Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annamc.poet
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I updated my story entitled, "Nodding Affirmations"
 Nodding Affirmations  (E)
A different take on things.
#2204061 by Anna Marie Carlson
. I worked hard to get this right. I invite you to read this when you have the time. I hope you can see an improvement. I changed the title from "Noddable Affirmations" to Nodding Affirmations.
I updated my story "Topping Your Attitude"
 Topping Your Attitude  (E)
Just thought of this title whenever negativity strikes.
#2203206 by Anna Marie Carlson
. I am more excited about my story after I read it over again and improved it.
I updated my story "Lyrical Binding Verses"
 Lyrical Binding Verses  (E)
I happened to be thinking about songs, lyrics, and verses and thought of this concept..
#2202867 by Anna Marie Carlson
. Out of 100, 32 are completed. I am getting there. The poems, stories, etc., I wrote need to be reviewed. It's nice to review them and make corrections where I need to. I am happy to do it. The goal is to achieve a Premium membership when my current one expires. I believe that a Premium Membership will give me more choices for the book to be done. When I apply myself, it can be done. I am making progress so far. I currently have 335,501 Gift Points toward that goal. My membership expires in November. Wish me well. When I get closer to my goal, I may need to ask for your help.
I have updated my story "The Restless Wind"
 The Restless Wind  (E)
I was thinking about the wind and this is what I came up with.
#2202863 by Anna Marie Carlson
. If you have time, give it a read. It should be an improvement to the previous version.
I updated "Waddles in the Barnyard"
 Waddles in the Barnyard  (E)
I was thinking of animals at the farm when this title came to me.
#2202198 by Anna Marie Carlson
. I made adjustments to my poem. You may find some cuteness in it. If you have the time, give it a read.
I have updated "Channels of Time"
 Channels of Time  (E)
Another bright idea for writing.
#2201693 by Anna Marie Carlson
. This will bring you through different stages in time. One stage in time takes you back to the biblical days when Noah built the ark. Because of its safety features, it was a way of protecting you from harm's way. Another stage took you to a place where you thought you could get away with something but didn't. Channels of time created pictures of images to help heal the soul.
I updated "A Nice Fit for the Kit"
 A Nice Fit for the Kit  (E)
I thought of nice things that would be fit for the kit. This came to me out of the blue.
#2200755 by Anna Marie Carlson
. It is worth your while to read. Notice the pattern. It's in the shape of an owl.
I am feeling bummed today. Two people told me I was dumb on Facebook. One put an angry face down for me. I am a bit exhausted. I think some rest is in store for me.
I remember how toxic facebook became during election time. Folks became angrier in general. I have to remember that here as well (as I can be highly opinionated) and not take too much personally.
Sorry you're bummed. It's too easy to make negative remarks when not personally interacting with someone. Otherwise intelligent people can make some really dumb remarks, even non-sequiturs, on Facebook. Take the high road and don't answer them.
I updated "Can't Stop the Feeling"
 Can't Stop the Feeling   (E)
48 Hr. Challenge Media Prompt
#2199934 by Anna Marie Carlson
by Justin Timberlake.
So, is the feeling Justin Timberlake can't stop that of being old and out of it after that Gen Z cop didn't recognise him?
"Times of Uncertainty"
 Times of Uncertainty  (E)
During stressful times, be sure to hang in there.
#2199217 by Anna Marie Carlson
, has been updated. This should be an improvement from the original version.
I have updated 'Waves of Friendship"
 Waves of Friendship  (E)
I was on a friendship mood when I wrote this.
#2198362 by Anna Marie Carlson
I have updated "Identity Connections"
 Identity Connections  (E)
This title is based on an actual friendship that is awesome!
#2198297 by Anna Marie Carlson
I updated "Run Boy Run" - 48 Hour Challenge
 Run Boy Run - 48 Hour Challenge   (E)
I was inspired to write something from this music video.
#2197720 by Anna Marie Carlson
I updated my poem "The Nerve of the Curve"
 The Nerve of the Curve  (E)
This title came to me when I was thinking about curves and tires.
#2197649 by Anna Marie Carlson
"Backward Dizzy Dallying"
 Backward Dizzy Dallying  (E)
This was a humorous title that I came up with and just started writing.
#2197247 by Anna Marie Carlson
has been updated.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annamc.poet