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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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November 30, 2012 at 2:29pm
November 30, 2012 at 2:29pm
This is not only a truth it is the facts of life that waits not for the weary. You are beloved!

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 29, 2012 at 9:47am
November 29, 2012 at 9:47am
What are your pet peeves?
Really don't have any pets named peeve, but some things annoy the heck out of me.
Customers who treat you meanly because they are miserable.
Customers who treat you meanly because they are miserable.
Oh wait that's a repeat. Hey it really peeved me this time!

Seriously though - it really gets under my craw when someone says happy holidays. Why? Because the holiday they are referring to is one of a few Christian holidays. Thanks to political correctness and the virtual attempts to dismiss the Lord from the map, I cling to this holiday; CHRISTMAS; and will boldly wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Why? Again because it is about the birth of Jesus, who is the Christ child, and His name means Savior. My Savior and the savior of millions of others in this world. If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior and Lord, then you don't have to celebrate Christmas. I will and boldly be labeled as a "hater" because I refuse to concede my Christian faith at the expense of being politically correct.

Wow that was a mouthful. To sum it up in a nut shell = Christmas is the season and I have the right to celebrate it, just as you have the right to ignore it and the true meaning that it has for all mankind. Just don't try to stop me from celebrating Christmas, and I surely won't force you to enjoy your holidays.

Another pet peeve - Now this may well step on a lot of toes. People who smoke, walking up to me asking for another pack, and coughing in my face = now I have that awful ashtray like odor that nearly makes me wretch. But still I must say thank you and be well. The problem is they cannot be well as long as they continue using that which causes cancer. I might add that it is a known fact formaldehyde, and other carcinogenic additives are in the mix. Formaldehyde is used in embalming people beloved.

Finally: I ordered a Coby 7" tablet through the online store. I save 66 dollars on the cost, shipping was free, and when it came, lo and behold there was no stylus with it; which it clearly states in the material that one is included. Now that just chaps my hide! :)
Copenator out!

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 28, 2012 at 6:19am
November 28, 2012 at 6:19am
If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island, and could bring only five items with you, which five items would you bring?

Rhonda - shes always with me. Whatever ship we were on; I'd imagine it was the S.S. Copenator; comes equipped with life boats and we'd row in unscathed. Ah the loss! Let us toast farewell to our intrepid schooner caught up in the rocks.
The Bible - reading His Word anytime I want would be great. With not much to do on a deserted island I would make lots of time for this activity.
Internet Connection - so I could stay connected to the www until our rescue vessel arrives. Have things to do and would not let a minor detail like being stranded on an island get in the way.
My Imagination - so I can create the finest accommodations while we are "vacationing" on our deserted island.
Fountain of Youth - so we could wind the clock back to the good ole days and jog along the beach hand in hand into the sunset.

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Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 27, 2012 at 1:04am
November 27, 2012 at 1:04am
My beloved Rhonda makes my life better.
A time was when I was alone and in a morass.
Keeping to myself after leaving my former fiance.
Every day she proved the love that was there disappeared.
So at last the day came when I had to look out for myself.

My life wasn't easy after that separation.
Yes I had to leave one to find the one who was meant to be.

Little did I know that the day I went to a small church in Oak Cliff, Texas.
I would see my beloved for the first time.
For all the hurt I was getting over, I was shocked when the Lord plainly said.
Even on that day nearly thirty years ago, "this is your wife."

Believe me when I say I was not a believer in the Lord at the time. Yet those words.
Every fiber of my being was terrified to even ask her out.
Took me six months in fact to even ask her.
The cool part is we are both wrestling fans, the choir director was too.
Eleven, channel eleven that is, aired the wrestling of the time. We ate it up.
Really our first date would be perfect. Attending a wrestling match in Fort Worth, with our friend who drove us there. You see no car at the time. It was a special event and to this day we enjoy watching the WWE at every chance we get.

Rhonda makes my life better. Hands down. No question about it. For without her I am but half a man. If she were not here I would by now be a hermit, content on being as alone and far from the world as possible. Because she is here we are about to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. In fact we are going to revisit the church we met at and got married in on 12/25/1987. Who makes my life better? Rhonda. And you beloved? Who makes your life better? Look forward to reading the results of this prompt.
Serving Him by serving you,
Copenator out! BA, MDiv

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 26, 2012 at 7:00am
November 26, 2012 at 7:00am
If you could be any age again for one week, which would you choose?
I'd have to say for but a moment in time, to be 10 again, playing in the streets with no fear of abduction or any one stealing your halloween candy.
Life got bad after this. So back to my age i am now. I'm here for a reason and not just a season. Here in the WdC to write, to pray, to minister to those He enables me to do so. Here on the internet to shine the Light of the World through the gift of writing. Singing a jingle to sell a piece of candy, but firstly to make someone laugh. To be here at this day and this age is what matters. Going back to the yester-years is fun for a time but then the world knocks on your brain and you have to return. Knock knock. Ah to be young again, if but for a moment in time. Bills to pay, lives to touch, later on the www.
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
servant in Christ.
Founder of Copenator's Crew

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by 🇺🇸 Carol St.Ann 🇺🇸

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 24, 2012 at 1:33am
November 24, 2012 at 1:33am
My friends and family love me. But they like me because . . .
Well I just don't know. I try to be fair with everyone.
Why do they like me?
Can you help me with this one beloved?
It's hard for me to put a finger on. To gauge why others like me.
I'm drawing a blank on this one and sometimes that does happen.

Why do they like me?
How can one really know?
Your reasons are needed here.

Don't you see your answers make a difference.
Oh wouldn't it be cool if I found out what qualities are perceived.

You hold the key to the fruits of this blog.
On this 24th day of November, 2012, your spotlight awaits you.
Under no obligation, but inviting you to write into this blog as to the question of the hour.

Why Do You like me?
Serving Him by serving you.
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
November 23, 2012 at 5:18am
November 23, 2012 at 5:18am
Three Wishes
by Steve Cope

Were I able to have three wishes, what would they be? First of all there are no magical wishes that can be fulfilled. However for the sake of this prompt I will refer to them as prayers that are answerable as the Lord desires. For He is concerned about our wishes, hopes, and dreams as the line up with the will of God.

1. A total healing of Rhonda's seizures and congestive heart failure - making the medication she needs to maintain a modicum of normalcy unnecessary.

2. A restoration of broken relationships that might be hurting the lives of millions around the world. The family unit is vital in the plans of God. Due to the splintering of this family unit many are suffering, and in reaction mode may well be making mistakes that just build onto the problems. The ripple effect may not account for all of the ills in the world, but they do indeed contribute to the overall state of the union.

3. A revival of old, where many come to the realization that Jesus is the reason for the season. Not just Christmas, not just Easter, and not just any particular holiday at all. He is the reason for every season in our lives; and with Him in our lives as Savior and Lord we have a greater opportunity to spread that word of hope to even more people. The hour and the day of His return is not known, but it will come beloved. When Jesus does return it will be too late.

While we wait for His return let us who know Him share with others in the ways we are enabled to bring the focus back onto the Father God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who is our comforter and counselor in a lost and dying world. Let us make the three prayers we know can be granted by the Lord, as our prayers line up with His will, be spoken and brought into fruition.

Physical healing for our loved ones and ourselves as we serve Him in the ways we are able. Writing is one way I have to communicate with you beloved. Preaching the Word of God before a congregation is an honor and when I was able to do so on multiple occasions early on I was careful to let the Lord shine. Look forward to future opportunities if He sees it in His plan for me as well.

A restoration of the family unit as the Lord lays out before us in His Holy Word, paying mind to the kind of relationship that is right and ordained in His Word. What is morally right in His Word and moving away from what is morally wrong as clearly stated in His Word.

A revival!!!!! A return to the Lord and remaining in His presence. It has happened in this country before and it can happen again. One thing that can open the flood gates? Mankind realizing that we are not in control! We are subject to either Good or Evil. One thing that kept me unsaved for so long was my imagined loss of control. When I realized that I was not in control, and needed salvation through Jesus my whole world changed. Let your world change today beloved. Lose control of the situation and let Jesus be your pilot. No more tail spins, barrel rolls, near crashes. Smooth sailing may not be in the future but knowing that you are not alone and have a Savior who wants the best for you every day can and will change this world one person at a time.

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 22, 2012 at 8:35am
November 22, 2012 at 8:35am
This is the day to have fun. A time to know why we are thankful. A time to remember when you came through something at the last moment and you still wonder how and even why. Enjoy time with your loved ones. Watch some football. Let the triptophan do its job and root for your favorite team. Above all remember to call your loved ones you cannot be with and let them know they are important to you.

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
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#1759573 by 🇺🇸 Carol St.Ann 🇺🇸

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
November 21, 2012 at 7:35am
November 21, 2012 at 7:35am
What do you have to be thankful for?
How thought provoking is this question?
A plethora of things come to mind.
Take for example the fact that I am still alive, albeit sick but still kicking.

Doing a ministry called Thanksgiving In A Bag, with turkey and all the fixings.
Oh our church has a heart for ministering to others and Saturday we delivered 2 of 30 plus meals to our neighbors.

Yesterday; Tuesday; we received a text message from the church telling us they have an extra turkey and fixings.
Oh wow was it a huge turkey! It's taking up most of the lower shelf in our fridge ready to go to a family in need.
Unbelievably the miracle does not stop there. Monday morning I received a turkey from one of my co-workers.

How much of a blessing was that turkey this year? Tomorrow the tom will be laid out before a family of friends.
As we watch the Cowboys; win or lose; and I am a die hard fan for life, Tom will be digesting and putting a lot to sleep.
Verily I say unto you beloved. Being thankful is just the tip of the iceberg. It's what you do with the blessings you receive.
Even as you receive a blessing with a thankful heart, you are helping another feel better about life.

Turkey dinner, advice on what tablet to buy, or even something as simple as being alive are things to be thankful for.
Oh and the greatest thing to be thankful for of all is the salvation I received with a thankful heart from Jesus who died for my sins.

"Bless the Lord, oh my soul, bless His Holy Name". This is; in my opinion; is a vital thing to do and shows true gratitude.
Every day there are even more things one can think of to be thankful for. This is just a beginning point for me. What about you beloved? What Do You Have To Be thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving day tomorrow and remember you are important to God; your loved ones; the WdC and Copenator out! BA, MDiv

November 21, 2012 at 12:01am
November 21, 2012 at 12:01am
Skydiving? Not Me, I'm Too Grounded

Sky is really high.
Kicking a can is a business of risking.
You never know if you're gonna get cut.
Diving out of a plane? With just a pack and some silk?
It's a cinch you're going to get a rush, but let's hope not a crush.
Verily i say unto you, "I'm too grounded, the pavement my feet have pounded."
In all my bucket list desires only for a moment did the thought cross my mind.
Now I've grown up and at the end of the day I choose to sup.
God bless you one and all, and I pray as you dive, you don't fall into the wall.

Skydiving? Not me, I'm Too Grounded.
by Steve Cope
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