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by Fi
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1877728
...there you will find me.
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*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

A fascination for the stars,
a friendship with the darkest night;
a search for adventure,
a longing for the light;
a journey to the edge of the universe,
a wonder in my eyes...
I have strong convictions,
I love to sing and dance, I hate sham, lies and guise.
I love life, people, oceans, pens, dreams, cats, chocolate,
and I'll stand for what is right.
You can tell me what I should be,
Everything I lack.
But at the end of the day just take me back
to where the stars still shine at night.

*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

*Infov* Warning: Contains pert opinions, illogical thoughts, unrealistic dreams, ridiculous rants, irrelevant links, un-profound philosophy and "conservative" religious beliefs.

You're welcome to read, follow, comment, listen, laugh and cry. *Reading* I can't promise any emotionally-tranquil content. *Smirk*

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February 25, 2014 at 7:31pm
February 25, 2014 at 7:31pm
* Sorry to tag you all again. Just copied my notebook post.

A big huge thank you to WDCassist Loves WDC and "Premium Membership Assistance Group, who donated 349,500 GPs to "The Flea Bank, the remaining 26% needed to reach my goal of 1,399,500 GPs for a renewed 12 month Premium membership upgrade! *Delight*

I am overwhelmed by the support of everyone on WdC who has contributed towards these funds ~ raising a huge amount in less than three months! *Delight* I want to thank each one of you here and now. *Heart* These generous members include:

*Ribbonr* Alexi
*Ribbono* nangwaya
*Ribbony* Jeff
*Ribbong* Bonnie
*Ribbonb* ~ Santa Sisco ~
*Ribbonv* Princess Megan Rose 22 Years
*Ribbonp* OOT™
*Ribbonw* ~A.J. Lyle~
*Ribbonr* Escape Artist
*Ribbono* Marci Missing Everyone
*Ribbong* blue jellybaby
*Ribbonb* gardengirl
*Ribbonv* ctkevink
*Ribbonp* sunnystarr
*Ribbonw* abcoachnz-Sometimes around
*Ribbonr* Jellyfish
*Ribbono* Nixie
*Ribbony* 🌕 HuntersMoon
*Ribbong* Elle - on hiatus
*Ribbonb* Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation
*Ribbonv* Anonymous *Star*
*Ribbonp* 🌕 HuntersMoon
*Ribbonw* Anonymous *Starg*
*Ribbonr* Sharkdaddy

I will continue to raise funds for my membership through "The Flea Bank, but this year I will employ this useful technique called actually plan ahead this time. *Laugh*

Now I'm off to renew my membership, and I'm super happy because now I can enter "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest with my new poem "Invalid Item (feedback very much appreciated! :-[). *Olympics*

Please consider supporting "Premium Membership Assistance Group in your next fundraiser. *Smile* I have never received such a prompt and supportive response from an upgrade group before. *Heart*

Thank you for your community support, WDCassist Loves WDC and
Premium Membership Assistance Group  (E)
We assist members who NEED Premium Membership (renewal) Not for upgrade to Premium.
#1887678 by WDCassist Loves WDC
February 17, 2014 at 4:03pm
February 17, 2014 at 4:03pm
I'm moving my Give It 100 poems to
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1977731 by Not Available.
February 5, 2014 at 5:49pm
February 5, 2014 at 5:49pm

Poems I have memorised:

*Books1* No Coward Soul Is Mine by Emily Bronte
*Books5* Invictus by William Ernest Henley
*Books3* If by Rudyard Kipling
*Books2* Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
*Books4* Break, Break, Break by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
*Bookstack* The Old Stoic by Emily Bronte
*Bookstack2* Sonnet CXVI by Shakespeare
*Bookstack3* In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
*Books3* Crossing The Bar by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Currently memorising:

*Bookopen* excerpt from Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

         Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


"Give It 100!


I’m not feeling very profound today –
I wrote four poems yesterday
And now from me all art has drained
So I’ll force my hand and mind, strained,
To write a few short lines, unenthused,
And you can growl or be amused
But I am tired, I want a break,
So now this book I shall forsake
And drink some water to ease my headache,
Soak up the sun, for peace’s sake.
I’d be much obliged if you would leave
So that I may find rest and reprieve.


Thank you to my very generous sponsors: Escape Artist sponsored me 50k! *Starstruck* *Heart* And 🌕 HuntersMoon sponsored all of us at 15k, which was a pretty awesome feat, considering there are eight of us (a total of 105k!). *Delight* I now have a frightfully large amount of GPs at stake: 101,666 GPs *Shock* Nothing is going to stop me from getting to the end of my 100 days now! {e:determined}


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February 4, 2014 at 8:02pm
February 4, 2014 at 8:02pm
"Give It 100!

Day 13:

Waste not your dreams
on an unwanting world
but let them leap and shout
among the stars
until they dawn on the earth
and grow so bright
that no one can deny them
or reach them
to tear them down
from the heights they have

February 4, 2014 at 2:44am
February 4, 2014 at 2:44am
I'm certainly keeping this one in my blog! :-[

This is the first time I've cried real tears and gone hot and cold and tingly all over because of something or someone on Writing.Com.

So earlier Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation and I were talking about awardicons (she started it! She said "I'm not a huge fan of awardicons for some reason unless they're over the 150k mark. *Laugh*" Got that, everyone? If you're going to give her an awardicon, don't waste your 10k...go the whole hog and get her a 150k one! *Laugh*) and I was sharing a greedy secret that I've always wanted a yellow star awardicon.

...a few hours later, guess what turns up in my inbox?

And I was like...









And for the rest of the week, ~ no, actually: the rest of the year ~ I'm going to be like:

*Bigsmile* *Flowerv* *Rainbowl* *Rainbowr* *Sun* *Tulipr* *Music2* *Bird* *Angel* *Kiss* *Laugh*

I am honestly beyond words. This girl is the craziest, kindest and most tormenting creature in the world. I'm never going to recover my senses after this one. And I'm never going to drop a remark about what I want ever again. I don't want her wasting anymore money on me! *Laugh* But really, who does that? Who just...up and buys a huge awardicon to grant a lil' ol' flea's wish?

Above all, it was the message that stole my heart away:

*Star* *Star* *Star*
You will always be a shining star in my book but I hope your words light up the sky
*Star* *Star* *Star*

These words are going to be what carries me up into that sky! *Laugh*

Wow, she's amazing. *Heart* *Happycry* *goes off to find handkerchief* I don't think anyone has ever surprised and commended me so much before. I am ever and always her most devoted friend and admirer. Don't anyone try to take that away from me. *Smirk*

And just so you know, I'm going to visit my portfolio page every day just to look at it. *Laugh*

Wow, wow, wow. *dances a happy dance* And she protests that she doesn't like the colour! *Shock* (This time I'm employing selective hearing and pretending I didn't hear that. *Laugh*)

I love that girl! *Kiss*

I also received an awardicon for my poem,
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1975225 by Not Available.

from Mandy as part of the "Invalid Item:

Thank you! *Heart*

It has been a great day. I'm not going to sleep tonight. *Starstruck*
February 3, 2014 at 9:04pm
February 3, 2014 at 9:04pm
"Give It 100!

Day 12:

I'm on the roof of the world
and I'm looking down,
watching the eagles soar
around the mountain's crown.

It has cost me nothing
to reach the summit
except some sweat and pain,
and fear of the plummet.

Feel the wind in my hands,
the sun on my face;
there's thrill in my blood
that nothing can replace.

There's nothing to lose
when you run a race –
if you don't win,
you get second place.

You'll never rise
if you're afraid to fall;
you'll never win
if you don't race at all.

So don't hesitate,
just give it a shot;
if you make it, celebrate;
if not, so what?

Be ready to fight
and willing to sacrifice:
nothing can be gained
without a price.

It's easy to give up
but better to endure:
achievement is an adventure,
a possibility you can't insure.

And that's the element
making it worthwhile:
endless risk, chance, danger
before the end of the mile.

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[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

February 3, 2014 at 8:56pm
February 3, 2014 at 8:56pm
"Give It 100!

Day 11:

Grapes ripen in late summer sun,
dark red to purple, fat and round,
sweet and sour to tongue and taste,
large bunches overhead abound;
not quite ready to pluck, but soon,
and many still are small and green;
harvest approaches, juice and wine;
I watch an exciting but sad scene,
reminding me that autumn is coming,
returning the cold, of days gone,
telling me, like wind in the leaves above
the seasons are passing on.
Memories of summer, farewell;
it burns my throat like fresh wine,
bitter and sweet like grapes
on the late summer vine.
February 3, 2014 at 8:51pm
February 3, 2014 at 8:51pm
"Give It 100!

Day 10:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1975225 by Not Available.
January 31, 2014 at 5:33pm
January 31, 2014 at 5:33pm
"Give It 100!

Day 9:

Lingering remnants,
ashes of the past,
withering ruins into
desolation cast;
smoke wreathing,
circling crows,
rubble breathing
endless woes.
January 31, 2014 at 4:44am
January 31, 2014 at 4:44am
Random Trivia:

I was curious to see how many GPs have been spent on me/items in my port, so I went and added up the worth of all my CRs (*Laugh* call it part of my New Year's resolution to be more aware and appreciative of what I've been given):

Merit Badges:

171 x 10k = 1,710,000 GPs


27 x 10k = 270,000 GPs
13 x 25k = 325,000 GPs
4 x 50k = 200,000 GPs
1 x 100k = 100,000 GPs
1 x 500k = 500,00 GPs

Altogether, that is...

the vast, unbelievable sum of...

*Shock* 3,105,000 GPs *Starstruck*

Is that really $310??!! Or is my notorious math inability displaying itself once again?

I can't believe you, Writing.Com. *Heart*

And that's just the least of it! I haven't even taken into account the raffle tickets, gift certificates, contest prizes,

I know, I know, the greedy man can't stop counting his gold. *Laugh* But seriously, it makes me feel pretty special that folks think something I did somewhere along the track was worth it. *Suitheart*

Believe me, it's not just the shiny awards I can display with pride or the six-digit number beside my GP bank that makes me feel less uneasy about gifting MBs and awardicons abundantly (*Laugh*) ~ it's the people who gave them to me, their encouraging words and the kind things they have done for me. It's a journey in itself just reading some of the messages on the MBs again. It's enough to challenge, motivate and encourage anyone. *Smile*

So don't let your MBs get virtually dusty on your virtual trophy shelf. Don't feel bad about going to enjoy reading those messages again and just appreciating your friends and how good life can be to you. :-[ Go and do it!
January 30, 2014 at 4:06pm
January 30, 2014 at 4:06pm
I was up at 5am this morning to greet the sunrise. It was a beautiful sight. *Sun*''

I looked up the definition of "poetry" in the Oxford dictionary, and was impressed by what I found:


literary work
in which the
of feelings and ideas
is given intensity
by the use of distinctive
style and rhythm

*Starv* Bragging:

Won 2nd Place in Round 1 of "Invalid Item with my poem "Invalid Item...along with two others. Thanks to the judges who considered me worthy of this gorgeous award:

*Starg* "Give It 100!:


Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:

*Starv* Advertising:

P.E.N.C.I.L. Anniversary Fundraiser   (E)
Almost closing time... Hurry and get your bid in!
#1919860 by Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation
January 27, 2014 at 8:14pm
January 27, 2014 at 8:14pm
It's time for me to get back into the flow of blogging again. I have started a project at GiveIt100.Com and I am going to write a poem each day for 100 days.

Give It 100!  (13+)
Write daily on Writing.Com for 100 days and earn an exclusive merit badge! Start today!
#1974137 by ruwth

I'm going to use this blog to share the poems I write each day.

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:

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December 17, 2013 at 5:06am
December 17, 2013 at 5:06am
When you're about to give up...

look at how far you've come already,
listen to the voice of your future self,
wake up and smell the coffee,
taste the cool water of "what if I..."
reach out and touch the stars.

Then stand up and put a foot forward.

You've got nothing to lose.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Stop doubting yourself.
Stop restricting yourself.

Just keep going...

*Starv* What's the goss?

Recently I bought the Lord Of The Rings: Extended Editions dvds from TradeMe ~ autographed by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens!!! *Delight* So excited, and I can't wait for them to turn up.

Sick with the flu...headaches are pretty bad since the doctor has put me on another year of medication (groooan *Sick*)...and my throat hurts a bit. *Pthb* Looking forward to going on holiday this weekend.

*Starg* Featured:

"Invalid Entry by gardengirl

I thought this was a very well-written poem, with an excellent interpretation of the prompt. I mean, how on earth do you write a Villanelle poem with Assonance in the Sci-fi genre?!

The prompts come from our demanding muses at
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1963302 by Not Available.

December 13, 2013 at 4:15pm
December 13, 2013 at 4:15pm
I have just received the very sad news that hbar passed away at around 7:00 a.m. today. He had been battling cancer for some time.

My heart goes out to his family and friends. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers during this time.

I know a few folks here on Writing.Com who were pretty close to him as well, particularly warriormom

He was always funny, cheerful and brave, one of a few who have touched me in a very special way here online. I wish I could have met him in real life.

We will all miss him. This day earth has lost one of its greatest men, and heaven has gained one of its brightest stars.

*Cross1* Rest In Peace, John *Angel*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1966953 by Not Available.
December 12, 2013 at 11:25pm
December 12, 2013 at 11:25pm
I recently welcomed a newbie, M.H. Stiles , to Writing.Com, and was super-pleased to hear in her warm reply that "everyone is so welcoming". *Smile* That's my WdC! *Heart*

This is just another testimony of the incredible friendliness of the members of this site (which I have rarely encountered on other sites), and the encouragement, motivation and inspiration that can be found in this community. I am becoming increasingly aware that Writing.Com does not consist of "internet", but of spirit. *Smile* I love the together-ness...we all have something in common, and it brings us close together: writing!

M.H. Stiles is a young budding poet, and I look forward to reading her works as she uploads them, encouraging her on the writing road and watching her future unroll before her. I am sure she will go far with her cheerful and sincere personality and poetry.

I'm pleased to learn that Mallory's mom is also on WdC: S. L. Stiles In fact, I recently reviewed a piece of hers ("Invalid Item) and it shows a special relationship with her daughter that I admire. Her bio-block reveals some impressive information: she is a published author who has won numerous awards and recognition for her work. She is also friends with some very familiar faces around here ~ and she has only been on WdC since November 24th! *Shock* Good on you for jumping in, Mallory's Mom, and for getting Mallory to join! *Smile* I love seeing mother-daughter teams on WdC. It's really sweet.

So I hope you will all join me in keeping an eye on her and the many other talented newbies and young adults all over Writing.Com. *Penv* They have a long way to go, and every step of the way is going to be amazing! *Delight*

Thank you all for encouraging the newbies of this site. *Smile*

*Flagv* The Challenge: The first person to do all of the following and report back to me in the comments below with receive a Merit Badge: *Delight*

1) post a note in five newbies' notebooks,
2) send cnotes to up to five newbies (wishing them a Merry Christmas, of course! :-[),
3) review (or purchase a review[s] for) at least one newbie,
4) gift raffle tickets to (or some other activity) at least five newbies,
5) and purchase a Gift Certificate to a signature shop for at least two newbies.

And thanks to my Secret Santa for gifting me spins at
 Reindeer Roulette!  (E)
Winners announced for 2013! Now closed for the season.
#1625672 by Robert Waltz

...I didn't even know this activity existed, so make sure you check it out today.


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December 11, 2013 at 10:17pm
December 11, 2013 at 10:17pm
Big news for me, everyone! *Delight* I have reached 200 poems! *Starstruck* I'm so excited about this, since it seems like only yesterday (or maybe it was? *Confused*) that I was looking at the little number 100.

I have already set up my new 2014 document in anticipation for the new year. I can't wait, and it isn't even Christmas yet! *Laugh* I am planning on getting to 300 poems next year, but hopefully it'll be more. Bigsmile Every review, every contest, every encouraging friend has made it so much easier, like a path I just had to walk along with a few effortless steps. I couldn't have done it without all your support. *Heart*

And I received an awardicon and two MBs today! *Shock* Thank ya'll so much. *Heart*

Merit Badge in RAOK
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for helping out your fellow members by answering adverts at  [Link To Item #1928789] .  Your generosity of time, effort and/or gift points is very much appreciated by those you help. Merit Badge in Style
[Click For More Info]

 Your friend  [Link To User geja8856]  recommended you for a MB. I like her style!  You are always helping members or groups on W.Com by supporting them in every way you can. Time to get rewarded. Warmest Regards, Sisco. *^*Heart*^*

And I'm working on a lil' surprise for January... *Wink* (I'm starting to sound like SM. And speaking of ~ is it just me, or has he been particularly quiet lately? I wonder what he has in store...)

You absolutely must check out "Invalid Item, and this isn't just selfish advertising! *Shock* We have 16 packages that you can win, thanks to a bunch of very nice donors *Heart*, plus 50% of the pot, which is currently at 130,000 (not enough, I say).

Oh, and did I forget to mention that you can win a Merit Badge for the most gifted tickets (currently at 31 ~ an easy number to beat! :-[). Besides, if you advertise the raffle with a signature ("Invalid Item or "Invalid Item) you will receive a free ticket.

Can you do maths, or do I need to tell you that you have 19 chances of winning something?!

*Flagy* And just because I can, anyone who purchases tickets in the next hour will receive a nomination on the nice list at Elle - on hiatus 's "Invalid Item

*Stockingb* So what are you waiting for?! *Starstruck* It's the season of giving *Santahat* ~ stop repeating that phrase meaninglessly and act! *Laugh*

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December 9, 2013 at 4:16pm
December 9, 2013 at 4:16pm
*Flagy* Inspired by Princess Zelda 's notebook post, "Note: What do you want this Christmas/New Year? I ha..."

Christmas is the season of dreams, and the New Year is traditionally reserved for resolutions. I'm starting early because I won't be online over Christmas and New Year. Will it really be 2014 soon? *Shock*

At the beginning of this year I set a list of goals ("Invalid Item) that I have worked towards, and I am proud that I have been so successful. Well, a few of them didn't turn out, like "1000 words per day or 3000 a week", but I tried, and that's what counts, right? :-[

Goals reached in 2013:

*Flagr* Wrote and finished my book, "Invalid Item
*Flago* Reached 200 poems and wrote more of my thoughts into verse.
*Flagy* Reached 500 reviews.
*Flagg* Started "P.E.N.C.I.L.
*Flagb* Blogged almost-regularly. :-[
*Flagv* Read 50+ books.
*Flagp* Passed Grade 7 cello exam.

What I want to do in 2014:

*Flagr* Finish my book and publish it.
*Flago* Write 100+ poems.
*Flagy* Review 100+ items.
*Flagg* Read 50+ books.
*Flagb* Pass Grade 8 and get out there with my music.
*Flagv* Make each day an adventure. :-[
*Flagp* Stop life from slipping me by!

What I want to be in 2014:

*Flagr* Self-disciplined, with more routine.
*Flago* Encouraging of others around me.
*Flagy* Growing in my faith.
*Flagg* Unleashing my full potential.
*Flagb* Stronger in character, braver in stepping out.
*Flagv* Gaining more knowledge and understanding.
*Flagp* To live each day to its fullest! *Peace2*

What are your goals? *Smile*

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." ~ Galatians 5:22-24

December 8, 2013 at 6:33pm
December 8, 2013 at 6:33pm
Watched We Were Soldiers (again!) last night. I love that movie! *Cry* *Heart* It has the most incredible, haunting song in it called "Lay Me Doon" (it's in Scottish English). Check it out, and tell me if it doesn't make you cry (I'm not denying that it made me cry *Blush*):

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Lay Me Down
Lyrics in English

Lay me down in the cold, cold ground,
Where before many more have gone.
Lay me down in the cold, cold ground,
Where before many more have gone.

When they come I will stand my ground,
Stand my ground I'll not be afraid.
Thoughts of home take away my fear,
Sweat and blood hide my veil of tears.

Once a year say a prayer for me,
Close your eyes and remember me.
Never more shall I see the sun,
For I fell to a German's gun.

Lay me down in the cold, cold ground,
Where before many more have gone.
Lay me down in the cold, cold ground,
Where before many more have gone,

Where before many more have gone...

For the full scene with the song, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-DXYUvxys *Exclaimr* Note: Contains R16 Content

*Cross1* We will remember them. *Heart*
December 4, 2013 at 9:53pm
December 4, 2013 at 9:53pm
This is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read on Writing.Com:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1688859 by Not Available.

gardengirl is truly talented. *Heart*
December 4, 2013 at 3:29am
December 4, 2013 at 3:29am
It's surprisingly easy to set and cultivate some habits, and utterly impossible with others. *Rolleyes* I have recently resolved to try to pen at least one poem a day, and although I'm not quite there, I'm close. I keep two journals beside my bed – one, a diary for what happens each day, the other a prayer diary and poem journal.

Every night before bed I write down the first things that come to mind, and try to transform it into something almost-poetic. A lot of the time, it looks worse in the morning than it did the previous evening, but I am learning to write down thoughts with more brevity.

And on that note, I'll stop here. :-[

...kidding. *Wink*

The other habits? Well, I am trying to keep the kgs down *Blush* by going for a run, walk, bike ride or swim at least three times a week, and *Blush* even trying a few push-ups and sit-ups. So much seems to get in the way, but I want to make exercise a priority. As a writer, it's easy to sit around on your bum a lot and believe you have an excuse for it. :-[ Alas, nevermore!

And yes, blogging is a difficult habit, too.

*Starv* What's the goss?

I'm also working on printing off the first few chapters of "Invalid Item for my friends and family to read. *Smile* It's pretty exciting seeing it in "concrete"! I have high hopes for publishing, if not the traditional way then yes, the dreaded and humiliating self-publishing way. (I say that because I like traditional publishing because you have to meet a certain standard, and you get professional help. It's sad how much good writing gets lost out there among the not-so-great self-published material. But I'm not an expert and I'm not speaking from experience, so go hang me. :-[)

*Starg* Bragging:

I have reached 500 reviews, 200 Community Recognitions and I'm nearly at 200 poems! *Delight*

*Starv* Spotlight:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1965238 by Not Available.

Eyes  (E)
A poem about secrets
#1965215 by kk

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1754258 by Not Available.

Ugh, time to panic about my upgrade. *Rolleyes* Where has the year gone??

 The Flea Bank  (E)
Savings for my Premium membership. Donations receive MB or awardicon of your choice!
#1940798 by Fi

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© Copyright 2016 Fi (UN: flea333 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fi has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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