Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974478-The-Transplant/cid/2207978-You-suddenly-find-yourself-inside-Shawnas-
by Wassel
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #1974478
Experimental brain transplant surgery saves either your life, or someone very close.
This choice: You suddenly find yourself inside Shawna's body.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #15

You suddenly find yourself inside Shawna's ...

    by: Wassel
So weird... you suddenly thought to yourself. Or at least you assumed you had. Soon realizing that it was in fact happening again. Someone else's thoughts were making their way into your brain. Shawna's thoughts. ...Why can't I stop thinking about Tim Connors of all people? I don't even like the guy!

No. No. This is crazy. It... It can't be, you assured yourself. Vehemently shaking your head. This not stopping these strange, seemingly random thoughts from popping up in your head. Along with an overwhelming sense that they did indeed belong to her...

Oh my God... Who... Who said that? ...Tim?!

Finally giving up and allowing yourself to reply, Shawna? As crazy as this was, it really did feel like the two of you were somehow connected. Like she really was inside your head. No longer fighting and instead reaching out to see if you were also in hers. Like some sort of telepathic connection. This being the only other feasible explanation you could come up with right now, other than just straight up being insane. Shawna, is... is that you? Are you in my head? Blocking out absolutely everything else that was currently going on around you as you desperately searched for answers. Concentrating on her and no one else.

Receiving the reply, Are you in mine?

Just having time to whisper, "Fuck me..." as the entire world suddenly turned upside down. Feeling as if your entire consciousness was being sucked right out of your head.

Until that was...

"WHOA! What the fuck!?" you shrieked as everything suddenly rushed back to normal and you jolted upright in your seat. Having never experienced anything quite as trippy as what had just taken place. Not even back at the hospital when you'd been on drugs. Feeling somewhat dizzy as you quickly attempted to regain your bearings. Realizing as you did that more than a few people were laughing.

"Miss. Sullivan!" an angry female voice suddenly shouted. Immediately halting all the giggles. It sounding like someone was about to get in trouble, though you weren't entirely sure who.

Wait... Miss. Sullivan? ...That's Shawna! She's not in my Algebra class.

"What is the meaning of this outburst?"

Becoming quite aware, as the dizziness past and the world came back into focus, that the angry voice was being directed squarely at you. It coming from Mrs. Naismith, the Chemistry teacher. But... What is she doing here? She didn't teach Algebra. Mr. Swanson did. Realizing then that the classroom was no longer the same either. As were all the other people in your class. Wait a second... What's... What's going on? Looking to your left and finding that instead of your friend Sean, who you'd been sitting next to a second ago, it was someone else entirely. Namely Debbie Gibson, a rather attractive and popular girl in your year. Someone who definitely wouldn't be seen sitting next to you.

"Miss. Sullivan," the Chemistry teacher repeated. Her crotchety, middle aged face still staring directly at you. "I asked you a question?"

Suddenly getting a rather sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. It not just being your surroundings that didn't seem right. Your body feeling rather strange too. As if something had happened to it. Starting to get an idea of exactly what as you lowered your gaze and found yourself now staring at an impressive pair of breasts, bulging out of a tight blue shirt. Along with several locks of wavy red hair sitting atop them. Having no shadow of a doubt that this was not your chest. It was Shawna's!

Oh, sweet Jesus!

"I'm... I'm sorry, Muh-Miss," you stuttered. Hearing a voice that was not your own tripping awkwardly from your lips. "I've... uh, I've really got to go to the bathroom!" Pushing yourself up off your chair and feeling your now exceptionally heavy chest bounce as you did. Not even waiting for the teacher's reply as you bolted directly for the door. Being in more of a panic that you'd ever been in your life. None of this in any way making sense.

What the fuck is going on!? you inwardly squeaked as you bolted through the Chemistry department. Everything about your movement feeling super wrong. The way your chest bounced and heaved. The feeling of your hips and ass. Even your thighs felt different. Far larger than they'd been before. Rubbing against each other as you moved. Why am I Shawna?! How is this even happening!?

Pausing then, as you realized you had no idea where it was you were going (having never taken Chemistry before), you braced yourself against a wall. Needing a chance to try and figure out what was going on. The long hair that kept getting into your face not really helping much at all. Okay, think Tim... Think. Swapping bodies isn't real right? Hearing people's thoughts isn't real either. So this all must just be some really fucked up dream. It's not real. You've fallen asleep in class or something and your mind is playing tricks on you that's all. Convincing yourself that this was the truth. After all, the alternative was just so ridiculously far fetched and crazy that it couldn't possibly be real. ...Could it?

"Thuh... Thu-there you are!" another voice suddenly called out. Panting heavily. Accompanied by the squeaking of shoes.

Turning around then to see who exactly it belonged to and letting out an audible gasp as you realized it was you! You were now jogging towards yourself, looking similarly panicked and somewhat out of breath. Holy shit!

"What the hell did you do?"

"What... What did I do?" you responded. Even more freaked out now than you had been before. Staring at your very own face. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?! Look at me!" it snapped angrily, coming to a stop in front of you. "I'm you and you're me! We switched bodies!"

This naturally leading you to deduce that this was in fact, "Sha...Shawna?" This dream having suddenly got a hell of a lot stranger.

"Yes, Shawna," she pouted. Placing her hands firmly on her hips as she asked again, "Now what did you do?"

"I... I... I didn't do anything. I thought... I thought this was all just a bad dream."

"Well guess again." Having admittedly kind of figured that out for yourself.

The two of you looking around then as you heard a noise from further along the corridor. Shawna grabbing you with your own hand then and telling you to, "Come on!" Pulling you through a doorway before you'd even had time to react. "We need to find somewhere a little less public to try and figure this out." Leading you through yet another hallway until you came to the ladies toilets. Getting ready to object before being asked, "Have you got a better idea? I'm the one who's male now anyway." Shawna definitely having a point there as she led you inside.

"Jesus Christ! What is going on?" you exclaimed once you were both safely in the bathroom. Slumping against a wall as Shawna headed towards one of the mirrors. "How did this even happen?" The unfamiliar surroundings of the ladies toilets and the fact that someone might actually catch you inside being the least of your worries right now.

Shawna didn't answer however and instead just started at her reflection. Her mouth dropping open as she whispered, "Oh God..." Reaching up with a hand to examine your face. "...This is so weird."

Her own examination leading you to do the same. Slowly approaching the mirror and pausing as soon as you were confronted by the sight of Shawna staring back at you. Looking exactly like she had done the last time you'd seen her. Only way more freaked out. "...You're telling me." It being beyond eerie to be looking at a face that was not your own, moving as you moved. While beside you, your own face was moving entirely independently of your own.

Not that your attention remained on that rather eerie sight for long. Pulling your gaze towards your own reflection and continuing to stare slack jawed at Shawna's lightly freckled face. I'm a... I'm a girl. I've got... Breasts! Big Breasts! Your eyes being pulled like a magnet towards your chest. Each one looking so large and round and prominent. Taking up almost the entirety of your upper torso and stretching out the thin spaghetti straps of Shawna's top. Beneath which a much thicker pair of straps were visible. This presumably being her bra. Holy fuck... I'm wearing a bra!

"Alright, pervert! Keep your eyes up top will ya!" Shawna said. Snapping your focus away from your new chest and back towards her. Having seemingly gotten done checking her own reflection out. "We've got to try and work out what happened."

"So-sorry," you blushed. Realizing you'd just been caught staring at her tits.

"Now I'm guessing this has got something to do with the brain transplant the doctors gave me at the hospital," she said much to your amazement. Asking then, "Did they do the same thing to you too?"

You nodded. "Yeah. They... They did."

"And they wouldn't tell you who the donor was right?"

"No. They said the donor had to remain anonymous..." The cogs suddenly turning within your head. Realizing that, "Wait! Are you saying that YOU were the donor? That... That I was too?" Did the doctors just swap our brains with one another?

"Kind of looks that way doesn't it," Shawna nodded. "Though I imagine they had no idea that this would be the results. It's like... I dunno, having a part of each others brain allowed us to jump into each others heads. But... Back in class, when I heard you in mine, it felt like you did something. Something to cause all this."

"Like what? I just... I dunno... Sort of reached out to see if I could hear you and I did. Then everything suddenly went black." That being pretty much all that you could remember.

"Well maybe if you did it once you can do it again. Swap us back. Cause there is no way in hell I'm gonna be stuck as you. No way!"

You have the following choices:

1. You try to switch back and it works.

2. You try to switch back and it fails.

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974478-The-Transplant/cid/2207978-You-suddenly-find-yourself-inside-Shawnas-