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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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January 19, 2022 at 7:17pm
January 19, 2022 at 7:17pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 155
Dear Grandsons

It is day 155, What did I get done in the last 5 days? I have to think about it. I did some internet listings in the store, and there were mailings to do. We went to the city yesterday and grocery shopped. And there were not any Fireworks, But I did see sparks a couple of times. It went well with the exception of growing expense along some empty shelves. I sure am Thankful for our large gardens and a Wife that is a great cook and likes to do so. We do not need to buy premade or processed foods. Next up is the dreaded Property Taxes due along with property Insurance. we do plan for it during the year, so it is not a surprise. I have been paying property tax since 1974. It has been a pile of money. What is a surprise is the new Water Softener just installed? And now a bit later a new Wind Shield for the van. I had hoped I could put it off for a while, But the crack has grown. I will have it replaced soon, Note I am not saying when for sure.

it is the time off year to now do the year end bookkeeping. It is interesting to plan for a coming year and then assess how you did at the end of the year. it is not written in stone, but it does give you something to shoot for.
We are now starting the planning for this season's gardens. We will get seed and fertilizers' soon, maybe Friday. There are more gardens being planted all the time.
Lukas and Levi you phoned on Monday evening. I am sorry I do not always have a lot to talk about. I am afraid at this age I do not lead a very exciting lifestyle. I can get about 6 good hours of physical activity out in a day and then I am tired. We stay close to home in winter. Thank You for calling. Having you phone is very important to me, For me to hear of your activities.
I went to bed last evening about 8;30 I was very tired, and I am also tired now. I can tell I am again rambling. So, I need to end this. There is no good reason to bore all of you. Please have a Blessed Evening
January 14, 2022 at 1:01pm
January 14, 2022 at 1:01pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 150
Dear Grandsons

Wow! The days have flown by. It is now the middle January. It has been reasonable here for weather and looks to remain so as far as I can see out on the weather site. It should be a lot of good ice fishing time. Our coldest so far this season is -5. I can live with that. the weather in the north has been also reasonable but still much colder. We have not been up there since before Christmas and then only for one night.

As for the activities down here, we replaced our water softener system. The old one was 33 years old and had started leaking with no more parts available to fix it.
Then yesterday the neighbor and I decided to trim the large maple tree on our lot line. We called in a tree service person to give as a bid to do it. After the bid we decided to tackle it our self's. Between us we had all the tools we needed. We have been hacking on that tree for years. It is a valued tree by us both, but it was up against his house and very close to ours. This time it was a major trimming with major limbs coming down. We got it done, it was a nice day to do it without wind. For two old guys we did well, no physical accidents. But it really tired us out, up and down a 26-foot ladder and sawing. Now after writing this, we need to go out and finish the cleanup. He burns some wood so this will be seed for him for next year.

I have gotten out ice fishing three times. And have some meals of fish to show for it. I hope to go out again next week some. I will try some different locations. I am trying to stay close to the house. It is the cost of gas but also, I don't like a long drive back after fishing. I have no one to fish with so it is a long drive alone and I am tired and hungry. And On top of that I do not see well in the dark. So, it is best to stay close and hour or less.

I was going to try and sneak in going to an estate sale this morning before the tree clean up. It is about 45 minutes away. I could have done it, but I am just not the Gung Ho anymore. At one time 20 plus years ago I would sleep in the vehicle the night before so could be in the first rush into the house. If you have never been in the first rush at an estate sale it is a real excitement you need to do once. The anticipation for all the good stuff. Sometimes there was good deals to be had, not so much anymore. Most of the things are now overpriced for me. And also, there is two houses full and three large garages full. So, I can live now without more stuff for Internet Store and Flea Markets.
I hope you can enjoy these winter days; Spring is on the way with its long busy days. Be Blessed
January 5, 2022 at 6:15pm
January 5, 2022 at 6:15pm
Dear Grandsons and All
It sure was windy last night. I worry abound the high wind speeds, anything can happen with an old house. It creeks and groins making all kinds of strange noises. And I get all kinds of thoughts in my head. But it seems all is good this morning. The winds are dying down, but it is cold.
Yesterday I did get out on the ice for fishing. There was 3-4 inches of good ice, so that was good. The bad winds had not picked up yet, But there was a good breeze. But best of all I did get two meals of fish, one for us and one for the neighbor. I hope to go out again tomorrow. The best ice fishing is early and late ice. You know the old saying make hay while sun shines. Now a new saying, Catch Fish while they bite.

It has been little chores catch up day inside. So, I am catching up with writing. We here are now full throttle into 2022. But we have discovered we cannot find our two new calendars. I can't imagine what I did with them. I need calendars so we will need to hunt two down.

So what else is new, We are later today going to cut the cats back claws. I suspect knowing that has made your day. Can you tell I am floundering looking to write something? They say No news is Good News especially in this day. So maybe we can say nothing to write means everything is at rest and good.
Have a peaceful Evening
January 2, 2022 at 5:49pm
January 2, 2022 at 5:49pm
Dear Grandsons and Others
Well, we are now fully into 2022, It does not feel any different from last year. Maybe it will as we go long. Yesterday and earlier today I was able to make care of the snow. I did get the 2021 reviews written; See last the entry. Last evening, we did our yearly To Do list. Our goals for the year list. I have been writing one for maybe 50 years. But why do it. I know most people do not and get along just fine. I think, Maybe not. It maybe my personality of being prepared. I value my time on this earth, In this life as my greatest treasure. So, I reason if I write down my yearly goals I can be focused. I will plan and use my time wisely. There are things that need to be done to keep a home. My list is Personal goals then maintenance on buildings, Then New Projects, business goals and yard and gardens. I do look at the goals through the year to see if I need to make time adjustments for their completion. Sometimes I just forget something that needs to be done.

But every year I say I need to put less on the goals list. I do try. There needs to be a realistic attainable list. It needs to be real. This year there is more items to be farmed out to hired professionals. I am now reluctant to climb around like a monkey. I get tired, I can't see well, nor hear well. But the list continues until the end but with more reliance on others. I will still go to the plate and swing. and I will have more balls and strikes, but less home runs. For me there is no choice I have to swing at the ball. When I can no longer swing it will be game over.

So, this year's list seems real and attainable, It is shorter or maybe the paper is just smaller. Know if I can find the needed help.

Have Blessed New Week
December 31, 2021 at 5:39pm
December 31, 2021 at 5:39pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 136
Dear Grandsons

It is December 31, 2021 and writing to you is my last item on the to do list for year 2021. And I am happy about that. I did get the snow blower repaired today and items shipped at the last moment. The year 2021 I am glad to say will be over shortly. And then we can turn a new leaf and then a New Year. so now I write the review of 2021.

The year was stressful for us, It seemed everything was a chore, everything took longer and was difficult. It was harder to stay motivated. Our garage roofing job ruined a good part of the summer. Maybe the years are catching up with me. I am tired of the fight and struggle to accomplish. I will not say that 2022 cannot be worse than 2021, because last year I thought 2021 could not be worse than 2020, It was. But I have good hope for 2022. I will put less on the to do list, lower my obligation expectations. Yes, there will be things to do as there needs to be, But I hope at a reasonable level. I want to spend more good time in the Kayak and boat on a nice day fishing. I want to see you Grandchildren more. I want to set outside in the north and watch the Hummers and other birds, Butterflies and Bees. I would like the wife and I too take some day trips as we have wanted to do. I would like to spend time with the grown kids and my brothers. What it comes down to is finding Harmony with God and his Creation. That is what I want.

The year 2021 was certainly not all bad. First off God remained at our side through the year, and we remained healthy. God once more provided for us. His natural world's weather did the job. Most of our garden's did well. We are now eating what was provided. We did get much of our to do list done and even some things not on the list. The entire family remained healthy for which I am very Thankful. Our Little Dog and Big Cat continue to give us therapy when we need it. We Thank God for walking with us and providing therapy the whole year long and we pray he will continue to do in the year 2022. I Trust and have Faith he will.

Tonight, New Year's Eve, we will stay home and welcome in the new year together, The wife and me. We normally went out to sing and dance. But know that is in the past. She now is making cheese Fondue which we have not had at the house. It is special for me. It is a good way to welcome the new year. I wish you all a Blessed and Happy and Successful New Year, 2022
December 28, 2021 at 2:15pm
December 28, 2021 at 2:15pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 133
Dear Grandsons
It's getting up against year end and Christmas is in the past. It is good to get back to our normal routine. I at this age like a normal routine most of the time. Two of the daughters and their families came over for Christmas turkey dinner. One daughter's family was sick. It was best she stayed home. Then the next night we had our next-door neighbor and family over for snacks and beverages. It was nice but it is also nice to get back to normal.

So now it year-end I will start thinking of bookkeeping, taxes and budget. Then there is the other inside activities of the small internet business. Then I hope there will be some ice fishing sometime in January. I do need to keep busy. I cannot sit and do nothing, or I get down.

I just fixed my sister in laws stove via telephone. She is by here self and needs help. I got her to flip her stove circuit breaker off and then back on. I hope there is not a stove problem. She is in Kentucky so I can't just go over there.

It sure is apparent to be now of the generation gaps with the granddaughters. They are 16-18. And I canot understand what they are talking about most of the time. But they don't understand our world either. I tell them what I am doing, and they get a blank look on their face. But they are very kind and thoughtful to their grandparents. The grandkids are so important to us. I will write again New Year's Day, which has always been a big event for me.
Have a Blessed rest of the week
December 24, 2021 at 11:33am
December 24, 2021 at 11:33am
Dear Grandsons and All
It's now Evening December 23 and one day before Christmas Eve. And the days just keep moving along fast. I went along today somewhat in a fog. I had trouble concentrating on what I was doing. I put up a motion light for the wife that should have taken a half hour. No, It was a two-hour ordeal. Mostly because of my mind not being on top things, making mistakes.
Writing this now is difficult, Maybe I am just tired. I get agitated and stressed because I am having trouble seeing. I need to get my eyes checked and get new glasses. I hope that will be enough for now.
I am just not thinking good at this time. I will end this for now and write again in the morning.

It is now morning of the 24th and I am feeling positive with a better attitude. I see better after my eyes have a night's rest. I hope it holds through the day. My main job today is to work on the snow blower. I have to ask, Why is it always necessary to work on a snow blower just before you need to use it. Is it one of those Murphy laws? We are getting ready for the Kids and Grandkids to visit tomorrow for Christmas Dinner. We will be busy for the day. I love to have the visit, but it is a chore to get ready. It looks like It should be good driving conditions for them. They all drive about two hours all from different directions. All is Good.

We wish you all a Christ centered Blessed Christmas day
December 18, 2021 at 8:07pm
December 18, 2021 at 8:07pm
Dear Grandsons and All
We made it back from the Northwoods yesterday. My brother had opened up the end of the driveway so we could get in. They had gotten a lot of rain the night before, so it was all ice and snow. The wife and I had to be careful taking the little dog out. She has to be careful of falling. Also, along with me unloading the van and then loading the ice fishing gear. I can drive it without stopping in 3 plus hours. Not that far, But the weather is much more severe, a night and day difference. Down here there is no ice and no snow yet, much easier to cope as you age. But I now am ready now for ice.

Yesterday on the way home we stopped and picked up internet auction house winnings. It is always a crap shoot. I only have pictures to go by so sometimes I take it on the chin. This time I was disappointed in a couple of lots. I need to be more caucious. You guys are going to have a lot of things to go through. But I cannot just up and quit, once you get the disease it is with you for life. I have been auction buying since being about ten years old. I remember that first auction vividly, and what I bought, how it opporated and where it was. My mother dropped me off, and I stood among the other men and bid. Then they had runners that brought you your item and you paid cash to the runner right away. I was a day to remember. I bought a fence stretcher and something else. I wish I could remember what, I may still have it. The auction business sure has changed in 60 years. I sure would like to take you guys to an old-fashioned farm auction. I will give you guys' money to bid with and we will fill up the van. Then you will be hooked for life. There is nothing that makes my blood boil more than a good auction, but they are far and view in between now. Sweet Dreams
December 13, 2021 at 9:28pm
December 13, 2021 at 9:28pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 118
Dear Grandsons and All

We wrapped up the outside work today, The outdoor 2021 season is in the can, as they say. We finished with light pruning of the black Raspberries. I promised my wife I would throw out my very tattered light outdoor line jacket at the end of the season. But it is like an old friend. I convinced her that I should keep it around a bit longer Just in case. You guys will understand as you get old.

We are going to take a run up north on Thursdays and come back on Friday. I need to take some things up and bring back the ice fishing gear. my brother says there is close 30 inches of snow up there. It will be work getting into the driveway off the highway, then I will use a sled. I hope this Wednesday's warm temperatures and rain will help with the snow. We shall see.

So now we are getting to the time of year when I do inside work, organizing collections and doing book work and planning for spring. The days will run together, and I need to guard against depression. It does help to get outside and ice fish if I am able. I hope you all are having a nice Christmas season.

Kids and Grandkids we will see you Christmas Day
December 10, 2021 at 6:34pm
December 10, 2021 at 6:34pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 115
Dear Grandsons
Hello, I know I have been absent for some time about three weeks. you may have thought I dropped of the face of the earth. But in actuallity It was my computer. It was a real slug fest. I won't go into the details but I won with technical outside help. all seems to be as it should be know. I am hopefully going to have a back for the future. It is sad that we are so tied to this technology. For us the wife and I it is our link to the outside world. It is a small income and our day to day information and a bit of entertainment. We no longer go out often, and have no Television or Cell phone. But we are happy with the way things are for us, no complaining.

We are 99 per cent finished with our outside work here for the season. So now to concentrate on inside activities, hopefully some writing. We have hopes to go up north is coming week, But it does not look good. They are supposed to get 7-13 inches of heavy snow tonight and tomorrow. I am just no longer up to doing a lot of snow shoveling. It is raining down here now. i will phone my brother on Monday and find out what the situation is up there. Maybe I can shovel just enough to get into the drive way and then use a sled to pull items into the house and garage. This could be out last time up for a few months.

My Dear Grandsons, You can never realize how important you are to me until You have grandsons. May God Bless you always.

It is my wish for you all to be having a joyous Christmas Season

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