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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/2610746-Scouting-For-a-Scout
by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1510047
A mysterious book allows you to disguise yourself as anyone.
This choice: Swap lives with someone  •  Go Back...
Chapter #21

Scouting For a Scout

    by: rugal b.
You enter the school early in the morning and in fact you're here far earlier than you've ever been. You'd woken up earlier than normal too and your parents were certainly surprised to see you. You'd given them the excuse that you had some places to go before school started... though of course you didn't tell them that place was the school itself. But it wasn't just your needing to be here early that got you up and it wasn't even the fact you went to sleep a bit earlier than normal to compensate. In fact you'd actually had trouble falling, and then staying, asleep.

You've been too excited about what's going to happen.

You'd tried a for a good twenty minutes to puzzle out that ripped page and just what the hell "use me to solve me" was supposed to mean and though you'd thought you might have had it once or twice it was ultimately fruitless. So you decided to abandon any dreams of moving further in the book at least for the time being and thought hard about just what you'd wanted to do. Tormenting assholes like Call with magic-robot doubles sounded and there was certainly something intriguing about the idea of having an army of thugs but very quickly you'd soured on both of those ideas.

For one, to make more of those lackeys without basically killing someone would mean having to dig up a lot more graveyard dirt which was not an enticing prospect, even if you could just get Lackey-Spencer to do it for you. That's to say nothing of the time you'd have to wait for the fire to burn and, well, you'd already started getting impatient.

You weren't sure how many of these robo-lackey things you could have either because it stood to reason that as old as this book is with a spell like this, how come nobody's used it to conquer the world? And if there is limits did you really want to waste valuable spots on your team for people like Jamie Rennerhoff?

The memories of what you'd done as Caleb were still fresh in your mind. Even if you felt bad over how harried he's been because of your actions you can't deny it wasn't fun pretending to be somebody else. Even someone like Spencer, as uncomfortable as it was, was exciting because of how powerful being him made you feel. With this new spell you could replace someone practically risk free... a very enticing prospect and one you decided was too good to pass up.

The only issue was one that you weren't sure who to be. Who would have a life worth swapping with? Who would get you the most? Who just plain seemed fun? As you are you wouldn't be able to get anyone particularly interesting. Your friends and family? There wasn't much difference compared to where you were now. You'd want to improve your standing by swapping after all. You definitely weren't interesting in being one of the scumbags you could get as Spencer either. No, to really get someone interesting you'd need to be in a position where you'd have access to lots of people fairly easily.

That's when you were struck by an idea that you couldn't help but think of as pretty clever. It's an idea that's taken you up to the doors of the school, unlocked as there are plenty of people who need to use the building before school officially begins for the day. People like teachers.

Because if you wanted access to students, if you wanted a place to observe and carefully pick your real target out what better place to scout from than the very people who are supposed to look over them?

* * * * *

There's not a lot of people inside the actual school building this early in the morning. You've seen cars in the parking lot and you know well enough that largely the ones coming in an hour before school starts tend to be the members of the different athletic teams -- the basketball and swimming teams and such -- that hold their practices before first period. But there are some who come to talk to teachers about work, study in the library and such and you don't think anyone wouldn't think that's why you're here. They'd sure as hell never confuse you for an athlete at any rate.

But if you wanted to be a teacher then who? Even if it was just for a short time, no more than a day or two, you don't want to be on the older end of the age spectrum so that rules out a large portion of them. You'd also need to be someone the students like; easier that way to convince one to come to a private chat so you can pull off a switch. In that respect one name stood out to you immediately so it's to your great disappointment when, making your way over to F-wing you find the door to Mr. Hagerman's classroom closed.

You curse your luck at that. He's young, handsome and amiable; well-liked by male students see him as someone who totally gets them and adored by female students who give him looks of longing and lust. Getting a student as him would've been very easy and hey you might have even liked the idea of being a nice looking young guy yourself. In fact you'd been so fixated on him that you hadn't really thought of any alternatives.

You're left to wander around the halls hoping nobody questions you and that you can find a teacher who fights your (now shortsighted you realize) criteria. You're about ready to give up when you get to B-wing and notice that there's a classroom with both its light on and door open. Some classrooms have had lights but closed doors indicated the teachers didn't want to be disturbed and the ones with open doors weren't quite what you were looking for.

You walk by the class and take a look in as you do. You see Ms. Simeon sitting at her desk looking over some papers. You don't really know her beyond the fact that she's one of the younger teachers and that she's newer; you think she started your sophomore year though you can't really be sure. Beyond the fact that, given the wing she's in, she's teaching math you don't really know anything else including what grade she's teaching.

You're also not too sure about becoming someone of the opposite sex. Not so much if you'd want to do it but if it's even possible to become a female with these masks. Still this is the closest person to the criteria you've laid out and it'd make for a good test. So taking a moment to reassure yourself you step up to her classroom, reach in the doorway and give the door a good knock.

* * * * *

The question of whether or not you could become a female is definitively answered.

The door's closed and you're sitting at Ms. Simeon's desk, staring at her face in the compact's mirror as you use her brain to reapply the bit of makeup she'd put on before leaving home. Turns out the masks don't copy things like that but they sure do copy everything else as you're becoming intimately aware of.

After getting Ms. Simeon's attention you'd made up a story about having a brother in her class who was out sick and that you'd needed to pick up any schoolwork he'd need to worry about. When she'd brought you some, you'd opened your backpack and, while placing the work in, grabbed the blank mask you'd made last night and shoved it on her face. You'd caught her and laid her down before closing and locking the classroom door.

You took out another mask you'd made last night, this one of yourself with some of that paste applied, and when the first mask emerged you put the second on her. You watched as she transformed very quickly into a double of you and, re-confirming that he had to listen to you, you'd ordered him to strip while you did the same. You then ordered your doppelganger out of the room and after quickly locking the door once more you'd sealed this new mask and placed it on your face.

Once you came to you were still aware that you were really William Martin Prescott, a seventeen-year-old high school senior. Yet in your mind you were also aware that you were Elizabeth Louise Simeon, a twenty-five-year-old teacher of freshman math at Westside High School. Your body certainly supported the latter over the former.

And what a body! Ms. Simeon, Elizabeth you correct yourself, seemed to think she might need to lose a little bit of weight but you saw nothing wrong as you dressed. You liked the way the gray slacks clung to thighs with just a bit of meat and an ass that was wonderfully round and pillowy. The way your new figure curved in above the hips. Her breasts are bigger than you'd have thought though hidden behind loose fitting blouse and cardigan.

And as you finish applying the makeup you can't help but think your face looks rather cute with a nice, welcoming smile. You tie your brown hair back and put on the black-rimmed glasses you'd set down. You wonder why you'd never really paid much attention to her? Probably because you're not a freshman. She has a very cute nerd thing going on though and you actually feel just a bit down that you'll be out of her so soon.

By tomorrow you'll have picked out your target, made up a new mask and you'll be off in your new identity. For today though you'll make the most out of being Elizabeth Simeon.

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