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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2087680
Random Rants and Thoughts
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My Completely Random Thoughts

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Sometimes, I'm at a complete loss as to what to write. I mean one huge brain fart with no IQ. I don't get it. Like right now. When I do have something to say, you can't shut me up. Just a friendly warning. *Crazy*

*Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Paw* *Paw* *Paw* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat*

*Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *BookStack* *BookStack* *BookStack* *BookStack* *BookStack* *BookStack* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1* *Books1*

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The narcissist satisfies his never ending hunger for attention at the expense of anyone naive enough, dependent enough, or willing enough to feed him. He is an addict who will stoop to any level to get his fix. Since he lacks the ability to empathize, he does not have to experience the implications of what he does to others. He may know you are hurting, but he doesn't have the capacity to feel your pain. ~ Randi G. Fine

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January 18, 2017 at 7:04pm
January 18, 2017 at 7:04pm
My cat is beginning to show signs of renal failure just like my last 2 cats that just died this past year. Why so close? How do I go through this again? She's the sweetest kitty ever, well just like my other 2. Three in one year? Why me? Why my beautiful cats? Yes, everyone goes through such a loss, but 3 in the space of a year. I'm beside myself.

I look at her trying to walk and her legs give out and she falls. She will jump on my bed just to get near me. It breaks my heart. My heart can't handle this much heartache at one time.

I could give her cortisone shots for a few weeks, she'll be better, but then they'll stop working. I'll have to watch her die again like the last two. It's exactly the same. She's already become incontinent at times, peeing on my bed during the night. Anyone with cats know how hard it is to get cat urine smells out of anything, but I just can't not let her sleep with me.

I'm probably repeating myself and not making sense, but I'm looking at my baby Bindi now with tears in my eyes, and I can't even make heads or tails of anything right now. Why...

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT ~ "Invalid Item

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is a far greater challenge.

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January 5, 2017 at 6:57pm
January 5, 2017 at 6:57pm
*Music2* *Mic* Celebrate good times, come'on! Let's celebrate. *Music2* *Mic* Can you hear me singing? I hope not! That song reminds me of weddings. It seems it always is played at weddings. I know there are other places to play the song! 70s disco place? LOL I remember them playing it at my wedding, although I had a band, so it really wasn't the same!

But, how many good times in one's life can you celebrate? The birth of my daughter, but nobody had it blaring on the boom box! Boombox, now that's a blast from the past. Anyway, my creative juices are just not flowing today. I have nothing to celebrate...

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT ~ "Invalid Item

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is a far greater challenge.

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December 31, 2016 at 5:38pm
December 31, 2016 at 5:38pm
Tomorrow is the start of my 30-day blogging challenge, so I'll probably have this sitting idle for a month, unless I'm really feeling motivated. But, that seems kind of redundant!! It's New Year's Eve, and I am home in front of my computer with the TV on in the background. I am content staying right here!

What a wonderful year and what an awful year. Of course, the highlight of my year was finding WdC! It is has blessed me in so many ways that I can't even begin to list them. The awful part of my year was really AWFUL, but I prefer to focus on the positive. I have to to stay sane.

People say I do so much here on WdC (not bragging), but I don't feel like I do THAT much. Sure, I've started some contests and groups, but nothing more special than anyone else. "Invalid Item is the one group I'm most proud of. Memoir writing is something I strongly believe in, and if I can motivate ONE person, then I'm happy. I so enjoy helping others. But, I've been helped and encouraged and supported by so many of you, so I want to give a little back!

Thank you my family for everything that's good in my life!

Happy New Year!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT ~ "Invalid Item

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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December 17, 2016 at 6:11pm
December 17, 2016 at 6:11pm
*SantaHat* *Reindeer* *SnowMan* *StockingR* *GiftR* *StockingR**SnowMan* *Reindeer* *SantaHat* *Reindeer* *SnowMan* *StockingR* *GiftR* *StockingR* *SnowMan* *Reindeer* *SantaHat*

Well, my Christmas shopping is finally done! Thanks to my WdC family, I was able to get a gift for my husband that I know he will love! He's so difficult to buy for, but because of your suggestions, I was able to get a metal detector for him. He's going to freak!

My daughter's camera came in today. I wrapped everything. I'm still waiting for some other things in the mail, and then I'll have all of my wrapping done. Our tree is finally up, but we decided to just put ornaments on this year. It still looks nice.

I'm debating on whether I should bake. It's so time consuming, and I always eat way too much! I put a recipe for rugelach on here which is amazing! I highly suggest you guys try it, if you like to bake.

Wal-mart was crazy today. I did get myself a lounge outfit to wear for Christmas morning. I never wore anything Christmasy before, so that'll be fun, and it's so soft and comfortable.

That's all for now! Happy Holidays my family!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT ~ "Invalid Item

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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December 11, 2016 at 6:00pm
December 11, 2016 at 6:00pm
*SantaHat* *Reindeer* *SnowMan* *StockingR* *GiftR* *StockingR**SnowMan* *Reindeer* *SantaHat*

I get so annoyed when I see that I haven't written in my blog in 3 or more days. I don't know why. I turned reminders off, but there the word "blog" sits on the left side of the screen and the ( ) to tell you how many days since you've been there. So, I feel compelled to right something. But what?

Well, I said enough about my memoir today. I'm sick of myself, quite frankly. I could imagine how you guys feel. Tomorrow is another week, and Thursday I have to do practically all of my Christmas shopping. *GiftR* The *XMasTree* tree is not up yet, and I need to put my mom's up too. I thought this stuff was supposed to be fun, not a chore. Yeah, right.

Anyway, that's my schtick for today! I'm out!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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December 8, 2016 at 11:41am
December 8, 2016 at 11:41am
When I have experiences like I did with my mother this morning, I almost hate her. Is that bad? I don't know. I'm supposed to honor her, but her behavior is driving me to the edge.

I have a sick child right now, and I'm freelancing. She went to the ER yesterday because of a horrendous headache she's had for days. She went via ambulance and was home within 2 hours. Everything was good; all tests came back normal. This morning, I was greeted with a call that I didn't go to ER, I don't help her, she wants to shoot herself, etc. She was crying and insulting at the same time. She just can't adjust to living alone, and I can't help her with that. Do I want to be around THAT? NO! This kind of behavior is erratic and happens all too often! Her feelings are always what takes precedence in her mind. She doesn't give a shit about my feelings or situations and issues I have to deal with at home. She should come before anyone else. That's not happening. My daughter comes first. I have to work to pay bills. She's not dying, but she constantly says that she doesn't have many days left and she'll die alone like a dog.

I am trying my best not to let her words get to me, but when I'm beat up constantly, how can that not affect you? I hang up on her, I refuse to listen, but that's all I do. When I hang up, it's still in the forefront of my mind. She will kill me first....

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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December 1, 2016 at 3:40pm
December 1, 2016 at 3:40pm
Well, just renewed my premium membership for another 3 months! It's the best $50 I ever spent. I can't imagine not coming on here everyday. WdC has been a blessing, and I'm so grateful for this wonderful community!

That's all!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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December 1, 2016 at 8:09am
December 1, 2016 at 8:09am

I like to think of myself as encouraging, supportive and compassionate. I will help anyone, if I can, with anything. A big reason why I chose to start the group "Invalid Item, was to help others who want to write one, have started one, or just need help through any obstacles they may be having. It's a group to support each other's efforts, and to realize that we've succeeded just by trying. I love to help people. Writing is a release for me. I'd like to think some of my writing has a positive impact on others as well. Maybe it resonates with them or they can relate to it somehow or it just touched them.

When it comes to anything in my life that I feel I am well-versed in, I will always offer help. Having a community like WDC is just an added bonus.

Ok, I rambled on and on, so I hope this made sense. I just wrote the words as they came to me.

Thank you WDC Angel Army for what you do on the site and promoting and spotlighting authors!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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November 30, 2016 at 4:35pm
November 30, 2016 at 4:35pm
If you've followed a little of my blog and read some parts of my memoir, then you are aware of the crazy relationship that I have with my mother. She was at it again last night, and today? She's fine. So, I say, why bother even venting about it, other than the roller coaster she makes me ride over and over again.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Friday! I'm going to Washington D.C., and I'm determined to have a good time. My mother is coming, yes, but she's usually pretty good on trips. I'm crossing my fingers, though. My daughter is making an itinerary right now as to where she wants to do each day. I'm going to be dead tired! But, I do look forward to room service. That's awesome! Free breakfast everyday so that'll save money.

If anyone has suggestions as to where is "the" place to go in D.C., I'd love to hear them. I was there before, but it was like 99 degrees. Being outside was like having a hot blow dryer in your face.

So, those are my plans for the weekend. I haven't been anywhere this year yet, and I definitely need the respite!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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November 25, 2016 at 11:51am
November 25, 2016 at 11:51am
Well, the past two weeks have been very good with my mother. I was quite shocked to be honest. I mentioned it yesterday and jinxed myself. So much for high hopes. Today, I got a call with her crying about the situation with my brothers yet again, and that she has no support or anyone to vent to, including me. Well, I've come to the conclusion, if you continue to open yourself up to these kinds of situations in which you've done everything right and just need to wait now, then you will reap what you sow. But, no, she had to go through all the papers and information about what my brothers have done and their greed. Now, I understand completely the heartache she feels, but I can't take that away. How many times do I need to repeat myself with her? I refuse to get sucked in again. They are my brothers too, and it hurts me as well. I will not think about it. I just need to wait until it's all over with the courts. Why should I continue to worry and dwell on something that I can do nothing about right now? She opens herself up, and I truly believe she won't allow herself to be happy. She had to come up with something and wallow in self-pity again, as she's done her entire life. When I hang up or tell her about it, I get bombarded with insults. Who wants to be around that? Not me.

She makes me upset when she calls crying, but I can't allow her to bring me down. I have enough issues of my own outside of her situation. I'm at a real loss right now, and she DOES bring me down. She wants and chooses to be miserable. I do not...

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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"Invalid Item ~ BEST NEW PORT

Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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