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by skymac
Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1108538
I will be using this blog to tell everyone about Jesus.
I will be posting poetry about Jesus' love and I will share bible verses and views and we can discuss the love of Jesus and if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can ask questions or you can request prayer. Just let us know what you would like to discuss. for more poems visit https://www.freewebs.com/mtdm/goodnewsjesuslovesu.htm
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August 19, 2010 at 4:49pm
August 19, 2010 at 4:49pm
2 Corinthians 4:16
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Many situations occur in our life, some are discouraging and devastating. Sometimes our personal struggles, seem like they will never end. We may feel like we are about to give up. If we place our faith in God, our spirit will be renewed. We may feel like we are about to faint physically, but through God’s guidance we will never perish spiritually. Sometimes we may become bitter, and lash out in anger. If we put all our faith and trust in God, we can endure our trials in life. Real faith is trusting that God knows what is best. Real faith is also knowing God will walk us through every problem we face. So if you are in despair don’t give up, through our suffering God will deliver us. He renews is everyday, giving us the strength to go on.

Daily Renewal

Father, You renew our spirit everyday
Through our trials, by our side please stay

I know I lash out sometimes in anger
I know You will deliver me from all danger

Sometimes I throw my hands up in despair
I get frustrated, but I know You are always there

Then I am reminded, in You to place all my trust
To give all my problems to You, that is a must

Real faith is admitting, You know what is best
I put it all in Your hands, You will do the rest

I have the faith, that You will carry us if we faint
You will help us carry on, when we think we can’t

Father, forgive us when we begin to doubt
To You let us just go in prayer, and give a shout

Through Your love, anything we can face
You renew our spirit daily, with Your grace

August 14, 2010 at 6:41pm
August 14, 2010 at 6:41pm
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Psalm 150:6

Today, I am thankful that God let me awake to see another day. He has provided a place for our family to call home. He has provided air so that we can stay cool. The heat index has been 105 the last three days. He has let our car be mechanically incline. He helped us be able to help find clothes that was needed for school at a yard sale. God has done so much for us today, that we could write forever and forget to mention something. Let us take the time each day to remember and Thank God for all the things that He has done in our lives. This weeks number one Thank You To God is that my mother-in-law Barb got to leave the nursing home. Just three months ago, she almost died God is GREAT! He has done so much in our lives, and we want to give HIM THE PRAISE AND GLORY FOR EVERYTHING.

Father, Thank You, for the morning sun
Thank You for all the miracles You have done

Thank You Father, for letting us tell others of Your love
That we can tell others of Jesus, and His love from above

Thank You Father, for giving us another day
To tell others of what You have done along the way

Father, Your love just amazes me
That You loved us so much, and set us free

Father, Thank You for the air conditioning that You provide
When it is so miserable and muggy, we have cool air inside

You meet and surpass our every need in our life
You met our greatest need, by sending Jesus Christ

Thank You Father for saving our soul
One day we will walk the streets of gold

God has done so much for me just today
He is AWESOME AND GREAT, all along the way
August 12, 2010 at 9:27pm
August 12, 2010 at 9:27pm
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

In the last few months, so many things have changed in our lives.So many loved ones have gone home to be with the Lord. It just seems like we are on a roller coaster that we can't get off of. Sometimes we just feel like it is a constant reminder, and that we will never get past the point of their death. We really haven't been able to grieve, because we have been hit by so many things. One thing that we know for sure, is that God will give us peace through our difficult times. We will give thanks unto Him for all the many blessings that He has bestowed upon our family. We know that He will carry us through everything that we are experiencing. He will give us comfort and peace no matter what we may face. So when the dark clouds begin to form, I will pray to God and the sunshine will come in. In times of distress let us go to God and give thanks and praise for all that He has done. To pray for peace inside, God can always give us comfort.


All that I have in this life, I have received from God and no one else
Everything I have is by His hand, it is nothing I’ve done myself

God has provided everything I have needed, since the day I was born
He has provided my every need, down to the shoes I have worn

I have never been hungry God has kept me fed
He even knows the number of hairs on my head

He has always provided me with clothes to wear
And when I need His love, He is always there

God has made sure I had shelter in which to sleep
Jesus saved my soul, it is His to always have and keep

Everyone of my blessings is from God, that He bestowed to me
God is my rock and one day in Heaven, my Father I shall see

God in Heaven has met my needs all these years
He’ll take care of me today I have no fears

August 11, 2010 at 11:12pm
August 11, 2010 at 11:12pm
Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy Spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
Psalm 143:10

One thing that I have definitely learn this week, is how short that life truly is. When my husband Anthony's brother Jason passed away last week. He was only thirty years old, but in his short life touched so many lives. He told others about Jesus, started a prayer group at the school he use to attend. So many lives were touched by him. One young man told Tab, Jason's sister, that Jason had led him to Jesus. By telling him that Jesus Christ loved him, and cared about his soul. Now that is a strong statement. If we leave one soul print behind I would want it to be that we told others the good news that Jesus Saves. That we took the time to tell them that Jesus died on the cross for all sinners. That a testimony from us, helped a person realize that they needed Jesus in their life. Let us leave soul prints that tells that we told the world of the love of Jesus Christ before it is too late. May God bless you, and keep our family in your prayers. Right now they are broken hearted and mourning the loss of their brother.


Have you noticed time is not standing still?
We have just enough time to do God’s will

Just enough time to be a good influence, to someone who is lost
To tell them about Jesus, how He paid the debtor's cost

Just enough time to tell the world of Jesus’ story
So one day they can meet Jesus in all His glory

Just enough time to spread the news, of how Jesus lived and died
And how the lost can be saved, and in Jesus’ arms they can abide

Just enough time to invite our neighbors ,to God’s house to hear His word
There is many that don’t know why Jesus’ death occurred

There are many who don’t know He lives today
Spread the news of Jesus, from His word never stray

Jesus is our solid foundation and only defense
So let Jesus have your soul, that makes perfect sense

August 4, 2010 at 9:19pm
August 4, 2010 at 9:19pm
Mark 11:25
And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

One day I was talking to a little elderly lady at the dentist office. We got to talking about family, and the lady begin to tell me that she had not spoken to her sister in over twenty five years. I was at a loss for words, I couldn't image not speaking to a family member for that length of time. She told me that her sister had done something bad, and she had never forgiven her for it. I ask if she would ever be able to forgive her sister, she told me she never would. I begin to wonder, if we don't forgive others, how can God forgive our sins? As Christians we are filled with God's love and forgiveness. We hurt ourselves when we hold a grudge, it eats at us and we become bitter. If we expect God to forgive us, then we must forgive others. We must not hold grudges against others, we must have a forgiving spirit.

A Forgiving Spirit

Dear Father, thank You for forgiving our sins
For sending Your only Son, to cleanse us within

Lord help us to forgive others, by whom we've been wronged
Because for peace and contentment, our spirit has longed

Help us to forgive others, as we have been forgiven
Let us not hold grudges, as long as we are living

Let us tell others of Your love and glory, to everyone we meet
To tell them Your love and forgiveness, makes our life complete

Dear Father, let us forgive and forget
So that we don't have to live with regret

August 2, 2010 at 7:31pm
August 2, 2010 at 7:31pm
Mark 11:24
11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

I love this verse, and it is so true. If we go to God in prayer earnestly seeking something, we will receive. Just like in July, our electric bill was a lot more than normal. We were beginning to worry, because pay day wasn't due until after the shut off date. We then turned to God and begin to pray. He has never let us down, He has always provided for ALL the bills. After praying we felt so much relief from this heavy burden. God provided the funds the very day the electric bill was due. He also made sure that our house insurance got paid, when we had given up on being able to pay it. God wants to hear our needs and desires. We must be sincere in our request and believe that God can and will deliver. We just have to remember it will be in His time. After all of this, our family had been longing to leave town for a mini vacation. We had not really left our hometown in a year, and so much has happen this past year we just need a little break. God heard our prayers for a mini vacation and made a way for that to happen this past week. We serve an AWESOME God. He just loves us so much, and gives us so much that I know I don't deserve. His love is unconditional, and I truly know that He will meet our every need, no doubt in that. God also sent an angel on writing.com Earlyhours on behalf of the Vigilante Angel Ranger Team provided a three month upgrade, that we had been trying so hard to get. God provides every need, and gives so much more than that. Today, I am so thankful that God loves us so much, and meets our every need. Just like our number one need, He sent Jesus to die on the cross for all sinners.

Father, today I am thankful for Your amazing love
You showed Your love by sending Jesus from above

Thank You for meeting our every need
You take care of us daily indeed

You pay our bills, and calm all our fears
You take us in Your arms, and wipe our tears

Father, You are amazing, and to be praised
By Your love and tender mercy I am amazed

Thank You Father, for all the blessings we receive
That You meet our every need because we believe

You have blessed us with so much
With You Father, let us keep in touch

August 1, 2010 at 11:16am
August 1, 2010 at 11:16am
Luke 10:42
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Sometimes when we are expecting company we think everything has to be perfect. We work ourselves into a frenzy till we are so tired. Then when the company arrives we work even harder trying to make everything perfect. We don't really get to enjoy our company. Just as Mary chose to sit and talk with Jesus, she didn't want to leave His side. All of her attention was focused on being with Jesus. She listened to all that He had to say. Let us learn from Mary, to take more time and sit at Jesus' feet. To sit and talk with Him and enjoy His presence. Not to let anything interrupt our time and worship with Him. Let us take the time to spend with Jesus, and not worry about things that don't matter.

Spend The Day With Jesus

God help us to keep our focus on You
To make You number one in all we do

To always make our choices according to Thy will
To do Your work even if it is all up hill

When we do Your will we are choosing what is best
If we put You in charge You will take care of the rest

Let us sit down at Your feet
So that we can feel complete

Let us put everything else aside
In Your presence let us abide

Let us take the time to spend with You each day
To put things aside that aren't important anyways

July 29, 2010 at 3:07pm
July 29, 2010 at 3:07pm
1 John 5:4
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Recently I was watching a special presentation on the news. It was telling of the failing housing market. They reported about 2.4 million families have lost their homes to foreclosure, in the past two years. That number is expected to double in the next few years. Many people are losing their jobs, due to the uncertainties of the economy. Everything being unstable is causing a domino effect. In such times like this, it is great to know one foundation remains strong, Jesus Christ. No matter what we may face, or trials that we go through, Jesus will remain by our side. We must keep the faith that God will carry us through all adversity. Through our faith in Jesus Christ, we will win the victory. By keeping God's commandments and believing in Jesus, we can win the victory in any battle. Great faith is the key to getting through any and all situations. Jesus will be with us no matter what obstacles we face in life. God will provide our every need, we must keep the faith and pray believing God will deliver us through all things.

Great Faith

When we become weighed down with worry and strife
Let us go to Jesus in prayer, put Him in charge of our life

When it seems like we are lost in the sea of doubt
Call out to Jesus, give Him a loud humble shout

Through great faith we can win the battle, and declare victory
Only because Jesus Christ died because He loved you and me

When trials and troubles bring us down
Call out to Jesus, He is always around

Keeping the faith, will definitely help win the war
Jesus overcame the world, He lives forever more

In our weakest moments, remember Jesus is strong
No matter what we face, we are never really alone

No matter what our battle, through Jesus we can win
He can do all things, He won the battle over sin

Keep the faith and carry on
Jesus Christ will keep you strong

July 21, 2010 at 9:46pm
July 21, 2010 at 9:46pm
Psalms 66:20
Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer,nor His mercy from me.
Today, I am so Thankful and Grateful that God answers prayers. He paid our electric bill and house insurance just when we thought there was no way. God can do all things, we just have to believe by faith that He can and will.
God extends His mercy upon us everyday. He listens to our prayers, and answers them also. I know in my daily life, that I am so undeserving of such mercy from our Father in Heaven. I do and say things, that I know are not pleasing to Him. But everyday God showers blessings upon us. He knows that the human flesh will cause us to sin, and He forgives us. God knows Satan will try us, every chance that He can. God sends blessings our way daily, my praise besides His amazing mercy is for the food that He provides for our family everyday. God provides our every meal, He gives us more than enough food to survive. He has even provided food for our soul, His holy word. God has given us all that we could ever need, and even more than that. He has blessed us so much, and for that I want to Thank Him. Nothing that He has given could we ever deserve, Thank You Father, for Your amazing love,mercy, and blessings. Thank You for providing Your holy word, in the bible which feeds our hungry soul.

Father, Thank You for the blessing You so freely extend
You give us food, and have become our very best friend

You give us all that we need and more to eat
I know Father, our every need You will meet

Father, You are awesome, You are LORD
Thank You for making Heaven our reward

Thank You for giving us the holy bible as our road map
So that through this life, Your word will lead us over the gap

Thank You God, for the mercy that You give us
In You Father, we will always place our trust

Father, Thank You for ALL the blessings we have received
Just because on Your only begotten Son we have believed

July 15, 2010 at 11:35pm
July 15, 2010 at 11:35pm
Psalm 130:1-4
1. Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O LORD.
2 Lord, hear my voice! Let Thine ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications.
3. If Thou LORD shouldst mark iniquities, Oh Lord, who could stand?
4. But there is forgiveness with Thee, That Thou mayest be feared.

Many days we experience turmoil in our daily lives. So many things go wrong, and we become discouraged. When so many things go wrong at one time, we may become weak and lack faith. In times of testing we begin to wonder if we will ever survive the problems we are encountering. So many obstacles cover our path, the dark clouds seem endless. That is when we must cry out to God, to express our grief, sorrow, the trials that are creating a heavy burden upon our heart, we need to let God know all about them. Yes, He already knows but He wants us to draw close to Him in good times and the bad. He wants to hear personally from us what we are going through, and He wants us to tell Him the desires of our heart. God will wrap us in His arms no matter what we are going through. When we think that we can't take another step, God will carry us down the long lonely road we are traveling. We may feel alone at times in this life, but He is right beside us. During the times that we have been weak and couldn't go on, God was carrying us that last mile. Never lose hope, God listens to our prayers. He knows when we are battling with issues in this life. He will help us mend, He will heal the broken areas of our life, if we just cry out to Him. He wants us to keep in touch with Him daily. To tell Him everything that has happened in our day. He will help to fix all of our problems and will make us strong so that we can go on. God will carry us through all of the dark days that we face, and He will shine His loving light on us to guide our path. We will never be in darkness if we have Jesus in our heart. Our life will have love that will light our path all through our life. God forgives us of where we fail Him. His love is Supreme.

Father, many times I have come to You in so much pain
You listen to my requests, and You listen to me complain

Father, no matter what I may be facing or going through
I know that regardless of what I've done I can turn to You

I turn to You when my heart has truly been broken
Words of comfort from You are always softly spoken

You wrap me in Your arms, when tears fill my eyes
When I come to You,my hopes and fears I never can disguise

I can tell You all about the turmoil and pain in my life
All about my troubles and the abundant amount of strife

No matter what I may face, I can always cry out to You
You love me no matter what I am going through

I know in Your time, You will deliver me from all things
Your love carries me through, and makes my heart sing

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