! Let me know what movies, or books you like and will discuss them.

Be smooth--and don't take no wooden binkies!

Take care, rixxie
Speaking of moves, I had asked this before: does anybody know where I can get a copy of the movie- by Rev. Jessie Jackson, "Save The Children"? It stars, him and Operation Push, and has a whole host of stars, Diannah Ross, a young Michael Jackson, (that she refers to as,"my baby"!). It is a very moving, and maybe even slightly strange movie. I wanted to see it again. Jessie Jackson, said he pulled this woman and her twelve kids out of a bush hiding, somewhere in the South. She was standing there about nine months pregnant, it was a concert type movie filmed live. The women in the audience had tears streaming down their faces. It was about 1973, if you find it let me know. I'm starting to collect old movies. I would like to know what happened to those kids. It was like an episode of the twilight zone,really, really sad. I think the movie was raising funds for childrens charities. I'd like a follow up on that, just click comments, and let everyone know.

Summers' almost here what are your exciting plans? Please don't tell me, you're taking a tired old, "staycation". BORing! You remember last summer, I told you about something better? The Fakecation! You go somewhere in the area or same state and make it look exotic. You could for instance, go to Catalina island, near Los Angeles. You could wear the leis, and bright shirts, post your pics, up on flick'r.com, and videos on YouTube, in the Hawaii, section. Try a Fakecation, I want to see those pics!! Tell me where you posted them, whoever does the best job of faking it, may end up with a small gift from one of my shops.

Get ready go vacation time! Fake it!!!!

Take care---rixxie--bye!!

Hey! What's going on? I've been listening to audio books, I like them alot. I was listening to the book by, Alexander McCall Smith. You remember him? He's the author who wrote, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. His stories are based in Africa. They are funny and the langauge is delightful. They are all fictional stories, and real funny. If you guys ever run into, Violet Supoto--RUN!!!!!! And another story, is it really possible for a woman to have fifteen kids, by fifteen diffrent dadies, that are all small children, and never been married? hot skeezer woman get men, from all age groups to sign houses and things over to them? I just finished listening to, Amazing Grace, by Danielle Steele. I usually like her books, she's a good writer. I didn't like this one. I thought some of the characters, were amazingly stupid. This one wealth-off guy, Seth is married to a fund raiser, and he's in some type of investment business. He still 60 million of his investors funds.

The money had been transfered to his hedge fund account. He was going to tranfer it back, after he made it look like he had money. San francisco, was hit by a big earth quake, and the electronic banking system was down. The moron panics, talks to lawyers and sits there and waits for the other shoe to fall. His wife is in shock, she had no idea. I'd have cocked a weapon on him and made him write checks, to all those people-he had enough to cover it -plus,an extra $5,000 for their trouble. I'd have my lawyer deliver with an apology and a list of investment firms. I wouldn't have sat their and went through trila, he got fifteen years, they had two babies, it made the papers. They had to sell all their houses and everything. Stories these days, seem to tell you just sit there and wait for disaster to find you. I'd have thrown, a half pint of gin down his throat, and two sedatives. I made him call the DA, on the weekend leave a message on his voicemail. The message would be something like this : " Hello, (slurred drunk speech), This is Mr. Jones--I wants to cop a pee! I got moneys - 60 million, and something went WONG-- I put it back. I wrote all the people checks they have it, plus five thousand, and a a-pol-logy. I joined, AAAAA, and they gon' ta do something fo' me. I talk to ya' later-bye-bye-bye!" OKAY? No way I'd sit there with my little babies while, they sold everything, and he got locked up. I'd beat him hard after he gave it back. He would have gotten time, but it would have been WAY less, in rehab, or something. I'd have filed for a trial separation, and support. That's some BUNK!!!!! I enjoyed the books,though. You can get them at the library. I hope you're having a wonderful, Sunday.

Talk to you soon--rixxie

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