Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tblakely5
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Request for Review "The Firelight Honor" expires 7:15 pm EDT today
I hope everyone had a great 4th! I’m sorry that I haven’t been available a lot lately. I’m struggling to stay focused. Everything has been going haywire for me. My garage spring broke causing me to have to park outside until I can get it fixed. But, in the meantime my convertible top decided to play a nasty joke on me. During our heatwave the glue melted and my back window slide out causing a gigantic hole in my car. I drove around last week from my stores which are all around Arkansas. I got heat exhaustion twice because the stores were having a/c issues as well. I haven’t found a shop that can work on my car yet and I haven’t the money yet to fix the garage. There is a storm coming in Monday night and supposed to last most of the day Tuesday. I can’t afford to take off or be without my car. I do wish I could escape into WdCland for about a week. I don’t know what is going on with my Peeps here. I hope all is well with you guys. Love ya, ❤️ off to bed I have to be up early tomorrow. 💋🥰💋
  •   1 comment
Sorry you're having a rough time. I will pray for you.
I was just asked to listen to this https://youtu.be/Qop5XLgwkNc?si=5Q39lXD_2nTSneER

Given to me by a 12 year old!!!
We are being attacked from ALL sides. I’m not sure how much more I can take!
But, I know this I can’t be praying alone!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Additional note besides the prayers:
I do have an update from my doctor. My spine has a hairline fracture on one of my vertebrae and 3 bone spurs directly behind my hurt, making surgery not an option. My neck has 2 bone spurs and all 5 are causing major problems with my nervous system. Pinched nerve’s I’m in pain round the clock. Let’s speak great things over my body. I know that GOD well heal me.
I am sorry for all you are going through.*Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray*Lifting you and your family up in prayer.
It's difficult to know what to say.
Sending you good vibes!
I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through.
I'll be including you in my prayers
Cards of Love
Sent to Sheri
Sent to Marvin
Sent to Angus
Sent to Tina

HELLO to my Peeps!!!

Wanted to drop in for a quick HEY!!! Yes, I’m watching romance movies this weekend. I did start out with “The Guardian”, “The Proposal”, “The Last Holiday”, “Leap Year”, “The Family Stone”, and ending with yes, “Safe Haven.” These are my go to movies while I’m cleaning, laundry, and whatever else needs done because during the week I’m too exhausted to do anything.

I’m gearing up for another two weeks without a day off. I’m still trying to adjust to working. I’ve been sick the last two weeks. They think I might have kidney stones. I think it’s an infection. I’m also going to see a Neurologist on Wednesday. I’m suffering from some nerve issues and finally after two years I get someone to listen to me.

My question well more curiosity than anything.

Of course I have others but these are what is on my agenda for the weekend.

Love ya!!! ❤️❤️❤️
So, since Sixth Sense has been spoiled for a couple decades, Die Hard 1, and Unbreakable.
Pixar: The Incredibles, before any of those lame Avengers movies, especially after DC ‘dove head’ first in.

Don’t know enough about my movie preferences?

My idea of film noir: Hitchcock/Grant, North By Northwest
(stand ins - Dial M for Murder, Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer (I know a man…)
dialogue that could be written and reproduced by not delivered with the same panache.
Christmas: Animated films/specials of Polar Express, Grinch, Peanuts, Rudolph, Frosty (in that order)
Live action Christmas: It’s A Wonderful Life, duh
Sitcom: (if ya know me by now) Community (make the movie already).
Forbidden Planet from the 1950's
Them from the 1950's
Prince of Darkness [1980's]
The Thing [1980's version]
All the Original Star Trek and Star Wars Movies.
All Stephen King Movies.
Good to hear from you. Sorry you haven't been feeling well
I’m off today, I had a meltdown last night. Pure exhaustion got the better of me. Mentally and physically exhausted I had to take some ME time. No one around no work, graduations, games, or anything else just pure me time with Fable.
Praise the Lord for this quiet day of rest for you. Keeping you in prayer. *Pray*
Yes, doing nothing at all every now and then can be very rewarding.
Hey girl,
Happy Anniversary to you.

Thank you for the new gem and the Happy WdC Anniversary wishes
Merit Badge in Party Central 2023
[Click For More Info]

*^*Greetl*^* Hallo  [Link To User tblakely5]  *^*Greetr*^*  
*^*Flower3*^* Happy WDC Anniversary! *^*Flower5*^*  
*^*Snow4*^* Celebrate! *^*Snow2*^*   

(PS - Sorry to be a bit delayed sending this greeting! *^*Smile*^* )

Happy 17th WDC Anniversary, LegendaryMask❤️ !

Happy anniversary!
I want to shout out a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for the anniversary wishes and for the more gems that I received yesterday!
Merit Badge in Anniversary May
[Click For More Info]

Dear  [Link To User tblakely5] 

Happiest Writing.Com account anniversary from  [Link To Item #anniversary] 

Merit Badge in Wishing You Well
[Click For More Info]

Happiest WDC Anniversary wishes! Keeping you in prayer and wishing you well. *^*Heartt*^* *^*Bighug*^* *^*Tulipp*^*
Merit Badge in Beacon's Lighthouse MB
[Click For More Info]

Hey Girl! Here's an anniversary gift for you and I hope you enjoy this MB. This is my personal favorite. Happy 7th Anniversary and many more to you, my friend. Best Beacon.
Ain’t they beautiful!!!
*SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart*

  •   1 comment
Nice. I especially like the lighthouse. But both the bunny and the first one are cute.

An animated image

Happy *Balloonr**Balloonr*

WDC *Balloonr**Balloonr*

Anniversary *Balloonr**Balloonr*

*Giftr**Confettir**Confettir* I hope you have a fun weekend! *Confettir**Confettir**Giftr*
  •   1 comment
Thank you! 🎊🎂🎊
Thank you everyone for the ANNIVERSARY wishes and for these beautiful gems!
Merit Badge in Happy Anniversary
[Click For More Info]

   Happy 7th WdC Anniversary, Theresa! Warm Regards, Lilli
Merit Badge in Brilliant
[Click For More Info]

Have a Wonderful Day. Happy WDC Anniversary.
And a very big thank you to
The StoryMaster & The StoryMistress
for being here for all of us and for my anniversary gift that I got in the mail last week. I’ve been so busy with Mother’s Day cards and now Father’s Day cards. I was so tempted to quit this week! But, those bills keep coming in the mail!!! 🤦‍♀️🥴😳
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tblakely5