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783 Public Reviews Given
788 Total Reviews Given
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I like to always pick out the positive points in a piece, even if overall I am not enamoured by it. I tend to point out grammatical and spelling errors. I will be honest, but not unkind *Smile*
I'm good at...
Empathising with people, giving my opinion, analysing poetry.
Favorite Genres
Travel, Sci - fi, psychology, opinion, music, horror, gothic food, emotional, death/dark, animal.
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Western/war, Parenting, History, Erotica/Adult
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Poetry, Flash Fiction, Photos, Articles.
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Campfire creatives, interactive stories.
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Rated: E | (4.5)

You have entered
The Holiday Contest - CLOSED FOR REFURB  (ASR)
Holiday themed contest - submit your poems and short stories to win!! :)
#1922341 by Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞

For the Month of August/September 2013

With your poem/short story"Certainly (NOT) Cool"

What I liked about your entry was....

I like your style of writing, the short lines and dreamy imagery - it is the kind of style I like to read, and often to write. The poem has a bit of a satirical tone to it (to me). It is short but tells its own little story.

I love this line:

It runs, as if the tears of a clown
from the overhang of the cornet
to meet my heated hand.

What a great metaphor!

How well your entry fit the prompt of the contest "HOLIDAYS"

Although I really enjoyed reading the poem and I think it is effective in itself, to me it was more about the ice cream, possible a day out rather than a holiday.

In conclusion

I thought this was a great poem, so I want to give it a nice rating! Although in terms of an entry I did not quite get a holiday feel from reading it. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
HelloJudith Sandala

You have entered
The Holiday Contest - CLOSED FOR REFURB  (ASR)
Holiday themed contest - submit your poems and short stories to win!! :)
#1922341 by Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞

For the Month of August/September 2013

With your poem/short story "Sojourn at the Cape"

What I liked about your entry was....

I really liked the imagery in your poem and whilst reading it could really picture those waves lapping on the shore and the radiant sun beating down. I thought it was a lovely "feel good" poem and at the end almost believed I was there, and not in my bedroom in the South of England *Wink*.

My favourite line is the opening one :

"There is no sorrow here,
where the sea shines and laps the shore
with tongues of frothy waves."

I think this says it all really, this is why I love sun holidays!

How well your entry fit the prompt of the contest "HOLIDAYS"

I thought your poem fit the theme very well and really captured that feeling of escaping which I think holidays bring. As you say - there is no sorrow under the blue sky, on a beautiful beach! *Smile*

In conclusion

An enjoyable poem to read with lovely imagery and a perfect fit for the holiday theme *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Angela Death

You have entered
The Holiday Contest - CLOSED FOR REFURB  (ASR)
Holiday themed contest - submit your poems and short stories to win!! :)
#1922341 by Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞

For the Month of August/September

With your poem "The Little Beggars"

What I liked about your entry was....

I thought that it rhymed well and gave a good description of children trick or treating on Halloween - although this does seem to depict the occasion from more of a parents point of view having to look after their hyperactive children!

What I was not so keen on was...

In the second verse:

Sugar highs will rage all night long
As costumed children hover in throng
Clever are the rascals now
As mommies and daddies make them vow

"Throng" should be "Throngs" to be grammatically correct I believe, although I see that this would not rhyme!

I am not sure about the third line - Why are the rascals clever? It could just be me but I don't see how this fits in to the poem.

How well your entry fit the prompt of the contest "HOLIDAYS"

Whilst your poem is about an occasion - Halloween - I did not pick up any sense of the theme of "Holidays" in your poem. Perhaps if the children had spent Halloween on holiday somewhere, maybe learning the customs in a new place or spent the weekend away with friends etc it would have fit the theme better *Smile*

In conclusion

I thought this was a fun poem to read about Halloween - There are lots of Halloween contests around at present, you should definitely consider entering it in to one of these! *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jeff, I have been wondering for a while why there is little regarding screenwriting here on WDC - I would definitely be up for a screenwriting interest group - although unlike you I am no professional but I have tonnes of screenplay ideas! I would also love to know what you have done as you say you have worked in the industry??! I also think there is a lack of screenplay - or even stage play contests/events etc.....I'd be up for getting something like this together *Smile*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Aww Jeff that is really amazing! I was so looking forward to seeing how you were going to put it all together, this must have taken you ages. I love the music too, it's a perfect fit. I am so glad I got to be a part of this and it is lovely to see some of my fellow members as a real person, not just a name! I am sure SM and SMS will think this is awesome! *Delight*
Review of Private calls  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello Jimminycritic

Header for The Gift Shop This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that you won at the "Invalid Item

I like to read flash fiction and especially the dark variety - I think it is hard to do, to come up with a story in such a short space.

I do like the idea behind your story which has a real future fiction vibe to it. However, I did feel that it was too complicated a plot for 200 words. The first time I read it, it made little sense to me. I read it again a couple of times and began to get the gist - it seems to be set in the future where somebody has found a way to make sound waves in to pictures - possibly the government?

Your style of writing is easy to read and you have good imagery - I feel though that is more the "blurb" on the back of a book to try and get the reader to buy it and read the rest rather than a flash fiction story in its own right. Maybe it would be worth turning it in to something longer one day?!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Marci Missing Everyone

I have read your collection of poetry within this folder and it is a powerful one which really gives a raw insight in to your personal life. Although I know a lot about depression (more than I would care to I suppose!), I know little about fibromyalgia, other than, I think it is a painful disorder which is not really localised pain and is difficult to cure. ( Perhaps it would be a good idea to include a piece about the illness as many people may not have heard of it?)

Your collection of poetry here is quite varied in form even if it is dealing with similar issues - your emotions and feelings are on display here, yet you still format them in to flowing poetry such as "I lost my Freedom" and "The Walls".

Your poem "The Lonely Wind" is my favourite in this collection - I feel that whilst on the surface it tells the story of an abstract thing, the loneliness described here relates to the loneliness of depression.

Although it is not something which I myself can relate to, I am pleased that you can find solace in your faith and that it can give you some hope *Smile*

I wish you all the best Marci, you are a lovely WDC friend to have! *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Heaven  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dave

I found this a beautiful poem to read, yet incredibly sad - which I imagine is how you intended it to be read.

The poem takes the reader back to a time this luscious garden was in full bloom - it tells a story which fits the free-form style very well.

The poem could be about parents or grandparents - I am presuming the former however, due to the references to the children leaving home, the nest so to speak. I can picture the young couple in their bright garden, the husband planting veggies whilst the wife plants her flowers - the children "helping" , instructed by their parents - it paints a comforting picture of childhood.

The ending of your poem is however, bittersweet - the warm memories fading in to a harsh reality, where memories fade, and people age *Sad*.

My favourite verse:

"The minutes, hours, and days flew by until my brothers and I were grown
and went our separate ways out into the world.
We chained ourselves to clocks and calendars,
bouncing from crisis to crisis as weeks, months, and years flew by,
and Time gobbled up life like some Pac Man monster."

How true this is! And how quickly we can forget things.

A lovely poem, I enjoyed reading it.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I simply ADORE this - I actually feel like I'm at a party! And I haven't left the house all day! *Wink*. This is definitely the WDC 13th Birthday Bible - it's great that everything is located in one place and I don't have to keep flitting to different pages for contests and activities etc. All in a day I've got a new skin, a new sig, entered a contest, done loads of reviews (650GP's per new review - lush!!), bought raffle tickets, bid on packages - why I don't think I could have had more fun if I HAD left the house *Laugh*!!

It is things like this which make me realise what a great community this is - it isn't just about having an online portfolio, there is so much more which The StoryMistress and The StoryMaster and all the staff create for the members to enjoy. I have never come across an online community which has so much to offer and is so inspiring!!

And yet we are still thanked as members - *Heart*

So I raise a toast to YOU WRITING.COM -


And Happy Birthday x
Review of The Bell Tolls  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jeannie

Header for The Gift Shop This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that you won at the "Invalid Item raffle.

I like a bit of Flash Fiction so I was drawn to this folder in your port. It's a challenge I know to create a convincing and entertaining story in only 300 words. What I enjoyed most about your story here is the way you have so effectively created a setting in a short space - Straight away I could envisage the court room, the judge pounding with his gavel, and the small town lawyers glee in telling the story.

The wheel of cheese makes it a little far fetched - but when you have only got 300 words you have to grab the attention of the audience quickly! And I think it works.


1) "You then lifted and dragged her back into her wheel chair being she's a small woman. "

I appreciate this may well be a regional term of speech but "being she's a small women" does not make sense to me - I imagine you mean Because she is a small women (he was able to drag her)?

2) "Too late, you broke! A wheel of cheese as a murder weapon, that's a new one!

Probably a typo but I think perhaps there should be a closing speech mark at the end of the sentence.

3) Once again justice was served, but was it.

A great way to end the story - but I feel a question mark at the end would be appropriate here.

An imaginative and descriptive story - I enjoyed reading it *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of On Impulse  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello openyourize

Header for The Gift Shop This is one of the reviews paid for with the gift certificate you received for placing 3rd in the "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest.

A poem about your escape; I found this intriguing to read. You have stated that your folder houses poetry from your teenage years to the present date and I am intrigued as to when this was written - mainly as it is eerily similar to the kind of poem I wrote as a teen and looking at your bio - we are practically the same age (and weirdly enough have the same name.....).

This is one of those poems which I don't quite understand - but I like it anyway, because I like the imagery - especially

"I hungered to uninvent time,
so I ate my watch."
- A fabulous line!

I can only guess that the poem is about death and/or suicide. It has a kind of weightlessness, an emptiness to it as though the writer wishes to disperse in this manner.

On a last note - I was going to tell you that you had spelt "Oesophagus" incorrectly, but wanting to make sure I googled it - and found that Americans spell it differently - who knew? *Wink*
Rated: E | (3.5)

You have entered
The Holiday Contest - CLOSED FOR REFURB  (ASR)
Holiday themed contest - submit your poems and short stories to win!! :)
#1922341 by Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞

For the Month of June/July 2013

With your poem/short story "What Easter means to me"

What I liked about your entry was....

Your imagery - I think you have some lovely ideas and I can just envisage the tasty treats! - Chocolate Bunnies, Jellybeans, Easter eggs - yum yum *Smile*. I also like the fact you have compared the commercial idea of "easter" with the religious concept of the festival.

What I was not so keen on was...

I found the punctuation in your poem to be patchy and it seemed to run on in to one great monologue! I appreciate it is freeform, which works well and which I am a fan of - but as you have started your lines with a mixture of caps and small letters, it could probably warrant a few full stops and commas too *Smile*

How well your entry fit the prompt of the contest "HOLIDAYS"

Your poem is about Easter - and the meaning of it. Whilst "Easter" is a holiday time, I did not feel that I got a real sense of holidays in your poem.

In conclusion

This was an interesting poem to read - and I feel that you make a good point about the meaning of Easter, however I think it could do with a lil' TLC in punctuation. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)

You have entered
The Holiday Contest - CLOSED FOR REFURB  (ASR)
Holiday themed contest - submit your poems and short stories to win!! :)
#1922341 by Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞

For the Month of June/July

With your poem: "A Spectacular Display"

What I liked about your entry was....

Primarily the vivid imagery - I loved the way you described the fireworks at this celebration, I could picture them bursting in their colours above the watching crowds. I also really admire your poetic writing style which flows well and looks and sounds polished and professional. Finally I also like the idea - the way the storm begins amidst the fireworks and the two are compared. Whether this was based on a real experienced or imagined, it makes for a great theme. *Smile*.

What I was not so keen on was...

Actually there was nothing I really "disliked" about your poem - but I was a little confused as to why these festival revellers were "joining in prayer" - I can only presume this is based on some kind of religious festival? I googled "Spasharama" but it did not seem to bring anything relevant up.

How well your entry fit the prompt of the contest "HOLIDAYS"

Dave, I love this poem and think it is incredibly well written - and for this I am awarding it a five star rating. Unfortunately, whilst it is about a celebration of some kind, I do not get the feeling that this poem is about a holiday in itself.

In conclusion

Great poem, great writing style and great imagery - I enjoyed reading this 1, 2 and 3 times through *Smile*. Not quite a "Holiday" poem but I am glad I got to read this *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Brilliant - what a lovely, thoughtful and encouraging idea - I am very proud to be on the list! *Smile*
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hey Lilly - I liked the theme of your word search here - the different fruits sound delicious and refreshing just reading the words! I was not even sure what a couple of them were to be honest - like a Cabasa or a Bosc Pear - and I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about my fruit and veg!

This was a bit of fun and I thought you had a good balance between not being too easy and boring but not being too difficult either.

However I thought the blue blocks covering the found words was a bit confusing once you had found a few as they all blended in to one blue block! It would probably be better to ring the words or use different colours to highlight them, but perhaps this is the only option possible when creating one, as I have never made one myself, in which case I suppose it is more an issue for the techie people on WDC!

Also I think it would be better to have the words on the side of the grid rather than underneath as it can be a little annoying scrolling up and down to see them!

Sorry don't mean to sound too critical, I think it is a fun idea but found it a bit difficult to complete from a technical point of view. *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Evadeva

I saw your link to this in "Invalid Item. An interesting question and one which I have wondered about on writing.com. I am surprised to learn that the most popular answer currently is "If meat wasn't so tasty I would convert!" What a bizzare notion! A) That it is tasty - it certainly doesn't look it and B) That this would be someone's sole reason for not being a vegetarian. Of course, it everyone is entitled to their own opinion - this just seems a little odd to me, I can understand more the people who are just straight up and say they will never be converted!

I appear to be the only one so far raised as a vegetarian. This does not surprise me. It is unusual in the UK, and especially outside "Alternative" circles. I am forever different, because of the lifestyle I have grown up with and the lifestyle I choose *Wink*

You have quite a good selection of answers on your poll - although one I think you may have missed out is "I used to be a vegetarian, but I am not any longer." I seem to meet more people who used to be veggie than actually are!

Also, I have two questions for you

1) What is a Turducken?
2) What is the reason you became a vegetarian?

Rated: E | (4.0)
Lovely poem - very heart-warming and made me smile at the end *Smile*. I like your use of emoticons, especially in your title. I found the poem pleasing to read and well laid out - my only slight negative is the repetition of the "light" emoticon in the second to last stanza.

Good luck in the contest! *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Maryann

Header for The Gift Shop This review is part of the gift basket that Elle - on hiatus bought for you at "Invalid Item as part of your "Invalid Item package

So, as I love holidays - I love reading and hearing about other people's! Having viewed your pics from the holiday I have re-visited to view the article. I felt it read very much like an article in a travel magazine - pointing out the good and bad points, what is cheap and what is expensive and so on. It felt like a very realistic, rather than a romantic account.

The article covers so many different sights without spending too long "rambling" about any one of them and I think that the pictures really add to the text and to the enjoyment of reading it for the reader!

I especially liked the part about the flying foxes hanging in the trees, the talking cockatoo's and the chocolate café. Although the bit about walking on the beach in the rain made my shudder! (I HATE rain! Glad it didn't spoil your holiday *Smile*)

A 19 hour flight sounds aweful - although I love holidays, I am not a major fan of flying - and it is probably for that reason that I don't have a major desire to visit Australia - your article certainly makes it sound appealing however!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello Caboose

Header for The Gift Shop This review was bought for you at "Invalid Item by LostGhost: Seeking & Learning as part of your special gift from "Words with Wings.

I found this an interesting piece to read. When I looked at your portfolio the title instantly grabbed me as I am indeed a Northerner living in the South.....however that would be in England and not America! I found it interesting that someone in America has these similar North/South divide issues as I would have thought that in such a huge country, it would matter less.

Now of course because I am not American a lot of the meanings are slightly lost on me (do people in the Northern states drink pop instead of tea or beer?? Here everyone drinks all three, everywhere! But maybe you have just added this for the rhyme?!)

What I do like about the poem is your satirical, brash tone - it is quite original and makes it fun to read.

However, I would lay the poem out in more of a poetic format as at first glance it looks like flash fiction - which I thought it was until I realised it rhymed! Of course this is just my opinion as you may have completely intended on this format. *Smile*

A refreshing piece - if slightly confusing in places....
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dottie

Header for The Gift Shop This review was bought for you at "Invalid Item by Maryann with the message 'Thinking of you, Aunt Dottie!'

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your account of your cruise holiday *Smile* I am a massive sun holiday fan - although I have never been on a cruise yet - your story certainly made me want to if I didn't want to already!

What I love about your piece is the great description - I can really picture everything you describe and you exhibit a writing style here which is pleasing to read - I can see this kind of article being in a travel magazine. I laughed at the description of the business men in Bermuda in their shorts and I was wowed by the pink sanded horseshoe beach - my only complaint was that it could have been longer! *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Maryann - I'm actually in your port hunting for treasure for "Invalid Item! But I saw these and had to leave a comment because they are such lovely pics! Did you take them all? I love the ones of the cablecar, emu, koala and Sydney Opera House - fantastic collection*Smile*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sum1

Your poem is very clever - when I read the subject for the contest I thought "How on earth would you do that?!" but you have done so very effectively and your poem is quite inspiring! The thing which gets me about your poem, is that even though you use the emoticons which I would have imagined would make a poem seem flippant or funny, you have still managed to write what I feel is a meaningful (if a little sentimental!*Blush* ) love poem!

My favourite use of an emoticon is

"I’m *Hook* ed on a feeling, one I can’t dismiss." *Smile*

The only one I'm not sure about is the playing of a piano, as I'm not quite convinced of the random piano being found on the desert island under the sun where there are no telephones *Wink* but nevertheless I see how it fits in with the rhyming scheme.

Good luck in the contest! I'll have to see if I can come up with something!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Prosperous Snow.

I am reviewing this poem for the "I Write" contest.

First of all I think that you have done a great job of turning the prompt words in to a poem as there are quite a few to contend with and also, to come up with something so imaginative.

I really like the title of your poem which could relate to many things that perhaps we cannot see with the naked eye - such as a feeling or emotion, or something/somebody who is far away. The title sounds quite ethereal and a little bit haunting. I think it works well as a title for the poem and would draw a reader in to viewing it, as it is also quite a curious title.

I note that you have chosen to start each verse with the same line "You have sailed past the point of no return" - I think this repetition works well in the poem as it seems to hammer home the emotion felt by the writer at the loss of this person, as though the feeling of loss is going around and around in their head. "Past the point of no return" is such a final place. I think it is a good image to relate with death or loss. It also reminds me of a song from Phantom of the Opera - I don't know if you are familiar with it!?

My favourite line is

"You have sailed past the point of no return,
I have placed the mask of your body in the grave,"

As I like the idea of the body being a "mask" (for the soul perhaps, for the inner person?). This is a clever metaphor.

An interesting and emotional read with good imagary.

Good luck in the contest!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Frustration  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Annie - so as you reviewed something of mine, I decided to check out your port *Smile*

I like this poem "Frustration" - It is a pity that the first line in indented to the right of the screen - I am guessing that something went slightly awray when you were copying this from "word" and it just needs a little shuffle *Smile* Actually I didn't realise at first that the line was there and so way a little confused at the start of the poem - but with the first line in place it makes more sense.

What I like about the poem is that it is amusing - an aMUSE -ing take on one's lack of a MUSE (!) hee hee. It is also something which I think practically every writer on the planet must be able to identify with - the writers block, the desire or even need to write but the lack of inspiration! Sometimes I find myself looking around the room for inspiration to write something for a prompt in a contest..and this is what your poem reminded me of.

In general I think that the poem flows well - the only line I am not so keen on is:

"Or maybe the new wife
With her shiny new ring"

I am not too sure why - maybe leaving out the word "new" would make it flow better as you read it - only a small matter of opinion though, I still like the poem *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
So funny - I love it *Smile* I use shampoo for dry and damaged hair, I wonder what that will do to my body lol!
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