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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1808259
"I could eat alphabet soup and crap better lyrics then that." - Johny Mercer.
From June 2016 entries are entered into "The Bard's Hall Contest"   by StephBee

From May 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor /right}
From June 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

From June 2016 entries are entered into "Blogging Circle of Friends "   by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

I'm a writer, who doesn't write.
An artist, who doesn't paint.
I'm a blogger, who doesn't blog.
I'm a dreamer. And all I do is dream

I was born a donkey, but lived as a man. My parents sent me out from the paddock so that I could learn the secrets of corned bread. Seeing for myself the world of men made me curious because that was my weakness. Always my weakness. My hind-legs were strong and so began my masquerade. I became a man and walked the world of men.

I tasted many delights, and many disasters. But soon I found that I needed a thing called money. To continue my quest I would need to work. A courier seemed the most obvious thing. Although, was I not a man now and not a pack-mule? No. No couriers work for me. I chose a trade and worked in a factory.

I had not forgotten my quest for the secret of corned bread. Every night, while printing the newspaper on the night shift, I would see the grand old culinary designs in the food and drink section. There was so much more to food then corned bread.

Continue My Memoir of Magic and Dreams

This is my blog documenting my experiences on http://www.writing.com. In it, I will include my reviews of others works, links to offsite writings, and importantly, I think, moan and complain constantly about the machinations of this beautiful, sexy, inspiring and fearsome beast of a writing community.

I didn't do anything about my desire to write for over 20 years and I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm a little worried that I've left it all too late and I won't have enough time to become a good writer.

I'm always up for joining in on blogging groups and challenges, so if you have one - let me know here.

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July 22, 2012 at 2:14am
July 22, 2012 at 2:14am
Well, I said I would keep you updated on my discussion forum for each individual story idea and here is the latest. Quite funny really and to quote the Mr Men Show, which is playing right now in the background, some of the people running this place are nincompoops. That old saying about giving someone pips on their shoulders...

So, now I'm thinking I'll try this other idea I have for posting a story as a static item that has a link to the same story as a message forum item included first. I'll just use the same item again and again (keeping ratings and views) and just change the title and content.

Yes, I am evil and a creative thinker.

On 7/8/12 at 3:18pm, Northernwrites wrote:

This is an automated message.


This is an automated message to let you know that your post to "The Review Request Page" has been removed. The following message has been included in regards to the removal:

Message forums are NOT allowed on this page. Second removal.
The content of your post was as follows:
Item Included:
"Early Morning In Eden" (#1878323)
Your Comment: An exercise in viewpoint,setting scene and character. Written about my wife when she was pregnant with our first child.
Date/Time: 07/08/12 @ 5:04am

On 7/8/12 at 6:36pm, Thundersbeard wrote:


I didn't realize message forums were not permitted as the in and out Page only mentions book items not being allowed. Also, this item only uses the message forum format instead of a static item. It is still only a fiction story same as any other in my Port.
The reason why I use this format is to discuss reviews of the fiction piece and allow others to discuss reviews of the piece.
This is an option WDC currently does not have.

I hope you understand, and also hope you let me keep posting review requests in this format.

On 7/8/12 at 10:55pm, Northernwrites wrote:

The page clearly states -- in red font with bold highlighting -- This page may be used to request reviews of Static Items only, not Books.

The mention of Books is a special-case reminder and reiteration of the restriction, not permission to ignore it for any other type of item.

A Forum item is not a Static item. Therefore it is not allowed. It doesn't matter what you're using it for, it is not allowed on this page.

You should also pay attention to this part of the rules:
In order to provide fair exposure to all members, anyone who does not follow the rules above may have all of their submissions removed from the page without prior notice or warning.

So I hope you understand and in future follow the rules.

On 7/9/12 at 4:19am, Thundersbeard wrote:

No worries mate. Why the fuss over static items?

On 7/9/12 at 11:51am, Northernwrites wrote:
It states on the page--

The purpose of "Request Reviews" is to match those Writing.Com authors who are looking for serious critiques with those Writing.Com members looking to give them. Items should only be posted here if the author is looking for honest and helpful reviews.

Items posted must be literary works that are completed (or near completion) and can be read from start to finish. Specialty items, such as outlines, random thoughts, or ideas, should not be posted in this In & Out.

Clearly no other item type fits the purpose.

On 7/9/12 at 5:58pm, Thundersbeard wrote:

Actually, the text you have quoted doesn't preclude using a message forum to post a story. After all, I am still posting a full story and am still seeking reviews. The only difference between a static item and a discussion item in this case is that The discussion item encourages people to discuss the work and their reviews in a group/workshop/conversation fashion underneath the physical story.
Nothing else is different to a similar static item.

On 7/11/12 at 10:20pm, Northernwrites wrote:

Being no different from a static item -- which is just your opinion, and not true -- is not the same as being a static item.

You lost this argument when you chose the other item type. The choice has consequences. The answer is no, so you'll have to do something else to request reviews of this item, the same as everyone else does who wants a review of a non-static item.

And if you ever again get the urge to argue about site rules in my inbox, or to suggest I should break site rules to enable you to do so also -- don't.

On 7/12/12 at 5:58am, Thundersbeard wrote:

No worries. (rolls eyes)

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1867748 by Not Available.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest  (18+)
A joint project taking turns to write about the Zombie Apocolypse
#1832624 by Wyrm

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
(and husband too!)
July 8, 2012 at 7:12pm
July 8, 2012 at 7:12pm
Hi Thundersbeard . Here is my review on "Unmasked and Unfriendly"  [E]. Please keep in mind that the comments and suggestions below are offered only as suggestions.

FIRST IMPRESSION: First, and foremost I truly enjoyed reading this piece. It held my attention very well from start to finish and moved along nicely with no gaps in the action. "Visually," your story leaves no doubt as to the setting or the situation. This is an interesting glimpse of part of a story that I would like to become more familiar with. What you have here has left me wanting more of this story and, indeed, more of Captain Crusader!

WHAT I LIKED MOST: Interesting that given the situation of the detective capturing a masked vigilante, apparently operating outside the law, they still have an exchange that exhibits a degree of humor, albeit sarcastic.

PLOT DEVELOPMENT AND RESOLUTION: While I did enjoy this little bit, it does not have a complete plot. I have a similar situation in one of my own stories. I wrote a nice piece, but have no idea where to go from where I am. This is a scene, and part of a larger story. As the reader I want to know who he is, what his relationship is with the detective that captured him, and what led him to the situation he is in.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: While the characters roles are clearly defined, and very well casted, there is no background, and more than what we have here might not be appropriate for this little piece of flash fiction.

SUGGESTIONS: I would like to see more of this story. As I have noted above there is more of a story to be told. I would like to see the interrogation progress and his story unfold. Perhaps the weight of the good he has done will more than make up for what he is charged with. OR perhaps he is completely inept and only endangers not only himself, but others as well.

CLOSING COMMENTS: I will be visiting your port more today and perhaps reviewing a few other pieces. If you would like me to review/rate this story again, please let me know and I would be happy to do so.


All of my above comments and suggestions are only offered as something you may want to consider. It's your story, vision and you know your characters best. If I'm able to provide something that you may find helpful within this review, that's great!
July 8, 2012 at 2:38am
July 8, 2012 at 2:38am
My latest thoughts on kids resilence is that it's a good idea to steer them towards a hobby where they use actions to acheive a goal. In the case of my kids I've just purchased 30 blocks of fimo modelling clay in assorted colours (bulk deal). Eventually, I plan to get them into painting miniatures and their own sculptures, but one fun step at a time.
I must also resolve to do more paper mache.
July 7, 2012 at 6:37am
July 7, 2012 at 6:37am
Thank you for submitting feedback for this item. Your reviews are stored within your My Feedback area for viewing at any time. This review's is ID #3729402. WritingML Review of "Shrove Tuesday" yields: Review of "Shrove Tuesday"

Apparently dear Bertie received a kneejerk reaction from one of her fans to this piece. I thought it was very good. It must have made the other reviewer very scared!
July 7, 2012 at 12:37am
July 7, 2012 at 12:37am
Follow me? Follow my title.

Emergency Prompt: The last person you called King.

With Wifey and kids going to the beach-house for the nice weather tHis weekend, I thought It would be a great chance to do some writing.

It's now Sat Arvo and I'm reassessing my plans. All I've done is painted a dungeon wall and watch 80s TV and pause for some self-reflection. Like, the key to progress is being strict on yourself. Sticking to what we say can be a universal tonic for our lives. And having said that, I'm heading to the beach house after all as I miss my family too much!

Science in the 80s. It must have been great to be a science boffin in Hollywood back then. After decades of stuffy or quirky tv shows and documentaries, those boffins must have loved consulting on MacGuyver. I bet it would have been a hoot In their script conference meetings.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1867748 by Not Available.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest  (18+)
A joint project taking turns to write about the Zombie Apocolypse
#1832624 by Wyrm

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
(and husband too!)
July 2, 2012 at 7:16am
July 2, 2012 at 7:16am
...I will announce the winner of June shortly. In the mean time, I thought I would join in the fun and attempt the Follow Me Edition of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. My entry title has nothing to do with my entry, I just thought it would be cool to have a Follow Me entry called Follow Me.

Speaking of blogging, signed this lately?

Please take a moment to add your voice to our campaign to get a Blog Comment Request Box added to the front page of Writing.Com "Blog Comment Request Box on The Hub"  

Blogs are about writing. This is a writing site. I really think WDC itself is missing out by not having the Blogs first and foremost on the site.

So, really, my entry was just about making an entry. You follow?

EMERGENCY PROMPT: we are spirits passing through the doors of time
June 30, 2012 at 11:22pm
June 30, 2012 at 11:22pm

Thank you for submitting feedback for this item. Your reviews are stored within your My Feedback area for viewing at any time. This review's is ID #3726764. WritingML Review of "A loss of focus. " yields: Review of "A loss of focus. "
June 30, 2012 at 4:31am
June 30, 2012 at 4:31am
Another month, another blogging challenge over. Almost.

I think next month, in the unofficial month, we'll do another Follow Me session. Only one minor change is needed as I see it. Each day's leader much give an alternate prompt title, only to be used in case of emergencies like the next day's leader not coming to the party. Everyone looking for a prompt would go back to that leader to get their prompt.

I think I'll spend the month adding my own prompts, original and taken from the net, to the Challenge War Chest. This month's challengers were all up to the task, but the prompts they sent, not in all cases mind you, were kind of lack lustre. I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a while there.

I'm doing Holly Lisle's How to Think Sideways course atm. The one on writers block and setting up good habits. I have bad writing habits, and so I have barely started even though it's been a couple of weeks.

I'm thinking I might combine the daily flash fiction contest with writeordie.com, to try and produce some writing each day. Doing the scribbes thing too, but I keep forgetting to check the forum for the writing prompts.

I think next official blogging challenge, I'll make Saturday more of a creative writing prompt. People send a lot of writing and poetry prompts, might as well use some of the better ones. Bloggers seem to like poetry, for the most part.

I'm thinking I might try and up my reviews. I've been lax since Troy died. In fact, while I can't see a connection between him and my writing, I haven't really got into it since visiting him in hospital. Maybe one of my friends needs to have a baby? Circle of life and all that inspiring stuff.

Invalid Review

You need to take out some of those "hads". If you're going to end with "that was the beginning", it probably makes sense to begin with "it started" in the first paragraph and not the second.

As is, it actually reads like a half-way decent voice-over narration at the beginning of an indie film.

I know this is the first chapter, and an introductory one, but when you're not giving the reader anything concrete in terms of the physical and instead are giving them emotional and largely esoteric terms that dance around any real action, it might be a good idea to include the second chapter in this first instalment on this site.

I would watch this film. I'm unsure I'll click to the next chapter of this story though. That's the nature of serialisng on a writing site, and no judgement on your actual story.
June 29, 2012 at 5:07am
June 29, 2012 at 5:07am
June 28, 2012 at 1:58am
June 28, 2012 at 1:58am
Retreading Orson Scott cards Alvin maker series. I never finished the whole 6 books, so I'm starting from the beginning. Seeing as I'm at the end of my tether, I figger I better start thinking more clearly about what the final books in my life are that I want to read. A literary bucket list, if you will.

Views on Gay Marriage notwithstanding, Orson Scott Card has never let me down.

Anyway, here is a short gem from Book 01 of Alvin Maker, Prophets Son.
Armor sighed. "Oh, there's no way you could know," he said. "It's a quarrel that goes back to before we were married, when I first come out to this land. I met her when she came with her brothers to help build my first cabin-- the soapmaking shed, now. She started to scatter spearmint on my floor and say some kind of rhyme, and I shouted for her to stop it and get out of my house. I quoted the Bible, where it says, You shall not suffer a witch to live. It made for a right testy half hour, you may be sure."    

"You called her a witch, and she married you?"  

"We had a few conversations in between."
Such a great line, and a great writer too.

And now for a bad one. I was in a remarkably good mood this afternoon after work. Perhaps it had something to do with getting my writing on during the day?

Invalid Photo #1027111 vs Invalid Photo #1027106
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1876356 by Not Available.

June 27, 2012 at 1:30am
June 27, 2012 at 1:30am
Just wrote 72 words while waiting to pick the kids up from school.
June 26, 2012 at 8:05am
June 26, 2012 at 8:05am
Dear Michael,

GetUp members are embarking on a completely new kind of campaign. This email is a little longer than usual, but please bear with us so we can explain what you need to know about this new strategy, and how you can help.

Today, for the first time, hundreds of GetUp members have come together to use their shareholder power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of a top 20 ASX company: Woolworths Ltd. An EGM is a meeting of a company's shareholders; just like an Annual General Meeting, but held at an irregular time.

Extraordinary change calls for extraordinary measures. Australia has more high-loss poker machines per capita than any other country in the world. Woolworths owns and operates more poker machines than any other entity in Australia. Presently, the company’s machines can easily take $1500 in an hour from addicted problem gamblers. That jobs, homes, families, and, in some tragic cases, lives are ruined by problem gambling at Woolworths machines is unacceptable.

Fortunately, GetUp is made up of extraordinary Australians who are willing to stand up and hold corporate power to account. Yesterday afternoon we demonstrated our collective power by delivering 210 'Request for Meeting' documents to Woolworths Ltd. headquarters, on behalf of GetUp members who have chosen to exercise their shareholder power and take bold action to drive the change on poker machine reform that we've all been asking for.

We're asking Woolworths shareholders to change the company's constitution: simply to make their poker machines less dangerous by limiting bets to $1 per button push and limiting losses to $120 per hour (on average), as recommended by the Productivity Commission.

So, what can you do? We must demonstrate that it's not just shareholders that are counting on Woolworths to do the right thing, but also customers across the country. Please add your name to this petition, to be delivered by shareholders at our Woolworths EGM:


News of our campaign already broke this morning in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and prominent Australian shareholder activist and founder of Crikey.com, Stephen Mayne, is endorsing the campaign.

Moments like this are what our movement was made for: finding innovative ways to hold power to account and progress issues we all care about when the government has failed us. Best of all, this campaign tactic demonstrates how our community works together from all angles – the hundreds of savvy shareholder activists exercising their corporate power, the thousands who donated to run ads that were banned by all the major networks and then run in cinemas around the country, and the courageous members who’ve volunteered to speak out and tell their very personal stories, on camera, about how their lives have been devastated by problem gambling at the high loss machines - many of them owned by Woolworths. You will meet three of these members, Helena, Gillian and Clelia, in our new national ad campaign that will be be rolled out in the coming weeks.

We know this is new territory for GetUp and a lot to take in, so here's some more detail on what you need to know about supporting the EGM:

Why Woolworths?

We're doing this to change the way a major Australian company does business, to make sure it no longer profits from the pain of problem gamblers. Woolworths owns and operates the most poker machines in Australia - more than the top five Vegas casinos combined[1]. Australian poker machines are an incredibly dangerous product for a large number of families in this country - leading to the loss of jobs, relationships, families, houses and even lives. But the Productivity Commission and independent experts such as Dr Charles Livingstone have said they can be made a lot safer by reducing maximum bets to $1 and capping hourly losses at around $120[2]. That's why GetUp members have come together to ask Woolies to make their poker machines safer for communties.

How can holding an EGM create the change we need on poker machine reform?

The hundreds of GetUp member shareholders of Woolworths who signed the request for an Extraordinary General Meeting have the right to propose amendments to the company’s constitution. This right is enshrined in section 136(2) of the Corporations Act. One way we can amend the constitution is to request the company to hold an EGM and to move the constitutional amendment at that EGM. This power is enshrined in section 249D of the Corporations Act. The amendment we are proposing, if passed, would mean that Woolworths could not - according to its own constitution - operate machines that could take more than $1 per spin or more than $120 per hour and includes mandatory shutdown periods of six hours in Woolworths owned pubs and hotels.

If our amendment is passed, it will be very difficult - probably impossible - for Woolies to keep operating its high-loss poker machines. This is an outcome the Productivity Commission, Andrew Wilkie MP, Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and GetUp members have been calling for since this campaign began over a year ago.

We didn’t begin this campaign many months ago with the goal of holding an EGM, but all previous tactics have resulted in Woolies continuing to ignore its involvement in perpetuating problem gambling. That’s why we’re using an innovative corporate tactic--involving Australians from all walks of life and from all corners of the country, from Dunsborough, Western Australia to Cairns, far north Queensland--that Woolworths won't be able to ignore.

And while the facts are on our side, this is a new arena for GetUp with a strong likelihood of an aggressive response by Woolworths. If we win, it could make all the difference for Australians who struggle with problem gambling, and that's something worth fighting for. Regardless of the result of the vote, we think it's important that all operators of dangerous pokie machines are held to account, and pushed to consider responsible reform.

Join us in asking for real reform, beginning in the board room of the largest owner of high loss poker machines in Australia:


Thanks for standing up,
the GetUp Team.

[1] 'Woolworths hits the jackpot with pokies after signing deal with Laundy hotel group', The Daily Telegraph. November 11, 2011
[2] 'Gambling Report Volume I (Report NO 50)', Australian Productivity Commission, 26 February, 2010.
June 26, 2012 at 7:00am
June 26, 2012 at 7:00am

Funny story. Well executed. BUT are the kudo's warranted in the comments after it or are people just so happy that this story gives them an excuse for not devising ways to kill Hitler themselves? Do people like this story because it assuages their middle-class guilt?
June 26, 2012 at 2:02am
June 26, 2012 at 2:02am
Struggling along With Ethan Drane. I have tokeep telling myself hat no matter how bad I feel the writing is, I ain't gonna finish if I don't keep plodding along. Or something.
Wrote 200 words on Monday, and 110 so far today. I've started to write, the trick is not to stop.
June 24, 2012 at 6:40am
June 24, 2012 at 6:40am
Hit the 2000 word mark today, very chuffed. Estimating at least another 4-6000 to go.

Played DND yesterday. Finally getting a handle on playing my eccentric half-orc barbarian-cum-standover man.

Have a bet going with Wyrm that after 4 weeks I will have more words written on Ethan Drane then he will on his backstory tale for his novel.
The prize is that the loser has to give the winner their next bit of substantial loot in our dungeons and dragons campaign.
June 16, 2012 at 11:01am
June 16, 2012 at 11:01am
Watched all the Brandon Sanderson You Tube lecture 11 videos tonight. Interesting. I found that a couple of times I went to ask him a question, like I was in his class. Funny shit.

The narrowing the focus on a single character pretty much mirrors what I had been saying on voxer to Wyrm when he first told me about the fight scene lectures. I wonder what Sanderson's opinion would be on army warfare where you don't do that. Say if you wanted to demonstrate the size of the conflict, or showcase the grandness of an epic battle. Of course, it couldn't be blow by blow with armies anyway, but I wonder what other tricks he would suggest to pull that off.

The romance stuff was good, especially the "get the characters almost liking each other", then "get them not liking each other", to build sexual tension.

A story like Martigh and Miss Frances (main characters of my WIP) hinges on them being star crossed lovers. My sole intention with this book is to make women cry, and men feel like they could. But, it's essentially a chase movie, so I've always been aware of character conflict to create reader interest.

I remember writing a story when I was a kid about a ninja superhero and he had a fight with a soldier investigating him for a corporation. I filled a whole page with "Shurikien kicked Anndre. Then Andre kicked Shurikien" type stuff. My brother was appalled and told me you can't write like that. Don't go blow-by-blow like Sanderson said.

I also like the punch, pontificate lines, as that is what I found myself doing with Ethan Drane the other day.

The no-adjective, fast pace stuff is also mentioned in the writing fighting tutorial I posted on the Them's fighting words page.
June 13, 2012 at 1:30am
June 13, 2012 at 1:30am
New Prompt: what's the worst that could happen?

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1870220 by Not Available.

Results in Chapter 6 of Spawn of the Seventh God.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1867698 by Not Available.

Yes folks, I did my ten minutes of writing today!

June 12, 2012 at 4:39am
June 12, 2012 at 4:39am
I wrote 68 words of my Ethan Drane story today!

I also awarded a "computers" merit badge to Fivesixer for his June 8th entry in the "June 2012 30-Day Blogging Challenge". The prompt was about what you'd do with a 3D printer, now that they are down to $1000.

As a roleplayer extraordinaire, I personally would be making personalised miniatures of all my friends and family for our pen and paper games. Dungeons n Dragons, Mutants and Masterminds, my brother's head on a Call of Cthulu elderling. Ahh. Seriously, folks. I can't wait!

And please, somebody give me a "comedy" merit badge. Check out this exchange between yours truly and a reviewer after they reviewed my essay on naming characters. (also open for discussion here: "Invalid Entry.)

Reviewer: I like that you mentioned how the name sounds. and how in some eras names were longer. Just recently I talked to someone who was from Germany and their last name was relatively short, yet I can't remember what it was. When I mentioned it, they'd said it was once longer and for me I thought the longer version was quite interesting and I don't know..mysterious or exotic sounding somehow.

Ever heard of that Russian composer ..Rachmaninoff? What if he shortened his name to Rach? Not quite as exciting sounding if you ask me.

My Reply:Thanks for the indepth review. You have some interesting thoughts.

Rachmaninoff? Rach? Didn't he start a music college? The School of Rach?
Rachmaninoff? What if he shortened his name to Rach?For those who are about to Rach?

As I say, where's my "comedy" merit badge. (note that I don't expect any "funny" merit badges any time soon. A shame there aren't any "dad jokes" merit badges!)
June 11, 2012 at 9:04pm
June 11, 2012 at 9:04pm

In the red corner....
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **


In the blue corner....
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

They fought to a bloody stand still; the giantess, now legless, and the Hunter, now blinded and noseless. Bleeding out, they could determine the winner amongst themselves. Each, thinking the other the loser. Leaving the judging to the crows. Neither of them truly winning, when those opportunists made their decision.

New action-figures for the action-writing contest "Invalid Item.
June 11, 2012 at 4:18am
June 11, 2012 at 4:18am

I almost put pen to paper today. I actually reached out, and the words were already unfolding in my head. Sitting down to write, I began to get that old, familiar excitement. I wondered if the flow I was about to feel would match the flow I felt, when I wrote Grits & the SnakePit Man. Then, I dozed off for awhile, missed the opportunity, and had to go back to work.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1867748 by Not Available.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest  (18+)
A joint project taking turns to write about the Zombie Apocolypse
#1832624 by Wyrm

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
(and husband too!)

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© Copyright 2018 Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST (UN: thundersbeard at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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