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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2076320
A third blog? A good idea? A fresh start? A disaster? An omen? ...who knows anything?
I nearly gave up on blogging and WDC. Then life threw another huge curveball and I felt like giving up on everything. But I'm Scarlett...I keep trying and hoping. I know not where this will go but I take it one day at a time.

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January 7, 2019 at 2:03pm
January 7, 2019 at 2:03pm

Much as I'm relieved the hype of Humbug and the New Year are over, I have to admit to feeling rather pensive and out of sorts as the first days of the new year have unfolded. January is generally a pretty depressing month with grey skies, unpleasant weather conditions and short daylight hours. I swear this year the hours of daylight are shorter than ever and the darkness deeper than usual, or maybe it's just my frame of mind.

Yesterday was the third anniversary of my husband's passing. I try to tell myself it's just another day, there's nothing I can do to change anything apart from accept, but the mind cannot help reliving events which are still so real and raw. Today is twelve years since my son's bizarre marriage in Cambodia, but instead of celebrating an anniversary we now face an uncertain future as he strives to cope with being a single parent of three children. I never believed the marriage would have a happy ending, but the nightmare we have lived through for the past year could never have been predicted. What the future holds is an imponderable, but it's difficult to cast concerns aside or hold on to optimism.

I have seen or spoken to very few people since the year began, though I do know I am blessed with good friends and though my family is now very small I am grateful for what I do have. I hope to spend a day with my sister later this week and we are in touch on a daily basis despite the distance between our homes. My son and the grand monsters are presently in Thailand enjoying a well deserved break. They keep in touch, but without them close by it emphasises how alone I am and how sad it is that family disputes have resulted in this situation.

I try very hard to carry on and motivate myself to find a purpose. I belong to several groups in my new area, I meet up with friends old and new as much as possible and I try to go out somewhere every day. But lately I'm very aware of the fact that no matter what I do, where I go, who I am with or how much I enjoy things, there will always be something seen, heard or spoken that will stir a memory which causes a wave of emotion I cannot ignore. Whether they be bad or good memories there is never a day goes by when pain and heartache don't pay frequent visits and this is something I don't think can be altered or controlled. I guess it comes to us all as we age and have experienced trauma and loss many times. I think I've had more than my fair share in this life and I guess the fear of what will happen next lurks in the sidelines most of the time.

I guess we have to accept life is far from perfect and never will be, but a few pleasant little surprises would be very welcome. It's hard work coping alone on many levels and it doesn't get any easier as time races by. I'm not keeping a diary, but I do try and write down five positives every day and its not too difficult on the whole. Everything is comparative and counting blessings an easy task, so I guess I just have to keep on doing that. But I still wish I was more concerned about the price of carrots than the meaning of life. *Laugh*

December 29, 2018 at 9:10am
December 29, 2018 at 9:10am
December 22nd - Visited shops for last minute purchases. Staff were busy clearing shelves of Humbug stuff ready to load them up for Boxing Day sales.

December 23rd - Most of the day spent wrapping gifts for the grand monsters, packing them in boxes and tripping over the clultter.

December 24th - Shopped for food at the supermarkets where queues of folk with obscenely loaded trolleys snaked out the doors due to the fact the shops would be closed for the next twelve hours.

December 25th - The grand monsters took all of ten minutes to rip off all the wrapping paper on their gifts then overdosed on chocolate, resulting in little appetite for the dinner it had taken me all morning to cook in son's unfamiliar kitchen. At least it involved a few drinks and *Laugh* *Laugh*

December 26th - A marathon clear up of boxes, wrapping paper, excessive packaging, pots & pans, leftovers and unidentifiable flotsam and jetsam.

December 27th - Returned home and put away all the humbug clutter with a huge sigh of relief.

December 28th - Son and the grand monsters set off to London for a flight to Thailand. I went shopping and witnessed the first display of Easter Eggs.

As long as I live I will never understand what all this hype is about and will always be glad when it's done and dusted.

Only New Year to go now. This time last year I was recovering from a lousy cold and worried about the future of my son's family. Deja Vu this year, so I make no resolutions or promises. I will just quietly hope and pray for a better time ahead with some peace and quiet included, but won't hold my breath.

Wishing you all the best for 2019 whatever your hopes and dreams.
December 17, 2018 at 1:38pm
December 17, 2018 at 1:38pm
The bug clings on so my outings have been few and far between. However, Dennis's unfortunate incident has made it necessary to visit the vets several times. I have learned no amount of explanations, apologies, treats or cajoling will convince a cat it's for his own good. The mere sight of the cat carrier now brings on Houdini type behaviour accompanied by hisses and growls.

The last visit is hopefully now over and I pray there'll be no more reasons to visit the vet or attempt to cram or fold a wriggling feline into the dreaded carrier in the near future. My son kindly offered to help out and drive me to the surgery on Saturday and after three attempts we managed to secure the patient in his carrier and zipped it up with a sigh of relief.

However, before we left the house I discovered I had mislaid my specs. I confess to being blind as a bat without my glasses or contact lens, but after a thorough search I had to admit defeat and arrive at the vets with very blurred vision. When I was called into the surgery I unzipped the case and the first thing to fall out of it were my glasses. It seems during the struggle to contain the wriggling fur ball they must have dropped off into the carrier. Fortunately the vet had his back to me at the time so avoiding an explanation as to why I would bring a pair of spectacles in a carrier to the vets.

My youngest grand monster Bobby who is now five suggested maybe Dennis wanted to borrow my glasses so he could see out of his carrier. *Laugh*

After dragging Dennis out of the carrier the vet inspected his wounds, asked a few questions then declared him fit and well before cramming him back in the carrier. I then had to remind him I'd actually come for the necessary annual vaccinations so Dennis was dragged a second time from the safety of his carrier to suffer the necessary injections. By this time he was willing to to crawl back into the carrier without assistance.

My input towards the Humbug Season is extremely low on the ground, but much as I won't be going overboard Dennis insisted on helping with a few decorations.

December 9, 2018 at 8:00am
December 9, 2018 at 8:00am
A very long and delayed journey home from Tucson was soon forgotten as I celebrated returning to my humble home in my lovely town. The things I was going to do, the plans I'd hatched and the pleasure of social occasions all beckoned appealingly...

Then...within three days I started with a lousy cold, which has developed into a really nasty bug leaving me only able to function at a very basic level. All appointments and social occasions have had to be cancelled. *Cry*

Dennis has spent a month with sitters who have cared for him well, understood his needs and given him lots of love. There have been no problems. Then...on the second evening of suffering my bug Dennis returned home barely able to walk with injuries around his eyes and obviously distressed. This meant spending the following day cramming him into his carrier to seek treatment at the vets. He thinks Dennis has been in a fight *Shock* and has contracted an infection into the bargain. He is recovering well thankfully though getting anti biotic tablets down him requires a lot of devious skills.

Without going into detail it appears my son's soon to be ex-wife (hopefully) can still create major trauma and massive problems without even being present in our lives. It seems there are no lengths she won't go to in an attempt to cause disruption and destruction. So much effort has been put into trying to be tolerant and reasonable, but it appears she cannot respond to anything amenably. I fear she'll be back in hospital and estranged from her children if she cannot alter her ways.

On the plus side I did win two writing competitions while I was away. They won't make me rich or famous, but the prizes might help towards the vet's bill and the bug medication.

And of course my favourite time of year is in full swing...*Rolleyes*
November 26, 2018 at 6:53pm
November 26, 2018 at 6:53pm

In some ways it seems a long time since we left England for our long awaited trip to Tucson. In other ways the month has flown by very swiftly and we're now packing up for the long journey home.

I've enjoyed the sunshine, seeing another part of the USA, meeting some relatives and making some new friends. The outings to places of interest have all been fabulous and I shall reminisce with my photos for a long time to come.

But i will be glad to see my family, my friends at home, my cat and my humble abode despite the winter weather and the approaching time of year I love to hate.

I'm grateful for the experiences and staying safe and well during my time away. Just a lot of travelling and a very long flight to go then no doubt after a week or so I'll be wishing I was back in Tucson. Such is life.
November 9, 2018 at 8:17pm
November 9, 2018 at 8:17pm
I was surprised and pleased to find congratulations and reviews in my mailbox today celebrating my seventeenth anniversary with WDC *Shock* I would never have believed I'd be in Tucson for that milestone and I also need to send more huge thank you's to whoever enabled me to be a member still by gifting me a membership.

I'm still enjoying the sunshine and scenery, though the mosquitos aren't so welcome. I have visited some lovely places in the area, but have got lost a few times when out walking. The vast spaces and long distances to places in America never fail to amaze me.

The upsetting news from California is heartbreaking whatever part of the world we come from. My heart goes out to all those suffering as a result. The elections I've found interesting, though I admit I don't fully understand all the details. But then I don't understand Brexit either, so I conclude I'm a bear of very little brain. I'm no big political animal. People ask us our opinions of the US president, but we think it best to keep our thoughts to ourselves. *Laugh*

Time is flying by and it seems strange to think of winter conditions and humbug hype back home. I miss some things, but definitely not those.
November 5, 2018 at 11:26am
November 5, 2018 at 11:26am
Greetings from Tucson Arizona. The weather and my accommodation are perfect.

Dennis and I both fell in love with my house/cat sitter before I left and she sends me updates regularly so I know he's fine back home. He'll probably sulk when I return as he's having a great time with her.

It was a long and tiring journey to reach here and the flight rather uncomfortable, but it was worth it. Jet lag and mosquitoes are my only complaints so far. But it's early days as yet.

I planned on doing some reading, writing, reviewing and catching up, but my friends are keeping me busy so there's not much free time as yet. One of my cousins and his wife in Utah are coming to visit later in the month. It's only an eleven hour drive he says. *Shock2*

So today it's off to town to get bus passes so we can hopefully explore further afield. Better get going. It's a long walk to the bus stop. I'm definitely doing those ten thousand steps a day at the moment, but doubt I'm losing weight as the wine here is very cheap and moreish.
October 25, 2018 at 12:41pm
October 25, 2018 at 12:41pm
I'll be knackered. *Laugh*

I've now had enough of all the planning, packing, organising, checking and sorting associated with travelling on a long trip.

I don't like wishing time away, but think I'll be pleased when it's this time next week when I'll actually be in Arizona all being well. I'll be spending the day with my house/cat sitter on Monday and travelling to London, Heathrow with my friends on Tuesday. The eleven hour flight to Phoenix on Wednesday is not something I'm looking forward to. I've never done a long haul flight before and I'll be on my own as my friends booked business class seats before I decided to join them. Hopefully it will be better than anticipated, but knowing my luck who knows?

So, I hope to be enjoying some sunshine, leisure time and seeing new places over the next month. I shall miss my son and the grand monsters, my sister, my friends, my home comforts and Dennis of course. I won't miss the antics of Halloween, the fireworks or the Humbug hype which is already dominating most shops. By the time I return I know it will be pretty manic, but I won't think about that at present. One day at a time sweet Jesus.

Thank you again to whoever gifted my membership. It really has made things easier for me and I've already started some reviewing which I haven't done in a long time. I've also revamped my intended book which now has a title and five potential chapters. I intend to write and keep up with the site while I'm away, but I also know plans frequently don't come to fruition.

No obligation to read of course.

October 15, 2018 at 12:55pm
October 15, 2018 at 12:55pm
I've not signed into WDC for a few days and to be honest have been feeling rather low and anxious lately as well as bogged down with things to do.

Two days of constant rain haven't helped, reminding me of last year's long, wet winter.

My sister visited for three days, but since she left I have not seen or spoken to anyone, reminding me painfully of all those I have lost.

I still have concerns and doubts over my upcoming trip to Arizona in a couple of weeks time.

Son's wife has been released from hospital and I'm concerned as to what the future holds on that front.


Today I signed into WDC and checked my mail. Some VERY kind and thoughtful member has gifted me a Premium membership. It's an anonymous gift with a very witty note attached and it literally brought tears to my eyes. Whoever it is I cannot thank you enough. The kindness of members of this site has often overwhelmed me and in this case has not only saved my departure from the site, but reassured me there is always hope, friendship and worthy reasons to have faith in the future.

HUGE thanks anonymous gifter. I shall ensure I use my membership well and it will inspire me to continue with my book which I hope to submit to a publisher in the near future.

Pass the tissues please. What a wonderful surprise on a gloomy, wet day.

October 1, 2018 at 1:13pm
October 1, 2018 at 1:13pm

Another long gap between entries and another hectic month gone in a flash.

When I booked my flight and accommodation in Tucson, October seemed such a long time away and now here it is and I have lists of my lists as regards things that need doing. We've had family birthdays all this last weekend and I have child minding duties this week which will limit my time to tick off many of those things. But ho hum, I guess it will be achieved in time and what isn't will have to wait. As long as I have my travel documents, passport and manage to throw a few things in a case then I'll hopefully survive.

The biggest concern has been about Dennis the cat. Initially I thought I'd have to book a Cattery and he'd have to survive, but after seeing how limited the areas are and how much the cost is, I wasn't happy. It's taken a lot of research and enquiries, but I've now secured a house/cat sitter from a trusted website. I had to pay to join it, but it will cost a lot less than a Cattery as the sitters do it for free. (it also cost a lot less for a year than WDC) The lady I have chosen sounds absolutely lovely and I'm hoping to meet her before I go away. I'm sure Dennis will settle with her and be much happier in his own environment free to come and go as he pleases, though I know he'll show no appreciation as usual. But I will appreciate a dedicated cat lover who will also be able to close curtains, put out bins, collect mail, keep my home ticking over and keep in touch as well as caring for my cat.

So, the countdown begins. On the day my WDC membership ends (also the anniversary of my Dad's passing *Cry* and Halloween) I should be boarding a plane for my first ever long haul flight. Now, what have I done with my lists?

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