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Happy anniversary 🎁🎉🎁🎉🎁
happy anniversary
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

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Happy anniversary
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Is there any forums where I can have people review a manuscript that is currently a work in progress? Specifically, I'd like a forum that looks at WIP scripts that can be used in movies or comics. The feedback can help me work out the kinks, bumps and holes, as well as give me motivation to finish the manuscript.
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Here's one of my favorite reviewing forum;

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Help wanted!

I need to talk to a published writer to gain a primary source for a college Composition 1 project. The assignment requires me to select a profession and create a presentation about its writing ecology. It needs both primary and secondary sources in order to be completed. If you want to help, please email me as soon as you can.

~ Howler of the Moon
I suggest you check out "Published Books of WdC Authors Forum and see if someone there will help you out. *Smile*
I really need to get into the habit of reading often. Ever since school ended in May, I've been reading less and less. Love Comes Softly was coming along pretty good, so I need to motivate myself to read and soon.
I don't like it when I plan to write or read and then don't do it. What are your methods to get you to do such actions?
Hello, fellow writers! It has been almost a month since my last notebook feed. There were a lot of things that are happening. What has happened is that I graduated from high school. Since then I've been making visits to the college of my choice, hanging out with friends and family, and doing chores to distract myself from boredom. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of things that aren't happening. I haven't been writing, drawing, or doing anything in between what has been happening.

I am trying to find ways to write overall. My main goal is to finish my remake of Eight Crazy Nights. I am not as crazy about finishing it as I was in the past. However, I made a promise that I'll finish it first and foremost. At the same time, I've gained interest in this month's What A Character contest. I have a character that most likely fits the criteria, so I can sum up her childhood in this prompt.

Now, if I can only just sit and write them down...
Hello, fellow writers! It's been almost a half a year since I've last updated my notebook blog. Then again, so much has happened since then, too. I went through the winter and spring holidays, found new inspirations for characters and stories, etc. All the while I have published much. I didn't even made a goal for this week.

There were several occasions where I could write and no one would stop me. However, I made a decision to do other activities instead. It isn't a new fact that I've been promising to be more productive and wind up not fulfilling it.

Fortunately, I've come across a video and a website that has gotten me addicted to writing as of now.

The video is How to write descriptively by Nalo Hopkinson on TED-Ed. As the title implied, it gave me examples of writing that activate the reader's five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing). I've noticed that much of my writing tends to be rushed. As a result, not much of the story (or excerpts of it) activates these senses. I wind up getting bored by them myself. I've decided that this week I'll work on developing the habit of writing descriptively.

The website previously mentioned is called WriteThatScene.com. It provides outlines for various situations, from a birth scene to a wedding scene. For each scenario, there are several boxes that come with questions about how the scene would go. Each box tells a different way the story could go, so you don't have to fill every one. Although the types of scenes are limited now, I've noticed that they have more on the way. You could request one if you'd like.

These things have gotten me addicted to writing, which is a good thing. All I need is to focus that energy into writing an actual story. But for now, I'll use it to develop the characters I've created.

Happy writing! ~ Howler of the Moon
Hello, fellow writers! I must admit a lot has happened since the beginning of the year. The Eight Crazy Nights remake is progressing slowly. The first three nights have been planned out and the rough draft was written. I had my mother look through them, changed what she thought didn't make sense, and had her read it again. If she liked what I had, I sent it to someone I trusted to look at it more thoroughly. When I get their response, I'll reignite my interest in the story and continue working on it.

In the meantime, I am working on a new story that I came up with. It is about a doctor who loses his wife to an illness soon after the death of his wife. Now, I know that detail is a bit cliche. It was something that interested me ever since youth. This next part is interesting: After the wife's funeral, strange things start to happen in the doctor's house. Two men perform harmful actions against his son. In exchange for his safety, the doctor told them that he'll do the terrible things in their place. In reality, the men were demons out to make the doctor's life a living hell.

Right now I am working on developing the doctor's character. I am looking at various tutorials on how to flesh out a character. However, if any of you know any tutorials on this site, please tell me. I will be very grateful.

Until next time!

~ Howler of the Moon
Hello, fellow writers. I'm back to report on what has happened to me recently in terms of storytelling and reading.

To be honest, with all the distractions and events of the holiday season, I haven't done much of either activity. All I have done in writing is work on a script with my sister. It was her story to begin with, and I joined her. Of course, I gained her consent first.

One of the problems that we often run into while collaborating is that sometimes we don't agree on something. That is a normal occurrence as I've heard and read. Today we managed to avoid it by not discussing it. I often wonder how we could go back to that part we were about to argue on without causing an outburst. My sister told me that the appropriate time to talk about it would be while we're taking a walk or something. I hope she's right.

As for reading, I've been reading manga. That's right. A Japanese comic book where you have to read the panels backwards from the back cover to the front. I'm not saying that it's bad though, I quite enjoy it. It's just that sometimes I wonder if I'll actually get myself to actually read words that don't appear in word bubbles. Where I can imagine the characters' appearances without directly seeing them. Isn't that the beauty of reading novels and other written media?

Until next time, Howler of the Moon.
Hello, fellow writers! It seemed like a whole year has past since my last journal entry. School has been keeping me pretty busy as well as preparing for the holidays. Other than that, I haven't been doing much with my Eight Crazy Night's remake project. What I did manage to do is write a small section of it represented by the third night.

It was only recently that I have been on a little writing craze. That's good news to me. For those who aren't familiar with my past entries, I don't get much done during my free time. Then I wind up whining about it.

So far, I have written small character prompts. They can either based on original characters of my own creation or made by other people. For example, I dreamed of an American prophet that was influenced by Native Americans. I connected that dream with another about mummies found in a cave. The people in life were religiously persecuted. Later I saw pictures of children drawn by an artist and created angels based on them. Their names are based on words of the Cherokee words, similar to how the creators of Silent Hill named their deities.

What I hope to do this week is record everything that I've written into my computer for safe keeping. I don't want to lose these precious ideas. Hopefully this progress will evolve into continued work with the remake I previously mentioned. I could also read more, but I have to figure out when I get into the jest of it. I just hope that it works out for me.

~ Howler of the Moon.
I wish you an happy account anniversary!

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Thank you so much for thinking of me! It really touches my heart! *Bigsmile*
You're welcome dear!

Motivated_Man, an angel at your service
and also
Member of "The WDC Angel Army
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wingedwolf97