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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1926559
A new book to house this year's (and future years) NationalPoetryMonth's daily poems.
I'm writing once again this year. This book is my special event place for thirty special poems.

Here for National Poetry Month in 2018, I'm participating but life has not been kind in the last 15 months, so I'm not always in writing mode.

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April 21, 2017 at 2:12am
April 21, 2017 at 2:12am
Hesitate. Wait for faith’s beckoning. A wish come
true, wrapped with children’s bows. Cold comes.

It was yesterday, an invitation from far away, a place
known too well. Arrhythmia. You could not come.

To honor her passing. To mourn the crisp mornings
spent while snow flurried, when Christmas would come.

Feel your heartbreak drown in the blood of memory.
Pray for its sway to fade. A bond of us will never come.

Unspoken sorrow versed in Shakespearean laments.
Years later courting my own death, I begged it not to come.

I am a mere passerby, a poet, a timid and unworthy notetaker.
Not alone to shy away from the great timeline of things to come.

ghazal for my second mother’s death
April 20, 2017 at 1:56am
April 20, 2017 at 1:56am

my hands rouged by the blood of regret
strawberry stains eat at my heart’s regret

I have fourteen reasons why I don’t want
to lose my name to you, silence to regret

absence plunges me in a world of quicksand
mysteries, breathing synonyms for regret

the sound of your fading voice beckons
from the Mediterranean, a siren calls regret

too short a life, harpooned, clotted in pain
do free whales know music for regret?

arms too frail to out-row these bruised clouds
my words fail to express such great regret

ghazal to express too much sorrow
April 19, 2017 at 2:31am
April 19, 2017 at 2:31am
at first, for years in fact, I heard GOT, thought "video game"
since I live abroad, don’t take cable TV & am not game

for series (beyond NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy, Housewives, etc.)
to keep up year after year, whereas 800 pages of Game

of Thrones kept my eyes keen, until the next thick volume
popped up on an Amazon list, to improvise a twirling game

of rotary note cards to track records of every cast member
actor or tech, a juggler’s finding-book-time-per-night game

of pages & memory sticks & Excel sheet & drat! where's
a good Rubick’s cube, Monopoly or Twitter Tweet games

no,that’s been mixed with FarceBrook Crushed Sweets until
interest rear ends my time: four books to go, match set & game

of Rolland Garros or Wimbledon easy-as-pie replay, release pause
& two years later you continue to realize it’s always an endgame

because Beckett stained the cards with wine, senility infiltrated
who’s who & I’m stuck going home -- motionless is a fool's game

ghazal to read after a month’s prequel of the latest six-volume blockbuster
April 18, 2017 at 3:10am
April 18, 2017 at 3:10am
dear you: I crave emptying the delta of emotion
to bridge the river of our love's flooding emotion

dear me: this missive of pain cannot be dammed
up over the ever-intensifying swell of your emotion

dear you: love’s bomb made us blossom like pretty
and unexpected dandelions, not the roses of emotion

we both deserved, then we paralyzed Venus (dear me:
such words empty our well, no rebound for emotion)

dear you: I dreamed of orchid filled forests, sunset
colors at noon, festivals of song, as your naked emotion

invaded the orbit between us like Joan of Arc
championed her invisible voices, sure of their emotion

dear me: perhaps the planets cycling like swans
courting carried too much overtly perfect emotion

you never spoke out … dear you: I never heard a simple
I love you, keeping my head above the waves of your emotion

ghazal for lovers in a black hole

April 17, 2017 at 3:11am
April 17, 2017 at 3:11am
coerced from maize and cobalt, forget-me-not
is a rare overwhelming phrase I'll say not

catch-alls like daffodils and roses wither
too soon in stale water, love strays to not

the emerald city waved high expectations
the solution of clicking one's heels was not

I packed three pairs of ruby slippers
for this holiday where my escape could not

under a peppermint striped horizon, crowds
elbow for one more tutti-frutti Parasol, why not?

anthracite skies may charm a few moody Mondays
a certain time, passion briefly swells, then not

in distant fields, terra cotta markers dripping sun
dancers to their knees, June farmers cry we cannot

why burnt umber is the best color
April 16, 2017 at 1:43am
April 16, 2017 at 1:43am
to a child yellow imagination makes perfect sense
a stubble of faith sounds like pealing nonsense

to shave those corners under raucous light mirrors
flat brick walls affecting a sleeper's sense

a marshmallow sentinel holds himself upright
by flower-power weed brownies and incense

one day a blind man will teach us to photograph
the smell of lilacs and wisteria, fanning out this sense

poems can be infused with blue, why not get drunk
on skyline orange or a cat's gnawing sense?

days pass after even bananas are sad, added salt
pinches frustrated or confused tears into real sense

through pickled cravings for green fried tomato kilts
troubadours battle each in-and-out to carve gold sense

ghazal for daydreamers in kimonos
April 15, 2017 at 2:28am
April 15, 2017 at 2:28am
Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.
Don’t become.

Speak clearly to contest the rise of bling bling despots
overlording those too weak and unlucky to become.

Oppose each Midas whose eyes dare the Almighty
and who, in million dollar temples, will never become.

Grow as vessels for internal wealth that pour light
on shadows harboring fear. Strive again to become.

Raise strong united voices as one, humble and endearing
you shine a path for those lost and unsure how to become.

ghazal for Martin Luther King
April 14, 2017 at 2:25am
April 14, 2017 at 2:25am
I want to describe myself like a painting
that I looked at, closely for a long time,

each tiny detail again in my mind, each nuance
each brush stroke, engraving a new painting

on the oldest canvas of my memory, to transform
a dream, brighter and animated, a re-painting

of emotions beyond my waking hour, shivers
to remember the moment of your painting

that portrait of my youth, the piano, Chopin
a still-life that my greatest sadness is painting …

ghazal for an emptiness

Opening words from Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love poems to God
April 13, 2017 at 3:03am
April 13, 2017 at 3:03am
out-of-time weathered hands, secret joys reign
unlabored and cultivated in a garden of rain

small measureless drops, Amazon cloud bursts
flow in strange patterns to the Alps, and reign

in a silenced patchwork tapestry of greens, ferns
mosses and lichen, trees canopy the rain

hummingbirds and bees hover and buzz
over a strange Tarot card called cups of rain

providence walks with disavowed desire, hand
in hand with a small Eden where peace finds reign

an old man watches, not boats fading at sea
but his life’s garden left to soothe in rain

ghazal for an old man’s watchfulness


I used the prompt and my favorite phrase from Katya's poems.
April 12, 2017 at 2:26am
April 12, 2017 at 2:26am
“I am too alone in the world,
and yet not alone enough to make every moment
revolving to unite a world.

a single man, no, not too small
can turn a manifesto’s lungs into a forest without preaching
to contradict prayers to only my world

to make a pinpoint of cobalt
explode into the heavens lit by a smudge of dandelion
why can’t every man paint his world

with palettes of hope and longevity's brushes
that overflow each river and quench three billion people’s thirst
with pages to counter hate as it peals this world

like a rotten orange, corroded, tasteless
stunted by negative ions, a bane against its original perfection
why won't the gods cry for this world?

ghazal for tears that nourish nothing
[2017 11.4…a]
Author's note:
Opening quote from Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love poems to God
April 11, 2017 at 4:43am
April 11, 2017 at 4:43am
I want to ban this thing, this morbid song, not my time to die
to sear this passing thought from my past, the wrong time to die

I want the light in my eyes to reflect the moonlit love you feel
a philosopher’s dream, a poet’s idée fixe, until we all die

I want to erase autumn and winter, thresholds for change
so the weak and scrawny, idle and lazy do not lay down to die

I want to know moments when destiny hails a fickle shooting start
and others prolonged like studying a black hole’s life, how does it die?

soothing music signals time running short, an hour glass broken
its shards piercing a tender heart, I want to feel its wish to die

and some perish, the most vulnerable, sensitive, the roses among us
on a Valentine with nothing returned, the thorns left behind will die

ghazal on a very singular moment
April 10, 2017 at 3:14am
April 10, 2017 at 3:14am
returned to an old haunt, thing you shouldn't've done
nothing matters when you jinx a list of things not done

written on a rusty bucket, in a cracked dish of wishes
the old kitchen linoleum waits, dulled ’n dreary, done

new over thirty years ago, and cat-and-dog soiled
carpet, strips of wall-to-wall bare, torn and undone

next month the mortgage paid off, then Paris, Rio
numbers eight and nine, too far, crossed off like done

so you OK Yosemite closer to home, with a side trip
and Las Vegas, king of dice rolling, will see you done

in, penniless and debt worse that a student's
back to the drawing board, new list, updated, done

and you go back to that place of ultimate happiness
wash it down with whiskey and wipe tears done

staining another shirt for the laundry, second load
you wait, elbows in grime, until the timer rings done

it all started in the wrong direction
April 9, 2017 at 3:16am
April 9, 2017 at 3:16am
some always run aghast, against the flow of time
sweating and convinced there is never enough time

to scribble a note to a friend alone and in need
priority lists will scream not to taunt the essence of time

and he, alone to survive cancer's temporary quake
ballasted in exile, battling see-through ghosts, struck by time

and he, face bright receiving rare gifts of gentleness
abashed by the idea of begging to share another's time

I, the poet, will find little solace if you pen a flourished
sorry, you deserved more than a morsel of my time

ghazal in need of a timeless title

I told myself this month I would not write directly about my "unwellness." Being declared "in remission" is to win only part of the battle. There are still side effects to deal with, I’m unable to go back to work and be useful, and I did not count on the emotional roller-coaster I’ve encountered. And the feeling of being left by the roadside hurts.
April 8, 2017 at 3:45am
April 8, 2017 at 3:45am
in their garden a vine of hearts climbs to infinity
its darkest green leaves confuse night with infinity

wild populates the grass beneath this bloodless ivy
poppy flowers charm inebriation, glow to tempt infinity

they sleep beneath shimmering starlight unsure
of origins, of shivering leaves, they glance at infinity

through visions of shaman incantations, peyote drums
the light for many labyrinth passages promising infinity

questions emerge from the dense fog, its cling a hint
of answers with roots that sink as deep as infinity

from the paths of Carlos Casteneda
April 7, 2017 at 7:41am
April 7, 2017 at 7:41am
I have only wanted this state of grace
never really knew why they said grace

it wasn’t stained glass or new Easter clothes
something always said it wasn’t that kind of grace

I heard more than music in the bells
the wrong kind of trance closed in on grace

music kept me there, the French and Russian
poets, the painters of God, and that grace

later, moss beneath bare feet, a twenty
year old tattered housecoat, cornered pages, grace

leading to and from the portals of solitude
befriending its aura of emptiness, more grace

filled with words remembered from youthful days
pages filled with the thoughts of a aging man, grace

sought after illness, heartbreak, heartthrob
heartbreak and stillness, now walk with grace

talk without secrets, share the unshareable
unspeakable, what souls hide, allow that grace

to cleanse, heal, move beyond imagination
and dreams, follow the widening path of grace

not truly a prayer, a monk’s retreat cell, silent
days learning to hear blood flow in veins, grace

appearing in a sunset, a clearing after brambles
torn and worn, then, only then, run in a state of grace

search with many paths and many endings
April 6, 2017 at 2:13am
April 6, 2017 at 2:13am
I dreamed of flowing colors who spoke to silence
a whirlwind of ochre befriending arms of silence

ginkgo leaves veined in turquoise blanket thin cows
leaking ashen milk, I heard prayers for silence

at Hiroshima only rainbow confetti fell
and Syrian children still play, I ask silence

she is a goddess distressed by blunt blackness
in a reign imploding from purity to whispering silence

dreams of discreetness tumble in pastel ideas
and after rowdy limericks, life unwinds in silence

a bluebird caught in pearly north wind gusts
unfinished, I wake to these memories of silence

a blue mouse merges with Gouda cheese puffs
and watches as purple thunders after Prince's silence

every now and then dreams come true
April 5, 2017 at 2:56am
April 5, 2017 at 2:56am
modern orchestral dissonance titled land of remorse
can only Syria and Palestine define land of remorse?

in barren plots between corn and wheat, farmers let
weeds flower and nourish the soil, no land of remorse

the cat lost yet another aluminum foil ball
space under furniture leads to lands of remorse

a child cries behind a locked door, mother too busy
to create anything than a homeland of remorse

a beautifully staged and dressed Shakespeare tragedy
raises Ophelia to crown any land of remorse

those who hear the phrase "no longer in remission"
soon fear the unfinished nature of land of remorse

in the city of light, a troubadour sings this
tear-stained sky will not hide a land of remorse

when now suddenly becomes unraveled
April 4, 2017 at 3:20am
April 4, 2017 at 3:20am
Escape to spring time. I cannot say no
to these dusty lungs, freedom is all I know.

Days turn to weeks, months linger, seasons pass.
The wise man counsels: there is nothing I know.

While grass grows, a woman sweeps gravel
into Zen circles, a décor for theater Nō.

Another paces in a flowing black mourning dress;
she spits at grief though her heart screams « no."

I meditate passing clouds and flocks of birds.
This locked window is what I show to explain no.

Far-away children call out in play time fun.
Back to class, happy, lucky, they share books to know.

The power in the requiem Libera me cries out:
"I am made to tremble, and I fear." My will is no.

And when prayer is the only thing we have left

April 3, 2017 at 3:38am
April 3, 2017 at 3:38am
When your adventure spirit takes you from me
let me bleed to purge my heart’s excess love.
In the night, it isn’t you who waits for me.

Near my home no bombs ever fall. A storm's clouds
obscure the full moon and demons silence
the nightfall, no peace will comfort me.

I recite mantras against ill omens, dying
too young, old enough to sing Lux aeterna.
At midnight, fear still comes looking for me.

City quiet and windows lit by TV blues.
The same Requiem, I hear Libera me.
Deep in the night, solitude talks to me.

A thousand times imagining your return
do you not hear Orpheus' lyre? Look back!
Now, isn’t it love that waits for me?

When I dreamed, I dreamed of you
A tercet ghazal.
I borrowed a line from NOVAcatmando 's poem yesterday.
April 2, 2017 at 3:39am
April 2, 2017 at 3:39am
I wake in the dark, I did not dream
and you my love, of whom do you dream?

this longing for health consumes my hours
do you see how this path hampers my dreams?

at the piano I play the Nightingale
and the Maiden, while she forgets, I dream

saddened, I watch you depart once more
and damper again a part of my dreams

your days alone in far away places
filled by adventure, but dreams?

I wait, sustain a growing restlessness
the sleeping cat, tail twitching, he dreams

as Sheherezade's tale ends
the morning bird sings to offer a dream

of a sleepless night beyond a full moon

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