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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Activity · #2214591
A new drink.
A.Down the Rabbit Hole

3. “Drink Me” - Create a new drink – from your imagination – that should be appealing (or not) to the reader.

Drink Me

Ingredients: Any brand of cola, a tablespoon of baking powder, a Tums tablet, a cheap sparkling wine, a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe: Pour out two thirds of a tumbler of cola, add a third of wine, season with a pinch of salt and sprinkling of pepper, add two drops of Worcestershire. Have the Tums ready and throw the baking powder into the mix. Drink the concoction without delay, followed immediately by chewing the Tums tablet.

Magic property: This will give you the power to burp without ceasing for at least two hours. Indispensable for entering international burping contests in which the aim is to burp the word “antidisestablishmentarianism” as many times as you can. The Tums might help you to survive the experience.

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