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A wish about his sister changes Ken's life forever. |
Ken sat in his bedroom. Another Saturday night alone. There was a time that he and his sister would go out to a movie, or something. Even when she had been out with her friends, she always checked on him via texting. And then she had gone off to college. On her first summer home, he could tell she had changed. He had asked her if she wanted to watch TV or play some games, her first night back. “I’m going out with some old high school friends.”, she had said. She then walked out the front door, ignoring him. So, that Saturday found Ken walking downtown. He was just looking to kill time, basically. Nothing better to do than play video games, or watch YouTube vids. As he passed a KFC, he saw a kind of run down store. “I don’t remember seeing that, when I was down here a few days ago”, he muttered. With a shrug, he walked in. Inside, there was shelves full of what seemed like junk. He noticed an ancient paw sitting next to a beautifully carved box. ‘Note to self: Do not buy that paw’, he thought, with a mental laugh. After maneuvering around a second tall shelf, he saw a girl about his age. She was dusting off a small, square, metal cube. Seeing him, she set it down, and said, “Hello! What brings you in here?” Ken smiled. “Boredom and curiosity”, he replied. The woman, who seemed Asian, said, “Well, you have come to the right place, for sure. Lots of things, guaranteed to change your life. Like this, for instance.” Bending underneath the counter, she stood back up with an ancient oil lamp in her left hand. “Yes, I know what it looks like. But, it totally works! Just one wish, though.” To say that Ken remained skeptical would be an understatement. “So.. this will grant me a wish. How much for such a wonderful lamp?”, he said, in a heavily sarcastic tone. The woman did not seem to notice. “fifty bucks”, she smiled. ‘Good thing I worked extra hours at the grocery store’, he thought. Pulling out a fifty dollar bill, he slapped it on the counter. “Sold! You won’t have any disappointment with this purchase, sir!” With a false grin, he left the shop. Already, he was calling himself a fool. ‘Fuck! I’ll just return it. Hopefully, I can get my fifty back.” Turning around, he saw that where the store had been, was a boarded up pizza restaurant. “The fuck? Where’d it go?”, he muttered. “Hey”, he asked a passing older lady. “Where’s that antique shop? She looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “That was a pizza place for thirty years, before it closed down.” With wide eyes and shaking his head, Ken returned home. Alone in his room, he looked at the lamp. According to the fairy tales, rubbing the lamp made the genie appear. Feeling like the world’s biggest sucker, he rubbed the top of it. Thick blue smoke appeared, and Ken’s jaw hit the floor. “Oh, shit! Is it gonna start burning?” After a few more seconds, the smoke cleared, revealing a tall, broad shouldered man about six inches taller than Ken. “Thank you for freeing me from that lamp, young sir”, the genie boomed in a baritone. “As tradition dictates, you get one wish.” Ken looked confused. He answered, “I thought it was three wishes?” With a smirk, the genie replied, “A fiction from the old tales. It’s always been just one.” With a deep sigh, figuring that this was hallucination, dream, or whatever, Ken said, “I wish I was closer to my older sister.” With a clap of his hands, and an accompanying clap of thunder, he said, “Granted.” He began to look hazy, and Ken noticed that the whole room was looking the same way. Just before it all went black, he heard, “Again, thank you for freeing me.” When Ken awoke, he found himself sitting among a huge jungle. ‘Where the fuck am I?” he shouted. Trying to move through the branches around him, he soon realized that what he thought of as trees were actually enormous thongs and g strings. He was in Shanna’s underwear drawer! At about half an inch tall! “This is not what I meant!”, he gasped. A loud sound that he knew was the drawer opening, but felt like an earthquake filled his ears. Light poured in. A familiar, but now nearly deafening, voice echoed. “I BETTER GET READY FOR THE NIGHT OUT WITH THE GIRLS.” How could he hear her? Her voice should be incomprehensible to him. ‘Then again, I probably shouldn’t apply logic to a situation where I’m shrunk.’ he thought. As a city block sized hand loomed above him, he whispered “Shit.”. Seeing such a small part of Shanna fill his view made him realized two things. One: that she could certainly kill him without her ever knowing. And two, the only way to be noticed would be to grab onto the panties she chose. As his face turned bright red, He grabbed onto the nearest ‘branch’. Luck was on his side, for that was the one the huge fingers grabbed. The scent of lavender on it told him she had just finished showering. Then, a roller coaster happened. It was all Ken could do to keep his lunch down! Before he could even think, he was between two gargantuan feet. His stomach dropped out as he saw the twin mountains of his sister’s colossal ass get closer and closer. Soon, he was wedged in her giant butt crack. Thrashing about to try and free himself, he heard Shanna rumble, “DAMN, MY ASS ITCHES!” “Fuck! I’d better stop, I don’t want to be pushed in any deeper!” And so it was that everything around him shook and bounced, and Shanna finished dressing. They had been at the club for about three hours. Julia, a tall redhead, and Shanna’s best friend, said, “Girl, look! They’ve got a twerking contest! First place gets a hundred bucks!” Shanna looked at her, and scoffed. “You know I have a terminal case of flat white girl ass.” Carmen, a curvy Latina that Shanna had met on the cheer-leading squad in high school, said “Yeah, go for it! I mean, if Cameron Diaz could do it in that one Charlie’s Angels movie, so can you!” The lanky blonde looked at her. “Why don’t you go?” Both girls looked behind Carmen. Her jeans looked painted on, and whenever she bent over it looked like they were a few seconds from a containment breach. The Latina smirked. “It wouldn’t even be a contest.” With a sigh, Shanna rolled her eyes and nodded. Taking a deep breath, she got into line to sign up. She ended up being contestant number 2, which made her snicker like a 12 year old in her mind. Ken was trying his damnedest to hang onto the giant rope between two gigantic mountains, that was really just a small string in his sister’s butt crack. ‘I hope I don’t get any smaller’, he thought. Compounding his troubles, was that the club was packed. Even just the normal movement of Shanna walking around (if one could call bouncing around to the point of making him sick ‘normal’), had rivers of sweat sliding down the vast expansive wall of her lower back. A good portion of it went right into Ken’s prison, soaking him in what seemed like an ocean’s worth of salty liquid. Shanna took another deep breath to calm herself. On one hand, it was just one of those stupid contests you found in just about every bar. On the other hand, one hundred fucking dollars! She bent into a crouch, and began to shake her ass as she never had before. Ken gripped the sweaty rope for dear life, as what seemed like the end of the world occurred. Everything shook and bounced like the world’s most intense earthquake. His sister didn’t have much of an ass (not that he looked at it on purpose). At his size, however, the clapping of her titanic cheeks not only smashed him, but the actual sound was deafening. Suddenly, there was a sound as if the very fabric of reality was being torn apart, and Ken could see a little better. It took him a second to realize that Shanna had split her jeans open! Shanna’s face turned beet red as the back of her jeans tore open with a giant SHHRRRIPP! Mortified, she ran to the bathroom to inspect the damage. Once inside a stall, she unbuckled her belt, and pulled her jeans down. “That’s what I get for thinking my clothing sizes haven’t changed.” She sighed. Ken’s world became bright light. As he hung onto the rope of her g string, he sped downward at a frightening pace. Soon, her heard the now familiar bellow of Shanna’s voice. “THAT’S WHAT I GET FOR THINKING MY CLOTHING SIZES HAVEN’T CHANGED.” A thunderous sound, like several explosions echoed, and another giantess entered. “HEY GIRL.”, the new giant rumbled. “IT’S A GOOD THING I HAD A SPARE PAIR.” Shanna glared at Carmen. “And it wouldn’t have happened in the first place, if you hadn’t have challenged me to do that fucking stupid contest!” “Hey, babe. I really am sorry. Tell you what, I’m buying your drinks for the rest of the night, okay?” “Hell yeah, you are.” Carmen handed Shanna the jeans, and left the bathroom. Ken held onto dear life, as the jeans were removed from his sister’s enormous feet. Picking up the jeans to stuff them into the plastic bag Carmen had left, she saw something very tiny. She blinked, thinking it was just her eyes playing a trick on her. Then, she realized it was a bug. “Eww, gross! That’s what was itching!” She reached in to crush it. Ken gaped in awe, as Shanna’s huge visage filled his entire vision. In one second, it was just her blue eye looming above him. “EWW, GROSS! THAT’S WHAT WAS ITCHING!”, she roared. As skyscraper sized fingers moved to smash the life out if him, he waved his arms and screamed, “Shanna! Noooo! Nooo!” as loud as he could. The blonde looked confusedly at the tiny bug. It wasn’t moving around randomly, like you’d think it would, trying to get free. It seemed like it was trying get her attention. She removed her panties from the jeans, and tossed the jeans to the ground. ‘This is totally gross’, she though, as she drew her underwear closer to her face. Ken continued to wave and shout, as Shanna’s immense eye drew closer. It was just the pupil that filled his sky, now. A gasp that seemed big enough to suck up all of the oxygen in the world echoed. “K..Ken?”. Shanna said. With the string of her g string almost to her eye, she could make out that that incredibly tiny bug was her younger brother! “What…? What happened? Why are you so tiny? You… you were in my ass!” At this distance, the tiny man was surprised that his ear drums didn’t rupture from Shanna’s voice. Her god like voice thundered. “K..KEN? WHAT..? WHAT HAPPENED? WHY ARE YOU SO TINY? YOU…. YOU WERE IN MY ASS!” He continued to wave with one arm, pointing at his ear with the other. It took a second, but, the blonde figured out what her puny brother was trying to tell her. “I’m not putting you in my ear until you’re clean. Don’t want to get an ear infection.” She walked over to the sink, and turned it onto the smallest trickle she could. She didn’t want a torrent of water to wash him down the drain, after all. Shanna set him down, next to the cold water handle, and pumped the smallest amount she could onto her finger. Even that was too much, so she split it in half. “I’M NOT PUTTING YOU INTO MY EAR UNTIL YOU’RE CLEAN. DON’T WANT TO GET AN EAR INFECTION.” He gripped onto the flat surface of her palm, as she walked over to the sink. As she set him down, he looked up, to see a sink knob that seemed nor like a movie prop. The booming roar of a waterfall echoed at his sister exercised what was to him, unimaginable power, by turning the sink on. A liquid squishing noise, and then Ken found a gigantic finger rubbing the hand soap over his body as gently as she could. After his body was coated with the pink hand soap, she gripped him in her left hand’s fingers. Hopefully not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to keep him from going down the drain. A minute later, she pulled him out from under the water, and tore off a few paper towels from the roll that sat on the sink. After the pink slime covered all of him, none of it getting in his mouth thankfully, Shanna picked him up between her fingers. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but not painful. Next thing he knew, he was under a waterfall. “Glub! “Glub!”, he gasped. The water seemed freezing but, it was better than being scalded to death. After what seemed like an eternity, he was moved out from under the deluge, and onto several white paper towels. Shanna gently, yet thoroughly, dried her tiny brother off. Ensuring that he was completely dry, she moved him up to her left ear. It was really hard to hold her head still, as she felt the itch that was Ken crawling through her ear canal. Ken stared at the cavern of Shanna’s ear. With a breath, he climbed off of her finger, and into the canal. Thankfully, Shanna was very fastidious about personal grooming, so there was barely any earwax. Finally he got to her ear drum, and said in a normal voice, “Can you hear me?” The blonde heard a very tiny squeak that sounded like “can you hear me?” “Yes”, she whispered, knowing that any loud noise could hurt or even damage Ken, so close to her throat. “But, could you speak a little louder?” He both felt and heard a loud voice shouting “Yes! But, could you speak a little louder?!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, “Okay! I’m yelling at loud as I can! It all started with a genie, who granted me one wish!” His voice was now closer to normal conversation level, if still a bit quiet. “What? A genie?” She was about to call that impossible, but her tiny brother was speaking to her from inside her ear. So a genie didn’t seem that crazy.: Okay, so then, what? You decided to be micro-perv and get jammed in my ass?” “No!”, he yelled. “I..I’ve noticed that we’ve grown apart, since you started college. I thought that you didn’t have time for me. So I said to the genie, this is a direct quote, ‘“I wish I was closer to my older sister.’. “I know, now it seems obvious what would happen. Hindsight being 2020.” Shanna held back her laughter, and said, ‘Yeah, those things never work out. Any movie, or book about genies or magic would tell you that. So, how do we get you back to normal?” Ken sighed. “I don’t know. Just as I left the shop, I decided to go and get my money back. It hadn’t even been a minute, but, when I turned back, there was a boarded up pizza place where it had been.” “Yeah, that tracks. Those shops usually vanish.” She put a confident tone to her voice. “Don’t worry, Ken. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back to normal.” Ken began to get teary eyed. “You mean you’ll still help me? Even after all that happened?” He took a breath to get his emotions under control. It probably wouldn’t do any good to get tears in Shanna’s ear. “You’re my brother. No matter what, I still love you. And besides, I owe you for being such a bitch.” Raising her finger to her ear, she said, “Hop on.” He crawled back out of his sister’s ear, and grabbed onto the vast finger. Even with Shanna moving as slowly as she could, it was still a nerve wracking ride for the tiny man. Her face soon loomed in front of him. He could see tears in her eyes, which surprised him. “I know you won’t be able to respond. Well, you could but I can’t hear you. I just wanted you to know that, I’m your sister, and I will love you forever, no matter what.” She brought her small brother to her left cheek, and was astonished to find that she could feel him kiss her. Just barely, but, she could. Ken kissed the massive wall of her left cheek, and heard the loud shout that meant she was whispering, say, “I felt it!”, in an amazed tone. “Gotta put you somewhere safe.” Shanna slowly moved the finger containing her brother to her cleavage. She wasn’t huge in the boob area, so, he’d be safe without being crushed. “I’ve gotta go. The girls are probably wondering what happened. Hold on.” She began to put on the new jeans, being as careful as she could. Ken’s world rocked again, as he was smashed in between Shanna’s breasts while she put on the new jeans. Fortunately, it wasn’t as tight as her butt had been, so he was okay. After everything steadied out, he heard the boom of the bathroom door opening, followed by the louder rhythmic thunder of the club music. Time would tell if he’d get back to normal, but, at least he had his much, much bigger big sister to take care of him until then. |