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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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December 15, 2011 at 5:03pm
December 15, 2011 at 5:03pm
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Adventure Note:

Do you tweet? If you have a Twitter account, you can receive notification when each Adventure activity has been posted. All you have to do is follow me on Twitter. Just add me by "@kybudman" and you will see all my writing, including the daily entries for the Adventure posted and tweeted as soon as they are completed! Have you yet to become a fan of the Adventure? Do you have it listed in your favorites? These are all effective ways to stay aware of the activities available to you on this Adventure. I encourage you to use as many of them (or let us know of others that you use) as needed.

Advent: Day 14 (December 14th)

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 (KJV)

Scripture for today:

Deuteronomy 22:21-30
Daniel 2:44-45
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:21-25
Luke 1:26-27

Additional texts (for understanding and context):
Isaiah 49:5
Matthew 12:46
Mark 14:64
Luke 1:35
John 10:29-42

Names. Today, many children are named after parents, or grandparents because they are (or were) good people, significant people, or important people in the lives of the parents. In other cases, names are given to newborns because of a fondness for the name. Some newborn children are "stuck" with names that parents create out of nothingness, to be unique, or different.

This is a true story. It happened to me, personally. Friends of friends, of friends who had been attending our Chapel had taken a liking to me as their Pastor. When the time came for the birth, I was asked to be in attendance. I was. I discovered, upon asking that the twin girls had been named Lemonjello and Orangejello. The names were pronounced "Lemongelo" and "Orangelo". Upon my inquiry later, I was told the story. The mother, it seemed, had these two foods as her top favorites, so it only made sense that her most beloved children should be named after them: Lemon Jello and Orange Jello. Now, you may well have heard the story. Now you have heard it from the first person, original mouth of it, the horse. Let it bless your hearts! *Bigsmile*

My own given name is a repeat, with an exception. I am M. B. Fields, Jr. I was named after my father, M. B. Fields, Sr. There is historical accuracy in my name, which indicates my forebears. However, I was in a bit of a hurry to get things going, so I decided to show up almost 3 months early, on New Year's Eve, 1955, at 11:55PM, to be exact. My Dad wanted me named T. D. Fields (Tax Deduction), and his mother nearly killed him when he suggested it. I did, however earn my nickname (also on the Certificate of Birth, btw) of *Blush* "Buddy".

When my Dad handed me to my Mother, my head was at the top of his hand, and my feet didn't clear the bottom of his fingers. (I was, TOO little one time!)
He said to her: "Well, honey. It looks like we got our iddy bitty Buddy after all!" For most of you, too young to appreciate this reference, it was made because of a radio show famous during the days of my birth, hosted by either Arthur Godfrey or (as I have been told) George Gobels. (If you can clear this one up for me please do. I'd like to have a solid source for my name!)

On that show, the host had an invisible side kick that he used to include in his show monologue, and through the show that he called his "Itty, Bitty Buddy". My parents listened to this radio show loyally. My mother got the reference immediately, and had the name included on the Birth Certificate. Merlin Blair "Buddy" Fields, Jr. is my complete given name. It says a lot. It has rich meaning. It mattered very much to my parents, and both sets of my grandparents. It mattered to my Mother and my Father. So far as the Doctor was concerned, it mattered because he was out busily preparing a Certificate of Death. I wasn't supposed to make it 48 hours. I was entirely too small, too under-developed. I was just way too premature for survival in the mid 1950's, and especially in the distant rural environment of my birth. They still were waiting after 48 weeks. Here I am. Interestingly enough, I was told (again) that I would not survive 18 months after this latest journey began in October of 2006. (Looks at watch.)

There are not too many folks still alive who ever called me "Buddy", but there are a few. I cringe when I hear that name. I get angry when I am called Merlin. That name was reserved for the exclusive use of my Paternal Grandmother, and everyone who knew me knew that. "Buddy" was officially retired the day I entered college. Those few persons who call me by that name are permitted to, or immediately corrected. My name is Bud. If they wish to give me grief about it, I just say "Thanks for honoring my wishes, Brett (if, for instance their name really is Bart). They get it, then.

To the nation of Israel, your name determined your life, and your value to the nation. In fact, almost every developed country on the planet assumes that the meaning of your name is the reason you are given that name. In most developed nations, that would be true. Virtually every name in the Old Testament can predict the outcome of the life of the name holder. You can look them up, and see for yourself. And, while you are about it, look up the name in our verses today, as well. It might just rattle your forever. Do you, for instance, know the story of YOUR name? Why was your name chosen for you? By whom was it chosen? Does your life reflect your name? Do you know people who insist on giving their children "biblical" names, yet know not the first thing about the name chosen? (It drives me nuts!, But, I'm into derivations and such, too.) How about your own children and other family members? Friends? Co-workers? Colleagues? Enemies?

I challenge you to look up some biblical names that you can name right off the top of your head, and see what the names mean, and then determine whether or not they were appropriately given. Do the same with those you know, and do the same for your own name. It is really important, I think, for us as belly button kids to have a real sense of identity through the names we bear. You cannot refer to me, or speak my name to me via the internet without me smiling, and knowing that my name has significance to those who gave me my name. I know it. I know how and why it came to pass. I'm very proud of my name. Now, whether or not I have consistently lived up to the name is quite an equine of a different hue! If that were a requirement for me, to live up to the prophecy inherent within my name, well I just am not certain that could possibly happen. But, you see, in Israel, that wasn't an option! It was a requirement, a determinant of status and value within the nation. It was believed (and consistently proven, I might add) that it was The Lord God, Jehovah who prescribed the names of children in Israel.

Imagine THAT! Think about that as you discover 3-5 biblical names, and 3-5 names of family, friends, or co-workers. And then, think about that as you discover the origin and meaning of your own name. If we, today were required to live under the name-prophecy of our given name as a condition of citizenship, how would we fare?

It had long been said that there were only two names which could not be spoken in Israel. The first is the author of this verse, Dad. Jewish, and Jewish-origin faith believers do not speak or write the name. You will most often see their reference as, for instance, G-d. There is a very specific, and meaningful faith-based reason for this, and it should never be made fun of, ostracized, or made ridicule of. But, there is another name which is held in almost equal favor, honor, esteem, and respect among the children of Israel:Messiah. Savior. Jesus. This depends upon whose writing language you prefer. But this name has NEVER been given to any child in Israel. Never. It is reserved only for one. Try to wrap your head around this seeming incongruity for a moment. Joseph knows this. There is perfectly legitimate reason for him to now believe he is being visited by a demon. Seriously. For, who else would dare to use this name to him? Who would so boldly declare that THIS be the name of his newborn Son?

Names matter. I hope you will do the requested work, and create a reflection on them that you can share a b-itme link to in a comment to today's writing. Then, come back and let's discuss the verses, the work, and anything on your heart today. I look forward to sharing this part of the journey with each of you.

Will you journey with me? I'm bound for Bethlehem!

In His Care.


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December 15, 2011 at 3:56pm
December 15, 2011 at 3:56pm
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Advent: Day 13 (December 13th)

"But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

Scripture for today:

Deuteronomy 22:21-30
Daniel 2:44-45
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:19
Luke 1:26-27

Additional texts (for understanding and context):
Isaiah 49:5
Matthew 12:46
Luke 1:35

Adventure Note:
One of the "new" items on this Adventure is something called "Reflective Practice". As we have done before, the Scriptures of the Advent of Christ are taken in isolation, for a purpose. Reflective Practice is the part that you do, based upon what it is that I do in these daily writings. Only when both parts are complete is the daily activity concluded. Many days' activities are still "open", because the Reflections have not yet been concluded on your part. From what we have seen, however, the reflections offered bring much to the adventure. I urge all adventurers to continue to create, and link your reflections from previous days' activities. One way you can help yourself as an Adventurer is to check the box at the bottom of your comment/link, which will then inform you of any following posts to yours. The system will tell you when new posts are available for your interaction. You can catch up to the Adventure at any point, and join us as we journey. If you wish to look at some of the footprints of our journey so far, and participate with them, that is how to best do it.

Today's verses answer some questions for me that originated with the key verse yesterday. Let me explain something to you about Bible Study, and specifically Adventures, okay?

There is no such thing as a single insignificant verse in all the Holy Bible. Yet, we do very often skip over one verse because we want to get to the "meat" of a story, or to learn how things turn out, or what God will do for His kids. That's usually okay when the goal is to READ the verses--like when you read them for the first time. I know of no legitimate study of the Bible whose only goal, expectation or outcome is that anyone READ something. That certainly is not the case here.

We find ourselves, as we journey, wondering about the humanity, the humanness that is going on in this story. Because of the significant role she plays, we most often look to Mary to show us her humanity, her humanness. We keep "not seeing" it. Yes, it's true. But, in the verse from yesterday, we are allowed to enter the life of Joseph, who ONLY shows his humanness, HIS humanity. We peer into his world. We see his heart, but can we sense his outrage, his anger, his befuddlement?

In a real sense, Joseph HAS legitimately become the victim here. His response is such, yet he does not conclude that his being wronged outweighs the greater nature of the events surrounding the wrong which has been/will be done to him, and his family. He surely was confounded by these goings on. And that is one of the truths that we find in yesterday's verse which should become part of our study, and our adventuring nature. Well, there are three of them here:

1. The Things of God are larger than the abilities of man.
2. God does not call man to man-sized things.
3. The messages of God will confound man.

These are two of the ways you can know that you are dealing with God, and the things of God. Absolutely, certainly, and finally.

Note that the Angel appears to Joseph--in a dream--AFTER he had concluded his decision about how to handle the "Mary" dilemma. This, too is a prophetic fulfillment, from the book of Joel 2:28 It also lends us to the belief that Joseph was older, perhaps much older than Mary.
Joseph considered. It took a long time, from all we can presume from the text. He didn't decide with anger, or haste. There is no doubt that Joseph had faith, but where Mary's annunciation had been personal, Joseph received God's Messenger in a dream. There is a strong argument that this is a determination of who had the greater faith, even between Joseph and Mary. It's a fruitless argument, but many Seminarians have been sent down the rabbit hole to chase this posit. Prophecies throughout the Old Testament were received...through dreams. The continuity and continuation of God's interaction with His Kids becomes apparent here.

The verse, with just a bit of research, will show that (or at least to my satisfaction) the two were not yet married. It may seem obvious to some, but not to others. Could Joseph have put his wife away privately? Would there have been a need to? This verse seals the question. "to take" implies a future action. To my satisfaction, Joseph and Mary were not yet married. Because of the level of his faith, and his careful consideration of the matter, God attended Joseph's consternation. (See 2 Samuel 7:12-16). And, again, Joseph is told to "Fear not!" Joseph feared the situation. He feared the anticipated outcome for his beloved. He feared his decision; was it the correct decision? He feared the entire scene as described by Mary. Was this truly of God? That's a ton of things to be fearful over, if you consider the realities of the situation. All kinds of possible bombs stood between what could be, and what could become.

Yet, the Messenger Gabriel comes to our very human Joseph in a dream, and elevates him to correctness. I'm not certain, but from these verses I get the distinct impression that the dream was a response to Joseph's decision itself.

Joseph permits, through the writer, man into his world, and specifically his mind and thinking. But these thoughts and words were of, from and to Joseph. Personally. There is no intimation that there would be, or if in fact there was, communication with God by Joseph on these things. Had Joseph hit his face, and pled for God to show Him what he should do? Possibly, but we do not know. All we see is Joseph. But, we can infer from the response that he received, in a dream, that his faith was worthy of an intervention by God. Dad needed them both. Here is an instance where I believe Dad wanted to remind Joseph of whose HE was. Dad wanted him to know that he was not chosen of God because of his relationship with Mary. Dad wanted to remind Joseph of his relationship with DAD! And that's something that I find to be just incredible about these verses.

On the one hand, some might argue that the Kids just HAD to get this one right. On the other hand, I would argue that such a statement is absolutely true about ANYTHING Dad gives us to do. In writing these daily activities, is this requirement any less for me? Do they matter nearly as much, are they anywhere as significant as choosing the parents of Messiah?

If my writing these daily activities truly come from the centered Will of God? Yes, I believe so. I'm sorry if that seems arrogant to you; I promise it is not. I just can't think of anything that could be considered "a little important" to God. Love isn't. Sin isn't. Relationship certainly isn't. Dad doesn't have a Plan B". Those things we do, those relationships we have in His name are all associated with Plan A. That Dad would give me this task to do, in His Holy Name, and only for His Glory, must be a part of that plan. Just like Joseph was. And, as surprising as it may seem to you as you read this, just like with you. You are here (or not), you say (or not) for your reasons. I, and those who have shared adventures and adventurers before would, I submit, swear to you that you may be completely sincere in your beliefs, but in this case you would be entirely and completely wrong. If Dad placed this Adventure in your path, it was not because you really had an option--to obey or not to obey. That is the only option you have. It is the only option I have. It was the only option that Joseph had, too. That's why the Messenger came to him, in a dream, and clarified his thinking for him. The decision Joseph had just come to was not a part of Dad's plan. He let Joseph know it.

As I have often said, there is just nothing quite so amazing that happens to Dad's Kids as those things which happen when we tell Dad our plans. And, when you look at the message Joseph received, it was just brilliant! Every concern was addressed. Every doubt removed.Joseph grew. His faith grew. The plan remained intact. Dad was glorified. Joseph could confidently and proudly married his beloved. It was okay! Confirmation, from Dad. Pulling Joseph from the brushweeds, and back on the trail. I've had that happen to me so many times in my life that it would fill at least a volume. But, today's reading helps remind me why it has happened. God is God. I am not God. Big isn't. Little is. Convenience and comfort rarely abide in our participation with the plans of God. That's why we create our acceptable alternatives. God's plan tells us to teach a man to fish. We bring him lunch from Cap'n D's. We consider the result to be the same; the outcome equal. Here, we can see that is patently false. Why do we think like that, and negotiate with the Creator of the Universe in such manner? Why do we treat our fellow travellers in such shoddiness? Why do we think it's okay?

Although Joseph had created a "better" plan to deal with the situation, because he felt it would be better all the way around, he needed to be gently tugged out of the brushweeds he had just created. And, really all he needed was a little confirmation, a little conviction, and maybe a bit of a spine implant. We can only say either "YES!" or "NO!" to Dad, Adventurers. The first requires no justification, rationalization or mitigation. The second cannot create any. None that will be sufficient to Dad, anyway. But, do we really care if Dad approves? Or, are our decisions made by us, FOR us? Sometimes, that is a very good thing, and a solid mark of maturity and good living.

Sometimes, it's just not. Can you think of an example in your own life when you felt Dad prompting you, urging you, begging you to do some special thing for Him? How did it feel? What did you ultimately do? How did you answer? Why?

I hope these verses, and your study of them today will bring your reflection to us. Just post a b-item link in your comment. Then come back, and let's discuss these things together. I believe that is what creates the indelible footprint of your presence on this Adventure. I believe it is a footprint we need to see. I believe it is a footprint Dad expects to see. That is, you see, how we journey, together, to Bethlehem.

Will you journey with me? I'm bound for Bethlehem!

In His Care.


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December 15, 2011 at 1:24pm
December 15, 2011 at 1:24pm
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Advent: Day 12 (December 12th)

"Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.."

Scripture for today:

Deuteronomy 22:21-30
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:18-19
Luke 1:26-27

Additional texts (for understanding and context):
Isaiah 49:5
Matthew 12:46
Luke 1:35

One of the most commonly used phrases in the political world is that "All politics is local!"

In this verse, we get a true sense of the local politics of the times in which our story takes place. There's a lot to unpack here. Were Joseph and Mary married at this time? What is the meaning of the term "husband" as it is used here? What is the meaning of the term "just man"? Why would Joseph fee the need to put Mary away "privily?

I am a political animal; have been my entire life. In the political world today, more than anything else, there is a disconnect between two (or more) politico-legal ideologies in America. Our verse here offers a clear example of that disconnect.

Joseph knew the law. Any woman found to be with chiild and was not yet married was guilty of one of the greatest sins in the Jewish world. It should be understood that the law was created and instituted by men, for men. This is an important distinction. This had to do with embarassment, humiliation, financial loss, and justification. The law was then "grafted" into the law books of the spritual nation for reasonability, or legitimacy before Israel.

It was a way for an espoused to be legally removed from the marriage contract without financial ruin, or social castigation. It made the man the victim. With this law, families could be dis-joined. Dowrys would become fines, or penalties for the harlotry of the woman--even if the perpetrator of the crime were the espoused! Pregnancy was the woman's problem, and she was responsible for it. For many Jews of the day, this law made perfect sense for anothe reason. We know what the men who favored this law felt and thought. But to many children of Israel, this law made sense in a national sense, as well. There had to be moral standards in the nation! Besides,as we see in Deuteronomy, it is not a new concept, but rather a very old one.

This law had no exemptions, exceptions or dispensations. It was purely an IF::THEN condition. The penalty? Death, by stoning. In a public place.

Law was respected by the Jews. While the average household member may well not have the first inkling of the how, or the why of a law's creation, it was the law. Their belief that the law came from the law-giver, God, was absolute. There were prophets, teachers, and leaders of the nation to deal with such things. Once brought before the Court of Law, the process was in the correct hands, and any punishment upon finding of guilt was acceptable. Sad, perhaps, but acceptable. We might, in order to relate to our own national, political conversation, say that it was this scenario that made up the Conservative side of the conversation. On it's own, it makes fairly good sense. Law should be respected. Even those laws with which we sometimes disagree should be respected by the electorate. Either that, or new politicians should be put in place to more accurately represent the will of the people. That's the way we do things here in America. That is NOT the way they did things in Israel then. The constituency of the Law in Israel had only one member: The Lord God.

But there were circumstances relevant to Joseph's particular situation of which the "law" had not been made aware, or informed about. What was not available to Joseph, IS available here in the USA. Mitigation. Facts, specifics, or situational circumstance which may (but not necessarily) influence the spirit of the law, either in favor of the accused, or the accuser (aggravated circumstances, for instance). Here, Joseph's dilemma had to do with the other side of justice, mercy.Joseph was "...a just man. He knew that this particular situation had some whammo mitigation, if Mary's story was to be believed. This is the verse that infers a conversation with Joseph about things yet to become. It must have been one whale of a conversation. With whom did he have it? Mary, and her parents? Mary, and his parents? Both? Or was it only Mary? It's a most interesting picture whichever way you paint it, but it must be found that, however the conversation took place, Joseph had been working on a solution.

But I must wonder. Were they married by this point? A much older man? Was he more respectful (or fearful) of the law by nature? Did he actually believe this message, or did he hold in his heart some doubt as to Mary's story, and her sanity? Was he being played a fool? So many questions arise here.

In this story, and in this particular verse, we find that Joseph has created what he believes will be the best conclusion to the matter. Joseph has a plan! (Uht Oh! Adventurers know about kids with plans, huh!) There is no doubt that Joseph loves Mary. That is a part of the story we often fail to see. Does Joseph love her more than the law? Well, his solution is the one exception TO the law. If he "...put her away privily.", then the law need not be invoked. This was, in a sense, an illegal act in itself. Hiding from the law was a serious crime. Knowing that a law had been violated required the Jew to bring it to the attention of the courts. It was a basic tenant of Jewish citizenship, both spiritually and nationally. Failure to do so made you guilty under the law whose violation you ignored. Under this scenario, yes, men could be stoned to death for harlotry, as well. And, some were. So, Joseph is fully aware that he could easily be transferring Mary's "sin" unto himself. This was all part and parcel of that amazing conversation we never learn about. Yet, this seems to have been the course Joseph chose to take.

The other side of the American conversation, politically, is often (and usually incorrectly) referred to as the liberal point of view, which says that "with justice comes mercy." This is where the letter of the law meets with the spirit of the law. These folks see this as the complete law, but it is a view many do not see. Joseph is looking for the spirit of the law to be honored as well. He is of the House of David. Now, that's a family known for knowing the law in all its parts. Sometimes, it is known because of the just nature of it. Sometimes, the law is known because of the need to fulfill both parts of it: Justice AND Mercy. Legal debate was one of the favorite pasttimes of Israel in those days. While some created law for their own benefit (and did so with abandon), some honored ALL law, regardless of it's originating nature. This distinction was important. Joseph sits squarely between the two camps, and he knows it.

But, there is something else Joseph knows, which would confound the law. It matters so much that he creates an avoidance OF the law. He does not want his espoused to be guilty of anything, because she is in fact innocent of this law. But, how is he going to explain to the nation of Israel an alien pregnancy? The faith of the nation was not so great at this time. They are an occupied people. God has left them. For more than 400 years, not a mumblin'. The promised Messiah? Missing in action. Left to their own devices, the people of Israel have "gone astray", which is something this people are very good at doing, it seems.

But Mary has explained to Joseph the situation--at least someone has. We know this because this verse tells us that Joseph has a decision to make, and an action to take. His espoused is pregnant, but not of man. This child will be Messiah! He must be born of a virgin (Mary is.). Whether or not Joseph buys into the story entirely at this point is, to my mind, in severe doubt. Yet, to be on the safe side, Joseph creates an alternative that makes the birth possible, without the attending proclamations against his espoused wife. Perhaps he was intent on hurrying to marry. He just needed a little time. Perhaps, this was a violation which he could not support, yet could not bring himself to proclaim victimhood to, either. What a dilemma!

The impossible meets the critically urgent. The "Tyranny of the Urgent" is in full play, right here in this verse. It does that, you know. I call it ToU" when I'm writing my notes and such. It is amazing how often it shows up in my daily life. Here is a superb example for us as Adventurers to deal with. On the journey. As we travel to Bethlehem. Do you have such things in your world right now? Common sense telling you one thing, yet your sense of self telling you another? One of the significant qualities of the ToU is that it pulls you away from other things, like a recalcitrant child demanding your undivided attention, right while you are preparing to make a critical cut in wood, or watching the timer for the quiche in the oven. Sometimes, ToU appears on our doorstep late at night, in the guise of police officers, or the frantic phone call from a friend, or the statement made by the Nurse at the Nursing Home. It could be showing up as you try to balance money against month. There are so very many ways that our moments could mirror Joseph's that it is almost sad there is not more given in relation to this interruption of his "right now".

But, we can relate, can't we? I know that I can. How about you? When you look at today's verses in this light, do they make a bit more sense to you? Do you have any advice for Joseph, right where he is in this moment? What about your own ToU? Could you share one such moment with us, and tell us how you chose to handle it--well or otherwise? Are you having just such a time in your life now? Care to share? Perhaps we can help. I think one of the things we do not get to visit here is the help that Joseph had (if any) available to him as he dealt with this most important moment. It would make a great story, I think. I hope you will share such a time with us, and let us know how you figured it out, if it is competely gone from your life, or where it is in your life.

Let's talk about that, okay? Create your own reflection, and post it in b-item format as a comment here. Then, come back and let's discuss together the ideas presented today. Together. As we journey, as the Adventurers we truly are,

In His Care.

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December 14, 2011 at 3:29pm
December 14, 2011 at 3:29pm
I apologize for the delay. I'm fine. I got overloaded. That's been taken care of. Yesterday, I had a day of mental health, and re-created in a shopping mall. *Bigsmile* The person I was with went 1st Christmas shopping for her new grandson. Poor kid's gonna fall asleep--several times on this first Christmas. It could take DAYS to get all these gifts to Santa!

Over the next two days, I will get the days of the Adventure caught up and current. I will strive to stay current. I appreciate your understanding and patience. I look forward to continuing out journey together with you. As I have said before, talk amongst yourselves. If you are not seeing someone with us, send them a note, and encourage them. It is, after all, an Adventure! You know the drill. You are doing very well. Let's continue the journey, now.

Thanks to our journey's special friend Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation for her amazing work and support of this adventure.
It is ger creative vision which has created, from her own interpretation, the graphics for this Adventure. The GA's on this site are, truly, among the very best in the world. She joined a stellar group of support for the Adventure series. To find out who they are, just look at the top of the GA list. That's where you will find them. Gaby is a treasure to WDC, and to the Adventure. I hope you will let her know if you appreciate her work. I hope you will let me know if you don't; we'll talk! *Smile* The graphics created for the Adventure will, as of today, take their rightful places. That is as it should be.

As you well know, there is some very difficult and serious work going on among our fellow adventurers on this journey. Pray for them, and with them. Lean on them, and permit them the blessings associated with returning the favor. We need to be together where we are, as we can. I see some hills up ahead.

Blessings, in the name of The Father, The Son, And The Holy Spirit to you all, from the vast storehouses of Blessings in Heaven, with YOUR name on them! May they shower down upon you, even now.

December 12, 2011 at 6:32am
December 12, 2011 at 6:32am
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Advent: Day 11 (December 11th)

"Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost."

Scripture for today:

Deuteronomy 22:21-30
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:18
Luke 1:26-27

Additional texts (for understanding and context):
Isaiah 49:5
Matthew 12:46
Luke 1:35

In our previous adventure, today's verses really broke the adventure, and the Adventurers wide open. That day's activities still rings in my heart. (I snuck a peek at it!)

We talked about personal things, private things as a group together on a journey. I began this second section with a wrap of the first section, and noted the "shift" of the dynamic from the preparation and annunciation, to the events immediately leading up the the birth of Jesus. Here it is, and I have an entirely different question to consider this year that never found it's way into our discussion last year. Good lessons are like that, though. *Smile*

"...she was found..."

By whom?

In our last Advent Adventure, we talked about secrets kept. Today, I want to talk about secrets discovered.

I'm thinking you have one which comes immediately to mind. I know I do. Actually, there is a mad rush of many to become the one in my head right now. But, I have decided on one in particular to share with you. (The rest will be in my "Tell ALL!" book--or not!) *Smile*

When I was but a young lad (Yes, I know. Let it bless your hearts!), I stole $20 from my Mother. It was like a gift from Heaven, arrived through the media of her lost (I believed) purse. We were very poor, and I was the youngest child. She had no idea, as she carefully went to her change purse to retrieve the quarter she had (I would later learn) carefully saved back so that I could go to the Barber Shop and get a haircut. I went loaded! The Barber Shop was next to a Pharmacy, that had the world's very best hamburgers! And Comic Books! And candy, and toys, and...I was off on a mission!

I bought many things I had wanted, but knew I could never have. I bought candy for my friends. I bought toys for myself, and my Sister. I even had Ice Cream! I got a lot of sidways glances, mind you. Even the counter lady at the Grill KNEW I didn't have this much money on my own! My oldest Sister worked in the Clinic where the Pharmacy was. I almost got caught by her when she and friends came into the Grill for lunch! I snuck out without (I believed) being seen. By early afternoon, I had given money to everyone I knew--almost. As the day wore on, something inside of me began causing me problems. I didn't know if it was the massive amounts of candy, the Hamburger with Fries, or the Ice Cream. As I walked slowly along the river bank behind my house, I realized that, for the very first time in my life, I did not want to go home. It was quite a shock to my young system. I went to a friend's house to play, but he wasn't allowed to play with me all of a sudden. Talk about a small town! Everyone, it seemed, knew. I just got mad. I sat down in my Grandmother's garden, and wept. My hour-long visit to the Barber had become an all day affair. Everyone in town was looking for me, fearing the worst. They had no idea just how bad it was. I did.

Finally, the Sun was setting, and I knew I had to be inside before dark. I had tested this rule sufficiently to believe in it's nature. There was no alternative. I remember that it was a Saturday. I got my hair cut on a Saturday. Tomorrow was Sunday. I was going to have to go to Church! I would have to face my community as a felon! I just couldn't imagine that moment! Lying to my Mother was not nearly so difficult as seeing my Pastor, my Sunday School Teacher, my friends. How was I going to survive that? I was a block from home, and I heard my Mother's voice. She was calling me home. There was something in her voice that made me very, very nervous. I had no idea what it was at the time. I would learn very soon. It was disappointment.

As I walked up the steps to my porch, the front door opened. My best friend's Mother came through it, looked at me with a look I never will forget. Heck, she had just refused me into her house, and her she was coming out of mine.....Busted.

My mother closed the door. We were alone. That was, in itself, remarkable. Doubtless, there were many sets of ears on high alert all over the house. But, it was just my Mother and I, alone in my living room. She interrogated me. I lied. Many times. How did she know how much I spent at the Drug Store? What was she doing telling me about my afternoon? I didn't get it.

"I'm very ashamed of you, Son. I'm going to whip you, very hard, in a bit. But first, I want you to go to your room, and think about what you have cost me, what you have cost yourself, and what you have cost us as a family today."

I did. I got what would be perhaps the worst beating, physically of my entire life that night. To give her credit, my Mother tried her best to let her anger subside. She just couldn't. It was a defining moment in my life. It was a defining (I thought) moment in our relationship, as well. I didn't go to Church the following day--I wasn't allowed to. I stayed in my room, alone. Well, except for the amount of time where My Mother called the Fire Chief and had me "arrested" for theft, that is. I went to jail. (Okay, to a jail cell in the Fire House and Museum!) She wanted me in handcuffs, but the Fire Chief refused. Actually, he had none that would fit me. The Fire Chief called my Mother, in my hearing three times and asked her to come and retrieve me. She refused. I had to walk all the way home (about three blocks.) I had to walk into my home, and see my Mother's face--again. I went to my room--again. Without supper. Without love. Without hope. My life was officially over. Was it worth it? Well, it was at the time! By Sunday evening, I would have removed all four layers of my skin if I could have that decision back. I went to bed that Sunday night wishing I could somehow be somewhere, anywhere else besides inside my own person.

The next day at school, everyone knew what I had done. I told nobody!

My friends gave me grief. Their parents gave me the cold shoulder. It would have been less known if it had appeared in the local paper! When I got home (on time, mind you!) from school, it was over. I didn't get to play outside my own yard for a month, or forever, or something like that. I had to work for money to replace the money I had stolen. I did. I remember asking my Mother is she was ever going to be able to love me again. She said she had never loved me less, that's why it hurt so much. (Well, THAT didn't go so well!)

In time, things returned to normal around my home, and in my town. But, I was never the same again. Something was lost on that Saturday of fun and frivolity in my life. It was something that, regardless of the forgiveness (or forgetfulness) of others, I never really got back. I had sold a portion of myself forever that only got me a few hours of freedom to spend, like all my friends did. I could never, and did never try to explain myself to my Mother (or my Father, who would later punish me!). I couldn't understand why I did it. It was a moment. But it was a moment that I do remember this very moment, too. Who found me out?

The better question would be "Who didn't?"

I never stole again. But, I can not say that I have never stolen. 99.996%. There's just something missing. It's a reality. Sometimes, life brings us what we want, and we grab it. I'm a belly button kid. I got mad, and I got fed up with being poor. To this day, having money isn't all it's cracked up to be for me.

But, who found Mary with child? And, how did anyone react to that entire "Holy Ghost" dilemma? It's almost an incidental aside in this story. Almost. Who, among the people Mary knew could ascertain that the child she was found to be "with" was of the Holy Ghost? Who defended Mary? Who stood up for her innocence?

Who stands for yours, or mine? My Mother never again mentioned that day in my life. She didn't have to. I didn't either, for a very long time. I knew I had done a terrible thing. So did my Mother. But, my Mother let me off a hook I was unwilling for a very, very long time to climb down from. I deserved my punishment. I deserved to be treated a lot worse than I actually was. There was no defense for me, only forgiveness.

Mary was, by law, subject to death--by stoning! Of course, they were pretty harsh on thieves back then, too. I mean, I know of one that got hung from a tree! That's pretty harsh!!

But we never hear of a public hearing for Mary. There is no stoning. You see, she was with child. She was engaged to be married to a member of the House of David, as she was herself. Here was the reunion of the Davidic line in a marriage in this little backwater burg. And, she was pregnant? Seriously? The entire naiton would have been at her throat! There was no other possible reunion of the House of David on the Earth! And, she blew it? Are you kidding me?

Yet, she wasn't stoned to death. There was no trial. There was no outrage, no cry of morality concerning Mary! Who found her with Child, and how did they know it was of the Holy Ghost?

Let's talk about that. Tell me, in your writing, how you see it. I'd love to share your link, and see your reflection on this amazing moment of transition for Mary, her child, and our journey. We have just passed a fork in the road on our journey, and I'd love to hear what your thoughts on it are. Seriously,

In His Care.

Will you journey with me? I'm bound for Bethlehem!

In His Care.


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December 12, 2011 at 4:25am
December 12, 2011 at 4:25am
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Advent: Day 10 (December 10th)

"And Mary said, 'Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy word.' And the angel departed from her."

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 7:14
Luke 1:38

One of the most remarkable things in this world is the trust of a child. The value of this gift received is such that humanity across our planet cherishes, protects and nurtures it. Second only to the loyalty of our most beloved pets, the inherent nature of an innocent child is to trust. We really don't like it much when those who should protect it choose to abuse that trust. There's a reason for that, that trandcends who we are. It goes to what we are. Most importantly, it goes to whose we are.

My oldest grandchild taught me this truth time after time. From the time she could walk, she would run to me. No fear, and no compromise. I would catch her, or she would fall somewhere past me. I always caught her up in my arms, lifting her to the sky. Her song of laughter was only sweetened by the shy word "Papaw!" when she knew she was safely in my arms. How did this small child know that I would catch her?

Because I was "Papaw!". Absolute, and final. Her Papaw loved her completely. She knew it. She, being the first grandchild, was completely loved by an entire army of people, but we had this "thing", you see. We were a mutual admiration society, with only two members. I could calm any storm this child found herself in. I could calm her in any storm which befell her. These were known facts. (It took me many years to carefully fold away that cape, I tell ya.)

I've been that child of trust, too. I've had that trust destroyed by those who knew better, yet did so anyway, for their own selfish reasons. I know how each situation feels. To this day, I remember one over the other. I just choose to remember the good ones, forgive the bad ones, and not let them poison my every moment as they so easily could. What I learned, with just tons of help and better examples is that it takes a lot of work to remove the bad ones from my being. Yes, there are moments when I remember them still. But, as much as I have been able, I have not let them destroy my life, or my joy. My granddaughter had a lot to do with that. She helped me remember the joy of complete love by demonstrating it to me, for me. The ONLY thing I have seen more syrup-y than that particular relationship is the one my friend Budroesgirl is currently enjoying with her first grandchild, her only Son's first boy. She makes me look tame! *Blush*

I keep swearing to her that, wherever they rented this kid, they have to be getting paid top dollar. She is, in my mind, much too young to be a grandmother, you see. And, when she is anywhere near her grandson, she proves it! Oh, the goings on! It would be painful to watch, much less endure if it were not for the relationship they share. And, they DO share this particular relationship. Given recently the choice between going to his Father, and his "Granny"...Dad lost. Violently! I'm relatively certain Dad will get over it, but I'm not certain he will ever forget it. Nor should he. He may think she is his Mother, but she is his Son's "Granny!". It is a bittersweet reality for this first-time Dad. His relationship with HIS "Gran", Sara's Mother, was (from all accounts) much worse! He didn't like being out of her sight, for fear she would do or say something he would either miss, or not be a part of. He need not have worried. Nor does he need to worry now. These things have a way of working themselves out, I am told. (Although what it is, exactly needing to be worked out totally escapes me! *Bigsmile*)

One of the things I have learned in my life means a lot to me. Dad has no grandkids. Dad loves us completely. He doesn't abuse us, or set out to harm us. He doesn't give us reason to feel betrayed by Him. That's not saying that there aren't plenty of His kids who feel that way. Some of us feel betrayed, or unloved--or even unloveable. Our Father in Heaven is not the author of those feelings. He cannot have them. He created us, placed us in our Mother's womb, and knitted us together for His purposes. (Jer. 1:4-9) (KJV) Even before the foundations of the Earth were laid, our Dad knew us. Every time we go running full-tilt to Him, He catches us, and lifts us up into His arms. Sometimes, we don't know that, or feel that. But we CAN depend on it. Every time. He may well invite us to drop the flaming chainsaw before He catches us, to be sure. But, I never would say that Dad is a complete idiot, would you?

Oh, how my heart longs for those days again with my granddaughter. Oh, how I do long to run into my Dad's arms, knowing that He will catch me, No Matter What! It's just been a long time since I felt it, that's all. How about you?

How about Mary? Look at what she did.

She asked a question. Gabriel answered the question she needed an answer to. Look at her response.

That's a child running, I tell you. Directly into the arms of her Dad. There is no fear, and absolutely no doubt in the mind, or upon the heart of this young Jewish child. Her "No matter what!" was clear, and undeniable. She trusted Gabriel. She knew her Dad. She didn't want her Dad to be proud of her. She was being proud of her Dad. She KNEW that God would not forget His promise to his people. Mary was "His people!", but most importantly of all, Mary was HIS! That was all that mattered for her in this moment. The liklihood is, for me at least, that she wasn't considering anything else in this moment. She was secure. She was absolute. There was no going back for her. Gabriel knew it, and left her. I just know he had a huge grin on his face. Can't you just feel them smiling at each other? I can. I feel it because I have done it.

I feel it because it has been done to me, by my Dad. Do you recall, or can you remember a time in your life when you felt our Dad smiling at you? Loving you so very much that you just wanted all of his Heavenly arms to encircle you--and then they did? I don't mean because of some grave danger, or some huge "deal" in your life. I'm talking about just "one of those times" when the two of you were all the way together. How long has it been? How far away are you from that last time?

Would you share such a time with us, as we journey together? Could you write about it, and share a link with us? I think we may need to have an example that you can provide. Let us be there, in that moment with you. Use your senses and your remembrance as a canvas, and paint the moment. Don't be brief. Be complete. What a nice story to share, as we journey together on the road to Bethlehem. Share each others' moments. Remember. Mary remembered her Dad. I remembered my grandchild. What do you remember?

In His care,

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December 11, 2011 at 8:43pm
December 11, 2011 at 8:43pm
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Advent: Day 9 (December 9th)

"And, behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible."

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 7:14
Luke 1:35-37

I have this thing about sending Christmas cards. It's a special time for me, but I have rules, too.

I don't send Christmas cards to people who do not send them to me. For many (but not all) in my world, Christmas cards are a deeply rooted tradition. Even family members do not all participate. I once had a friend who thought the personally created, or hand-written Christmas card was just about the best give that he could receive. Other people (and my list numbers more than 700) "expect" to receive a card from me, but do not bother sending one.

This is a bit disingenuous to me, and I refute their notion by not sending a card to them. Why?

Because, to me at least, receiving a Christmas card from someone personally (forget about the business felicitations!) is a statement of commitment; a proof of relationship, an opportunity to connect, repair and even grow that relationship. Being a belly button kid, I know that not all those relationships are pristine. Sometimes, receiving a Christmas card from someone with whom I have had disagreement, or someone who feels that I have somehow hurt or injured the relationship can brighten my soul, strengthen my resolve, and cause me to greatly desire to send them a card, as well. For several years, I only sent cards to those from whom I received one. I lived in a 9-story high rise, and the greeting card season was a busy one for many of those folks. It took a while for me to get into "the loop".

I remember one resident who, every year, placed a Christmas card under the door of every resident in the building. I thought this was very nice in one way, but very insulting in another. The second year of my residence in that building, I sent her a Christmas card, through the mail, mind you.I learned that I was playing against the rules. A few days after receiving it, I saw her down in our lobby, talking with some other folks. She approached me, and said:

"I got yer damned card! Why did you send it through the mail? You could have slipped it under my door. You know, like I did yours. And, by the way. How come you didn't give me a card last Christmas? I put one under YOUR door!"

Then, she huffed off, never to speak to me again.

See what I mean?

It wasn't that I didn't value her card. Nor was I out to show her up. I wanted my gift for her to be personal, and I wanted her to know that I did, in fact, appreciate the effort she took to walk all the way down the hallway to my door. I got much more out of her gift than she intended, and it angered her. Call me silly!

Hers was a proof of her recognition of my existence, so far as she was concerned. Mine was an acknowledgement of a beginning friendship, and my appreciation of it. Different intents, different meanings, and different results. This lady did not want relationship, nor friendship. She just wanted to be the "Christmas Card Queen" of our building, as I later learned.

I didn't know her well enough at that time to be able to appropriately or accurately understand her intent.

Sometimes Christmas cards can do that.

Sometimes, we do need proof of relationship. But, the greatest proof OF relationship IS relationship! We can go an entire year waiting on a Christmas card we do not get. We only send cards at Christmas, or perhaps the additional Birth Day wishes. That's relationship? It may be a cry for relationship, or not. You can usually tell from the card, the message (or lack thereof) how someone sees, or wishes to experience relationship with you. But, how does one prove relationship?

Our verses today bring that to my mind. Of all the questions one could ask, given their being in the moment Mary is experiencing...of all the possibilities, Gabriel gives to Mary concrete evidence to prove Dad's relationship with Mary. Hers is not doubt, or disbelief. It is a question of confirmation about her relationship with Dad. The impossiblity of it, the magnitude of it, the simple humble spirit of Mary just is having a little trouble understanding the relationship she is and has been a part of with her God. Gabriel is not angered by the thoughts of Mary's heart at all. She has not failed the test, she has passed it. But, she is "troubled". Gabriel seeks to remove her trouble, for the moment, so that Mary might well understand the significance of the implications that have been placed before her.

God has sent Mary a Christmas card, and it contains a really important message. It has been hand delivered by Gabriel, even the Archangel of the Heavenly Host just to her. Betty and her other half have recieved a personal Christmas card, too. But, there was a bit of trouble with the delivery. From the looks of things, Dad is sending out His Christmas cards to Israel as a purposeful, intentional act of relationship! Joseph would receive his. The Shepherds and the Wise men would receive theirs. Even King Herod would receive his. All would act according to the relationship they have with the sender. But, in this particular moment, Gabriel is proving God's relationship with her. Not because of doubt. Because of love. This is a most amazing moment that reveals to us the desire, not only of relationship with our Dad, but the depths of relationship He desires to have with us, and the availabilty to that relationship for us.

Mary's response was to not merely accept Dad's Christmas card: she embraces it. Mary knows she is not alone! She has family support, and a fellow adventurer! I think of this as a very calming moment for this young girl. It makes her acceptance solid, because she understands the relationship is strong now, and will be in the years to come, throughout eternity. The enormous nature of the relationship is no surprise to Mary. After all, she has found favor with Dad. She is where He most needs her to be--purposely! As she has lived to walk in His footsteps, so now does God come to this child and confim that her faith is suffient to His purposes. He builds and adds to their relationship, even offering proof of what Gabriel has said to her through her kinsmen. If this makes sense, what follows will make sense as well. This is, for me, where Mary's mind, heart and soul combine into what will become her "Magnificat". I always sought to understand the depth and grandeur of her statement. Where did it come from? How could she have such faith?

This verse provides the answer. It proves the relationship she has with our Dad, because she now fully realizes and accepts the relationship from His point of view. As Christmas cards go, that's pretty awesome to me. It's the very kind of personal message I want to send to those with whom I am in relationship sufficient to send a Christmas message to. I want those who recieve my card to have that kind of feeling, because I want them to know it is just the feeling I had when preparing their card. It is a gift, without expectation of return that I entrust to their care--knowing it will be appreciated whether a card comes to my mailbox from them or not. That's the difference, and that's how someone gets on my Christmas card list.

Mary was on Dad's Christmas card list. I know that I am on His list, too. I don't know how to write the message I would put on my card to Him, though. I'm working on it. How about you? Have you ever considered sending Dad a Christmas card? What would it look like? What would you say? And, what would you mean? I hope we can talk about that, here. I hope you will create a Christmas card for Dad, and share it with us here. Think about it, and show us what you have created.

Don't be slack about it. Don't just pick out a card from the pile, sign it, and send it. You know me better than that. *Smile* It's an important step for me on this journey. I hope it will be for you, too. As we journey together, let's let something else be our Christmas card to Dad this Christmas. Let's let our availability, our preparation, and our sharing with others be a Christmas card to Him, and to each other. Perhaps, we might even dare to see who else we would "prove" our relationships with. Be creative! Go outside the box, and dare to be a Christmas messenger. Better still, how about we purpose to be a Christmas message for someone? Wouldn't that just be so cool?

I'm on the journey to Bethlehem. Won't you journey with me this year?

In His Care,


December 8, 2011 at 4:57pm
December 8, 2011 at 4:57pm
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2011 Edition: How Far To Bethlehem?

Advent: Day 8 (December 8th)

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"Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 7:14
Luke 1:34-35

It's an interesting phenomenon today, in reference to the creation of this entry for our journey together. This is especially true in consideration of two important things:

1. The entry yetsterday, and the work to be done today, and
2. The ongoing drama at Virginia Technical University.

In yesterdays post, my mind and my world were reeling. I had spent hours trying to understand the incredible information that Mary was receiving from the Messenger of God, which came to her completely unexpected in the middle of her day. It is a nice exercise to create a fictional explanation of her day. What was her schedule? What important things, imperative things, urgent things filled her plans for that day? I would love to be able to host a writing contest with just that as the prompt. But, as I worked to "see" Mary in the very moment this event occurred. I know we tend to think of her, and her life in a backwater burg as being sedentary, slow, and insignificant.

Yesterday's verses spoke of the incredible nature, purpose, power and person of Jesus. (That's the answer, by the way. I'm writing this before anyone has responded, so please don't cheat.) Today, the historical implications are magnified to an eternal degree made stronger by the reference verses in Daniel for yesterday's entry. That prophecy is directly tied to this verse, and this moment. This is the culmination of the information given to Mary about the Son she would bear. In this particular translation, I am taken by the use of the word "thing. It is not in reference to an act, but of a person. So rare and unheard of in the day of the message, there was just not a useable word that would have helped Mary understand better that the word was referring to her son to be born. Pure, sinless

This is the Jesus I seek.

In the calm noontime of a warm, clear Winter's day, chaos lends itself to the pain and sadness of an entire community in Blacksburg, Virginia. Thus far, two are dead. The hunt is on. It is an unplanned moment in the lives of tens of thousands of our fellow citizens; it has taken the life of a police officer and (potentially) the gunman. This wasn't planned. Nobody knew this would happen.

So, how's YOUR day going?

The continuing and overwhelming nature of news in our world today is just enough to completely boggle the mind. I can only speak to my life, but I am feeling safe in presuming that your life has some chaos in it, too. You could (and some of you have, thankfully to you.) make a list of those things that are intervening with the normalcy of your particular world. Some of the items on your list have age: they've been there quite a while. Some of them bring things to your mind, your heart and your soul that hurt. They are painful, and they just won't go away, it seems.

What do you think Mary was going through as she received this news? Faith cannot sustain such news as this. This was not merely an announcement to Mary, with the inclusion of today's verses. This was news that would affect the entire world--forever! And, it's coming at her in a calm voice carrying torrential impact. This is a declaration of God, to His Kid, about a Son she will (at some point in the future) bear; someone she cannot yet see, or touch. Yet, he will be her Son. We also know that this child will not have her betrothed as it's father.

That's just insane. Period.

Yet, it is a message Mary will have to deal with. Notice that there is nothing in the message thus far that indicates, to any degree, that it is dependent or conditional upon Mary's acceptance or agreement. This is a definite and absolute announcement. It WILL occur, to her. Her life will be forever changed. This is about Jesus. This is about Mary. This is now, because the Messenger tells her that her Son will also rule over the House of Jacob, the spiritual Israel, about a nation. This is about as impossible a message as a simple young Jewish woman of faith could hope to fathom, much less endure. It is too much! Her question is not about accepting this message. That got someone in her family in huge trouble, just shortly ago. This was not about believing the messge.

This was about understanding the message. Clarification, please. Do you ever feel like that? It usually comes down to a question like "What do you mean?" "What are you saying?" Can you give us an example of a time in your life where such an event happened that left you needing to understand the message? I have. I do. Even, today.

Let's talk about that, okay? Write your reflection on today's verses, and put in a comment below with a link to your writing. Then, come back and discuss these things. Okay?

Will you journey with me? I'm bound for Bethlehem!

In His Care.


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December 7, 2011 at 10:28pm
December 7, 2011 at 10:28pm
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2011 Edition: How Far To Bethlehem?

Advent: Day 7 (December 7th)

         "And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end."

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; Daniel 2:44
Luke 1:33

Multi-tasking. It's a new concept, as concept history goes.

Right now, my home is being cleaned. My two boys are laying, butt to nose, in my Study window, protecting their turf from those vicious, attacking leaves. My television is reporting the updates on the latest Virginia Tech shooting incident. My three telephones are within arm's reach, just in case. I have 16 programs running on my computer, with 8 tabs open as I write this on my internet browser. Tweet Deck is popping in at an average notification rate of 8 new tweets per minute. I have an HVAC maintenance guy coming this afternoon, and I am supposed to be able to afford a 70 mile round trip to be fit for, and pick up a very expensive pair of "diabetic" shoes this afternoon. I have two entries to complete for the Adventure today. I have three national calls on my schedule for this afternoon and evening. I have an audio program--and a video program scheduled to produce today (30 minutes each.) I've been awake for 2.5 hours (not the 7.5 I planned on) and have been through meds, breakfast, and 1/2 pot of coffee just to get to this point in my day. Yes, I am disabled, and retired.

Which reminds me. I'll be right back. I have to take a shower--and then get my anti-embolism stockings on. Talk amongst yourselves. Or better yet, grab The Word and check out the Scriptures I've listed in our reading for today. It matters.

I have now showered (You're welcome. Remember, I have no sense of smell. I apologize.) My legs and feet are now clothed, along with the rest of my spiffy body. My new (and, wonderful--so far) Home Care worker is preparing my lunch. My boys like her, so she really MUST be okay. It's quite strange, but my cats have been 100% correct about the people who have entered my home. How do they do that?

Sara is working, and will be here soon.

So, what's the point I'm trying to understand here? Why am I telling you about moments in my day? And why are these verses so important today?

I mean, what is it that they have to teach me about the journey to Bethlehem, especially today, in the midst of my hectic, busy, crazy life?

I'm not sure. How about you, and your life today? What is the importance of these verses for you--today?

Hopefully, if you are on this Adventure with me, you do know that I'm not asking these questions for no reason. Right? *Bigsmile*

Let's talk about it today. Tell me about your day, and how these verses matter to you, today, and your journey to Bethlehem. Okay? All I do is talk here. It's your turn. I hope you will attempt to answer the questions I have posed today. It matters because of tomorrow. I promise.

In His Care,


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December 6, 2011 at 11:02pm
December 6, 2011 at 11:02pm
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2011 Edition: How Far To Bethlehem?

Advent: Day 6 (December 6th)

"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His Father David."

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7
Luke 1:32

One of the most important things about this journey to Bethlehem for me is the "Why?" of it. You must understand that, to those of us who consider ourselves to be Christ followers, Jesus plays a central role, and holds a very unique position in our lives. I understand that this is not a universal truth for all people. I wish that it were. I will even admit to that. But my Dad gave me the right to choose whether or not I agreed, unto death (and beyond) with Genesis 1:1--or not. So must I do the same. While I hope, it is not my place to coerce, shame, bully, or beat anyone over the head with religion, or even my own faith.

This is the first reason so many people hate my Dad, His Son, all who follow Him, and even me. I am a professional writer. Some of the places I write are filled with people who, believe it or don't, have absolutely no use whatsoever for folks like me. I have spent countless hours discussing my faith with people on that site. At the root of nearly every single case of those opposed to things of God lies an abuse to their person in the name of God. In some cases, as truly intellectual folk, they claim science as their "religion". Yet, I know hundreds of Scientists, some whom enjoy international recognition, who are Christ followers. Atheists? I've never met or talked to an honestly absolute Atheist in my entire life. I've met many who say they are. But, if I will but engage them in active listening, I will discover pain, sadness, anger, and/or abuse in the name of God which they have had to deal with in their lives. It is possible that I may, in my remaining life, actually come to the point of understanding by experience that one true Atheist. I don't expect it, and I'm not looking for that person.

But, you see, they would tell you the same about Christ followers. Take a moment, and let this sink in.

My purpose on this journey is growing into separate parts. But the first I mentioned was that I was seeking Christ. Remember?

Well, this is an amazing verse for me on this particular journey, because this is a description of Jesus from the Throne room of Heaven itself! This is a huge portion of Gabriel's message to Mary, and here he is describing her future Son and Savior. I think it's a great place to focus today. I hope you will agree, and share some time with me on looking at who Dad says Jesus is. There's a lot of stuff in the verse today, so let's unpack it just a little bit, okay?

The definition of thism Mary's future son by Gabriel makes Jesus inaccessible to many who would be his followers. We are, for the most part, not people who would even try to be affiliated with one called "great". The vast majority of us are hard-scrabble, common folk. We have simple lives, with simple dreams. It is not our way to be close to, or even seek out anyone who would be considered "great". For most of us, the greatest person we know is someone very close to us. This, too can create a problem. I know that it has in my life. "How do you compete with God?" Yes, families split, friendships are fractured, and dreams dissolve when Jesus comes into our world. Great and lifelong sadness can result when we deign to come close to someone great, but when that someone is God's only begotten Son...things can get very, very sad.

Because we do not understand great, much less the "great" referred to in our verses today, it can be a tough climb up the mountain to get near him. Historically, Jesus was proclaimed by Gabriel to be, among other things, the Messiah of Israel. Well, to the common Jew, the mind is immediately blown away. Thousands of years. Countless false starts. Rebellion after refusal. False prophets. Wars. Tribal dis-unity and splits across time. And, not Jerusalem, mind you. Nazareth. To the average citizen of Israel, this will never be believed, much less understood. Of the house of David, not only would Mary's son be the forever King of Israel, but he will also be ruler over the house of Jacob, which is to say that Jesus will be the spiritual ruler--forever!

Then, he will be the Son. OF GOD! You know, the Creator of the Universe? That one? "THE Highest?"

John Darby, one of the evangelical leaders of the early Christian Reform movement, puts it this way1:

         "It was a child really conceived in Mary's womb, who brought forth this child at the time which God had Himself appointed for human nature. The usual time elapsed before its birth. As yet this tells us nothing of the manner. It is the fact itself, which has an importance that can neither be measured nor exaggerated. He was really and truly man, born of a woman as we are — not as to the source nor as to the manner of His conception, of which we are not yet speaking, but as to the reality of His existence as man. He was really and truly a human being. But there were other things connected with the Person of the One who should be born that are also set before us. His name should be called Jesus, that is, Jehovah the Saviour. He should be manifested in this character and with this power. He was so.

         "Here we see that He has a right to this name; but this divine title lies hidden under the form of a personal name; for it is the Son of man who is presented in this Gospel, whatever His divine power might be. Here we are told, "He" — the One who should be born — "should be great," and (born into this world) "should be called the Son of the Highest." He had been the Son of the Father before the world was; but this child, born on earth, should be called — such as He was down here — the Son of the Highest: a title to which He would thoroughly prove His right by His acts, and by all that manifested what He was. A precious thought to us and full of glory, a child born of a woman legitimately bears this name, "Son of the Highest" — supremely glorious for One who is in the position of a man and really was such before God.

         "But other things still were connected with the One that should be born. God would give Him the throne of His father David. Here again we plainly see that He is considered as born, as man, in this world. The throne of His father David belongs to Him. God will give it Him. By right of birth He is heir to the promises, to the earthly promises which, as to the kingdom appertained to the family of David; but it should be according to the counsels and the power of God. He should reign over the house of Jacob — not only over Judah, and in the weakness of a transitory power and an ephemeral life, but throughout the ages; and of His kingdom there should be no end. As indeed Daniel had predicted, it should never be taken by another. It should never be transferred to another people. It should be established according to the counsels of God which are unchangeable, and His power which never fails. Until He delivered up the kingdom to God the Father, He should exercise a royalty that nothing could dispute; which He would deliver up (all things being fulfilled) to God, but the royal glory of which should never be tarnished in His hands.

         "Such should be the child born — truly, though miraculously born as man. To those who could understand His name it was Jehovah the Saviour. He should be King over the house of Jacob according to a power that should never decay and never fail, until blended with the eternal power of God as God.

         "The grand subject of the revelation is, that the child should be conceived and born; the remainder is the glory that should belong to Him, being born.

The older writing style is one that I enjoy. They had a way with words back then, didn't they? Darby would go on to cause a bunch of trouble in Christianity. I have a lot of problems with much of his Theology. But, not here. Through his lens I can see not only Jesus who was yet to be, but the Jesus who would become. I am particulary taken with the characteristics of his humanness. Somehow, for me, Darby brings Jesus closer to me. He had a belly button. Given that, I can accept so much more, after I accept this reality. It really helps. Things were already afoot in Israel. Elizabeth, et al had been visited. Mary is receiving her first visitation by Gabriel, the Messenger of God. There is a profound sense of inevitability for me in these passages we have studied so far.

That's an important word in my personal world. Some things are just inevitable. How I respond to them or how I am changed by them is not. In this season, I need to choose wisely, because of nothing more than the deep hole in my heart for my Lord. It's not that Jesus is not with me, for I do know He is. It is that the relationship is absent. Cordially ambivalent, this is the problem I seek to correct on this journey to Bethlehem. Do I need Him more than usual? No. Not at all. I have needed Jesus, my King, my Lord, and my Savior for the vast majority of my life. It is not that I somehow NEED Him.

I miss Him. Ya know?

Do I know how to fix that? Well, given my life, you would surely think that I would--or should. (Quit "shoulding" on me!) I have a belly button. It is not that He is not with me, it is that I am, somehow, not with Him. I've known for a few months that my interests have gone somewhere else in my world. Not in an exclusive way, not at all. It is much more that I have crowded Jesus out of my mind these past months. I have, in simpler terms, been overtaken by "the tyranny of the urgent". I could take pages to carefully explain, justify, rationalize, and convince you of the facts here. But, the conclusion would not change. As it happens, I happen to believe that I am not the only creature on the planet with this dilemma. It has been a horrific year for me--and for us. So many things have come to us, so very fast, that we just never thought we would be compelled to deal with that we have found ourselves outside the one relationship that does truly matter. We are visitors here, aliens in a foreign land. Yet, I do love my land. It is the land of my birth, and my life. Jesus has been with me for my entire journey through it. Where is he now? Where can I find Him?

I believe I will find him in Bethlehem. I believe with all my heart that, if you can relate to any of these words, you can find Him, too. Either again, or even for the very first time. Can we talk about that? What do you think? Will you write your ideas, feelings, and thoughts on today's entry, and share them with those of us who are sharing this journey? I do sincerely hope so. Let's journey on, together,

In His Care.

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1  Darby, John, "Commentary on the Whole Bible", Luke 1:1-80

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