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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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Please feel free to click on the Blog Rings icon below to be transported to some of the very best of the Best Bloggers around WDC.

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Budroe Ring Leader

I have three publications at the moment. Here is a link to purchase my latest one. Buy a great read, and help a fellow writer out, Okay? *Smile*

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March 5, 2014 at 3:24am
March 5, 2014 at 3:24am
My sister, Anne Lawson Fields departed this life on March 4th, 1967 at 1800 EST.

Anne was 2 "up the ladder" from me, and was a High School Senior, Salutatorian of her class, and off to Duke in the Fall on a full ride scholarship to study Psychology. She was a beloved sister, daughter and friend, whose entire community came to grieve with her family and share her home-going.

Anne had some issues that she could not, or would not dare discuss with anyone and most of all with our Father. Because of a difference of opinion one day, she became the victim of her Father's silence. The man of this life she truly adored would not speak with her--and would not allow her to speak with him. After three unrelenting days of this behavior, she walked into his back yard with a pistol, and ended her life.

As tragic as this truth is even today, it is really much more tragic than this telling. I have many of these days to remember: entirely too many. Yet, with this early interaction with death, a huge portion of my life, and my living were reduced to stone. To this moment, I miss her. I love her. She knew this moments before her life ended, because I told her so. It wasn't enough to alter what I knew in my soul was about to be the beginnings of a terrible and horrific journey. I love her in this moment, as I have every moment of my life.

In His Care,



If there is anybody in your universe that you love, respect, admire, like...tell them. You never know where they are in their world. Let them know how grateful you are to have them in yours. It might not make a difference, but it may.
March 2, 2014 at 2:59am
March 2, 2014 at 2:59am
This is just a short entry to let everyone know that I am still around.

I suddenly realized that I have been able to make my calendar "Blue" exactly one time since beginning this blog. The reason it is still active is because the purpose for this journey's journal is still the same.

I had to laugh as I remembered "plans and intentions" for my communicating with others. It's very strange when your communications, after these years, suddenly really is just for you. So, I don't feel so motivated? We'll see how this month goes.

The radio is another communication device I use several hours weekly. I have a lot to say, about a lot of things. Some things are personal, and it is nice having a local writing access point with a supporting community of writers to share my words, and my work with. Some things are topical, temporary current events which will most likely pass within a short time, and are much better suited to the radio.

At this moment (with the possible exception of the pain levels) I feel about as well as I have since this journey began. Given my personal history of finding some great days linked with some good days and a few really bad days, I have become superstitious about feeling good, and about feeling alive. Historically, doing so is a preamble to something really bad.

I have some serious concerns, but this is not a place to discuss those, because others are involved. Yet, my mind is strained between not forgetting what day it is and trying to plan to do something to be alive among the land of the living without feeling like an unwelcome interloper from the land of the leaving. Winter is still here, and will be for some time. I still have a distinct dislike of Winter, and the SAD is still full bore in my world.

Winter is also the time when I usually dedicate the majority of my writing to the creation of new words. That hasn't happened this Winter (so far). I hope I will find the passion and muse to create some quality new words before the Jonquils bloom. Docs are becoming more incidentally common in a nearly (but not completely) increasing regularity. After these years, I am very limited, but am thinking I would really love to experience life among the living for a bit, just to see what that is like. Doing so, I can still know that I do remain,

In His Care.
February 11, 2014 at 12:00am
February 11, 2014 at 12:00am
By definition, or at least one of them anyway, I am a moral ethecist. Surprised?

Some of the work I do involves teaching others. Philosophy is a very broad field of endeavor, yet is one where I find my very best self. It is not because I feel superior to anyone else; I do not. The idea of a self-centric philosopher truly IS an oxymoron. *Bigsmile* The philosophers among us will really love that joke!

Not only in the years of my past, but even my current days bring me to individuals who are at a really interesting intersection, one I know all too well. It is the intersection between the reality of the life they are living, and the faith they use, or at least try to use to live that life. While I already can tell you there is a book in this post, I would just like to plant a seed for it here. Feel free to Sit Down on a Stone with me for a bit--or not.

I have interacted, in the past year, with more individuals who consider themselves to be "atheist" than perhaps ever before in my life. Despite what most people might presume, Atheism is, in fact a religion. For many, it is a "pure" religion. Multi or poly thesim (many Gods), Monothesism (Christianity, Mohammedan, and Abrahamic religions, among others), Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism and Gnosticism/Agnosticism are all on the spectrum. So is atheism. The former religions find their faith in multiple dieties, or universality. Some religious identities represent those who have investigated some religion, yet have not come to a concrete conclusion as to the legitimacy of them--any of them.

The latter, however are a unique class. They have investigated the entirety of the religious spectrum, and understand that there is, in fact, a supreme source. Evolutionists fall into this category, as well. As an interesting (to me) side note, both creationists and evolutionists have a direct nexus, or connection. They both require faith in order to fulfill their religious definition.) For the Atheist, however, the definition is not inclusive of the notion that there is no God. This is a point many (including many Atheists, as it happens) get wrong. Atheists accept the presence of God, they just consider Him to be completely irrelevant. Science causes, for them, a Supreme Being to step aside. With every slip of vision they gain regarding the science of things, the less God is.

It must be said that these words are true, and accurate. They are not meant as conscription to fault at all. They are simply for the purpose of definition. If asked, I would quickly state that I have known many of many religions, including perhaps a majority percentage of them being self-identified Atheists. There is a point, but this must come first.

Over the course of my life, and my ministry, and my educational journey, I have encountered countless people at various points along a religious/faith journey. From the strongest faith-follower to the most convinced Atheist, there is a journey to be taken. The difference is the motivation to begin the journey, and what convinces them to stop at some point on their trek.

The strongest motivation that I have heard explained to me, in more than forty years of active investigation of this phenomenon comes at the intersection of life and faith. One might say that it comes with the death of an innocent child, a terrible or even horrific event, or tragedy of previously unknown proportion. Against the whole, however, these are but minor players in the overall perspective.

My research informs me that the number one reason people find themselves at this intersection of life, without any apparent ability to walk away from it unscathed, by more than ninety percentile, is that the person believes they have committed some sin, either of comission or omission, which God cannot forgive.

If that be true, they reason, then either God is not who He says He is, or He is a callous, judgmental Grand Idiot, and purveyor of lies. Aggrieved parents or loved ones, divorces, alienation of affection by various and sundry relatives, and certainly suicide all find grist from this particular mill. I know this to be true from my personal experience throughout my life. Strong believers have walked away from their faith, or their belief for any of these reasons, or lesser ones but all founded in the concept that they are, or have become unforgivable. Because they feel they are not lovable, or acceptable, or worthy, they feel that God has turned His back on them. Degenerating into anger, and even hatred, they turn, in time, their backs on God as well. To them, this is a reasonable reaction to a mutual agreement. Where they stop on the journey will be determined by time.

As a philosopher of morality and ethics, this is a very important distinction to make. It is a point that defines, in many ways my entire life. I can understand these individuals, and the steps they take. I understand the scenery at every point along the path. I can empathize with human pain and suffering in others in a genuine way because I have lived with pain, suffering and horrific tragedy. Not as an outsider, but my life has traveled this road as an active participant. I still hear new folks telling new stories of the "how", but it is always inevitably the very same "why". Whether feeling the need for God, or feeling no such need whatsoever (which IS the faith spectrum), there are many important lessons that can be learned on this journey. Sadly, not very many of them are healthy, or good--or correct.

In my business, that's where guys and girls like me come in. This territory is mine; I own it. I am most cautiously aware that I am not alone in this particular place. My adversaries and my warriors are most aware and knowledgable of each other. We are not always successful in our mission, but the track record is very good for those with whom we interact. The battle is real, and a fight to the death, or life.

A human being is not conditioned, and universally cannot suvive a life without hope. Period. Without hope, illness and death cannot come quickly enough, to the point that those without hope actively pursue death to achieve it. Drugs, alcohol, addictions of every stripe are importatnt tools to find death. Sometimes, death comes calling, and finds us regardless of our desires or intentions. One of the more potent questions I have been asked in my life has been "Is this all there is?"

I was asked this question today, in fact. My answer was the same as it has been since I first encountered it personally. I do not doubt my answer in any way. I speak it with unquestionable authority because I am "more than convinced" that this answer is true.

No! This is NOT all there is! There is NO unforgivable sin in the whole of Creation

I say that as a man, a Christian, a Minister of the Gospel. I say it as a moral ethecist, a philosopher, and educator. But I do not say it in passing, without proof, or decades of honest investigation. It is not true because or only because it is true to me. I say it because it is absolute truth. It is really, when you think about it, a very small difference. But that one little difference makes all the difference in the world. That's why I do, and forever will remain,

In HIS Care.

February 9, 2014 at 3:29am
February 9, 2014 at 3:29am
We talk a lot here about the challenge of blogging. We do not talk a lot about the blogging of challenge.

One of the things I would love to see discussed more is the blogging of challenge. Let me give an example, so that maybe readers of this journey will understand better what I mean.

One of the biggest challenges bloggers have, in general, is consistency. It takes a bit of time "in the trenches" of blogging to find your voice, your "topic", and your audience. But how do you figure out the pace of your blogging work? How do you make (and keep) blogging consistency?

Here is my answer. I don't always "win" with this challenge, but I do consider it every single day:

There is no reason I can find to write an entry in my blog today.

Every day since the first entry within this blog, this statement is where I have begun in my mind. Every day there is a blog entry, that statement was a challenge met and overcome. There are a couple of reasons that I believe this is true.

I, like many (or most) people, do not find my daily experience worthy of writing about. Most who have found, read and followed this blog have a pretty good understanding of my challenges, and they can (and do) get painfully repititious. Of course, every day they feel repititious is a blazing success in my world.

But, I am not unique in that reality. We all have challenges in our every day that make the mundane possible, and the "usual" a success. I should probably point out, as a reminder, that this blog has always been written for only one reader: myself. It makes it easier to feel capable of worthy writing, and tends to deaden the rapier reviews a bit. But, it also is supposed to remind those reading the entries that I am not the only one facing, and overcoming challenges every day. Did you change every diaper you needed to today, or just every one you could?

I hope you see what I mean. If your challenges today are those you feel, or see, or hear, or touch, then they are more than surely worthy of your words--even if you are the only one to ever read them. If you truly doubt this, take my blogging challenge above. Just type those words into your blog, and march happily forward in the knowledge that, regardless of the challenges which today survived, there is one challenge you overcame. If nobody but you notices, it is still just as legitimate a victory.

And every day deserves a victory in your world, as well as mine. That is but one of many ways I can remain,

In His Care,

February 5, 2014 at 6:17pm
February 5, 2014 at 6:17pm
I have hit upon an understanding of my own writing that I have either never known, or never before noticed. I am not a formulaic writer of fiction--or anything else. Let me give a couple of examples that may help us both understand my meaning.

In #1 of a series, there was a bad guy. The second I met him, I knew him. His character and dialog poured out of my fingers. He was an easy villian, and easy to hate--a lot. He did his job very well in the story.

In #2, I am still waiting for the villian to make themselves known to me. The only thing I knew about them is that they really do not like my protagonist at all. I know their occupation, which has a direct impact on the story, providing much of the middle story plot. No face, no gender, no nothing.

In #1, the plot setting was immediately known to me. I know it well. Writing it, I could smell, see and hear it both day and night.
In #2, the plot setting is also known well to me. The senses are not firing for me on this setting yet. I am more familiar with this setting than the locations in #1. So far? Crickets.It is not a setting disassociated with the plot; in fact it is central to the plot. No emotional attachment, which is profoundly ridiculous.

The first novel was drafted in 17 days. This one is still a clean screen aftrer 18 months. Beyond the core cast of characters, the main issue of the novel, and the location...nothing. I've written away from it, around it, and in entirely different genres. That is a good thing, because that writing was way overdue. I have this list, you see....

I keep staring at the blank screen of #2 from time to time, trying to make contact with it. So far, nothing. I can write a couple of scenes (and have) but there is still no definition to this work. I am not saying that I will not write until there is. I am saying that I haven't found that definition yet, and I'm not going to force it.

Some might say the first novel was already waiting for me, and it truly was. Nobody was more surprised by that novel than I. It was "easy" to write, and incredibly difficult to edit. Like writing a blog post, or a static item here, the writing is usually the easy part, but the formatting can kill you. *Blush*

No boilerplate for me, evidently. No re-use, or re-hash. The main characters continue to grow and interact in a common and affable community of like-minded, dedicated team members. Their personae are intact. Their interaction in #2 is not. Yet. No formula from #1 seems to want to either fit, or work in #2. That is not necessarily a bad thing, so long as the overall effect from #1 is repeated in #2. ??

I've given #2 a working title: TNTAW (The Novel That Almost Wasn't). I am patient, but this is bordering on ridiculous. Am I alone in this difficutly? Do you have any suggestions, or usable solutions to my dilemma? Any input will be gratefully appreciated as I do remain,

In His Care,

February 1, 2014 at 6:22pm
February 1, 2014 at 6:22pm
Hello, February!

Valentine's Day is on Friday, the 14th, 2014. I'm a romantic. I think this is a very cool day. I always have. My first remembrance of this celebration is from my 2nd grade year. It was the first time we got to "pass around" cards to our classmates, our Sisters and our Mother. It was, for many, the first outward expression of affection and friendship to others. Yes, a very cool day, indeed.

This month also represents the birthday of Budroesgirl on the 9th. I'm older than she, but not by a lot. *Bigsmile*. I'd like to make her day special. I don't know how.

More blogging this month, I hope. Classes are really flying by. *sigh*

In His Care,

January 28, 2014 at 4:05am
January 28, 2014 at 4:05am
This is a question that may require some considerable thinking on your part. So, I'm going to give you some amount of time to arrive at what you believe to be the most correct answer. Yes, there is a reason. In my life of late, it truly matters.

In my case, the person I have known the longest in my life, with whom I am NOT related is a person who became my friend when I was the ripe old age of four years. He passed away this past weekend. He will be memorialized and buried tomorrow. I will not be there physically. There are several important reasons for this. Regardless, this particular end-bracket on my life has left me adrift.

In ways I could not have imagined, and to degrees even I have never encountered, this death of a life-strong friend has spun me out of the security of my orbit. I'm a guy rather accustomed to death, and even of the death of close friends and family. It's going to take some time for me to process this event. I've pushed away many who would like to try to help me walk these particular steps. I can't explain, and that's really frustrating for me. This is a very peculiar ride on a roller coaster that even I have never had before. There are many reasons for this, which I will choose not to investigate on this page. Yet.

Yet, even before the funeral, it seems to be a "completed" journey for many in my home town. I was once found guilty of telling this friend he should spend some time writing the things of his mind and heart that he would have outlast his existence here. He chose not to. That's very sad to me. I believe that every human has residing within them a story to be told and a song to be sung. He did neither.

It is not the issue of time, or ability to do either in this case. For my friend, he didn't write anything down because, at the end of his life, he felt like he had not only nothing important to share, but that those who had known him in his life would not wish to hear any such report from him. With this admission, he declared his life to be not only irrelevant, but unworthy. It is a statement most people who knew us both might agree with.

I do not.

He was my friend. He was relevant in my life. He was worthy of my friendship, not because he earned it, treasured it, or kept it sacred between us. He was; he existed. That alone pays the freight, in my book. On the immediate surface, it is entirely possible that there will be a goodly number of people I know who will attend his funeral just to make sure he really is dead. There's no need to worry that nobody will show up. This is a very true statement. For a portion of his life, my friend did some very wrong things to some extremely undeserving people. He went to prison for it, as a matter of fact.

I forgave him. I did not forgive him out of altruistic purposes. He was my friend. I don't know if he died understanding that. I do know that he died. His life is over on this mortal coil. May he rest in peace.

In His Care,

January 16, 2014 at 1:32am
January 16, 2014 at 1:32am
The lists are complete. The recommendations are in. Virtual agreement.

Knowing what is the best thing to do is sometimes not equal to doing the right thing. Of all the advice and really imporatant information I have received, it comes to me to lead by making the right decisions. No big deal, right?

The trust of others to make the right decision, regardless of their convictions as to what is best, is a terribly humbling experience. Of course, I alone am really aware of what I can do, the five lives I live in, and how they come together.

Sound preposterous? Improbable? Irrelevant?

Yeah, well, that's why I usually keep such things to myself. *Smile*

Given the great number of possible good projects to begin, and those current projects which may or may not continue, or a dormant project or two which may or may not be renewed, the business life can be "interesting". I feel no need to apologize, nor for pity/sympathy/?, yet if you were to put these realities into other terms, they might (just might) make more sense.

The primary job of a musical conductor is to convince every other musician that YOUR idea for performance is the best AND right one. The primary job of a sport coach is to convince every other team player that YOUR plan is the winning one.

The primary job of a creative writer is to convince your plot and characters, scenes and arcs that you know the right path to the conclusion. Which is more difficult? I suppose that depends entirely on how you relate to the problems before you. For whatever reason, you alone must decide how to carry out ideas, proposals, plans...and books, too.

Throughout the process, we writers find ourselvs retreating from the world of the many, and into the isolation of the writer. We know we will emerge at some point in the future better for the experience, and often regardless of the final result--the outcome. We can play it safe, and rehash our story lines, characters, and plots. Writing the usual very well is more than sufficient for most writers.

Sorokin, the pre-eminent writer in The Soviet Union today, loves the fact that he never rehashes anything in his writing. Looking at his work, you would quickly understand his writing decisions. His work is always fresh, and sometimes takes years to complete. His is but one example of what is possible. My work product has always exited and invigorated me. So has my writing experience.

What may seem to be variety might well be, in fact, growth. May you always learn, grow and share not only from where you have been, but also from where you think might become. And, may you always, always be,

In His Care,

January 14, 2014 at 6:25pm
January 14, 2014 at 6:25pm
Martha Winifred Barton Fields
January 14th, 2017 - January 9th, 1971

This day has arrived every year since my birth. Today would be my Mother's Birth Day, her 97th in fact.

For 43 years, this day has been on only of remembrance for me. There is an inherent injustice in my mind, a universal injustice which no power can ever make right in my heart. Every year, I spend time reflecting on those feelings. They do not go away. Neither does the indescribable pain of the loss I feel. Or, the love.

I honor her, her life, and her memory with this post. There are so many things I could, and probably should say in this post. I cannot say them all with any degree of understanding, so I won't try. She has always been, and will forever be, my hero.

She died just short of her 54th, birthday from a previously unknown form of Cancer. I had just turned 15. The bottom of my world disappeared that day. I have never truly found it again. I miss her every day, and I love her every day. I do not believe I am unique in that. Every child, to at least some degree misses their Mother. And, their Father, too.

This is a sad day of remembrance for me, yet I cannot escape its annual return. It is a very difficult story to tell, as hers was (for the most part) a very difficult life to live. She died in a very painful and cruel way, with a heart broken many times simply because she loved. I have known that pain.

If you had known her, you would have immediately liked her, and questioned her choices--probably simultaneously. I know many who did. I include myself in that group. Yet, she did prepare me as she could to survive a life that was, like hers, and like every life, to be filled with drama, trauma, tragedy, sadness, joy, exhileration, success and amazing grace. Love would fill my days not because I earned it, or was even worthy of it, but simply because I was.

That is, you see, the most humbling love of all. My Mother taught me to believe that, no matter what, there would be just enough of that love to make it through. I trusted her then, and I believe her now. I just do so very much wish I could spend a little time hugging her slender frame, just to give as much of that love as I possibly could to the one human above all who so richly deserved it, yet got so little of it.

I belive that one day that is precisely what will happen to and for us both. And, in that moment, no words will be required. That is a day which I very much look forward to. I was never old enough to call her "Mother". She will forever be etched in my heart as "Mommie". That isn't such a bad thing.

After all, it was her favorite word.

Her words to us all:

1"Therefore, democracy to me does not mean asking what your country can do for you, but instead every citizen asking what you can do for your country. That is what democracy means to me."

Happy Birth Day, Mommie. I know that you are, forever,

In His Care.

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1  National Sidney Algernon Sullivan Award Winning Essay "What Democracy Means To Me", 1940 (NB:The 1940 Essay Topic was "What Does Democracy Mean To You?")

January 13, 2014 at 7:49pm
January 13, 2014 at 7:49pm
I received, as a Christmas gift from Budroesgirl , Tom Clancy's final novel, "Command Authority"  .

The volume is 740 pages. It was written, as several of Clancy's books were, with Mark Greaney. I am just about half-way through the work. I will be reading it again, but only for pure enjoyment. This is an excellent novel, in a somewhat difficult genre. It is quite difficult to tell who has offered what to the work. That is unique.

When one intersects Clancy's non-fiction work for the first time, there are things that will happen. It will be intense, authoritative, exciting, and well worth the sizable effort required to complete the reading. Clancy's style is not for everyone, although for the life of me I cannot imagine why.

As writers, we tend to lose the love of reading from time to time, and find ourselves necessarily in the editor role. That simply is not, I find, necessary with his work. That's one of the reasons I do so love having his titles of my shelf. I can put down the blue pencil, sit back, make a pot of coffee and be immediately transposed into the words. Clancy was a master craftsman of the written word, in my opinion. To me, Greaney's task is about as difficult as playing second trumpet to Doc Severenson. Tough, and thankless. Done well, however, magic happens. In "Command Authority", every page is filled with magic.

In this book, there are two distinct plots (complete, mind you) that could each be their own complete novel. This is one of the criticisms of some Clancy titles. I find it to be sublime craftsmanship. One could choose to ignore any chapter or section dealing with plot "B", and still have a complete work to enjoy. The same is true if one were to ignore anytning dealing with plot "A", as well. Yet, when the carefully crafted links are gently placed which, as a chain form the complete work, you realize that the final product is just such a better result. This is art. I love it.

This volume could well be a graduate writing program, yet only if you dispense with the reader. That is something really important to realize in writing, and especially in certain writing, of which Clancy is the Master. The reader is imperative to the story. Not as observer, mind you, but as witness. Clancy depends in his writing upon your understanding of everything from scenery to plot arcs in order (it seems) for the work to make sense and legitimacy. His silent, but strongest invitation is to the reader. Regardless of your chosen form, or genre, Clancy has much to teach anyone seeking to increase their own craftwork.

I'll pick up the blue pencil later. Maybe a course online would be appropriate for this work. Both Clancy and Greaney are not only masterful writers, but master craftsmen as well. "Command Authority" proves that, if there were any lingering doubt. I have absolutely no idea whether or not Clancy had foreknowledge that this would be his final published work, but I can tell you from reading it I have severe doubts on that score. Here is a timeless example of Clancy writing non-stop with the urgency of "right now".

He was on a roll with this one, and it very clearly seethes with anticipation of more to come. I hope that is true. I love being a reader, and I owe much of my own writing craft, and immense joy of writing, to Tom Clancy.

In His Care,



In a strange twist all it's own, this volume has spawned a critical review that turned into a book of its own! A few books have been spawned because of this best seller, in fact. What a joy! He left us in the middle of a conversation about his work!
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