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October 15, 2020 at 6:28am
October 15, 2020 at 6:28am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Created by the talented A. E. Willcox at Flights of Fantasy Image ShoppeImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image Prompt: "The prompt for Thursday, October 15, 2020

We will continue with the next verse in Proverbs chapter 1, Avoid Bad Company.

Proverbs 1:11

If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:

What does this mean to you?

Lazy Writer
Trying to turn "Lazy" into "Busy"!"

Today's prompt is a warning not to go out looking for trouble because we will find it. The enemy Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour," I Peter 5:8. If we go looking for trouble, he'll provide plenty of mischiefs to get into. We are to love others and treat them as we would want them to treat us. Not many of us want to be used, robbed, and hurt. If we don't want it then don't do it to others.

For my blog

I was traveling the galaxy with Buck Rogers and found this planet:

 The Way I See It  (E)
We rely on our sight more than any other sense...and yet, it is the easiest one to fool
#2234919 by Dr Gonzo

How do you see earth?

I see Earth as a doomed planet. It won't happen in my lifetime, but eventually, machines will take over. I have expected that for a long time. When artificial intelligence figures out that we are obsolete we're done.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Listen to the song or read the lyrics and discuss what you think the meaning of the song is.


I think we've all had moments like Collins is talking about. They are those moments when you just know something is about to happen. The air around you is just thick with power and you know deep in your heart that something is about to give way and the next shoe is dropping. I think that's what Phil is talking about.

Blog City image small "Prompt: Would you rather write poems, short stories or news items?"

I have written all the above so I have no preference. If I want readers though I would suggest writing the news. I wrote for a blog once called Logospost International. It was an online Christian news source that basically wrote nothing but the facts. We did not add "expert opinions" to it so we were unable to keep the advertisers we needed and had to close. At one point my readership approached 20 Million people. I enjoyed it immensely.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors
October 14, 2020 at 7:23am
October 14, 2020 at 7:23am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Created by the talented A. E. Willcox at Flights of Fantasy Image ShoppeImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image In about 3 weeks the citizens of the USA face what could well be the most important election in history. Both sides say that the other side is the epitome of evil. This brings me to ask: Do you believe man is inherently evil? Why or why not?

I believe the man was created to be perfect but due to the fall, we are now inherently self-centered. Imagine a person whose eyes are backward in their heads. They can see themselves perfectly fine but they can't see anybody else. Their entire focus is on themselves. This is basically what sin has done to us. We're walking around with our eyes backward. We focus primarily on ourselves just as Satan focuses primarily on himself. My short answer is yes. Mankind is inherently evil but has the capacity for altruism and good.

For my blog Today while cruising through the galaxy that is WDC I found a spooky star. It was Roari ∞

The planet was
To My Muse  (E)
Venting the frustration of writer's block!
#1740209 by Roari ∞

The poem was about writer's block. That begs the question: What do you do for Writer's block?

I don't get "writer's block" per se. I just get in moods where I really don't feel like being creative. I'm sure I could come up with something killer even on my most non-creative days. I usually just don't feel like bothering with it. Most of the writing I do these days is academic writing. If you really want to challenge yourself try writing in "academic voice." In academic voice you do not use the word "is" at all. You also do not use personal pronouns such as "I" or "we". You use non-inclusive language because you have to assume your reader does not share your views. You also have to use language that is "inclusive" such a chairperson" instead of "chairman" or "fire fighter" instead of "fireman". It can get pretty tricky. In fact, I spent one whole semester of graduate school learning how to write in "active, academic voice." So I do plenty of creative writing. It becomes primarily non-fiction.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Write a limerick or a short story about the word pumpkin.

(A Limerick is a rhymed humorous or nonsense poem of five lines which originated in Limerick, Ireland. The Limerick has a set rhyme scheme of : a-a-b-b-a with a syllable structure of: 9-9-6-6-9.)"

I was just saying in the entry for another forum that my creative energy is being focused on "academic writing" primarily. Now you want me to write poetry? lol

Pete was a pumpkin in my garden
His life was a very long hard n
He died on the vine
Became my vintage wine
Now he has my headache a shardin'

Blog City image small "Prompt: Write about a closed door and what's behind it."

I don't know what might be behind a closed door. What I do know is that if God closed a door for me He did so for good reasons. If He closes one door He opens another. For example, He closed the door on my life of poverty and living in a hubble when my wife passed. The old house she wanted was a shambles but I bought it for her because she wanted it. Then she died and I moved here. I have money to live on, my bills are paid, and I am getting a good education and building a ministry. God knows what He is doing.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors
October 13, 2020 at 8:11am
October 13, 2020 at 8:11am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Created by the talented A. E. Willcox at Flights of Fantasy Image ShoppeImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image What promise comes with the 5th commandment? Why is this important today?

The promise that comes with the fifth commandment is long life and prosperity. God promised the children of Israel that if they would honor their parents they would live long, happy lives in the land God was giving them. They were a culture that already revered their parents. God told them this as a way of saying that if they would listen to the advice their parents gave them and believe the stories their parents handed down they would be prosperous spiritually. The stories the parents would hand down would be stories about the many miracles God performed and about God's laws. God wanted them to know these stories and be able to recite them and believe them.

For my blog } One of the people who has been a tremendous help to the Salvation Army Huntington Corps is Hershel "Woody" Williams, a WWII Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who lives here in my town. I am sure Woody would appreciate this poem that PandaPaws Licensed VetTech wrote. I found it today while cruising through the WDC galaxy.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1984238 by Not Available.

A Salute to the Brave Men and Women who fought in WWII A Quatrain Rhyme scheme aabb

Read it and comment.

While I fancy myself a poet, I do not see myself as a person who is able to judge poetry well. I will say that as a veteran myself I appreciate this poem. It honors those who fought in World War II. There aren't many WWII veterans around anymore. I am a Cold War Veteran having served during the Carter Administration. I knew a few World War Two veterans. In fact, General Omar Bradley, the commander of the European theatre chewed me out in basic training for failing to salute him. Needless to say, I never failed to salute an officer again after that. I salute Mr. Williams every time I see him whether I am in uniform or not. He usually has his Congressional Medal of Honor around his neck and it makes him worthy of saluting.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Look around you and pick a random object. Write a short story on how that object came to be."

You're joking right. My muse done went south. I'm lucky to crank out a general discussion.

Update: It's been bugging me all day that I did not do a better job with this prompt. So I decided that muse or no muse, I am going to try to respond to it. I am sitting here looking at my flat screen television. I have no idea what twechnology goes into them but I do have an idea what kind of technology goes into a radio. You see, before I gave it up and entered the helping professions, I was a manufacturing major. One of the classes I took required me to build a radio. I built it from scratch and it worked just fine. They are actually pretty simple but still too complicated to explain here. It will have to suffice to say that it consisted of a motherboard to which I had to solder all of the components onto the motherboard. The components include capacitors, diodes, electrodes, antenna, speakers, and other components. I decided when doing it that I simply could not see myself doing that type of work the rest of my life. Instead, I went into the helping professions and am now a chaplain.

Blog City image small "Prompt: “Art completes what nature cannot bring to a finish,” says Aristotle. “The artist gives us knowledge of nature’s unrealized end.”
What do you think about this connection between art and nature?"

I think Aristotle is full of hot air. God's work is finished. Read Genesis and it will tell you so.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors
October 12, 2020 at 8:29am
October 12, 2020 at 8:29am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Created by the talented A. E. Willcox at Flights of Fantasy Image ShoppeImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

A signature for my blog What is the impact on family if we lose generational memory? That is, what happens when families ignore or don't pass on the memories of their generation?

When families fail to pass on generational memories teaching moments are lost. Our world is in a shambles because so many people feel a sense of entitlement. They feel like the world owes them and this has destroyed social values. A lot of the problem is that we have asked Jesus to leave our society. Being the gentleman that He is He does not stay where he is not wanted. No Jesus means society has no moral compass. Therefore society is lost.

An image for the forum Prompt: "Today on the bridge we received orders to explore the star McKinzie S. Heart

This gorgeous star had several planets. On the port

we found a specimen that said "Something's just not right."

What do you suppose isn't right?"

I wish my creative side was working a little more. If so I would write something spooky such as "She had a feeling that something just wasn't right. She could not quite figure out what it was, but the hair on her neck stood up. She nervously unlocked the door and went into the house. She closed the door and flipped the light switch. Nothing. The power was off. It was then that the felt something against her neck as a hand closed over her mouth."

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: How are you going to celebrate the end of 2020?"

I'll probably be asleep when the new year starts. Good bye 2020 and good riddance.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: The Chinese-American author Ha Jin, when asked about what most impressed him when he arrived at the USA, answered: “A chemical smell here. It was very alien, very overwhelming. Also, a lot of people wore perfume. I know a woman who came here from China and said she couldn’t stop vomiting.”
Why are smells so impressive and what do you think of perfumes?"

Depends on the perfume. Chanel No 5 fires me up.

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October 10, 2020 at 8:46am
October 10, 2020 at 8:46am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2227274 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2225754 over display limit. -?- "Prompt for Saturday, October 10, 2020

Proverbs 1:10

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

Solomon is giving instructions on how to avoid bad company - sin, in our lives.

What is this verse saying to you?"

When I picked up my smartphone this morning I had like 3-4 emails. Thinking they may be from my professor I opened them. They were spam messages from prostitutes which I immediately deleted. I get them because I made the mistake of responding once by hitting the unsubscribe button. A friend explained to me that the unsubscribe button is a gimmick. It unsubscribes you from that particular site, but it subscribes you to dozens of other similar sites because you "voluntarily" gave them your address. I asked him how they get your address the first time and he said that al businesses sell the addresses to secular businesses who do not care who buys their mailing lists. They get the address this way and then we all get spam. Apparently, my spam filter missed this one.

Solomon is warning us to be careful because temptations are everywhere. Needless to say, when the ad popped up on my screen for a beautiful and bare naked woman I was tempted.

Image #2227287 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "I was cruising the galaxy and found this planet:

 Doug The Dog  (E)
Doug made his life a lot more bearable.
#2209499 by Paul

Life becomes more bearable with someone who loves you. Use this line in your Blog entry today.

Life does become more bearable with somebody you love. This is because humans were made to love and serve God and be in constant communion with Him.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: This week I'm looking forward to ____________."

I am looking forward to getting my deliveries. I ordered a new watch which will be here Monday. I ordered four new tee shirts, one of which will be here next week and the other three which have not shipped yet. I ordered a new jacket which should be here Monday. And I ordered a few other items. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is the arrival of my guitar caddy. It is a device that is supposed to show you the chords.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Use this image to inspire your blog today. It's at Stonington Harbor in Maine, where my oldest son lives in Maine."

When I think of Maine all I can think of is "brrrrrrr". Maine is much too cold for me. I want to live someplace like San Diego or Arizona.

Image #2187503 over display limit. -?- Image #2098718 over display limit. -?- Image #2118746 over display limit. -?- Image #2147967 over display limit. -?- Image #2187984 over display limit. -?- Image #2159373 over display limit. -?- Image #2164523 over display limit. -?- Image #2191828 over display limit. -?-
October 9, 2020 at 12:03pm
October 9, 2020 at 12:03pm
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2227274 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2227287 over display limit. -?- I was traveling the galaxy and found this planet: TheBusmanPoet

Decisions  (E)
When one comes along. You have to decide.
#2195586 by TheBusmanPoet

Write about decisions.

Decisions are something I have to make every day. Some of them are big decisions and some are trivial. I made a decision just this morning that I was going to focus on a term paper I had to write in order to get my second bachelor's degree. I chose to do that instead of jumping on here and doing mu blog immediately. I am glad I chose to do so because I was able to write a pretty impressive paper in that amount of time.
I am glad I made all the decisions I made in my lifetime. I mean, there are a few that were not the wisest decisions I ever made, but I honestly feel it took every decision, even the stupid ones, to make me who I am today. I decided some time ago that I like who I am today. Of course, the wisest decision I ever made was the decision to turn my will and my life over to Jesus Christ. That decision brought renewal to my life. It also brought an interest in God's word into my life. Thanks to that interest I have now officially earned both an associate of divinity and a bachelor of divinity degree from a Christian college to go along with the RBA and academic associate degree I already held. In about two years I will also have my Master of Divinity degree. Decisions can be good.

Image #2226644 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Hello All,

I think the prompt for yesterday was way too long, so today will be much shorter.

Precepts of Wisdom

Avoid Bad Company

Proverbs 1: 8-9

8. My son hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

9. for they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.

What do you think King Solomon was saying here?

Hopefully, this will be easier, I found yesterday's a little too long to answer fully."

I believe Solomon was telling his sons (and us) that obedience is much better than rebellion. While there are some parents whose children should not listen to them, most parents want what is best for their children. My parents were old school. If you got out of line with them there was an excellent chance you were going to be whipped by Mom, Dad, or possibly both. They even told other parents to treat us just as they would treat their own children. IKf we did something wrong they had no problem with the other parents whipping us. IKf another parent did whip us we got it twice more, once from Mom and once from Dad. Of course, those days are over, which is why today's youth have a sense of entitlement and such a lack of discipline. It's why we have riots still going on in some parts of the country. People do not have respect for the law because they were never taught that actions have consequences, or when the actions did have consequences they were minimal. Solomon was telling his children that discipline was good for them.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Is it easier for you to respond to written prompt or a picture prompt? Why?"

I believe it is easier to respond to a written prompt. A picture prompt could be nearly anything. I like for things to be a little more specific. And then there is the matter of some picture prompts not making any sense. I've seen "pictures" that looked like somebody took paint and threw it at a wall just to see what they would come up with. What is the point?

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "There are 83 days left in this year. Have you accomplished the goals you set back on the 1st day of this year? Have you set new goals with the intent to accomplish them in the last stretch?"

The only real goal I set for myself this year was to be admitted to graduate school and I have accomplished that. I also wanted to receive my certification as a peer support specialist and that is in process. I have my hours. My papers have been signed and submitted. Now it is just a matter of waiting for a test date.

Image #2187503 over display limit. -?- Image #2098718 over display limit. -?- Image #2118746 over display limit. -?- Image #2147967 over display limit. -?- Image #2187984 over display limit. -?- Image #2159373 over display limit. -?- Image #2164523 over display limit. -?- Image #2191828 over display limit. -?-
October 8, 2020 at 7:52am
October 8, 2020 at 7:52am
An image for the forum "Prompt: Baby Yoda and I were cruising the galaxy and found this planet:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2234269 by Not Available.

Write about the days of your life and how this poem applies.

I think every day is somewhat different. Yes. We all have routines and those can get boring. However, most days have some variety, whether that variety is positive or negative. It is this variety that keeps us balanced. We say we don't like surprises yet each moment of our lives brings a new experience and in that sense a surprise.

Image #2225754 over display limit. -?- "Chris has asked me to do the prompts on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. So I will be sending prompts the night before, tonight Wednesday I am sending the prompt for Thursday, Oct 8, 2020. I am hoping this is right.

What I thought I would do is take a book of the Bible and go thru it chapter by chapter. I really like Proverbs so thought I would start there. We will take it in sections and you all tell me what it means to you. I did this with my Sunday School class several years ago and they enjoyed it.

Proverbs 1:1 The Author: The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;

Proverbs 1:2-6 The Purpose: 2. To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; 3. To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment and equity; 4. To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. 5. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: 6. To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

Proverbs 1:7 The Theme: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

If you think this is too long, I can shorten them. But tell me what this means to you.

Hope you have a wonderful evening."

I would go with one proverb at a time. Each Proverb is a nugget of wisdom from God to Solomon. Doing one at a time would be sufficient for my taste. The first thing I want to say is that Proverbs addresses Wisdom as if it were a person. It does this to emphasize the importance of wisdom. Wisdom only comes with study and experience.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Use this image to inspire your blog entry today. Tell us a story or write a poem."

I wish you had allowed us to use the image itself.

I lived in an old house like that. In fact, I have lived in several like that. They are hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I've woken up with snow on my blankets in old houses like that where the snow blew in through the cracks. They're hard to live in.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Do you like to write a story as the first person as the character or just write the story like an author?"

If I write a story I just narrate. Sometimes I write it from first person. I usually write third person. Now I write basically academic papers in which the author uses active voice. Active voice means you keep it in the present. You do not use being verbs such as "is" and "are". Try writing two thousand words and never use "is" "are" or "were". It is hard.

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October 8, 2020 at 7:50am
October 8, 2020 at 7:50am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2227274 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2227287 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Baby Yoda and I were cruising the galaxy and found this planet:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2234269 by Not Available.
by the star Bluebird

Write about the days of your life and how this poem applies.

I agree with this author. Life is a mixture of colors which makes it so beautiful. It is like a wild roller coaster ride in that you never know from one day to the next what you are going to be doing. We have some ideas, but no two days are exactly the same for me. I do a lot of things that are routine but there is some variety as well. Life is great just the way it is.

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October 7, 2020 at 9:01am
October 7, 2020 at 9:01am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2227274 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2227287 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Cruising through the galaxy writing.com today I came upon a familiar and beautiful star named (995)

This star is orbited by a number of ports. One of those ports is

52 Weeks of Torture (ASR)
Because the road to insanity is paved with form poetry.
#2190165 by (995)

The caption reads: "The road to insanity is paved with form poetry."

Write about this road to insanity."

First of all, I have to make a distinction between insanity and mental illness. Many people have mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia who are perfectly sane. Insanity is not a result of mental illness. Insanity is usually the result of poor choices. All of us are only a few bad choices from insanity. In the Holy Bible, insanity came upon King Saul when he made a choice to disobey God and God withdrew from him. Insanity then is the state of not being in communion and fellowship with God.

Image #2226644 over display limit. -?- Prompt: I am sure a blog prompt was sent out last night. I just can't find it in my email. If one was not sent, answer this:

All Hallows Eve was a pagan holiday honoring the dead. The pagans believed that the veil between life and death is weakest around the fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Pagans who became Christians wanted to continue to honor their dead so the Catholic church at that time adopted this holiday and called it All Saints Eve. Do you feel it is okay to do so?

I sometimes celebrate Halloween and sometimes not. It depends on the mood I am in. I do feel it is a pagan holiday and as a Christian, I feel it is compromising with sin. On the other hand, I am a chaplain. As a chaplain it is my job to welcome people of all faiths and show them the love and presence of Christ. If I can do that by adopting some spooky name temporarily or handing out candy to children, then I am willing to do that.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "What fun things are you exploring on WDC this month? Have you done them before or are they new to you? What would you recommend ? Why?

I am not really exploring anything new. I am pretty busy with my own groups. However, I am glad you asked about recommendations. I would like to recommend my groups
Space Blog  (ASR)
Cruising WDC cyberspace and raiding ports for blog prompts!
#2223838 by Sharmelle's Expressions
Take up Your Cross  (E)
This will be a daily blog forum.
#2225667 by Chris Breva
Space Blog  (ASR)
Cruising WDC cyberspace and raiding ports for blog prompts!
#2223838 by Sharmelle's Expressions
is a group that raids a WDC authors port and borrows a line or an item for a prompt. We then try to review that author sometime that day. I have been entirely too busy to review anything, but I give double credits to those who do review. Come and join us. Affiliate your reviews with us and get points. Have fun blogging at the same time.

Take up Your Cross  (E)
This will be a daily blog forum.
#2225667 by Chris Breva
is a daily Bible study or Christian blog. If you like Bible studies shoot me a message and I'll sign you up. We don't do reviews.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: But a book is only the heart's portrait-every page a pulse. Emily Dickinson Use this quote in your Blog entry today."

I was never a big Dickinson fan. I always thought she spoke in riddles. This quote is a prime example.

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October 6, 2020 at 1:09pm
October 6, 2020 at 1:09pm
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2227274 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2227287 over display limit. -?- My Internet has been down all day so I've basically been stuck in cyberspace. However, when the sensors came back up and I could detect a few things the first star I saw was (419)

There were several ports circling this star. One was

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2220870 by Not Available.
by queenkissy

and the statement "One of our most basic human needs is to connect."

After today, I agree! What do you think?

I have been without Internet all day. I called repair and they said there were no outages in my area and suggested I unplug my modem, wait 60 seconds, and plug it back in. I did and still nothing. They were going to send me a new modem, which would have meant waiting for three days. Instead, I tried jiggling the cord on the one I have and viola! Apparently, the plug was not seated properly and was not connecting. I think my big foot had something to do with it as well because my modem sits under my desk in the most inconvenient place to get to! It taught me a valuable lesson though. I am lost without my computer and the Internet! I need that connection!

Image #2226644 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Hello All,

Prompt: October 6, 2020

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Where would we be without Jesus Christ?"

I shudder to think of where I would be even today if it weren't for the love and grace of Jesus Christ. I was a hardcore drug addict and Jesus reached into the pits of hell and plucked me out. Of course, that hell was nothing like the real, eternal hell that those who do not accept Christ's salvation face. It was bad enough though. I would imagine that without Jesus I would now be in the real Hell!

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Use these words in your entry: Clowns, cars, and candy."

I know people who are afraid of clowns, cars, and candy. I was never scared of any of the above, although candy should scare me. I am gaining entirely too much weight. I am officially at my highest weight ever.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: “The past only comes back when the present runs so smoothly that it is like the sliding surface of a deep river,” said Virginia Woolf. Why do you think she used the river metaphor?"

I think she used the river metaphor because time is like a river. You can never touch the same water twice.

Image #2187503 over display limit. -?- Image #2098718 over display limit. -?- Image #2118746 over display limit. -?- Image #2147967 over display limit. -?- Image #2187984 over display limit. -?- Image #2159373 over display limit. -?- Image #2164523 over display limit. -?- Image #2191828 over display limit. -?-

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