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by skymac
Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1108538
I will be using this blog to tell everyone about Jesus.
I will be posting poetry about Jesus' love and I will share bible verses and views and we can discuss the love of Jesus and if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can ask questions or you can request prayer. Just let us know what you would like to discuss. for more poems visit https://www.freewebs.com/mtdm/goodnewsjesuslovesu.htm
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July 4, 2010 at 9:51pm
July 4, 2010 at 9:51pm
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

When Jesus comes into our hearts and forgives us of our sins, we become a new person. We experience a happiness like we have never known. Sometimes along the way in our walk with Jesus we become weary, Sometimes our hearts can grow cold from the storms of life we may face. That is when God places His hand on our heart for healing, to soften it so that it doesn't grow cold. Jesus lets His light shine upon us so that our hearts can be warmed once again. Many times we need God's nourishment and healing hand, to heal our broken hearts, from where it grows discouraged and tired. So many times in our life we have to wait on God's healing for our tired soul, we have to take the time and pray for Him to give us the strength and encouragement to go on. If we are sick at heart, we need to give it all to God. He can heal any broken spirit, broken heart, any tired body, He can make a difference when no one else can help us. When we begin lacking in faith and hope, turn to God, keep on praying, and hoping, and keep believing that God will provide the nourishment our soul needs.God will heal your broken spirit and nourishment your heart truly needs.

Father, I am weak but You can strengthen me
You can set my ailing soul completely free

Father, in You I place my faith and hope
With my insecurities You help me cope

There is no heart break that You can't heal
All healing is according until Thy will

Father, show me the way that I am to go
You always care for my ailing soul

Father, in You I place all my cares
For me You are always there

So in You I place my compete trust
Because it is an absolute must

Father, You can soften my cold heart
With Your healing hand is where it all starts

July 3, 2010 at 10:42pm
July 3, 2010 at 10:42pm
I know in our busy lives, sometimes we forget to stop and think.
There are people who are lost.
They have never even heard about Jesus.
It is time we get busy spreading the news of Jesus Christ.
Many are waiting to hear this glorious story.
As children of God we need to hit the streets, and make sure our neighbors know Jesus.

Isaiah chapter 66
verse 18: For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory.

Have We Forgotten?

Have we forgotten, there are sheep that are still astray?
Let us not forget, many have lost their way

Have we forgotten, for these people we need to pray?
That they accept Jesus today

Have we forgotten the lost sheep?
They need to be led home, even if the road is steep

Have we forgotten, that we need to help the Shepherd keep watch?
The Lord can bring them home, His love is top notch

Let us not forget, how dark their world can be
Without Jesus they cannot see

Have we forgotten, those who have wondered far from the Masters care?
Let us pray that they will return there

Have we forgotten, how the sheep wondered far from the fold?
And had went down the wrong road

But Jesus lead it safely home
And rejoiced because the sheep was no longer alone

Have we forgotten how important each sheep is, to the Shepherd all are of great worth
So even if one is missing, to find it Jesus will go forth

So let us not forget, to God in Heaven every soul counts
It is very important, that ever lost sheep be found

June 30, 2010 at 9:12pm
June 30, 2010 at 9:12pm
Matthew 26:39
And He went a little further, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

I am proud to be an American! Our freedom came at a price. I am so thankful for those who gave their lives to preserve our freedom. Many have died protecting our freedom, and I want to thank all the men and women serving our country today. Thank you for the sacrafices that you and your families make everyday to make our freedom possible. May God bless you greatly.
I feel I have been given the greatest freedom of all. I have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I have been set free from Satan's grips, through Jesus my soul has been set free. One day I will get to walk on heaven's shores.

Freedom Comes at a Price

Dear Father in heaven, thank You for the freedom we have received
For the gift of your Son Jesus, we are saved because we believed

Thank you for the freedom that we have found
Because through Jesus, by Satan we are no longer bound

Thank You for the freedom, of releasing my restraints of sin
Thank You for the freedom, that comes from Jesus that cleanses within

None of this freedom would have never been known
If Your love for mankind had not been shown

Freedom came at a very high price
For our sins Your only Son was sacraficed

Freedom came when Jesus arose on the third day
When we accept Jesus our sins are taken away

June 24, 2010 at 9:00pm
June 24, 2010 at 9:00pm
Lamentations 3:32
3:32 But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.
When we suffer loss of a loved one, our hearts grieve their passing. In the mist of our grief God extends His mercy. He comforts us as we mourn our loss. He helps us deal with our grief. No matter what we may go through God's mercy is shown upon us. He holds us as we cry, and gives encouraging words to help us go on. God knows all about grief, sorrow, and pain. He watched His only Son die for our sins. God breaks through the darkness, that we face in our life. He makes the sun shine again, and brings us beautiful flowers to admire. Just when we are about to be consumed by our grief, God embraces us like a baby. He gently rocks us in His arms and wipes our tears. No matter what you are going through today, God loves you and cares. He will never leave our side never.

Father, help us find comfort in Your arms
Keep us safe, protect us from all harms

When we experience grief and pain
Running to Your arms is our gain

No matter how bad things may be
You are there to always comfort me

Father, many times we feel we may drown
That is when You show up when we are down

You send the rescue boat just in time
Your love and mercy Father are divine

Father, there is nothing we can not over come
When we hold on to Jesus, Your only Son

June 23, 2010 at 8:08pm
June 23, 2010 at 8:08pm
Romans 8:18
8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

As I reflect back on the last few years of our life, things have changed drastically. We have lost so many loved ones, and the health of many loved ones is now failing. In just one month we lost two family members, and had another one become very ill. For the last 18 months our life has been filled with grief and suffering. When I look back upon all these events, I have to think of all Jesus faced. He suffered rejection,He was ridiculed, made fun of, many sought to kill Him. Jesus suffered greatly while He walked this earth. His heart broke because of all the things He witnessed. He suffered greatly before going to the cross. He was beaten down and worn, because of His love for all sinners. He carried our cross and was crucified on that cross so that we could go free. We may suffer pain and sorrow here on this earth, but one grand day in Heaven there will be no more suffering. Let us follow the example set by Jesus Christ, to pray and follow God's lead all the days of our lives. One day in Heaven our reward will be happiness beyond compare. No tears, no pain, no suffering, just eternal praise to God and Thanking Jesus Christ through the ages. Now that is something positive to keep us going, it is only by the grace of God that our family has made it this far. Without God we would have been down for the count for sure.

One day all pain will be gone
Never again will we feel alone

To Heaven nothing can ever compare
Looking forward to going up there

No suffering,no pain, no more tears
Singing God's praise all the years

No more bitterness, no more strife
Spend the ages with Jesus Christ

Who could want or ask for anything more
Perfect getting to stay on Heaven's shore

Singing praises to God, to let our love for Him show
He sent His only Son, so that true love we could know

Nothing can ever compare
To when we get to go there

June 22, 2010 at 10:49pm
June 22, 2010 at 10:49pm
Acts 2:28
Thou has made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy.

By accepting Jesus into our heart and life, we come to know His loving ways. By reading God's holy word, it is revealed to us the ways of life. How we are to live our life, by following the example of love that Jesus set for us to follow. With Jesus dwelling in our hearts, we experience a life full of joy, because we have been given the greatest love that has ever been offered. He stretched out His arms on the cross to show His love for all sinners. Jesus gave His life so that we could live. If we believe in Him, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.

God Gives Us Joy

Lord, You have made known the ways of life
That we can have eternal life through Jesus Christ

Through You, our life can be filled with joy
By experiencing Your love, and witnessing Your glory

Thank You, for sending Your only begotten Son
So that all sinners could be saved, Your will was done

Thank You, that Jesus arose on the third day
Through His blood our sins are washed away

Thank You, for the love that You have given me
Thank You Father, for setting our soul free
June 17, 2010 at 10:12pm
June 17, 2010 at 10:12pm
Proverbs 21:17
He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.

Have you ever got up in the middle of the night, and everything is completely dark? Before you can turn on the light, you stump your toe. This is how many walk through life, if Jesus is not their guide. They live in utter darkness following the ways of the world. They chase after material things, and still are not happy. No matter how much money they have, they want more. They may drive the nicest car, live in a mansion, and have rings on every finger, but still feel empty inside. They are longing for the greatest treasure given by God in heaven, Jesus Christ. If you are living in darkness, turn toward the Light, Jesus Christ. He will brighten your life, and you will never be in darkness again. He will fill your heart with love, you will not need the riches of this world. You will receive the greatest gift ever given, salvation. You will receive an eternal home in heaven. Jesus paid a high price so that all sinners could be saved.

Step Out Of Darkness

Step out of the darkness that surrounds your life
Come toward the Light, which is Jesus Christ

Is your world completely black?
Inner peace and joy do you lack?

Has the ways of the world become your pleasure?
Find happiness through Jesus, God's greatest treasure

If you want to be happy, come into the Light
Jesus' love will take you to new heights

The ways of the world, will be washed away
If you believe and accept Jesus today

Out of darkness you can truly soar
Be forgiven of your sins forever more

You will never be in darkness again
If you accept Jesus as your best friend

June 15, 2010 at 8:01pm
June 15, 2010 at 8:01pm
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:8
Sometimes our actions make it hard for others to love us. Many times we act out in anger, we say things that we later regret. Sometimes our family and friends make it hard to get along with them. Fussing and fighting become a daily ordeal. Tempers flare and feelings get hurt, but we must remember through it all to love one another. No matter what takes place at the end of the day, all ill feelings need to buried, and put to rest. Don't let hard feelings harden our heart. If we don't love others, how can we truly know the love of God? Forgiveness is the main key in everything that Jesus Christ accomplished. He died for our sins even though He had never committed a sin. He saw that all sinners were doomed, and provided an escape for us all. God showed us His wonderful love, when He looked all through heaven, and sent the very best His only Son.If we follow God's example of love, we can draw closer to Him daily. If we are unwilling to forgive others and love them unconditionally, we have failed at knowing true honest love. Jesus looked beyond our imperfections and loves us even though we are sinners. Let us follow that example and love one another no matter what takes place. When someone upsets us let us go to God in prayer. He will strengthen us and help us to extend the same forgiveness that He extends to us. Let us love one another and put away hard feelings. To cast them out, and let them be forgotten completely. Just as God forgives us , let us be willing to make peace and unite in love always.

Dear Father, many times we harbor ill feelings
To forgive and forget let us always be willing

Father, let us practice the love that You have shown
To show others the love from You that we have known

To not delay in forgiving others, to forgive and let it go
So that they can see Your love in us can truly show

Father, let us follow the example set by Jesus Christ
To love one another all the days and moments of our life

To extend a hand and help those in need
To be loving and forgiving everyday indeed

To extend this kind of love, helps draw us closer to You
Your love is the greatest and most precious and so true

June 12, 2010 at 10:04pm
June 12, 2010 at 10:04pm
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."
Matthew 7:24-25

In this life storms are going to rage in our life. The rain will pour, tears will stream down our face. The winds will blow and beat against us daily. If our foundation is built on Jesus Christ we can weather any storm. If we place Jesus in our heart and accept the love that He gives, we will make it through anything. Jesus is the Foundation in which we can always depend. No matter how many storms may come our way, with Jesus as our foundation we can weather any thing. Let us make sure our foundation is Jesus Christ, our Rock, our Redeemer. He will carry us when we can no longer take the pressure in life. He will help us over the hurdles that life places in our path. No matter where we go or what we do Jesus will take care of me and you.

Father, many times in life we are filled with doom
Then we see Jesus' love that is always in bloom

When problems bring us to our knees
You always here our silent pleas

No matter what is happening in our life
We will make our foundation on Jesus Christ

When in life we bend and can not get back up
Jesus will extend His hand and overfill our cup

No matter what happens today, Jesus is our Rock
In His harbor that is where our ship will always dock

With our foundation built on Jesus all is well
When we have heart and trials to Him we will tell
June 9, 2010 at 9:56pm
June 9, 2010 at 9:56pm
Psalm 69:1-2
69:1 Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

69:2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

The last few days have been so stressful. So many people pounding from every corner. Many times in life people and circumstances weigh us down. Sometimes we have to learn to walk away, and declare that we are done. I guess we have to admit we are fighting a losing battle, and move on. Let God lead us to where He needs us to be. I guess sometimes it is hard to admit that somethings are just endless and useless. That is when we have to stand strong with God, to pray for His guidance and let Him lead the way. God will take us in the direction we need to go, and help us to over come obstacles. Sometimes we don't want to give up, until we are completely defeated. Emotionally and Mentally our family has been completely worn down by others. Sometimes it is just easier to move on, and just to continue to pray for others. It is hard to try and lay to rest issues that others won't let rest, so I truly know that is when we have to completely give it all to God. To let Him handle all problems and move on. No since banging our head against a brick wall every single day. To God be the glory and may He lead us on our next journey. I pray the next phase in our journey isn't as bumpy. I know all the road can't be smooth, just hopefully a little less bumpy.

Father, we have been tried and made to cry
We are so weary that it is easier not to try

We have jumped through hoops to get along
But they just point out what we always do wrong

Father, I now see that it is best to walk away
To let You handle all things every single day

We have tried, all we can do is pray
Father, we will just let You lead the way

Father, we leave it all in Your hands
All things in this life, You understand

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