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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #2167726
In a world where humiliation is everything, one girl takes the cake for being humiliated.
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Chapter #3

Her lecture on Nerdology continues

    by: Yourman22
“Hey teach” Sandra asked with a sly grin “yes Sandra” Roya tightened her stance already know what her question was. “Could we learn a ton more about nerdology I want to know all I can” The glass giggled “Of course Sandra I would to show you how much of an dork I am” everyone broke out into laughter “haha the teachers a dork” “what a nerd”

With excitement in Sandra’s voice “Also paint is a picture this time” Roya sighed

“Ok then I’m going to need a volunteer then uh how about Sandra because she can give dorks like us some good hard wedgies”

Sandra hopped out of her chair at the speed of light “why thanks teach for thinking of me first” while she slapped Roya’s butt Roya yelped in surprise.

Roya exclaims “And with that let’s start this next story to set the scene Sandra could you undo this bra connection for me”
Sandra reluctantly undid it. Roya Unpicked her wedgie with a sigh of relief and walked over and got her skirt back on.

“Ok now that everything is settled I’m going to have Sandra turn around.” Roya’s heart felt like it was going to explode but she needed to get back at Sandra for all the torment from the start of school to now.

Roya shouted to the whole class “As we all now and Sandra knows when your a dork you say it proud and loud so why don’t you say it Sandra”

Sandra without even thinking “I’m a dork and nerd and I’m proud”

The class fell silent and before Sandra could process these turn of events Roya dug deep into Sandras skirt and pulled out green panties covered in bunny’s. Sandra was surprised at firs then started to whine “Teach what the fuck I’m not the dork you are”

Roya laughed to her she could easily over power Sandra “well to bad Sandra this story is different your me and I’m the teacher.”

“This isn’t fair teach you can’t do this to me”

“Oh but I can Sandra ok and now the lesson starts”

Roya couldn’t believe what was happening feeling a serge of adrenaline coursing through her. Meanwhile Sandra could feel her granny panties slowly rise up her back being brought to her tippy toes. The green panties showed no mercy as they fell into her pussy perfectly.

Roya used her strength and turned Sandra to the class. “Ok Sandra now the story starts one day I forgot to do my homework like some one we know” Roya smacked Sandras butt “and the teacher took action being the nerd I am I didn’t fight back” Sandra struggled against Roya “Your gonna pay for this teach if it’s the last thing I do.”

Roya laughs it off at this point “The teacher took upon herself to show the class different wedgie for me forgetting my homework being the dork I am I let her do it in front of the class and exclaim I’m such a nerd and dork now go ahead Sandra say it”

“Not in a million fucking years you bitch your gonna wish you never did this”

“Wel Sandra your not really in the position” Roya raised the panties high cause Sandra to yelp “come on class let’s help her out tell her how much of a dork she is and I’ll show you the next wedgie while you do we call this the bouncing wedgie”

The class laughed at Sandra seeing her bounced by her own panties “hahah your such a dork Sandra who would have imagined” The whole class joined in unison “Sandras a dork Sandras a dork”

Roya couldn’t stop laughing Sandra could feel her panties dig deeper into her each bounce she began to moan from pain

Sandra in pain yelled out “ok ok I’m sorry teach just let me down please”

“Not until you say how much of a dork and nerd you are if not this only continues”

“Never I’m never gonna say that you fucking bitch”

“You asked for so now that the panties are stretched up to her shoulders we can now do another type of wedgie” she let Sandra tippy toes hit the ground and drag her over to her desk Roya laid Sandra a crossed her desk and Roya walked around it and had Sandra facing her. The anger in Sandras face was quite scaring but she couldn’t do anything.

Roya taking the most of this one in a life time situation said “Ok students this is the part where you guys get a hand one experience this is what we call an atomic wedgie”

“Ok ok Teach I’m sorry anything but an atomic I’m a dork a nerd and I will never do anything to you because I’m a dork please anything but an atomic please”

“To bad Sandra your to late” Roya gave one last heave and pushed Sandras head back making her green panties get around her nose.

“Ok class I need a pair of someone’s gym undies and I know you have them” This was the period after most people’s gym and a girl in the back brought up stinky dirty panties still wet from sweat.

“Ewwww sorry Sandra this is gonna suck” Roya took the panties and forcibly shoved them in Sandras mouth and then put her panties over her chin.

“Ok class let’s show this dork some real punishment I want all 20 of you to give her 10 spanks each even you two” while pointing at Beth and Haley they both slowly got up “I want this by the end of the period and who as her next class with her”

A couple people but there hands up “ok good I want you guys to escort her looking like that tidy her up though put back her skirt on and stuff like that just leave her in that master piece and if not each and everyone of you are getting wedgies”

They all silently shook there heads in agreement. Roya walked out of her classroom hearing Sandras moans of pain and screams from each smack of a persons hands. Roya could barley breath she need to lie down after that her heart racing faster than a speed bullet. She talked to herself “oh no what have I down this is going to backfire so hard oh no what have I down I’m to much of a dork to do that again they gonna gang up on me” while she talked to herself the bell rung.

Roya stared hard at her classrooms door it burst open Sandra could barley walk her head snapped back, back bent weirdly, barley even stumbling. The sight was beautiful someone duct taped her skirt to her underwear showing off her red bottom. The front of her undies were tear soaked and kids were helping her to her next class by spanking her bottom.

All Sandra could do is moan from the extreme pain when she finally got to her next class no one helped her out not even the teacher kids were smirking and giggling. Roya felt proud but that was soon to be over.
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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