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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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April 4, 2022 at 6:56pm
April 4, 2022 at 6:56pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 231

Wow, it is time I fill you all in on what is going on in our world. A major happening is I broke my glasses. I was badly due for new glasses, but it would have been nice to have the old until I had gotten the new. The ones I am wearing 20 plus years old without the bifocals. So, I cannot see book print. we went up north this past week and I could not see to read. It is also difficult to do mailing of sales, type and write. I should get the new glasses in about 10 days. I am going to let the cataracts ride yet. I told the eye doctor I was going to outrun them. As for up north there is still much snow and ice. I did get ice fishing and may be able to next week when we go back. I did get some crappies with my brother.
The spring down here has been cold and wet. I still have not uncovered most garden and perennial things. I hope to get it done this week. I did get the Potatoe, Onion and Shallot sets but it will need to dry out a lot. We need some warm sunny days. We did have one nice day a little while back and managed to get some garage painted before the flowers grow tall and in the way. We have some raspberry plants coming to plant down here. and a Mountain Ash tree for up north to plant. The birds love the Mountain Ash.

We have also been busy marking and getting ready for our Flea Markets. The first one being May 1. I hope it is good weather. it sure has been tough buying at a good price for reselling. Maybe I am just to tight fisted. I am old enough to remember when a five-dollar bill meant something. Now that seems to be a 20.00 bill. But I will get along. Luna the cat just jumped up on my lap wanting attention. That cat sure misses us then we are gone. He is ornery when we return demanding attention.

Another notable thing that is happening is our Granddaughter Sonora Pearl is getting ready to decide on next years college. She is a High School senior this year. He Has I think decided on a great school. I would call it one of the best in the state. It makes me very proud of her. She wants to study marketing and advertising. She is a Serious Studious Determined girl not afraid to exert herself. But the money it will cost. But at her age it is damn the torpedo's full speed ahead. I do worry about her and pray for her. But I do remember being her age once, and as determined.

To all and you guys Lukas and Levi and Luis I have an online auction to tend to. Just maybe there is something for me.
Have a Blessed Evening
March 22, 2022 at 12:07pm
March 22, 2022 at 12:07pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 218
It was a great day for weather yesterday, We got our brush picked up by the city. We got some raking done. I started taking straw from perennial flowers. And we got our spring garage painting project done before we get flower growth to cover the needed paint area. So it was a productive day. But we will pay today and the next two days with rain and cooler weather. it looks like we will not see yesterdays temperature again till the end of May. It looks like a cool spring for us.

Then on another note, My glasses broke at the bridge on the nose. They are wire and it just snapped as I was removing them. I am now wearing an old and I mean old pair of glasses. I did get a appointment to see Eye Doctor next Monday. It is sorely needed. I have always had eye problems and the cataracts surly do not help. I do and lot of computer work and other close work and these old glass make it hard to see close up small detail. It is time for new glasses.
We just had a contractor leave here after looking at the attic gable vents that need changing. They are way up on a Queen Ann home. They most likely are original with the house. They Being wood and 125 years old it is time to change the two of them. The contractor is going too try and find vents close to the size there now. That would be a real plus.

I will be working inside today sorting paper ephemera. a good day to do that. I hope to finish up this segment of the job. Then get it put away for the season
Have a Blessed Day All
March 16, 2022 at 11:09am
March 16, 2022 at 11:09am
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 212
What a nice day it is going to be today, Mid 60's but windy. It is time to start the outside season. We will deadhead and clean up flower beds for the bulbs. We were going to be up north this week, but they got a good amount of snow. My brother tells me I will not get into the drive. So we will wait until next week after a melt down. I need to take the ice fishing gear up and bring back spring fishing items. I hope to ice fish up there on this visit. It looks like it can happen, But the fish my not cooperate.

On a better note, I did get my years income tax done yesterday. It is ready but I did not file it. I did not want to file on the Ides of March. I will do the filing on Friday.

We are starting to get prices on doing some house repairs. We have two old wooden made vents in the peaks of the house nearly three stories up that need replacing. I am no longer a fan of climbing ladders that tall. Nor am I a fan of doing carpenter work. I think I can do it but I am always to rushed and loose my patients. I have two brothers that made their living doing carpenter work and now a third doing it as a side retirement job. But they are all to far away too help me. My repair work done is restoration of books and paper.

So I now have had my 10:00 Bite to eat and the Outside is calling me.
Have a Blessed Day All
March 10, 2022 at 6:02pm
March 10, 2022 at 6:02pm
Grandsons, it is time for an update to life in the here and now. I did go fishing with my brother and nephews last week. The weather held off to be fishable until the end of the last day. I fished three days and came home with two meals of fish. It is always enjoyable too fish with our brother. Lukas and Levi as you age take time to fish with your brother and keep your connections strong. The fishing can be a friendly competition. Then later a few brews and laughs and everything is good. I love my brothers all of them. Then yesterday I went fishing down here to end the season here. I caught some small Gills and a bass. Then on the crappie tip downs I got a nice northern pike which was but back down the hole. So, no fish to take home but I was not skunked. But guys I am having problems, tying on my baits, I drop everything as the fingers don't want to work, I need to have the locator in the shack so I can see it, or the light blinds my view. It is hard to see the spring bobber at the end of the pole if I am not positioned just right. So as it goes will I Ice fish next year. I would think so. I am stubborn and will make it happen. But there is always a question mark.

I looks like we will again be doing the Flea Markets this season starting May 1. I do like to do them it gives the wife and I an outing and a few dollars. So we are getting ready with marking and organizing. I did manage to buy some additional comic books, A couple to keep but most for Flea Market sales. For me comic book sales are tough to get on the internet. It is very competitive there, Price and condition. The comic flea markets sales are much better, The buyers and hold them and can do a personnel assessment. And I can sell at a better price there.

When I had returned from the fishing trip there had been a weak tornado touch down near us. There was significant wind damage close to us. But our house was kept save, God kept it and the wife save.

The Little Dog Biscuit is doing fine. But he will get a haircut at the end of the month. He is looking unkept. His hair never stops growing so we try to comb him daily.

It looks like nice weather up north next week so we are planning to go up on Tuesday. I will have to suck it up and buy gas. I will ice fish crappies there and end this years Ice Fishing Season. The leave the ice fishing equipment up there and bring back Kayak soft water fishing equipment. We have not been up there in nearly three months so there are others things to take up and put away also. I hope I can get into the drive without problems and a lot of work.
I hope to write again before we leave, Have a Blessed Evening
March 2, 2022 at 2:48pm
March 2, 2022 at 2:48pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 197
Hello, Neglected Readers, It has been better than a week. I am getting ready for the fishing trip today. I leave tomorrow for two or three nights. It is supposed to rain on Saturday so I may leave early. I am no longer enthusiastic enough to fish in the rain. It will be nice fishing with my brother and nephews. I do need to catch a few meals of fish.
On the to do maintenance list, Our basement smoke detector now needs new batteries which is not a problem. What is the problem is I need to move a filled shelving unit to be able to get to the detector? I will move the detector at that time. The detectors are connected with our security system which complicates things. I will tackle then when I return from fishing.
Then also when I was in the basement a few days ago I heard guggling as the washing machine was draining. It was the drain from the washing machine and kitchen sink leaking. A large cast iron elbow looks to be the problem. The real problem is that it is in a crawl space. I called a plumber, and he is not available at this time. I will look into it farther as it warms outside, and I can remove the insulation and heat tape. So, it is close to the top of the list.
Then there is the yearly income tax filing. I normally to it in March. So that is up coming after St Pat's Day, my days are filling up.
The good news is Spring getting close. The flowering bulbs are going to be flowering soon. We will spring ahead time wise soon. As it stays light longer, and I get more excited and ambitious as the days get longer. It is amazing how my biological clock is seasonal.
As I spend more time out of doors I will read and watch less news. Which I think is a good thing. The news at this time is depressing on many fronts and has been for a long. Prayers are always needed for our world. Have a Blessed Weekend and keep your family close
February 22, 2022 at 6:39pm
February 22, 2022 at 6:39pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 189
Hello All, It has been too long since our last connection. I do not know where the days go to. I do not get up in the morning real late, but not early either. I plant my feet on the floor, do some reading, and do a few things and then it is time for our main meal. Then I do a few things like this, and it is another day over. The days are short as life is. It is amazing how you see that as you age.
Yesterday I did something I have never had done before; I had a new windshield put in the van. I was not sure how it would work out, But it went very well. It went fast and I was still able to pick up from the auction house a half hour away and get home before 1:00. I got the vans new windshield covered up for today's ice storm. Then last night at auction I was able to buy some comic books, my first comics purchase in some time.
I need to phone my brother later and get details on our early March fishing trip to the La Crosse area. It looks like there will be five of us. The weather looks good now, But this is Wisconsin, so the weather is never a sure bet. They say if you do not like the weather in Wisconsin wait five minutes and it will change and you may like it. I have not been out fishing as of late, it is the Mid-Winter terrible bite. So, I hope to catch some fish on the outing, it will be three days. It is close to where the grandsons, Lukas and Levi are. I hope to stop and see them on the way home over the weekend. I had better now get to my other days details. The Little says he wants to help so I better get going. Have a Blessed evening.
February 15, 2022 at 8:46pm
February 15, 2022 at 8:46pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 178
It's February 15 evening. We had a good time at the Lukas and Levi birthday get together It was over night Feb 12-13. They are now 13. My Daughter and Son in Law rented a cabin and the whole family was there, Thirteen of us. It was good to see everyone together again. But it really wore me out. It takes me a couple of days to recover. I think the lethargy is due to my Afib medications. But that is another story for maybe another time.
I am hoping to get out fishing again soon. The problem looks like the wind. The lake I want to get out on is big and the wind will be worse than other places. The wind beats the stuffing out of the fishing shack.
We are going to go shopping tomorrow for groceries. And then I hope to stop and get garden fertilizer and some additional seed. I am worried about availability and price. What a crazy world we now live in. I wrote the Grand Sons a special note for their birthday telling them I am still a Little Boy just trying to get home. So much has changed in my life and not to the good. I just want to go home to what I am familiar with. I know home no longer exists but I will try to make this crazy situation as close as I can to what I see home as. Does that make any sense to you? I will not give up on how I remember home. I cannot accept what is today. Yes, I am Old School and an Old Soul.
February 8, 2022 at 12:01pm
February 8, 2022 at 12:01pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 175
Dear Grandsons and All
It is a nice day, Sunny and warmer. A nice day for Ice fishing. I will go later this afternoon. I have not been doing very well as of late. The typical mid-winter bite. but I need to go out into the sun.
It has been over sixty years since my first Ice Fishing outing that should have cured me of ice fishing for good. I and my next in line brother were able to go with my father and his friend. I am not sure where we went, but I am sure we were excited. It was a distance. What I do remember has how cold and windy it was. I am sure we did not have the best of clothes. And there was no shelter. And nobody caught a fish. But the real treat was I stepped in a hole with my boot at the beginning and had a wet foot for the day. My father was not concerned. But my father's friend was. The friend was a good friend of my grandfather who had passed by this time. He was age wise between my father and my grandfather. He gathered wood from the shore and built a fire on the ice for my brother and me. That fire made a bad day bearable. I think of that man and that day at least once year when I go ice fishing. As a side bar I went ice fishing with the wife a couple of years ago and she stepped in a hole and got a wet foot. We were close to the van. We went home shortly afterward. One thing about Ice Fishing you do not want to get wet. Stay dry and you can be warm, Grandsons.
Till Later I'll let you know how I do today
February 3, 2022 at 5:06pm
February 3, 2022 at 5:06pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 170
Dear Grandsons
It looks like we are off the very bottom of winter temperatures, and I am glad. It will still be cold, but it was worse and will now get better. It has been to long since I have written. Lukas and Levi you are going to be thirteen soon. You guys were so little. Where has the time gone. Now you are bright well developed and health teenagers. Go for it guys. I have to tell you being a teenager is a great place to be, but it will end all too soon. We are looking forward to seeing you on your birthday outing.
Like I wrote I should have and wanted to write sooner than this. But the enthusiasm was not there. There has not been much to write about. The fishing has not been good lately. I have been out some, But with two skunks on the ledger. I have been doing our new year and past year bookkeep. Internet sales have been slow. I have been adding some new listings The internet auctions have been tough for me. It seems I have an inner voice that holds me back from over bidding, which is a good thing. I will not chase items and over bid. It seems like so many people have no sense of value. Or they just want to spend money they have too much of. Or maybe it is just my conservative ways in my old age. I feel I am getting farther and farther out of the loop. And as I always happens this time of year I get down. But the bottom line is I did not write.
Now today I will write as I go along, so I will hold this place for now. I am back after doing internet booth listings and adding the items to inventory. I have not been sleeping good at night. It seems I am tired before going to bed. But when I get there, I start coughing and someone turns on the movie "This is your life Fathertymme" I just have to watch it or listen to it. The lights flicker and thier is no commercials. So, I am awake and stay that way too long. It has always been that way. I rethink things and visualize my coming day. So, I work a good part of the night. Then do it again tomorrow. Also, I have a problem with worry about the wife's and my future, how we will get along as we age. I need learn to pray more and worry less. But that is difficult. I try to visualize a blank sheet of paper or a blank computer screen with everything deleted. It does not work most of the time.
It is time to close this out and get started with the bookwork. It is best if I do not get distracted when I am doing numbers. My age is showing. I hope to write again soon.
Have a blessed Evening
January 25, 2022 at 7:02pm
January 25, 2022 at 7:02pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 161
Dear Grandsons
Well, This is it, The day of the year I try to avoid, But I can not. It is the bottom of winter. We are going to get to a minus -16 degrees F tonight. I always worry about froozen pipes in our crawl space under the kitchen. Our old Queen Ann at one time had a fire back in the early 20's, I think. They cleaned up and built on again two stories with a down kitchen and uper bedroom. But they did only a crawl space in that area. So, I worry about the crawl space. I have it all pipes wrapped with heat tapes. There is a heat lamp on, it is insulated on the inside and during winter on the outside north end with the 2-inch pink insulation. Then I try to cover it all with fluffy snow for additional insulation. I then let the faucet drip all night. At the north location it will be -22+ degrees. It is not unheard or unusual of to be -40 up there, so -22 is Normal during winter. It all reminds me of growing up in a cold house up there, Frozen Pipes and a bathroom out of service for the rest of winter. There were times when windows were out, and water froze in the upstairs bedrooms. At some point in time, I will write about the earliest days, But I still can not. We put our clothes in the bed with us so they would be somewhat warm to put on. I still do that with my under clothes. The wife understands. It was a brutal cold long winter in northern Wisconsin. I only went south 3+ hours, what a difference. So tonight, I will sleep in my office chair and get up and turn the water on a couple of times. But it all looks much better after tonight. I can tolerate 0 degres just fine but the -0's I would just as soon live without.

We have not started the van I think for four days. But I have shoved snow two days. It will be Thursday before I start it to go ice Fishing. I am always looking for someone to take along?? I like ice fishing, but I always go alone. But it is true I am not always open and likely not a good companion. To me fishing is all business. I like fish. It is the only time I completely loose myself from world around me. We had crappies yesterday and leftovers today with sliced baked fingerling garden potatoes and a green salad.

I hope you are all snuggled into night with your favorite squeeze.
Have a Blessed Evening

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