Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mousethyme
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Still plenty of tickets available!!!!

Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!
#2304984 by Mousethyme

I've added a new entry to my book, "View from the Mousehole:

         "Writing Bibliography

A list of the books on writing I currently own.
Okay peeps, I got a question for you:

What's your favorite book on writing?

Mine is "Spider Spin me a Web: Lawrence Block on Writing Fiction"

s - I was going to put in a stipulation that you couldn't say that one because I know it is highly popular. Anything else in your library you want to share? if not, it's ok....
Mousethyme - It is literally the only one I have found that has really helped. How Not To Write A Novel by Howard Mittelmark & Sandra Newman was great when I started to take my writing seriously, but I only needed it the once. King I need too often.
The trifecta of 'On Writing' by Stephen King, 'Zen in the Art of Writing' by Ray Bradbury and 'Story' by Robert McKee.
My Raffle has opened again!!!

Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!
#2304984 by Mousethyme

Come on in and join the fun!!!!
Closes at midnight today

Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!
#2304984 by Mousethyme
I've added a new entry to my book,
Birchwood Manor  (GC)
.....five people are offered ,000 each to spend 4 days at a haunted manor
#2305530 by Mousethyme
         "Beginning 6/28/24
I could really use some honest opinions.... This story is getting more and more complicated (characters keep playing what if) and I'm thinking of scrapping it so I can work on older stories that have more written.
Got two ideas for you. First, the Scooby Doo gang is also 5 people (okay, 4 people and a dog) and they are always going into haunted places and splitting up into two groups. Each group finds clews while escaping ghosts, then they all come together at the end to put the clues together. You could also easily use other aspects from the show (not saying change your characters and their secrets cause they are well done). Second I once watched a MacGuyver where he was trapped in a safe house because the bad guy set deadly traps at all the exits and he was hunted in the house by a companion that was working for the bad guy. So have mob traps around the mansion and make one of the 5 people a spy/killer working for the mob.
Tickets still on sale. Only 23 bought so far....

Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!
#2304984 by Mousethyme

Open until June 30th!!!
Anyone else dealing with a heat advisory? We're going to be close to 100 degrees all week here in Middle east Michigan.....
The northern part of my state is. But down here close to The Bay and The Shore it's a more tolerable 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
What's the opposite? Coldest string of days in around 40 years here, with way too little rain. It even got below 0 a couple of mornings!

(a, in Australia, b, in Celsius)
Near 40 by morning but close to 90 by the weekend. Thailand was 108 in April.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!

Please come and support us if you can
  •   1 comment
Yup! Done!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
KrisTee  (13+)
The main character of my sci-fi/fantasy novel Nezoom

changed the image
Love the new look! *Heart*
Need to make a quick note to let you know what has been going on.

The last week of April I put myself in the hospital for my own safety. when I got out they had me on all the wrong medications and I was in worse shape than when I had gone in.

Needless ti say it has been three weeks and I am just now barely on my feet.

Hopefully I will be catching up with you all soon/
  •   1 comment
That's super scary. I'm glad you survived. I hope things will get better for you.
Must explain my absence... IF you read my blog a couple of weeks ago you would see that I have been having a hard time.....I ended up checking myself into the hospital....... please save any comments for the blog entry I will make tomorrow..... love to all who will make comments anyhow.

Ticket Sales Are Now OPEN.......

Mouse Colony 50/30/20 Raffle  (13+)
open July 10th through July 31st!!!!!
#2304984 by Mousethyme

Please Stop in and See Us!!!!!!
Are you an author if you haven't been published anywhere except Writing.Com?
What if you won a Quill?

Lena's Violin  (13+)
A girl learns how everything can change at band camp. 2023 Quill Winner Genre:music
#2277261 by Mousethyme

2023 Quill Winner

Yeah, uh-huh, I did it, yes me......
*Clap* Congratulations! *Clap*
Regardless of your status as in print or not, never second guess your talent! *Smile* And this community award should strengthen that resolve. Well-deserved! Every story we craft gets us one step closer to the Red Queen—a.k.a. the title of published author where we can bleed our hearts all over the page in inky words.

Congratulations! *Crown* *Heart*
Jeremy - I am and always will be A WRITER. The part I can't swallow yet is Author. I just can't consider myself one yet. I don't feel I have made that grand achievement yet.....
I have been so distracted by everything else going on in my life that I haven't done much here or for my writing at all. I bought a bunch of things and some of them weren't what I thought they were. Beware when shopping on Temu and read the descriptions carefully before purchasing.

I did get a new dresser and bookshelf however so I have been changing my room around and putting things in their new homes......

Hopefully I will get back here and back to writing soon......
  •   1 comment
Moving furnature. Sounds like a job for a nice strong derg (me) *Smile*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mousethyme