Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2215383-In-Your-Dreams
Rated: E · Assignment · Fantasy · #2215383
Who's in the dream and who's dreaming?
D. Tweedledum and Tweedledee

2. "In Your Dreams" – You discover you are nothing more than a figment of another person’s dream! What is this dream about and how did you get there in the first place? (Short story <1000 words or poetry < 31 lines)

In Your Dreams

Well Yes, In My Dreams Too

Some time ago crazy dream came to me,
Dreamt I was walking in World War Three.

Bob Dylan

Some time ago crazy dream came to me,
Dreamed of an Author in Wonderland, see.
Walking around with really weird friends
In comic events with humourous ends.
Euripides the Tailor, he came along,
And a funny old troll, both wise and strong,
Alice, the star of Carroll’s famed books,
A dodo was there and Senna himself,
Amilcar the hermit, a Gecko on the shelf,
Even a mythical beast from somewhere,
But the one that made me solemnly declare,
“I know that cat and Pookie is her name!
Tuxedo her type, she’s exactly the same.”
I’d spoken aloud and the Author looked up,
Saw me, so surprised, he dropped his cup.
In a flash, he knew, to himself did not belong,
Another was guiding and singing his song.
His shock and trauma was so clear to me,
I knew I should soothe, give him reason to be.
I smiled and assured him he was himself
That nothing was changed, he still was myself,
He looked confused so I further explained
That I entered the story, had me renamed,
So I was the Writer but so was he too
Both Authors together, no need to be blue.

Line Count: 25, 27 if you count the quote.
The rhyming scheme follows Bob in that it is aabb, but the meter is entirely my own and, hence, indescribable.

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