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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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October 24, 2024 at 3:46pm
October 24, 2024 at 3:46pm
Sorry not a thrill seeker. I would not go over Niagra falls in a barrel. I once read a book about each person that had attempted the feat. Most died. Plus, the barrels broke up often before they even hit the bottom.

"An estimated 5000 corpses of people have been found at the bottom of the falls. It is estimated that 40 people a year go over the falls." Going over the falls in a barrel is no proof you will survive. Even the barrel may not survive. And the condition of your body is also something to think about.

Have you ever seen the falls? Have you heard the roar of the water. Think science. What force is all that water pressing at the bottom as it falls. Nope not me. *Lightning2*

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Just the facts. From Apondia

October 21, 2024 at 3:59pm
October 21, 2024 at 3:59pm

Prompt: Contacting the Dead
How would you like if we lived in a world where contacting the dead were as easy as making a phone call? Who would you contact: family, friends, or any famous persons from the past?

I would call my deceased husband and my mother. Maybe my Uncle Earl. My mother and my husband did not get a chance to talk to me before they left. My Uncle Earl gave me some information before he left and now, I could thank him for the heads up. I guess I ought to call my paternal Grandmother too. She also gave me information that helped me grow.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! I'm apondia. Bye for now.
October 21, 2024 at 3:39pm
October 21, 2024 at 3:39pm
I just finished reading "Killers of the Flower Moon" it is an amazing story. In a review I would have to rate it a 10. Even as a nonfiction story it is a book the reader does not want to put down. Opens up the story of how the American Indian Tribes have always been treated in a land they once owned. Is also a good look at how the FBI was formed to fight injustice in the USA. Hope it wins..

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! I'm Apondia. Bye
October 16, 2024 at 4:29pm
October 16, 2024 at 4:29pm
Write a story or poem about Halloween and a full moon.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi! I'll take a stab at illuminating the moon with a short description of possible events.

Full moon, super moon, and Hunters moon are all descriptions of the events the moon will herald on Thursday October 17, early morning. The moon's orbit is oval shaped. The orbit is constantly changing during monthly circling around the earth.

Now and for the next couple days it will be shifting closest to the earth for this year. Once named a Hunter's moon because the sunset and moon rise are now closer together. This causes more light for visibility at dusk, which would benefit hunters who have not yet returned from the hunt.

This year's super moon is super because it appears so large at this particular time and will showcase a special event. It will combine with possible sighting of comet Tsuchinshan-atlas. If the sky is clear the comet can be sighted with binoculars. The comet is going to make a close pass to the earth on Saturday the 19th of October. It is attracted to the sun. As it moves toward the sun it heats up causing a long tail to stretch out behind it.

The moons titles also were given because of harvest and autumn events in the natural world around us.

It is interesting to me that quite often special events like this are impossible to view because this time of year our skies can be covered with heavy clouds in the evening.

If you have clear skies and like special natural sights this is one to enjoy.
October 9, 2024 at 2:06pm
October 9, 2024 at 2:06pm
Prompt for Blog City from 10/9/2024 about something strange?

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! HI!

Actually, I played with a flock of crows this week. I was out walking one of the dogs. We stopped by a rock pile that has a grove of trees growing out of it. A very large all black bird suddenly flew from the high part of a tree. It swooped low over the ground where we were standing. It was very large too big to be a crow. Being startled so suddenly caused me to look up into the Poplar trees.

A bald-headed vulture was sitting in a tree with its' great wings spread staring at us. Usually, we see them circling over a field or riding wind currents up high in the blue sky. This one was as close as I've ever seen one. It sat very still and stared at us. So, I took the opportunity to look it over really good. It held its' wings spread so I could see the massive white feathers that are on the underneath of its' wings. Then the very large all black bird I first saw swooped onto a different limb in the same tree. The vulture folded its' wings then and just sat there watching us.

I heard a crow in another tree caw, so I tried to imitate the sound the crow made. The sound I made must have been acceptable because it called back. Drifter sat down and just looked back and forth between me and the crow as we exchanged vocal messages. I still wonder what I said? Anyway the caws went back and forth for a couple minutes then the crow shifted his sounds to one I could not imitate and flew over into a different stand of trees where several other crows were sitting and took up the conversation with it's friends making totally different aural sounds.

Drifter and I turned toward the house. Suddenly out of the midst of the field a murder of crows flew up out of the grass and goldenrod. They had been there the whole time. I'm sure there were 7 or 8 in the group. They flew up into the sky over us. They circled over our heads and called to one another while we stood and watched them. This lasted for several minutes then they left. The whole time This went on the vulture just sat in the tree and watched. Also, the large black bird sat and watched.

My guess is the black bird was a black vulture which I've never seen around here before. Maybe traveling with the bald-headed vulture. Later in the day I looked out the kitchen window and the vultures were still there. Birds are my friends. Maybe they were warning me of danger.

When Keith came home, he walked over into the field near the grove of poplar trees. He told me there is a deer carcass in the field. He could not find what killed the deer, because it was picked clean to the bones.

We often have a lot of crows around because I feed pellets to my parrots, and they waste some by throwing pellets to the bottom of the cage. I throw the waste over under the outside bird feeders. The crows really like the pellets. They stop every day and poke around the bottom of the feeders to find the pellets.

Not normal to find a dead deer so close to the house though. I wonder if it was poachers because Keith said it did not have a head. Just a pile of bones.


P.S. Don't view this with a superstitious view. I took a course about bird biology from Cornell University and spent a summer with the Purple Martin Conservation Association, when they were at Edinboro, Pennsylvania, as an intern. Birds are fascinating. Some of them can see for extreme ranges and can see spectrums that people cannot see. So, spirit walkers are not a surprise to a bird.

What is normal for wildlife on the earth may be different, than what is normal for a human.




October 9, 2024 at 12:37pm
October 9, 2024 at 12:37pm
Beautiful October: What is most beautiful about October?

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi!

I think the best part at least this year is the turning of the leaves. The winter birds are gone. They usually leave in October. They left this year about mid-September. I watched for the flocking, and it started early.

The big maple by the house turned leaves the end of September. The trees in the woods are still very green except for some that border the hayfield. I think the closer the deciduous trees are to the open ground the faster they turn. We are getting some really low temperatures at night. I moved my lettuce and some flowers into the foyer yesterday. Today I was rehanging plants from the balcony inside for the winter because we are getting some frost .

Every afternoon for the last several days a wind about 7 miles per hour kicks up from the west. I'll be cleaning gutters soon. Leaves will fill them from the front yard.

It makes October interesting. The herald of winter temperatures or maybe just atmospheric changes because of the hurricanes in the southern part of the country.

Can it snow in October?

October 2, 2024 at 9:43am
October 2, 2024 at 9:43am
Prompt: Halloween treats?

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi. Spend a few minutes of total silence today. Good brain orientation.

No special treat. If I was going to indulge just for Halloween, I would probably buy one of the bags of small candy bars that are on sale in Walmart or Dollar stores. The variety pack always is a good idea. Actually, if I get anything for just me it will probably be a bag of pistachios. Have not had any for a while. Without added salt. Why do they have to salt everything? Oh yeah! Longer storage possible.
September 27, 2024 at 12:32pm
September 27, 2024 at 12:32pm
Think about an item of clothing that you loved as a child and write about it. Did you feel grown-up when you wore it? Or maybe more confident? Or Pretty?

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! HI.

A Lavendar organdy dress. My stepmother made two of them. One for my stepsister one for me. We wore them to an Easter church service. I was used to jeans around the farm. The organdy was scratchy, and I thought the dress felt too short. I don't remember ever wearing it again. I don't remember how old I was either. Maybe 8 or 10?

September 27, 2024 at 12:15pm
September 27, 2024 at 12:15pm
Use these random words: toss, exercise, stem, porter, pepper, failure, chest, greet, and default.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi!

I had to toss out my exercise class today because the porter's failure to deliver a flower stem, chest of drawers, pepper, and other items to a customer. Now the customer will default on the payment. What a way to greet the day.
September 23, 2024 at 5:21pm
September 23, 2024 at 5:21pm
For Merit Badge in BCoF 2
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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi from Apondia

Monday, Monday, A Story

Revalee tore the page off the sticky note pad with zest. She slid her finger across the sticky part two or three times to make sure it stayed stuck to the frig.

There, she thought, this week's chores are listed. I’m out of here.

She closed the door, turned the key in the lock then pocketed the key. There was a snap in her step as she walked around the house and across the lawn. It was Monday morning close enough to dawn to hear the birds calling and cooing to awaken the world for another day.

Today was her first day to try out a new daily scheduled run. Wow. The woods are cool this time of morning. As she entered the narrow path she planned to run down today. She picked up a slow jog. Glancing from side to side as she ran, she wondered at the silence of the area. No birds seemed to be calling to the ones she heard in her back yard. No animals seemed to be skittering away as she passed along the trees and bushes that lined the edges of the trail she was using.

Her plan was to run to the bench she had placed as a half mile marker last week. It was one of the things she was eager to get started, running a mile a day. A half a mile out and a half a mile back. If I could stick to the plan for one week maybe it would be worth it to move the bench to the 3/4 mark for next week.

Revalee ran and ran and ran some more. Finally, she slowed to a walk. Could I have miscalculated how far a half mile is? She leaned up against a tree and took several deep breathes..It was darker in the woods now. Looking up she could see sky beyond the tops of the trees. Deep dark clouds were gathering up there. Where there was blue sky and white fluffy cirrus clouds before now the part of the sky she could see was grey and heavy with darkening cloud cover. I’m not going to let a few dark clouds stop me. I’m going to find that bench.

She started off at a jog then picked her speed up to a faster pace. On and on she ran. She checked her watch. It had been another 10 minutes of running and jogging still no sign of the bench ahead of her. I really did not think it would take more than a half hour to run a half mile, she thought.

She checked her watch. "Sure enough, I’ve been on the trail 40 minutes, I’ll just run out another 5 minutes and see if the bench is close," she muttered.

Jogging slower now; forward down the trail she came to a curve which she continued to follow, then she came to a large clearing. "Nope, I’ve never seen this part of the trail before. I’m sure I’ve never been this far out before. Anyway, I need to get back this run is taking longer than I planned on for my first Monday of running exercise," she exclaimed.

Revalee turned around and started walking back the way she came. She continued to walk back along the trail listening to the sounds of silence in the cool green woods. Among the trees to her right she noticed a large shadow which seemed to be passing from tree to tree, traveling in the same direction she was going. Must be a deer, too big for a dog. She called out, “Well just put up with me cause I’m on my way home.”

Seeing the possible animal still moving parallel made her feel as if maybe she should pick up the pace. She started jogging faster. The object also moved out faster still staying parallel, now she was sure she was getting closer to home and then she saw it, the bench. It was right in the familiar spot where she knew it should be. She slowly walked up to the bench. Putting her hand on the back of the bench she turned and slid down into the seat. It felt good to just sit here for a minute.

Two chattering squirrels came down onto a high tree limb that was growing out over head. They sat and chattered at her in an angry way. “Don’t get so excited,” exclaimed Revalee. “I just bought the property and moved into the cottage. You are going to see a lot of me so get used to it.” At the sound of her voice the two furry red creatures scrambled down one tree, up another, then leaped to a third tree and disappeared into the woods.

Revalee stood up and jogged on down the trail. The shadow moved as if to intercept her. Standing directly in the trail ahead of her was a doe. It stood still, staring directly into Revalee's eyes. The woman stopped and starred back. “We can be friends, I guess?” At the sound of her voice the deer gracefully left the trail and melted back into the trees.

When Revalee reached the place where the trail intercepted the yard, she realized she was tired. There was a car she did not recognize sitting in her driveway. And there was a 4-wheeler sitting behind the car. A woman and a boy were sitting on her front steps. “We wondered where you were? said the woman.

Hi. I’m Muriel and this is Brett my son. We own the property down the road adjacent to yours.

I thought we should stop and say welcome since you just moved in. Also, sometimes Brett uses your trails, and we would like to know if he can continue to do so?

Without appearing to take a breathe she continued. You might have missed your bench on the way out. Brett accidentally picked it up and took it home like he thought it was lost so I made him put it back. We really are sorry and want to be friends.

Revalee replied, I need a cup of tea, do you drink tea? Come on in and we will get to know each other. I was wondering who lived in that house down the road. You too Brett, you don’t have to drink tea. I have some snacks around. As she talked, she was opening the door the three of them entered the house.

The End

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