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  1. You Are Mossdeep In Trouble
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  3. Shrunk By Mew
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2220982-Shrunk-In-The-Pokeworld/cid/2834277-You-Are-Mossdeep-In-Trouble
Rated: E · Interactive · Activity · #2220982
You get shrunk in the Pokeworld by Mew, and you have to go find it to get your height back
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Chapter #3

You Are Mossdeep In Trouble

    by: Lover Of All Giantesses
How could you let this happen! You feel like a bit of an idiot, knowing how you didn’t take this as serious as you really should. Mew was a legendary, not only that but one of the most powerful ones. You know you thought it was just a cute playful Pokemon, but in retrospect that was stupid.

Now you paid the price, you were what... two inches tall at the moment. Maybe even less than that.

Looking over the ocean in front of you, you try to think about what you can do. The Mew flew that way, so no way you were gonna cross it. Although you do have a water Pokemon.

You were a Pokemon Trainer, with Pokemon. Here in the Hoenn Region, you started your journey a while ago. Now with six badges and ready for your seventh.

Hence is why you were at Mossdeep City. Ready to challenge the psychic twins Tate and Liza.

Your Pokemon, were even brought around to counter them. You only had two on you, as the rest were in your PC. A female Banette as well as a Male Crawdaunt. Both use to punish their types when you challenge them.

Well, that is pretty much not the plan at the moment. Then again, that was not the worst thing in the world.

Those two, they were psychics right? Maybe they can use their powers to help you! Granted, that was quite a leap but it was better than the alternative. Your Crawdaunt is not a fast Pokemon, at all. So chasing Mew was not an option.

Your Banette was fast, and could levitate. Let’s just say though... you would much rather be a bigger size than deal with that mischievous Pokemon.

So... the twins seem to be your best option. Looking back into the city from the shore, you swallow and you then move in.


It took, a real long while for you to actually get to the gym. You were so small, and everyone risked stepping on you. So it was understandable why you were having trouble.

That didn’t matter though, as you were by yourself right now at the front of the gym.

How do you get in there? The doors were giant and much too big for you to actually make your way in.

You try to figure out a way, even pushing your way into the door. You were far too weak though, so that was not an option.

“Well... better then nothing.” You say as you reach for your Pokeball. “Crawdaunt, come on out!”

Luckily, your Pokeball shrunk with you, but not the Pokemon. You crab was giant! Towering over you like a monster.

“Craw?” it said, looking it’s way around. Needless to say, it was expecting a battle, not to be outside.

“Hey, Crawdaunt down here!” You shout up to him for a long while. He listened, and looked down. His giant face close to you, as he was shocked about it.

“Craw!!!” He said as he brought his claw down. Your eyes wide open as you jump back.

“Woah! Don’t pick me up!” You say to your giant Pokemon as thankfully he listened. “Great, look I need you to open this door. Please.”

Your Pokemon, like most (Not Banette) is loyal, so he listens. Waddling his way over and... breaking the door with one Crab Hammer.

“O-Okay, I guess that works. Um... come back before you get found and blamed.” You say to the Pokemon as you return him. Although you were weak and powerless, at least you have your two strong Pokemon. Granted you were pretty sure you weren’t going to bring out Banette.

Every since you got her as a Shuppet across on the mainland, she has been trouble. Pranks, Scares and Mischief was her game. When she evolved into Banette, she even found a way to get into more mischief. A variant of Curse was her favourite.

Pretty much, she links your body’s feeling to hers, as she then starts to either hurt herself, to hurt you, or tickle herself to tickle you.

Somehow, she turned the ticklish option into the worse of the two.

Regardless, as you move over towards the door, that was now opened. You walk among the shattered glass, getting in as you look around. Now where were you going to go? You have never been to this place before, so you might as well guess.

You see a hallway not so far away, so you logically take it. Taking long steps as you move forward and in.

The hallway was big, but empty which left you confused. Guess there was not much people in this Gym. You have no idea why, but since it lowered your chance of actually getting stepped on, you were not going to question it.

So you just kept moving as you arrived at something that interested you. A giant door to the side, with the title.

‘Twins Room’

Yep, this was where you were going to find them. You could hear shifting inside, so at least one of them had to be in. How are you going to get in their this time.

Well Crawdaunt can break his way in and... oh no, wait. The door was slightly open.

Well that made things much simpler, so you simply move your way. Getting right between the door and the wall as you step in.

These two shared the same room, and apparently it wasn’t split into two. In fact it seemed to be shared, as their beds were right next to each other in the middle of the room. A large desk on one side, a closet as well as drawers on the other side. The room didn’t look like it was catered to a boy or a girl, or either. It just seemed like an average room.

However, the room wasn’t the thing you were interested in. Instead it was the giant twins that you were looking for.

You looked and saw that ______________

You have the following choices:

1. It was Liza, meditating

2. It was Tate, Reading a book

3. It was both, and they were talking to each other

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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