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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1808259
"I could eat alphabet soup and crap better lyrics then that." - Johny Mercer.
From June 2016 entries are entered into "The Bard's Hall Contest"   by StephBee

From May 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor /right}
From June 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

From June 2016 entries are entered into "Blogging Circle of Friends "   by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

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I'm a writer, who doesn't write.
An artist, who doesn't paint.
I'm a blogger, who doesn't blog.
I'm a dreamer. And all I do is dream

I was born a donkey, but lived as a man. My parents sent me out from the paddock so that I could learn the secrets of corned bread. Seeing for myself the world of men made me curious because that was my weakness. Always my weakness. My hind-legs were strong and so began my masquerade. I became a man and walked the world of men.

I tasted many delights, and many disasters. But soon I found that I needed a thing called money. To continue my quest I would need to work. A courier seemed the most obvious thing. Although, was I not a man now and not a pack-mule? No. No couriers work for me. I chose a trade and worked in a factory.

I had not forgotten my quest for the secret of corned bread. Every night, while printing the newspaper on the night shift, I would see the grand old culinary designs in the food and drink section. There was so much more to food then corned bread.

Continue My Memoir of Magic and Dreams

This is my blog documenting my experiences on http://www.writing.com. In it, I will include my reviews of others works, links to offsite writings, and importantly, I think, moan and complain constantly about the machinations of this beautiful, sexy, inspiring and fearsome beast of a writing community.

I didn't do anything about my desire to write for over 20 years and I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm a little worried that I've left it all too late and I won't have enough time to become a good writer.

I'm always up for joining in on blogging groups and challenges, so if you have one - let me know here.

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February 1, 2012 at 11:27pm
February 1, 2012 at 11:27pm
Blogging is a chance for me to vent, opinionise, be silly, and be serious. I like it because I never got to go to no school , and Im a frustrated academic. I like writing, in all it's forms. Blogging is writing your own stuff, but it's also about interacting. I love interacting on blogs, it's like playing around with your mates. I just wish WDC had a more interactive blog network, where people who aren't blogging could easily come across blog posts.

In other news, my sons first day of school today. Hes in prep. And my daughters first day of Grade 2 at her new school. And also my youngest first day at his new daycare centre. Phew! I picked up the older two and was greeted by My boys blue eyes and his shit-eating grin. He had a good time. My daughter tunneled into me and said "it's too hot!". Ah, how they change with the ticking over of the school years....still it was a better response then the one I got when she was 2 and was also too hot in sleep suit. ("Dad, get me out of this fucking suit).

I see I mixed up the prompts already. It gets confusing when you live in a totally different hemisphere. The beginning of your day at WDC is 4 in the afternoon for me. Hence those times when I didn't seem to blog on one day and then did 2 posts the next! Talk about challenged!

This bit is just for me:

"Define blogging."


FEB 3 ... PROMPTER .... Prosperous Snow (169)

FEB 4 .... Prompter ... Brother Nature (10)

FEB 5 ... Prompter ... Julie D (174)

FEB 6 ... Prompter .... Evertrap %uF8FF (63)
February 1, 2012 at 12:27am
February 1, 2012 at 12:27am
A dead man ready and waitin and raring to go? How could I have a dead man ready and raring to go? A nice, sane family man like me? My wife would ask how, my wife would ask why, my kids would ask where did you hide him all this time daddy? It must be a very good hiding spot - can we hide there? Is there room for us?
Well, kids, I would say. I've kept that dead man right under your noses all this time. That dead man has been propped up against the wall in the playroom all this time. Yes, the playroom. He's been covered in your dress up clothes and my old hats, and he's just been snuggled up there all this time. I take him out from time to time and air him out so he doesn't stink the place up so bad but mostly hes okay. He doesnt sweat the big things like most folk. He doesnt smell
because he led a clean life. A clean life, yes. So he couldn't be a member of your Mama's family, I would tell the kids but only if the missus was out of earshot. That ole dead man couldn't be your Ole Paw because he fleeced his social club at the bowls club of most every penny they made over the pump, claiming it was a percentage deal and he had costs to cover and they were using his bar to raise funds, and his skills to tend the bar. Not your old Paw, I would say. Besides why would I want to raise him from the dead and why would I want to keep it a secret fromnthe missus. Dirty old man, not in that way, but she loved him.
No, the dead man I been hiding all this time and am just now beginning to think, perhaps, I could raise him from the dead after all. Is a man with no connection to this family. He's a silent man, he's a stoic man, a man of muscles and intellect and he knows how to throw a football and he knows how to win an argument without upsetting your mother, this is my kids I'm still pretending to talk to, if they ever found out I was fixing to raise the dead, and most of all he'd be a great dad and a role model and really show you kids how to live your life, and he'd make time for playing with you guys, and not spend so much time out on his own reading zombie books and harlequin romances. Gonna raise me a dead man, then Im gonna raise him to be me.
January 30, 2012 at 6:50pm
January 30, 2012 at 6:50pm

You could win 10000 gift points for your entry based on this prompt:

In honour of all the couples out there who have just survived the Terror of Christmas (tm) Januarys Detailed Writing Prompt is an emotional celebration of the strengths of relationships.

The prospect of divorce often guides people's reactions.  A particularly stark and emotional scene might lead us to believe that divorce is imminent; however, your mission is to quickly reconcile the characters and have them move forward with a new understanding and acceptance of one another.

Be bleak, but don't be weak. Show us the fighting strength in a successful relationship.

For writers this will be an interesting challenge as by it's nature you will have certain elements dictated to you restricting freedom of choice. But on the other hand, that overwhelming sense of "where do I begin." will be missing thus freeing you to WRITE.
January 30, 2012 at 5:11am
January 30, 2012 at 5:11am
Day 30 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

This is in relation to
 What could have saved Star Wars?  (E)
The SW prequels never happened and you get to write them. My response.
#1787346 by Bob DeFrank
and I thought worthy of a blog post, at the least so I could open it up to more discussion. I'm going to finish off my serial story tomorrow. I was never a fan of the idea, so I dont feel beholden to following the rules. Tomorrow it is.

Now, onto What could have saved Stars Wars?

Firstly, If you're rewriting the prequels, why have the clone wars at all?

The point of the prequels was to explain 2 things.

1. Where did all the Jedi go? (said in doofus voice if you like)
2. How did Luke's dad get so bad.

Lucas probably had the clone saga planned all along, but I think it was probably an excuse to cash in on the popularity of Boba Fett. How better to have another Bobba Fett then have him be a clone, and how better to cash in on his popularity then to have him play a pivotal role in said Cloning.

There wasn't any precedent or even hinting set in the later episodes that the Storm Troopers were clones. So why have clones at all?

Okay, no clones. Onwards with my new prequel.

I agree with the original,posters sentiment on the First episode skipping all the trade stuff. Stick to a space opera, show us Anakin as a cool pod racer kid with an affinity for the force. Add some space hero/space opera stuff and you could have a nice little introductory movie. One thing though, Anakin as kid was too cute and pure. He needed more cheekiness. More of a hint, especially temperament wise, as to the volatile teen and brooding man to come.

So that could be a whole movie, or that could be 30 minutes in a really long Tarantinoesque film.

Speaking of Tarantino, you could have a great martial arts movie a la kill bill or crouching tiger, hidden dragon with a lone sith assassin taking out the Jedi, one-by-one. Anakin tries to stop HER but falls in love. She has the babies but the other Jedi take the babies and kill the miss us. In fact, Ben kills the missus.

anakin joins the empire for 2 reasons: to get his babies back. Both of them.

Or to add some more depth, Anakin is with the Princess and impregnated her (George Lucas wants a skywalker royal dynasty remember so this element has to stay) then cheats on her with the lone sith assassin. The Jedi punish him by killing his new love, banishing him from his children's lives and breaking his hands so he can't hold a light saber.


What if the lone sith assassin is Luke's father. They don't have an affair though. That's the black market version ;)
He finally finds his own dad, they have a big moment, and Ben and the other Jedis come and kill the dad and banish Anakin from his kids lives (he's tainted by his sith blood, or something suitably racist.)
It's thematic with Anakins own relationship with his son in the later films.

Yeah, so that's how I would rewrite the films. But I think I could have done it in 1 film. Or a Part 1 and Part 2 Matrix/Kill Bill type film.

actually, how about this, if it absolutely has to be 3 prequels.

1. Anakin as a kid and a teen in the one film.
2. Lone sith assassin killing Jedis one by one. the Jedi's kill Anakins sith father and take away his babies.
3. Anakin is now Darth Vader and he kicks arse for an hour and 20 minutes. There is no Jedi protocol or whatever it was called. Darth Vader wreaks vengeance on the Jedi pussys himself.

All of that angst and anger for his missing children would add an extra dimension to the later films. Something that the existing prequels never did.

Might be time to write my own Star Wars franchise. Think I'll call it Scar Wars: may the emotions be with you...on your sleeve.
January 29, 2012 at 11:51pm
January 29, 2012 at 11:51pm
Day 29 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

So, I want to rent out a hotel room. And it's got to be close by my neck of the woods. And it's gotta be off the map, so no one can see me, no one can find me. And it's not about sex, not about murder. But it's about death. It's about raising the dead.
The dead. I've seen a lot of dead in my time. I see the walking dead at work all the time. Men so washed up by grog and maryjane, they can't put on weight and they think they hear cockroaches in the roof. I've tried to listen to cockroaches. I had so many guys tell me they could hear cockroaches that I thought to myself one day, I better have a listen to some so I know what they sounds like when I do hears em if I ends up like them: washed up laborers and dirty-living half-wits. You can't hear them. They might as well have soft-toed moccasins on their little feet, for all the noise they make.
But I'm no louse. I'm no drug-addled steel worker, no drugstore cowboy, so maybe I'm just not attuned to how a cockroach would sound to that kind of gentleman.
You might as well be dead if you live like that. Zombies. Waiting for the zombie-apocalypse-that-never-comes, waiting for the next guy to get his gear on so they can go party.Yawwrr. Where's that apocalypse?
But it's not that kind of dead I'm talking about here. Although, I guess it is in a way. Just not the way you're probably thinking.
I couldn't go hire that motel room tomorrow. My wife knows I'm home from work. But I could do it the next day. Pretend to go to work, but instead pull my station wagon into the half-lit entrance. Roll right up to which ever room I've hired. I'd be real quiet while I unpacked my wagon. Then I'd get my gear and bunker down. Start real early on raising the dead. Making sure that everything's in place, making sure that everything's all right. If I slept, I'd be in trouble.If I got distracted, I'd be in real trouble. All that effort. Go to all that effort of renting the room to raise the dead and if I got distracted, I might as well have stayed home.
I've thought of just parking my car, I've got tinted windows, in the street and getting the job done there, but there's just not enough room. I'd need room to move, room to pace.
So, I'd rent a room and park my wagon right outfront. The back of it facing the motel door so that when I dragged the body wrapped in carpet I wouldn't have so far to go.
What, you thought it was an analogy? That I was alluding to dead dreams or having a party to raise the dead?
Nah. I'm really gonna raise the dead. I've got a dead man all ready and set to go.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
January 29, 2012 at 11:12pm
January 29, 2012 at 11:12pm
Day 28 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Well, I wasn't going to do it. But it seems like every other cat in the cathouse is doing it so I might as well as well (sic).

I've included the Jan 27 and Jan 28 prompts as one, because I already did an alternate prompt for the 27th. Kit's weight-loss prompt.

Jan 27 --- Character rents a room. Provide geographic setting, please.

JAN 28 --- Inside the rental, character discovers a dead _______________.

JAN 29 --- Clue or clues as to why the dead _____________ is inside that room.

JAN 30 --- Suspects surrounding the dead ______________.

JAN 31 -- Conclusion of the story.

I had never rented a room before. But, yeah. I'd thought about it. I thought about it lots. I even had the place picked out. A little yellow motel on the way to work. It was off the map, so to speak, out of sight of the main road so I didn't have to worry about my wife seeing my car. Or any other busy-body who happened to drive on by. Big cities could be small worlds too.
It was one of those cheap places that had the price right out front. There's your salesman for you. Cheap prices on a cheap board. Imagine if motels were like restaurants, and out the front of each was a chump (no doubt with his own sideboards) trying to sell you on the place. Just come in, he'd say, for a minute. Come see the menu/pricelist. Nah, that place down the road you're looking at, they had food poisoning/cockroaches/multiple sightings of the mother mary last week.
Yeah, thank God for small miracles. No spruikers. Very quiet. Very discrete.
Just the way I'd want it if I was going to rent a room.
Yeah, I'll rent a room. I'll rent a room one day. Right here in my own city. A city of over a million people. Over a million people, all thinking the same thing. "Where could I get away with it?"

But why? Why would I want to rent a room. I got a beautiful wife. I got beautiful children. I got a beautiful place. Why would I want to rent a room? It's not like I have some parlour-maid lined up and I'm going to pork her in that cheap motel room. It's not like I'm gonna hook-up with my ex, now a smoking-hot policewoman, and create our own "scene of the crime".
Am I going to enact a sting of sorts? Pretend to have an affair so I can make my wife jealous and shore up our precarious marriage?
Or is sex not the answer at all? Is it something more ... sinister, in the eyes of the law at least. Is it death I have planned? Maybe it is death. Maybe it is. Maybe I've planned for a long time, such a long time, to rent a room, not far from my own house, in my own city to be exact. Rent a room for a little death. Have that smoking hot police-woman ex-girlfriend, find me and the bodies of some Tongan drug dealers I've made short work of. Us all bloodied, shots fired, arms opened up with big machetes. Blood on the floor. Blood on the walls. Blood on the bed. And none in our stone cold dead bodies.
Yeah. Death. It's all about death alright. But I'm not killing anyone. It's resurrection we're talking about here. Raising the dead. And I'm gonna do it in a rented hotel room cos I ain't got no other place to go.
January 27, 2012 at 3:40pm
January 27, 2012 at 3:40pm
Day 27 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Just ten years ago, I was underweight.

I'm 6'5 and have a lean frame, narrow shoulders, it's like I'm a little guy who's been stretched out. Ten years ago, I weighed 64 kilograms. I was in my mid to late twenties and I was SKINNY. Guys are not meant to be this skinny, and I was told by more then one young lass that they liked men with stronger backs.

When my wife and I started courting, she would patiently wait in the mornings for me to get up and have breakfast with her. Or maybe lunch. Or a snack. What she didn't realize is that I just didn't eat on the weekends. I subsisted on a diet of caffiene, cigarettes and alcohol.
Luckily for me, she didn't dump my skinny ass but set out reeducating me about food. And particularly eating it.

Within a year I had put on 18 kilograms. A weight that my body had never had to hold up before. Consequently, my knees went and my feet couldn't handle all that stress, and I ended up having to wear custom inner soles at work to support them.

Changing work circumstances (a more physical job) and having 15 acres to work on the past 7 years has strengthened my body and I am sitting about 5 kilos underweight for my height. The strangest thing for me, however, is not the weight gain and failing body parts but the fact I am now dictated to by my need for food.

Whereas I used to work and play just fine with little food (we have a work canteen, so during working hours I ate just fine), now if I skip a meal I feel it. I get weak sometimes if I've skipped lunch while working on the farm, I often get grumpy and my wife will quickly surmise that I haven't had breakfast. I often wake up ravenous. Even after a big meal the night before.

Right now, I'm thinking about a bacon and egg roll. How about you?
January 27, 2012 at 4:01am
January 27, 2012 at 4:01am
Day 26 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Clothes? What are they? I work in a factory. I have a uniform baby! My work washes my uniforms for me, so I wear them on the farm. Why get my clothes dirty? Hang on, I said I don't have clothes! Ooops.

I had a workmate over last month, we were playing some Dungeons and Dragons with some other friends from outside work, and he saw that I was wearing my work cargo pants with a tshirt (I included the term cargo pants to show that they weren't just a pair of blue slacks, but in fact a pair of hard yakka canvas pants with pockets all over them for the valuable tools of my trade: my mobile phone and a book).
"Mike, it's time to leave it behind."
I just laughed. Nah, I said. And pulled out a set of dice from one of the pockets on my thigh.
Point proven, I'm sure he was thinking!

I actually dumped a heap of my clothes a couple of months ago. For the first time. Ever. I'm 36. I only throw out clothes if I lose them or someone steals them. There's only so many white dress shirts you can wear when all your friends are already married. There's only so many funky t-shirts you can wear when you don't go out to funky clubs or raves anymore. So out they went.

It was a lot of clothes. A lot of old clothes. I've still got some. In fact, I reckon I've still got too many. After all, I'm about to get a new issue of work clothes. Mmm. Cargo pants.

IN other news, don't you love it when people who don't have kids, don't have a partner, don't have a house and surrounds (to put it modestly) to renovate, don't have ... I don't know, things in their life, don't understand how all these things not only eat up your time but get shitty with you when you dare to do anything that doesn't relate to them. Yeah, I love that.

Toofy's Beer Tally Volume 7 #2
6 x Coopers Pale Ale.
January 25, 2012 at 8:33pm
January 25, 2012 at 8:33pm
Day 25 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

To my mind, Spiritual means an awareness of other energies, worlds, deities. Belief in things outside the physical time limitations. Being religious, is following a set of rules dictated by others in regard to life after death.

As a young tacker, I was very religious. I walked around high school with a God is Great badge, and believed it. I went to Tuesday School, and Friday meetups in the gym, and in my early twenties got involved with a couple of wise guys who were trying to start a cult. Fortunately I wised up to them, when all one guy wanted to talk about was the girls he could sleep with (he was married with a young child) and the other guy started talking about burning down Catholic Churches. Some of their teachings stuck however, and I began to mistrust organised religion.

I lost faith when a good friend of mine was murdered. It had been creeping up on me, this rational thought, and I began to realise I was no longer spiritual. Spiritual? Perhaps I had been. I never spoke in tongues but at one stage was convinced I could see auras. I had prayed, and talked about Jesus to my friends, and discussed the philosophy of life after death at school lunch times (while smoking cigarettes in the out of bounds area of the school. Jesus was a bad boy too.) It no longer made any sense.

I have a lot of friends who consider themselves spiritual. They are largely in the hippie community, attending festivals and living life in the moment. I used to go to these same events, live with these same people, and take the same drugs as these people. I was in it for the music though, to be honest.

I'm an athiest because I'm a pragmatist. Everything is powered by something, in my understanding, and our brains and our hearts power our bodies and our minds. Shut down the brain and the heart and I don't see anything powering our mind. I don't see any difference between soul and mind. Soul as personality? Personality is just grooves and channels in your brain. The deeper they are the better you are at maths apparently.

The one thing I would like to say about belief is that I think it's a good thing. I think that in a dark world having something to believe in /can/ give you wings. Something doesn't have to be true to make you feel better, and just like I was never arrogant in my belief when I was a teenage christian, I would never be arrogant about my non-belief now that I am a born-again athiest.

I could go on for a lot longer with my pseudo-science conclusions but perhaps I'll just write a short story about it all one day. It's something I've put a lot of thought into over the years.
January 25, 2012 at 7:22am
January 25, 2012 at 7:22am
Day 24 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

I haven't read much fiction in the past 6 or 7 years. I've started plenty of novels but never found the discipline to complete them. On the other hand, I've read hundreds of text books and non-fiction books in that time. Something I traditionally never had the discipline to finish (especially when I was a student and needed to!).

The big novel that stands out for me as a failed movie adaptation is I, Am Legend by Richard Mathieson. I love science fiction and I especially love pre-80s science fiction. This book is superb, and deserving of the title masterwork.

What bearing does the movie have on the novel however? Name only, I'm afraid. While the movie is a fine adventure in itself, it is not the book. I always thought the book of I am Legend would be a great theatre production. Who knows, it's probably already been produced!

In regards to writing... I finally finished my first weeks work for the New Horizons Comma Usage course I am doing. It's very indepth stuff. I'm a slow learner but half way through the exercises I really found myself enjoying it. Of course, when it came to the written assignment, things were a bit harder. Some of it really fell into place in my understanding of things, but some of it really mystified me.

The writing assignment called for me to write a personal essay about (sigh) myself and include example of all of the comma usage rules in the piece. Bit sick of talking about myself really with all these courses and challenges and the only way I could complete the assignment was be a bit cheeky with it! I did get carried away, It's 800 words but I think I knocked the comma usage rules off pretty early though, for the most part.

Without further ado, here is my life story...

I was born a donkey, (1)but lived as a man. My parents sent me out from the paddock so that (1xa) I could learn the secrets of corned bread. Seeing for myself the world of men made me curious (1xb)because that was my weakness. Always my weakness. My hind-legs were strong (1xc)and so began my masquerade. I became a man (1xd)and walked the world of men.

I tasted many delights, (1xe)and many disasters. But (?) soon found that I needed a thing called money. To (?) continue my quest (1xd) I would need to work. A courier seemed the most obvious thing. Although, (2)was I not a man now and not a pack-mule? No. No couriers work for me. I chose a trade (1xd) and worked in a factory.

I had not forgotten my quest for(1xd) the secret of corned bread. Every night, (4a)while printing the newspaper on the night shift, (4a) I would see the grand old culinary designs in the food and drink section. There was so much more to food then corned bread.

Before my shifts, (?) I would eat at restaurants. I would eat pizzas loaded with hot, (3a)melted cheese and spicy(3G) red peppers. I would eat hamburgers (?)and drink thick shakes, (1)and play in the giant(3b) sliding tunnels in the playground. On my nights off I would frequent establishments masquerading as a man, (?)listening to music and drinking ale. I would find myself eating kebabs (4b)after those establishments had closed(4b) with the rest of the evenings crowd.

Every now and then I would see a shape or hear a voice that made me think there were others like me out there on these nights. Not donkeys (4a), I never saw another donkey, (4a) but sometimes I thought I heard the particular purr of a cat in a group of girls dancing. Or I caught a waft of scent,(4a) maybe a pig,(4a) in a group of businessmen playing dice in a corner. The kebabs were good (1c)and so was the company. But there was something else.

Working the night shift at the newspaper factory,(?) I would see other sections besides the food and drink supplement. I would see the real estate. I would see photographs not of paddocks, (4a)or the dumpsters I slept in during the daytime,(4a) but great, (3a)big houses. I would see floor plans,(?) and interior shots, (?)and colour pictures of laughing families.

I began to wonder if I too(4b) could have a real estate. If I too(4b) could have laughing children and have people take photographs of us to use in advertisements for this real estate. I began to realise I needed a little thing called love. But(?) with only two nights off a week,(?) how was I meant to meet somebody to share all that with? Time had run away from me,(1xb)and while I had been living a man's life years had gone by. I had not amassed much money (?)because food and drink and cover-charges all cost money. I had not amassed many friends (?)because I was scared of them discovering my secret.

I began to think I should return to the paddock where I was born. The secret of corned bread had not alluded me,(1) it had been there all along. I had found it years ago,(1) and it sat in a dusty wooden box in a corner of my current dumpster. I couldn't remember which corner at that moment, (1)but I knew it was still there.

And then two things happened. A position on the day shift opened up and I met a boy(?) who introduced me to a girl (?) who then introduced me to her best friend,(?) a woman. A real, (3a) live woman.

All thoughts of returning to the paddock,(4a) all thoughts of the dusty wooden box with the secrets of corned bread contained within,(4a) disappeared. If my story were a sad one, (1)no doubt I would have met a nasty end or met some nasty men. No doubt that (4c) I would have remarked that it was them who were the donkeys and I who was the man, for they know not what a feast they have before them in this world.

But (?)it's a simple story,(?) mine. It's a nice one(1xc) and although I was once beaten with a farmers stick and fed the plainest of food,(1) I stand here today on my own two legs with my woman and my children. We're all laughing in the sun outside our real estate (?)and if sometimes I might catch a waft of feathers from my wife, or occasionally hear her squawk when we have an argument... Well, who am I to judge? I, (?)who was born a donkey,(1) but lives as a very,(3a) happy man.
January 24, 2012 at 3:56am
January 24, 2012 at 3:56am
Day 23 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

I've learned the hard way that I'm big on idea and small on details. I'm rapidly losing steam on this blog challenge and I think it's because I'm not blogging. I'm writing personal essays and filling in personal questions. So, I'm going back to my WDC roots: I'm blogging about writing, and what I know about myself...as a writer. And what I've learned about myself as a writer TODAY.

Today was productive. I read Wyrm 's entry in our campfire horror novella, and promptly fired off my own entry. Quickest turn around I've ever achieved. I managed to get over yesterday's hiccup on my new horizon course (I lost a days work, by not saving on my iphone) by completing the question exercises AND the discussion topic.

I've wanted to write, and to be a writer, for as long as I can remember. This, I've told you. The last three years, things have really come together for me in terms of this. I've never written so much.

I've been buying too many how-to books and reading too many articles on writing. The learning to write has become it's own procrastination.

The work I did today wasn't very good. But I thought it was interesting, and I achieved my purpose of showing some back story, camouflaging some foreshadowing and offering some characterisation of the main protaginist and another character (a major minor-character).

Importantly, for a horror novella about the zombie apocalypse, I included some violence. No zombie violence. Baboon violence! my nanna would be rolling in her grave.

What do I know about myself as a writer today? That I could write everyday. It's possible. I've got lots to learn, today really shored that knowledge up for me but I think if I keep my head above water I could probably do it.

I also know that I don't know nearly enough about Phoenix, Arizona. Is there actually a zoo there? And does it have baboons?
January 23, 2012 at 12:43am
January 23, 2012 at 12:43am
Day 22 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I've had an assortment of blogs over the years. My first one was called "Toofy's Beer Tally" and consisted solely of a tally of the days drinkings by volume and name. It was quite a hit amongst my friends. I quickly branched out into "Toofy's Numberplate Tally" on the same blog. In this tally, I listed the latest numberplate I had seen that day. It wasn't that a big a hit amongst my friends.
After that, I had a comix blog - where I posted about comix and posted my own comix.
Around the same time I started a charity with some friends, a not-for-profit publisher that raised money for charities, and included in the web site architecture was a blog about the charity and arts scene in Australia. It folded when the charity folded. I was the driving force behind the blog, and I was the driving force behind the charity it seemed too.
A few dark years followed, and I a few dark blogs, documenting privately my struggle with the black dog of depression and my struggle with my wife's various sicknesses.
All of that leads us to this one. As soon as I discovered the blog function, I knew that I would use it. Initially I thought I would use it to document the steep learning curve that comes with writing.com's infrastructure, but I've since found I largely use the notebook function for that.
I like creative non-fiction, I've done a bit of it. Journalistic pieces and personal essays and making lists of inconsequential items are my forte!
Blogging fulfulls me, because writing fulfills me. And blogging is writing, whether it's personal writing or creative non-fiction.
January 23, 2012 at 12:34am
January 23, 2012 at 12:34am
Day 21 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Terrible couple of days. I almost packed in the whole blogging challenge thing. I just didn't feel I could keep going. Seems that we lost one of our beloved pets. This is why I've haven't posted until now. It's not that we're sentimental or anything, it's just that it takes a long time to bury an elephant.

And here's a story I wrote when I was in my early twenties. It's called "Sister."

From the time of my first memories she was there. Just six months younger than I, we shared a childhood marred with pain, blood and tears.
Being older, being bigger, I bullied and hurt her until she had no choice but to strike back. Even though I invariably came off worse, I still persisted in the “big brother syndrome”.
Yet, when I was distraught, when I was crying and in an agony of despair. She would trot up to me and hug me, kiss me. Not leave me until she felt I was okay again.
For fifteen years our relationship existed along these lines. Me hurting her. She comforting me.
Then, when she needed me, when our mother was gone and she was dying, she came to me for assistance. Wouldn’t leave my side. Wouldn’t let me leave hers. What could I do? I did what I could. I held her. I worried over her. Cried with her. Wiped the vomit from her mouth.
She came to me, after all I’d done to her, for salvation.
What could I offer her? How could I help her?
When she died I cried more for her than for my beloved Grandfather. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shake the feeling that I failed her.
I tried to express these feelings to my family, as we lay her body to rest. No one understood. How could they? They didn’t have our history.
All they could say was;
“Michael ~ She was only a cat.”

January 20, 2012 at 5:41am
January 20, 2012 at 5:41am
Day 20 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

The reason I've completed this prompt so late is twofold. One, I went to visit my buddy K-Man who got hit by a landcruiser doing 80kms last week and two, I got stuck reading all the blogs!

This is by far my favorite prompt of the challenge. Still, this prompt wouldn't exist without each and every previous prompt. It's a great idea, and one that I think Earl should take on board for his next challenge. But instead of just doing it once he should give this prompt once a week! Like a little pop quiz to see if we are paying attention in class!

It was actually quite funny because just as I was preparing to write this review, the same person I am reviewing reviewed me!
"Invalid Entry
I chose this entry because of it's personal feel, really gives us a snap shot of Bonnies life, and it was just nice. That's not my review, you'll have to go read her blog if you want to read that!
Review of "Observations and Ruminations"
January 19, 2012 at 6:50am
January 19, 2012 at 6:50am
Day 19 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I can't help it. Best birthday? All I can think of is my brothers worst. Whenever someone mentions birthdays it's what I think of. All those place settings, None of those friends, all those tears. It broke my brother worshipping heart and I was 4 yrs younger then him. mist have made him .... 8?

As for my birthdays, let's see ....

5. ThAts the first one I remember - I remember that a kid bought menthe exact same card and red car as someone else, when I remarked on this I remember a grownup stepping in to tell me off for saying "I already had this one". Only thing is, I was excited: I said "bu you don't understand - now I have 2 of them!"

After that .... Maybe... 10. My dad bought me a calculator watch. Another kid at school stole it. Matty Phillips was his name if you never want to trust him.

Um... I'm not big on birthdays, or rather my mum wasn't, I can't remember another birthday until 16 when my mates and I got a heap of action figures and melted them to toy tanks and things ...

In my twenties, In party central, I wS reknowned for throwing massive birthday festivals. Sometimes they would go for 4 days. Each day wif have a different activity; a house party, a pub visit, a university ball, a family BBQ. Birthdays really, werent a out me, they were about having a party.


The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
January 18, 2012 at 5:54pm
January 18, 2012 at 5:54pm
Day 18 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Myself. Yes, myself. Ive worked in the same trade for over 25 years now and the same factory for almost 18. I was never a gun printer. I never had the greatest work ethic. That all changed 6 years ago when I moved into a more hands on role as a print troubleshooter. A role I was not a natural for. I role I struggled with a lot at first. But I went in with a new attitude: I thought to myself, this is the fresh start you've yearned for. it took me at least 12 months to stop stuffing things up. It's a tough crew and a tough job. You learn on your feet, is their attitude. Qnd here is no room for mistakes when you have a multi-million dollar printing press and a top selling national newspaper on your hands. But that's not my attitude. Now that I am considered one of the top troubleshooters, I always make sure that I pass on my knowledge, tips and dare I say it, skill to my apprentices. I'm still not a gun printer, but I've had several apprentices tell me after they've finished their time that I was a great influence on them.
January 18, 2012 at 5:35pm
January 18, 2012 at 5:35pm
Day 17 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Man, these prompts can be a little disheartening. Five days left with my kids, or my wife, or my mum, or all of them if I was the one doing the dying? It's actually something I think about a fair bit. I would want to play actiOn figures with my boys and I would like to go fishing With my daughter. Not because I like fishing, I don't, but because she is nuts for it. She goes with her PA when we are down the beach. Today she had her first actual fishing boat fishing trip complete with brand new life jacket. She didn't catch anything, and she was a little alarmed about the size of the ocean out there but from all accounts she handledit all pretty well.

So, five days wig my loved ones for me would mean doing a mix of things they like, so I could see he excitement in their eyes, or things we both like doing so we could explore our bond.
January 16, 2012 at 6:51pm
January 16, 2012 at 6:51pm
Day 16 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

When you went to sleep last night, it was in your own bed or familiar surroundings. You wake up this morning in a strange bed and unfamiliar surroundings. You recognize your reflection with some differences, the face in the mirror is an older/younger version of you. Everyone you meet knows you, but by a different name. Where are you? What is your name? How do you believe you arrived in your present

Getting older. Sigh. Feeling older. Double sigh. I have to remind myself sometimes that I'm not doing too bad. So far, I still have all my faculties. Not that I ever used them when I was younger. You won't catch me looking in the mirror and seeing a stranger. You won't cach me standing there, struggling to remember my own name. Not yet anyway. Chances are I've got all that to look forward to. It certainly happened to my Nanna.

My Nanna had some form of Dementia that snuck up on us all. By the age of eighty she could no longer talk, and she could no longer write. Her hands would work fine, she would write words on her chalkboard but the letters would be mixed up. It was hard on my Mum. They hadn't had the easiest time together, that Mother and Daughter pair, and the personality change that came with the dementia was, at times, harrowing.

By the time she passed on, my Nanna: who had been a strong, fit woman, a golfer, a politician and a costume designer for the State Theatre, she was reduced to lying on a futon bed in the costal position.

That was the end of her struggle, but the beginning was just as ignoble. The dementia had actually began 15 years earlier. The first we knew of it was when she wrote my uncle, her son, a letter accusing him of being in league with drug runners and crime syndicates. The reality could not have been further from the truth, as my Uncle was a journalist who had worked tirelessly for almost half a century to expose what he had been accused of by his own mother.

Ironically, I also bore the brunt of her dementia. I hadn't been her favorite grand son, was always getting written out of her will for my antics. And she was convinced I would end up "no-good" like my father. The ironic part is that, after the dementia set in - she decided I was wonderful and started showing me all kinds of support. We should have known something was up then!

My own mother has just entered her sixties, and she is very worried about what is in store for her. She keeps her sense of humour about it though, and has asked me to stick her under a bridge where she can't do anyone any harm. I tell her not to worry, I will be there every step of the way to remind her of who she is and what she means to me and my family.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
January 15, 2012 at 4:47am
January 15, 2012 at 4:47am
Day 15 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

If I was to write a blog prompt about the zombie apocalypse - how would I relate it to my personal xperience? (because personal experience is how I relate to blogs) I've never seen a zombie. I don't imagine there really will be a zombie apocalypsE. I have seen that a lot of competitions and prompts include in their rules "no Zombie Stories" so I imagine that Plenty of people before me /have/ contemplated the zombie apocalypse in great detail. Too much detail by the sounds of it!

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm currently writing a horror novel with my good friend and one time apprentice Wyrm . We like zombie movies. We love zombie games; computer and RPG. We even love zombie stories. I'm currently reading a fantastic zombie novel by Brian Keene called The Rising. He's an outstanding writer, he sets scenes so well win really poetic imagery and then fills the rest of the chapter with really basic action descriptions. The effect is really disarming.

You can find our zombie story in Wyrms portfolio. It's about a narcoleptic surviving the zombie apocalypse (which I am) amongst other glorious characters.

UPDATE: Actually, I think Ive had a change of heart. I think the zombie prompt was just too clever by half. It was actually a great chance to blog about the tools you have around your house. How you feel about them, where you got them from, if you actually bought them to dispose of bodies, that kind of thing.
Take out all (most) the zombie stuff and leave a prompt like "tell us about the tools around your house (and if you're so inclined how you could use them in home defense: robbers, hawkers, vaccuum cleaner salesmen, and zombies)" and it might have worked.

In that spirit, I'm cut and pasting my comment on evertrap's entry for your perusal of some of the tools around our horse property.

"I love me some reciprocating saws. I have a 28 volt lithium one and a 2000w electric one. I'm not sure I'd be trusting either on a zombie though!
I have some great equipment on our farm: 13 hp mulchers, 20 tonne log splitters, and, you know, shovels.

I'd say stick to the shovels!"

It was still a crap prompt though.
January 15, 2012 at 4:02am
January 15, 2012 at 4:02am
Day 14 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

I missed this prompt on purpose I guess. It's a bit of a sOre point. I am forever being misunderstood. Sigh. It's the bane of my existan e. The biggest trap I find myself falling into is getting people to understand that I'm laughing with them, not at them. And, I guess I misunderstand other people to as I often make the mistake of thinking ha because I can laugh at myself, I can lauh at anyone.

In other exciting news, I'm doing some New Horizon courses. Reeling in the Readers and Comma Sense. I love leRning about the English language almost as much as I love doing creative writing courses. It should be fun.

I'm reading the comma sense notes now, it seems to me that you can recognize a com
Pound sentence that needs a coordinating conjunction but looking for 2 separate utterances on the same topic. On the same token you can recognize when a subordinating conjunction is being used when the second independent clause explains the first.

Makes sense to me anyway!

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