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The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#895999 added October 30, 2016 at 12:52pm
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Cats: The Aliens Among Us
Sunday, October 30, 2016

There are aliens among us!
Concealed beneath feline fur
They win our hearts with the purr.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for Day 965
Saturday was National Cat Day  ! Do you currently or have you ever owned a cat? Tell us a fun cat story. If you've never lived with a cat, tell us about another pet...and if you've never had a pet, what would be one of the first fun things you'd do with your pet if you ever did adopt one?

"What greater gift than the love of a cat?"
Charles Dickens

I am of two minds when it comes to cats. First, I somewhat agree with Mr. Dickens, I believe that one of the greatest loves on this planet is the love and affection of a cat. Second, I suspect that cats are aliens sent from another planet sent to Earth to spy on and/or protect the human race. I am not sure which it is just yet; perhaps bot scenarios are true. This theory relies solely the experiences I have had with numerous cats throughout my life.

The first cat, I remember clearly, is Mittens. He was a black and white tom who spread his genes throughout our neighborhood in Blackwell, Oklahoma. He even moved one of his queens (unspayed breeding female) under our house on West College. Mittens got along well with Patsy, our cocker spaniel, but he did not get along with the other dogs or tom cats in our neighborhood.

 Epitaph to Mittens  (ASR)
Mittens was my first childhood pet
#2030897 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

The second cat to make an impression on me way Jay, a Siamese. Jay was my grandmother's cat. Grandma started feeding him at the Lake when his original owner decided she did not want two Siamese cats. Apparently the woman like Jay's brother better then Jay so she left the neutered male at Lake when she left one year. Grandma fed him and when my grandparents returned to Blackwell one weekend they brought Jay back with them. Jay was an interesting cat who like to play Pal, our neighbors border collie. Pal was know as a cat killer, but he and Jay would play all day without Pal threatening or hurting Jay.

 A Cat Called Jay  (ASR)
Jay tells his story
#2001167 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

I have had numerous experiences with cat and dogs living in the same neighborhood or household. The dogs and cats I have encountered apparently go along fine. The last dog I personally owned was Specks, and English Springer spaniel. She loved cats. My sister gave this spayed female to us. Faye brought Specks to Las Vegas from California when she and one of her gentleman friends split up. Faye told us that Specks would play with the neighbor cat Diablo, who apparently had the reputation of chasing dogs.

Mom and I still had Specks when my sister gave us Rusty (a pregnant female cat) and her mother. After Rusty gave birth to the kittens, the only animal in the house (other then human) was Specks. Specks loved those kittens, ahe would lick and clean them as if she had given birth to them herself. Since all the cats and dogs I have ever had got along with each other I never could understand why people said that when their kids or other people were fighting they "got along like cats and dogs". The cats and dogs in my life always got along better then humans.

 World Peace  (ASR)
Open the Gate and let the cat in or let the dog out.
#2090334 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

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