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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #1806613
The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#893343 added October 1, 2016 at 5:16pm
Restrictions: None
Creative Saturday: Life on the Moon and Happy People
Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's a good beginning to October. My Social Security check hit my checking account today. I paid my rent and didn't have to use any of the Social Security check. Last night was a quiet night without a SWAT raid, gunshots, or doors breaking in. This morning is quiet and peaceful. I hear one of the neighborhood young people bouncing a basketball. The temperature is 83 degrees while the sky is sunny and clear. There doesn't seem to be a breeze this morning, but that may change as the day advances. I have checked the extended weather forecast for the day so any breeze will be a nice surprise it it occurs.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 937
When humanity has to leave earth to live on the moon, you panic. Nobody knows that you are a.........

I knew it would happen someday, I just didn't figure it would be so soon. We tried to prepare humanity for this next great step in its spiritual and physical evolution, but the majority of the human race didn't believe the stories of ancient aliens and cities hidden inside the moon. Now the entire population of Earth is migrating to the moon. I can understand the reasoning of their governments in this. Most of humanity knows that it is to blame for the condition of the planet's ecosystem. I realize that they believe the only way to repair the damage is for the race to migrate from the planet of their birth.

I don't think that fleeing the planet is the best way to repair the ecosystem. Some of the population needs to remain to remain on the planet, if for no other reason then to evaluate the slow repair by nature. However, no one is listening to those of us who know the truth, perhaps because we haven't been completely honest with them. We though keeping our presence a secret was a good idea because the sudden revelation of humanity's origin would push them over the edge into a depression that would paralyze their development as a race. When they reach the moon they will learn the truth about myself and the other loonies living in the cities beneath the surface of the moon.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for Day 1417
Most of the happy people I know do one thing really well. Think about the people in your life do you agree or disagree? What do you think inspires their happiness? What do you do to inspire your own?

Happiness is something each individual must find for him or herself. Happiness is a state of mind, a decision made by each individual on a daily basis. Happiness is a spiritual attribute which may or may not have material components that either enhance a person's joy in life or detract from it. It is the individual that decides on the things that contribute to his or her happiness. If a person finds that the material components are detracting from happiness then it's time to make a change. If the person can't change the situation then it's an indication that an attitude change is necessary. A person's attitude is mor important then the situation because that attitude my be contributing to the situation and the lack of happiness. Humans are spiritual beings and true happiness comes from the soul and not the material conditions.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/893343-Creative-Saturday-Life-on-the-Moon-and-Happy-People