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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1832036
A day in the life of... me!
A HUGE Thank you to Emily for the beautiful ribbon *Smile*

First place in "The Bard's Hall Contest for July/August 2012!

A day in the life of... me! Sometimes I need to rant. Sometimes I have something burning on my mind. Sometimes I'm so angry I feel like reverting back to old coping mechanisms. So I thought a journal was a good idea!

I feel ranting is an important part to life, everyone does it to some degree or another and it's not healthy to bottle things up inside. So for those moments where I feel a rant (or just a general thought) and want to get it off my chest, here it will be!

However, ranting is not everything. Sometimes I just feel like I want to share something with someone, and often there is nobody to listen (wow that makes me sound sad! I do have friends but I tend to let them do the talking rather than share). So here I can get things off my chest, rant or be happy, whatever the mood *Smile*

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May 21, 2013 at 12:21am
May 21, 2013 at 12:21am
Happy birthday to me! Another year older and along come the thoughts of mis-achievements and unattained goals. Perhaps it's because I'm at work and spending much of the beginning of my birthday alone that leads me to think about this. Or perhaps it's when I log onto facebook and I see a friend of the same birthday and realise what she's doing now and how much she's achieved that I think about what I've been doing with myself.

That's not to say it'll all doom and gloom. In the past year I got a new job which I absolutely love, I made the biggest move in my life and bought my own flat and of course, I became a moderator here! To me, they're all pretty big things and I'm really proud of myself for all three. But then I think of the day to day things and I realise how mundane everything is. I spend three nights at work and then three days off. Much of that is spent with my partner which can be great but I'm finding how much I'm missing spending a lot of time with my friends and family and even just by myself. Much of the time is spent pottering around, running errands and not really doing much of anything. I'm bored of it. I want to go and explore. I want to see the area, to see the world. It makes me think back to when I began to make plans to travel the world (right until I got this job and put it on the back burner). I decided that even if I couldn't do a world trip I could take a month and visit New Zealand, enjoy the scenery, do some hiking and meeting some new people.

I think that's the other thing. It's not just the fact that I spend a lot of time with my partner that means I don't see my friends as much. They all have lives too and as friendships go, some are made to last while some fade. Some even weave in and out of your life and I've certainly noticed that. But I figure one way to combat this is to meet some new people. On here that's easy, you just drop someone an email, a notebook scribble and you're chatting like nothing, but in real life, it's a little different. Like how do I just go and meet some new friends? I'm hoping that one way is by getting involved in some exercise classes. I'm going to sign up for some soon and pending my confidence is high enough, I'll do it alone. It means I have to talk to other people! Wish me luck *Smile*

So I guess this has been a bit of a downer entry but it is 5:20am. It'll get better as my day moves on!
May 17, 2013 at 4:43am
May 17, 2013 at 4:43am
I am so overwhelmed! I woke up yesterday morning as if it was any other day. I pottered around doing a few things, boiled the kettle, made a cuppa, checked my Simpsons town and then my emails... only there was something different about this day. One of the emails was from The StoryMaster At first I frowned, a little unsure, but as I opened that email a huge grin erupted on my face. I just couldn't believe what I was reading! I immediately dropped everything and rushed to find my laptop (let me tell you I don't think it's turned on slower in my life) and then finally, I was there, home, Writing.com! And the reality of the situation was right in front of me: Blue Jellybaby had turned blue! I can't believe it and still, every time I remember that my case has been modded out I can't help but have that goofy grin on my face *Bigsmile* It's such an honour to have turned blue! And the amount of emails, scribbles, MBs, c-notes and raffle tickets I have received in the past day has completely overwhelmed me! I feel so spoilt rotten!

I want to say a huge thank you to The StoryMaster and {user::storymistress} for everything they do on Writing.com. Without their unending and relentless support the site would not be what it is today, a wholesome, happy community which I feel is my second home. I promise to strive to live up to my blue case.

And to all of my friends who have overwhelmed me with their congratulations and support, I promise I will return emails soon! Just as soon as I can pause my goofy grin for a few minutes!!

I also want to congratulate the other five preferreds who became blue! Each one of them has worked so hard to achieve this and I'm so proud of every one of you. Some I already know well, others I hope to come to know much better. Congratulations to ember_rain, Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation , biddle-connie, Dawn Embers and 🦄🏳️‍🌈Sapph ! I'm so proud of each and every one of you *Bigsmile* *Heart*
May 12, 2013 at 9:56pm
May 12, 2013 at 9:56pm
Do you ever feel like you're not really living your life? That you're just moving from place to place, going through the monotony of the day and not really achieving anything? I've just moved into my flat and while that is restricting in terms of money and time I have to go out and do stuff, I do think i've spent my past month and a half running around doing things for the flat and I haven't had time for me. And when I have my partner has been there. So I have decided it's time to take some time for me. Whether that's a day or a few, to be on my own, to do what I want and refocus. It seems that not so long ago I had goals and ambitions and now I'm just coasting. That's not how I want it to be.

On the plus side (after that little bit of negativity) I'm feeling positive about my writing. I'm editing The Doors, a young adult novella I wrote as the publisher I submitted to likes the idea but wants to see a rewrite! It's quite exciting *Smile* So I'm off to do a little more work on that now!
April 24, 2013 at 11:13pm
April 24, 2013 at 11:13pm
So I finally heard back from the publishing company I sent the Doors off to... they like the idea and think it's really unique but because of the way it's written, they don't think it's for them. However... the woman I was liasing with has suggested that I do a rewrite, taking into consideration some of her suggestions and then resubmit directly to her with the full manuscript! Now, I'm no expert and I certainly know that a lot of work is required but I think this is a positive thing! All I can think about now is reading and editing and then sending to PENCIL for an in depth review *Smile* It's so exciting!
April 8, 2013 at 10:34pm
April 8, 2013 at 10:34pm
Now that things are starting to feel a little more settled with my flat, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Not everything is done yet and it probably won't be for a while. I keep doing something and then realising I need something else for my flat so I can do it! But I'm okay with that. These things will happen slowly and I can accept that now that most of my bills are set up and I have things beginning to look and feel like my own. Things with my partner are also really good. It's lifted my mood dramatically and I'm returning to that happiness that I know we can have together.

I'm starting to get the itch to write again. I'm feeling really happy with that because I think I've put it off for too long. I'm going to take my next three days off and then try and focus on writing again *Smile*
March 31, 2013 at 11:46pm
March 31, 2013 at 11:46pm
Well I'm finally there! All moved into my new flat *Bigsmile* It's so nice to have my own little space to do what I want, when I want and have it looking and feeling like my very own. Don't get me wrong, living with my parents wasn't awful or anything but having my own space is such a nice thing. I'm 25 now and I wanted to get on the property ladder at some point and it seemed a good time after getting a good full time job that I love doing. I think it gives me a lot more independence too which, let's face it, is easy to shirk when I'm still living with them! And I'm already loving the peace and quiet I have with my partner where we can have our own space.

So this last week has been pretty hectic with packing and sorting and organising and moving and ordering and buying and sorting out services and bills. But I've loved it all. I'm back to work tonight after having 9 days off so it's a nice change but I can't wait for my next few days off so I can carry on unpacking those boxes and really making it mine *Smile*

Next step is to get the internet put in and sort out my council tax and do a big shop so I actually have some food to keep me going!

It's really nice to be back on WdC though. Because I haven't got internet yet and I've been all over the place I haven't been able to get on so I ended up wading through a mammoth amount of emails when I logged on, but I don't care, they all made me smile! I've missed you too WdC *Heart*
March 21, 2013 at 2:35pm
March 21, 2013 at 2:35pm
So I'm officially moving in a week! A week! How exciting is that! Now my brain is in complete overload as I'm trying to remember everything I need to do and when by and how much and it's a little bit daunting but oh so very exciting! The other day we got all of my belongings out of the loft that included lots of my things from when I was younger, uni work and things from my student house. All in all I had just about everything I needed so the only thing I've had to buy is a microwave and I'm so lucky to have such a brilliant family that my Aunty got it for me for my moving in present!

I've got the van booked for Thursday night ready to move on Friday and I'm already planning how it's going to go. On Thursday I have to go sign everything and collect my keys, then I'll come back to my parents and phone up to get the essentials switched on. Then I'll go down and clean and begin unpacking all of my kitchen things. Then I'll collect the van and on Friday the move of the BIG THINGS occurs *Bigsmile* I realise now that it all felt really surreal up until now and I guess that's quite normal, after all, it took much longer than expected to all go through and it was something that although in the forefront of my mind, had to be pushed away sometimes when I had things going on. But now it's like the only thing occupying my mind!! I can't wait!
March 8, 2013 at 11:40am
March 8, 2013 at 11:40am
It seems I'm looking for a completion date at the end of this month for moving out! I'm so excited! finally, to have my own space, to do what I want, have it how I want and be completely independent (as much as I can lol). I didn't think it would happen if I'm honest. The offer was accepted on the 17th December and I feel like it's dragged out so much so I didn't think I'd be in until at least April. But this is really great. I can't wait now! I've been planning how things are going to go, how the move will work, who will be on tea duties! I can't wait to move in. Once I have the date I'm going to ask one of my friends who works in a shop to nab me some boxes so I can start packing. I haven't got a lot of possessions excluding the hundreds of books, DVDs and CDs... lol. The problem is when I get there I'm not going to have anywhere to put a lot of these things because they're currently on makeshift shelves that won't be coming with me. Oh well. I guess they'll just get stacked for now! And then I keep thinking about all the little bits and bobs that I'll need, essentials if you will, for when I move. I have a lot of what I need but there's a lot of missing things. For example, I have a kettle (obviously an essential) and I have plates to eat from but no cutlery or utensils! Hehe. I don't want to go and buy lots of things yet until I have my move date but I JUST CAN'T WAIT!
March 4, 2013 at 12:21am
March 4, 2013 at 12:21am
So I realised I haven't updated in a while. I also realised that when I blog it's usually at a time when I'm feeling low or stressed and need to rant. While I think that's okay, I also feel like I don't want to become a repetitive fool. Which I probably already am. So, I want to hopefully blog about other things, my life etc, not just my relationships.

I have a meeting in a few hours to go through the final revised mortgage offer from the bank and hopefully get a move in date! I'm really excited. I can't wait to move now just to have my own space, do what I want when I want and just own my own indepedence. I have some time off at the end of March and I'm hoping it can coincide with that, fingers crossed!

Other than that I've just been working hard and trying to play hard too. I've had a few nights out, been to the cinema, went to see Rocky Horror at the theatre. It's been a good few weeks and I've had a lot of fun, just hoping to keep up the momentum.
February 1, 2013 at 12:12am
February 1, 2013 at 12:12am
So, I had some not great news about my flat. The suvey came back listing the flat as 10k under the estate agents price. Unfortunately the seller refuses to sell for that price and will only consider selling at half way between. That means I would end up paying 5k more for the flat than it is technically worth. That's hard and it means I'm not sure what to do anymore. It's a lot of money to pay extra but I also really love the place and when I've had a look there's nowhere else I can see/afford. So I either pay more than what it's worth or pull out now and start all over...

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