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March 16, 2013 at 9:20am
March 16, 2013 at 9:20am
The following winners for the February 2013 running of "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest were chosen from the 31 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "A Picture of Elegance"   by Indelible Ink
*Bullet* Second Place - "Rendering"   by fyn
*Bullet* Third Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor


The contest for March is: "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest Enter your folktale for a chance to win!
March 14, 2013 at 11:07am
March 14, 2013 at 11:07am
Congratulations to the following three winners of the second round of "Good Deeds Get CASH!!

*Star* First ($100): Elle - on hiatus
*Bullet* Second ($50): Winnie Kay
*Bullet* Third ($25): Hannah ♫♥♫

Thanks to everyone who reviewed and entered this month. The quality of reviews is improving each round and I love seeing all of the new entrants. If you haven't already entered for March, start reviewing! *Smile*


February 16, 2013 at 10:34am
February 16, 2013 at 10:34am
This round there were 86 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First: "Dear Me: 2013"   by Indelible Ink
*Bullet* Second: "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
*Bullet* Third: "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Thanks to everyone who entered and special thanks to our judges for a tough decision!


The contest for February is: "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest
Ready to Publish? "Hook Us! may be able to help!
February 15, 2013 at 12:53pm
February 15, 2013 at 12:53pm
Winners for the initial *Dollar* cash *Dollar* prize round of "Good Deeds Get CASH! are:

*Star*     First = $250 --> Riot
*Bullet* Second = $100 --> Tiggy
*Bullet*     Third =  $50 --> OOTâ„¢

Congratulations to these exceptional reviewers and thanks to everyone who reviewed and entered! The contest runs monthly, so review and enter today!

February 14, 2013 at 2:30am
February 14, 2013 at 2:30am
*Heart* Happy Valentine's Day! *Heart*

Each year, we run a Romance/Love Costumicon subscription period for February... but I just realized we never opened that up!

So, I've set Costumicons up for another 100 Gift Point subscription that will last thru February 28th.

* For those not familiar with costumicon subscriptions, please note: They are temporary. The purchase grants the purchaser or giftee the use of costumicons until February 28th. At that point, the subscription ends end it's back to a regular portfolio case. Full time access to costumicons is reserved for our members with a paid Premium Membership or above.

Best wishes,
January 26, 2013 at 5:01pm
January 26, 2013 at 5:01pm
Introducing Covers for your portfolio header!

Now, you can add some life and color to your portfolio headers, using your own E-rated image or one of our Writing.Com stock covers! Just head into the "Manage Portfolio Header" area within your portfolio and you're on your way to personalizing your space!

We've also given this area and your Biography tab a bit of a face lift. We love these little changes that make a big difference in the way your writing is presented... we hope you do, too! We are looking forward to seeing how everyone dresses up their ports.

Click to see some examples:
         The StoryMaster
         The StoryMistress

Enjoy, folks! There is so much more to come! *Wink*
- The StoryMistress
January 22, 2013 at 1:10am
January 22, 2013 at 1:10am
Greetings Folks!

Message forums have seen a variety of changes over the past few days. We've been doing some cleanup and adding *Cool* new stuff. Here's the run down of where we are in that process:

*ButtonB* The general look and layout of forums has been updated (aka cleaned up). In both threaded and un-threaded view, message listings and post content have less "sludge" lying around.

*ButtonBr* For forum owners, a new Manage link resides in the tools line. The manage area provides us an area to expand the tools we offer. The "Purge" link that used to be in the tools line has moved to this new Manage menu.

*ButtonG* In the Manage area, a new tool that provides a Post Count Summary can be found. It provides a tabulation of the posts made by each participant. Both a "from" and "until" date can be set, allowing you to find activity over any given period.

*ButtonR* And, probably super coolest of all - which is why I left it for last - we duplicated the email system's emoticon tagging system in forums! You can now start a message subject with any emoticon. That first emoticon will be shown and any replies in the thread will retain the emoticon. Have an announcement? Tag it with *Exclaim*. Something *Cool* to share? "*Radioactive* Warning" will command attention. "*Plane* Vacation" is pretty clear! And I hope to see a whole lotta "*Bigsmile* I was published" threads.

If you have any feedback, please let us know; feel free to leave a comment!

And if you're a forum leader and you think there's some tools we might be able to create to save you time managing a group or activity, please let us know over in "Suggestion Box. Even if we can't make them happen, it's great to hear how people think about using the tools we do and could possibly give them!

Write on,
January 19, 2013 at 8:19am
January 19, 2013 at 8:19am
The following winners for the December 2012 running of "What a Character! : Official WDC Contest were chosen from the 17 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "What a Character! : Official WDC Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "There and Back"   by Bikerider
*Bullet* Second Place - "The Enigma"   by Oldwarrior
*Bullet* Third Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor


The contest this month is "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest.
January 17, 2013 at 11:24am
January 17, 2013 at 11:24am

Just a quick note that we're back up and running after a roughly 4 hour network outage at our web hosting provider this morning. We did our best to keep news flowing on our Facebook page; http://facebook.com/writingcom ... Here's the final snippet I posted once we returned:

We apologize for the problems at our web host this morning. For over 12 years, they've been a rock solid partner to us and the few hours this morning has been by far the worst of it. We're pretty thankful for the general calm and stability of our online writers' retreat! When problems happen, keeping communication open is one of the most important things and they did just that... keeping us as informed as possible while they searched for, isolated and then corrected the problem.

And, for sure, this was just a networking issue at their main facility. There were no specific issues with Writing.Com's site code, our servers or any of our data. It was purely a larger overall problem that prevented a few of our servers from communicating with each other and the outside world.

(Of course, for those around in the wee hours of last night, this 4 hour downtime did come on the heels of two other smaller issues. One was my fault, while the other was a miscommunication between our host and I on a change I had requested them make. Neither of these two things was related to this morning's occurrence.)

My sincere apologies for the downtime,
January 9, 2013 at 10:44am
January 9, 2013 at 10:44am
The following winners for the December 2012 running of Good Deeds Go Noticed were chosen from the 128 entries submitted. Congratulations and thanks to all who entered for reviewing!

*Star* First: Lornda
*Bullet* Second: Lox~back, but all new!
*Bullet* Third: Indelible Ink

As you may know, this was the final round of this version. In 2013, the new "Good Deeds Get CASH! was created, which no longer requires a tag line on your signature and offers CASH prizes! Enter frequently to increase your chance of winning!


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