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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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May 10, 2023 at 11:36am
May 10, 2023 at 11:36am
P4. Today's Prompt: What's behind the door behind the bar?

Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
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    Congratulations & Thank You   

  from       Andre      

For competing the full four weeks of the Non-Judgmental Blogging Event in January 2023. 

Please show your badge when entering the Banana Bar and join others in the  Banana Bloggers' Lounge .

 Your blogging is always welcome at  [Link To Item #1985857] .  Red Dragon

See the thing about the door behind the bar is; if you go through it, you never know where you will end up. Sometimes it takes you directly to the basement. The first time I went through it I was following a troupe of visiting monkeys. I ended up in Monkey Land.

Today I thought, well I'll just take my book down and sit quietly in the comfy chair upholstered in a riotous flower pattern and drink a cup of oat stem tea, while I read for a while. I'm right in the middle of "Tastes Like War" a memoir by Grace M. Cho. One of her quotes really charged me to read on; to find out what happened to her in her life--"How many times had women who told the truth been muzzled with the label of madness?"

The thing about today is when I walked through the door Red the Orangutang was standing there.
Wordsmitthy says, Red is Andre's 4th cousin 6 times removed, family.

Also, I felt kind of woozy because of the expanse of open country before me. Red was holding on to a two-seater bicycle he motioned me to take a seat. What could I do? I have to say I was quite hesitant but after all a bike ride? I can ride a bike. It can't be all that bad except Red the orangutang was in the front seat driving. Red is actually wider than me. I tried to lean a little to the right to look around him to see where we were.


Warning watch this at your own risk. Anyone with a heart condition should be exceptionally cautious.

Actually, it wasn't too bad until we took the right wing of the V in the trail.

All word count on WDC:308

Merit Badge in Family
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021609]. A place of refuge... "I want to know more about this place. It would have saved me personal grief if it had been available in 2003... just saying... and a couple times before and since. I'm good at the moment. Too bad I can't just call Mage or Bea. Too bad I'm not related. You describe a refuge I wish were real. *^*Heart*^*"
May 8, 2023 at 3:27pm
May 8, 2023 at 3:27pm
Which kinds of relationships --family, friendship, love/romance, etc.-- lift you up and not drag you down? What does this depend on, the people, the circumstances, or you yourself?

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

I have some family I see once in a while that are good to be with and some friendships (online) that I can count on. Lifting up usually depends on myself and my attitude. If I meet up with a circumstance that is not to my liking, I tell the Lord. And I try to stay in my own skin if others are trying to get me to live their way. My way isn't bad. Around here it is sometimes different from local customs. I believe no one is old, everyone is aging. Not everyone is senile. *Laugh*

This is kind of general, hope it meets the criteria of an answer?

Merit Badge in Friendship
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It's a badge war but all in friendship! Tag - you're it! *^*Hearty*^*
May 8, 2023 at 3:11pm
May 8, 2023 at 3:11pm
Day 3730: May 8, 2023

Prompt: “To feed your Muse, then, you should always have been hungry about life since you were a child. If not, it is a little late to start.”
Ray Bradbury

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

How do you feed your muse?

I learn something new every day or at least every week, reading poetry actually causes me to think a lot, so I read poems, or novels, or news articles or whatever is at hand. Prompts on *WDC* also feed my muse because the muse likes to find ideas to write about. If I answer prompts for some reason, it triggers other ideas to write about later. Chocolate helps too.*Laugh*.
May 8, 2023 at 2:44pm
May 8, 2023 at 2:44pm
Guy in the Basement.

Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
[Click For More Info]

    Congratulations & Thank You   

  from       Andre      

For competing the full four weeks of the Non-Judgmental Blogging Event in January 2023. 

Please show your badge when entering the Banana Bar and join others in the  Banana Bloggers' Lounge .

 Your blogging is always welcome at  [Link To Item #1985857] .  Red Dragon

Of course, there has always been a guy in the basement. And it's a good thing too. The day I went looking for the band of monkeys that attended the Halloween party at Andre's banana bar the basement guy showed me how to get to Monkey land from the basement. It isn't easy to find the door.

I've been reading books so I'm late to the May party. I went down to the basement to talk to the guy down there. Today he showed me a YouTube about how to make banana wine at home.

I like wine. This sounds like a fun thing to do. Plus, the advertisement on the YouTube video is about solar generators from 4patriots. You might need one sometime if the electricity goes down. Think smart--no electricity--banana wine--lots of books on kindle--and a solar generator for lights and keep the kindle going. The basement guy set up a plush easy rocking chair and a lamp in a corner of the basement. So, now I'll do some reading down there sometimes.

It can get kind of scary though. I was reading along one day and an orangutang moseyed over and pointed at my book. I had to share a glass of the banana wine with him while I read my book out loud. I guess he liked the whole scene though, so he went back out the monkey door yawning. I guess he needed a nap.

all word count on WDC: 245
May 1, 2023 at 11:12am
May 1, 2023 at 11:12am
I just found out May 1 to be the Save the Rhino Day. If you were to work to save any species, either on this earth or elsewhere *Wink* , which species would you pick?

BCOF Insignia Owl with signature

I read a book about this sometime in the last two years. It was about saving large animal endangered species. It seems the species that have tusks such as the elephant and Rhinoceros have a special problem with poachers. There is a black-market involving tusks because some Orientals believe they have a medicinal property. Because of this, poachers are literally trying to build catches of the tusks; then wipe out the species, which would drive the price up on the ivory by millions of dollars.

I have read a lot about endangered species. I guess it would be difficult to just pick one species to save out of all the endangered out there. If we have an atomic war humans might be the most endangered of all. Save the humans, so they can save the elephants, Rhinos, birds, ocelots, monkeys, orangutans, and all the others.

Just a thought.

Merit Badge in Every Moment Matters
[Click For More Info]

Happy 21 Birthday Site Week. Thanks for all you do. Love: Megan

May 1, 2023 at 10:32am
May 1, 2023 at 10:32am
Day 3723: May 1, 2023

Prompt: WDC May Calendar prompt: What is your proudest accomplishment this year?

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

This year 2023, we found a recycling program we like and are getting settled in it now,

Also, I decided to upgrade my music knowledge. I took an ETSS (ear training and sight signing) course at a Bible institute in the 80's The course introduced the circle of fifths in a minor way. Now I am studying it in a more advanced way,. because chords are used in guitar playing. I have gone back to playing classical guitar daily. I had not actually played for several years. I'm just happy to find out I can still play.

My planted lettuce seeds are sprouting, which makes me happy.

And I started sharing some cash to a charity that I think is worthwhile. Hopefully I can continue to contribute as time goes forward.

Small involvements but, things to advance the year in a positive way.

Keep safe. Happy Trails.

Merit Badge in Friendship
[Click For More Info]

It's a badge war but all in friendship! Tag - you're it! *^*Hearty*^*
April 26, 2023 at 2:28pm
April 26, 2023 at 2:28pm
P11. Are you willing to write in your WDC blog about a very controversial issue and state your views (why or why not)?

Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
[Click For More Info]

    Congratulations & Thank You   

  from       Andre      

For competing the full four weeks of the Non-Judgmental Blogging Event in January 2023. 

Please show your badge when entering the Banana Bar and join others in the  Banana Bloggers' Lounge .

 Your blogging is always welcome at  [Link To Item #1985857] .  signature dancing owl

Although this blog was inspired by P11 prompt, it is kind of a rant which I don't do lightly because I don't rank well online.

I can't say yes or no to this question. I could only answer if I knew the issue. Truly, I'm avoiding lots of issues because I'm often criticized about anything I think or do. Send me a controversial issue and I'll state my views. After I do some research to find out the particular points that are being dumped on the public.

I'm not in favor of fundamentalism and I live in an area where everyone I know seems to be producing some type of fundamentalist ideals. I've never been in favor of people who tell me I'm a bad person, when they know more about my life, than I know about theirs. Unbalanced judgements are a discouragement to the public.

I like peace and quiet. It's easy to just go berserkers when the days stretch on with the same daily chores to be done. I can get through it. Get up and do the daily do. I think it is because I read. Stories take me into new environments. They transport me into the way other people think. I can choose to think like someone else or sent the book back into eBook spacetime and never think about it again.

Yesterday, I downloaded a history book, a science fiction story, and a murder mystery with a female detective as the protagonist. I will probably start by reading the nonfiction History book. Maybe I will have two of them read by next Monday.

I went back to playing my guitar. I had to remember all kinds of technical things about strings and frets and notes. Now, I'm going over the material about the circle of fifths. I replaced the strings and had a difficult time retuning my guitar. Then, I found the gizmo on Amazon that will do it for me. All I have to do is turn the peg to tighten or loosen the strings. This wasn't around when I started lessons in the 1970's. And the tuner I bought can be recharged with a usb cord. The tuner is also very small. It fits in the compartment of my guitar case where I keep my tuning fork. I'm constantly amazed by the information age and new technology.

Happy Trails. Don't eat all the bananas.

All word count from WDC = 424

Merit Badge in WDC Addicts Anonymous
[Click For More Info]

Best of luck with your Writing.com addiction...and with Merit Badge Wars.  *^*Wink*^*

April 26, 2023 at 1:33pm
April 26, 2023 at 1:33pm
Prompt: True terror is to wake up in the morning and find out that your high school class is running the country. Write about this in your Blog entry today.

BCOF Insignia Owl with signature

*Rolling* I have to wonder if you are a member of my high school class? What can I say? I have not spent enough time with them as adults to make a judgment about whether they can run the country or not? And, I don't think I ever will. Then again---never say never.
April 25, 2023 at 12:18pm
April 25, 2023 at 12:18pm
Day 3717: April 25, 2023

Prompt: Which kind of natural disaster would you find the most terrifying to experience?

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

Any kind. I don't even like it when the electricity is off for a few hours. We are rural and still have above ground electric lines. When we get high winds, a tree can go down on a line so electricity can be interrupted while lineman fix the line.

We have had small earthquakes. None large enough to interrupt life.

Over the course of many years, some storms have actually evolved into a tornado and hit small communities or taken out a farmer's barn. Fortunately, not a lot of human death involved mostly damage to buildings.

Mostly we sometimes get electric storms: high winds, lightning, heavy rain or snow, and thunder.

No natural disaster is a good one to contemplate. When one is on the news, I always think about the needs of the people who are experiencing the disruption of their lives. I'm sure it is the kind of tragedy that will be on a victim's mind forever. It makes me feel useless.
April 19, 2023 at 4:31pm
April 19, 2023 at 4:31pm
Prompt: Write something about these nuts: Pecans, Peanuts and Pistachios.

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

I was raised on peanut butter sandwiches for lunch at school all during grade school. Now peanuts are my best snack during the day. I can eat a quarter cupful when reading as my treat.

Have you been to nuts .com? I see it advertised on TV sometimes. I don't eat many pecans, but they have a lot of health benefits according to online sources. And, I like the flavor of pecans. I don't buy them often, so maybe I just don't see them in stores on the shelves.

Pistachios are another of my favorites. I can eat them anytime and I really need to buy more of them. Our budget is limited in the grocery aisle. Inflation has not helped my grocery budget. I do buy pistachios though. I think the price and the fact that I ate the last batch so fast discouraged me. Peanuts are less expensive, and I like. them.

The plus side of eating peanuts as a treat is sharing them with my parrots who also like a peanut whenever they can get one. Walnuts are a treat I share with the Parrots.

Almonds are another type of food that is good for your health. I read online somewhere that one almond is worth a lot to fight cholesterol. Pecans are good for helping weight loss.

I eat pepitas and other pumpkin foods. Pepitas are also good to help curb appetite. I like to mash them into cookies or homemade breakfast foods. I have a breakfast cookie recipe that calls for any kind of additives that you think are good for you. I put in pepitas, raisins, flax, oatmeal, and honey. No cooking to this recipe.

Actually, I would rather eat fresh foods, than cooked foods. Not always possible with my budget. Believe it or not I forget to eat healthy sometimes. I need to especially remind myself when I buy groceries. Last time I found dried strawberries.

See Ya! *PartyHatY*

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