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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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April 9, 2024 at 11:05am
April 9, 2024 at 11:05am

A man who had gone out of town returned and was shocked to find that his house was on fire.

It was one of the most beautiful houses in town, and the man loved his house with all his heart. Many people had offered to buy it and had even been willing to pay twice the price for the house, but he had never agreed to sell it for any price. Now it was burning before his eyes and was worthless.

Hundreds of people had gathered, but nothing could be done. The fire had spread so far that even if put out, nothing would be saved. The man was overcome with sadness.

Just then his son came running and whispered something in his ear, "Don't be worried father. I sold our house yesterday and at a very good price ― three times. The offer was so good I could not wait for you. Please forgive me."

The man said, "Thank God, it is not ours now!" Then he suddenly relaxed and became a silent witness, just like the hundreds of others present.

Just a moment ago he was not a witness, he was attached. It was the same house... the same fire.... everything was the same... but now he was no longer concerned.

Just then his second son came there, and he said to his father, "What are you doing? You seem relaxed ― our house is on fire!" The man said, "Don't you know, your brother has sold it." His son responded, "But we have taken only a small advance amount, not settled fully yet. I doubt now that the man is going to purchase it now."

Tears which had disappeared, reappeared in the man's eyes, his smile vanished, his heart began beating faster. The witness had disappeared. He was attached once again.

Then his third son came, and he said, "Father, we are fortunate for that man is a man of his word. I have just come from him. He said, 'It doesn't matter whether the house is burnt or not, it is mine. And I am going to pay the price that I have settled for. Neither you, nor I knew that the house would catch fire. So I will honor my commitment.'"

Again the joy came back and family returned to being quiet witnesses of the experience! The attachment to the house wasn't there any more.

Outwardly nothing had changed. The house had been burning all along. Just the thought "I am the owner! I am not the owner of the house!" kept changing and had made the whole difference.

This story of the burning house illustrates that stress and suffering are never caused by the events of our life alone, they are caused by our thoughts and perceptions about the events of our life. What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

Many times each day ask the powerful question "Who would I be without all my stories?" This enables us to find peace and balance in the midst of our life. It allows us to remain witnesses and to respond with clarity and without strong emotional charge in the diverse situations of our life.

May you silently witness all changes. May life witness itself, without barriers.(Shared)
April 5, 2024 at 4:12pm
April 5, 2024 at 4:12pm

Once a man got lost in a desert. The water in his flask had run out two days ago, and he was on his last legs. He knew that if he didn't get some water soon, he would surely die. The man saw a small hut ahead of him. He thought it would be a mirage or maybe a hallucination, but having no other option, he moved toward it. As he got closer, he realized it was quite real. So he dragged his tired body to the door with the last of his strength.

The hut was not occupied and seemed like it had been abandoned for quite some time. The man entered into it, hoping against hope that he might find water inside.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw what was in the hut - a water hand pump...... It had a pipe going down through the floor, perhaps tapping a source of water deep under-ground.

He began working the hand pump, but no water came out. He kept at it and still nothing happened. Finally he gave up from exhaustion and frustration. He threw up his hands in despair. It looked as if he was going to die after all.

Then the man noticed a bottle in one corner of the hut. It was filled with water and corked up to prevent evaporation.

He uncorked the bottle and was about to gulp down the sweet life-giving water, when he noticed a piece of paper attached to it. Handwriting on the paper read : "Use this water to start the pump. Don't forget to fill the bottle when you're done."

He had a dilemma. He could follow the instruction and pour the water into the pump, or he could ignore it and just drink the water.

What to do? If he let the water go into the pump, what assurance did he have that it would work? What if the pump malfunctioned? What if the pipe had a leak? What if the underground reservoir had long dried up?

But then... maybe the instruction was correct. Should he risk it? If it turned out to be false, he would be throwing away the last water he would ever see.

Hands trembling, he poured the water into the pump. Then he closed his eyes, said a prayer, and started working the pump.

He heard a gurgling sound, and then water came gushing out, more than he could possibly use. He luxuriated in the cool and refreshing stream. He was going to live!

After drinking his fill and feeling much better, he looked around the hut. He found a pencil and a map of the region. The map showed that he was still far away from civilization, but at least now he knew where he was and which direction to go.

He filled his flask for the journey ahead. He also filled the bottle and put the cork back in. Before leaving the hut, he added his own writing below the instruction: "Believe me, it works!"

This story is all about life. It teaches us that We must GIVE before We can RECEIVE Abundantly.

More importantly, it also teaches that FAITH plays an important role in GIVING.

The man did not know if his action would be rewarded, but he proceeded regardless.

Without knowing what to expect, he made a Leap of Faith.

Water in this story represents the Good things in Life

Give life some Water to Work with, and it will RETURN far more than you put in........!!!
April 4, 2024 at 3:23pm
April 4, 2024 at 3:23pm

How did the widow of the creator of the Singer sewing machines give her face to the Statue of Liberty?

Isabella Boyer's life is like a thrilling novel. She was born in Paris, in the family of an African pastry chef father and an English mother.

At 20, she married sewing machine maker Isaac Singer, 50, and after his death became the richest woman in the country. After becoming a widow, Isabella began traveling the world, seeking new knowledge and exciting challenges, far too young to be buried under mourning clothes.

She remarried Dutch violinist Victor Robstett, a world celebrity and an earl, so Isabella now became a countess. Soon, she was the star of high society in America and Europe, and was invited to world events. At one of them, she met the famous French sculptor Frederick Bartoldi. At the time, Bartoldi was strongly impressed by his trip to the United States, by the size of the country, by its natural resources, by the population there, and had already accepted a proposal to create a statue symbolizing the independence of the United States.

The sculpture was supposed to be a gift from France in honor of the 100th anniversary of the country's independence. Thus, the idea of a giant statue depicting a woman holding a torch in one hand was born.

Bartoldi was so impressed by Isabella's face that he decided to use it as a model for his sculpture. Therefore, on Bedlow Island in the Gulf of New York, the Statue of Liberty was erected with the figure of an ancient goddess, but with the face of Isabella Boyer.

Isabella married, for the third time, at the age of 50, Paul Sohege, a famous collector of art.

She died in Paris in 1904 at age 62. She is buried in Passy Cemetery.

But the statue with her face continues to rise over Bedlow Island, symbolizing America's first pride, freedom.

Courtesy: Jumana Dee
March 30, 2024 at 4:18am
March 30, 2024 at 4:18am
Daniel Kahneman passed away recently. He was a Nobel prize winner for economics.

He changed the world of behavioral finance

Here are 10 human behavioral patterns he highlighted in his book Thinking Fast and Slow.

1️⃣ Our brain uses two systems: System 1 and System 2

System 1 is fast, intuitive and automatic. It is prone to biases and errors such as overconfidence.

System 2 is slow, analytical, and deliberate. It is necessary for complex tasks requiring focused attention.

2️⃣ Irrationality

Humans are not rational. We all make a lot of irrational mistakes.

90% of Americans think they can drive better than average and 70% think they are smarter than average.

3️⃣ Prospect theory

The prospect theory suggests that people feel losses twice as hard as gains.

Many people don't want to play a Heads or Tails game where they can win $100 but risk losing $50.

You should take this bet every single day.

4️⃣ The Halo Effect

The halo effect is a cognitive bias where your overall impression of a person influences your perception of their individual traits or qualities.

If you like someone, you'll overestimate their capabilities and vice versa.

5️⃣ Availability heuristic

The availability heuristic is a cognitive bias where you judge the likelihood of an event based on how easily it comes to mind.

A good example is 9/11 which made people afraid of flying.

6️⃣ Sunk cost fallacy

The sunk cost fallacy appears when you keep investing in something even if it's not worth it, simply because you've already invested resources in it.

Think about choosing to finish a boring movie because you already paid for the ticket.

7️⃣ Confirmation bias

People tend to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts it.

As an investor, always talk with people who have opposing views. It will be very insightful.

8️⃣ Hindsight bias

The tendency, after an event has occurred, to believe that one would have predicted or expected the outcome.

A good example is that after attending a baseball game, you might insist that you knew that the winning team was going to win beforehand.

9️⃣ Framing effect

When the way information is presented influences your decisions and perceptions, we call it a framing effect.

For example: studies have shown that 75% lean meat is usually preferred over 25% fat meat, even though it's the same thing.

🔟 Anchoring effect

The anchoring effect is a bias where you rely too heavily on the first piece of information you receive when making a decision.

If you first see a car that costs $100k and then see a second one that costs $70k, you tend to see the second car as cheap.
March 27, 2024 at 3:19pm
March 27, 2024 at 3:19pm

Life has changed so much. Social media has taken over like never before and given rise to a new breed of 'fluencers' who seem to multiply quicker than rabbits.

Till now, you had the generic one - Influencer. They know every trick in the trade and are able to modify their style to push anything. Going forward, these are some of the specialisation I see happening :

Fitfluencer - fitness
Travfluencer - travel
Beaufluencer - beauty
Cuisefluencer - food
Clofluencer - clothes
Medfluencer - medical

This list can go on. So if your kid wants to specialize in Science, Arts, Finance etc....no no - choose one of the above. That's the future.

#just #suggesting 🤪😝
March 22, 2024 at 7:37am
March 22, 2024 at 7:37am
The Creator of the universe has designed life in such a way that despite all achievements and successes, the picture of life remains incomplete somewhere. Somewhere in it, the presence of flaws and imperfections reminds us of our humility.

In the beginning of March, the world's most expensive wedding ceremonies in India caused a sensation worldwide. It also sparked discussions on Pakistan's social media. Mukesh Ambani, one of Asia's richest businessmen and the eleventh richest person in the world, is the founder and chairman of Reliance Group.

The ceremony served the guests with 12,000 dishes for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and midnight snacks. All the superstars of the film industry were seen dancing at the event. Despite the presence of famous glamorous personalities from around the world, the focus of the event was on the groom, Anant Ambani.

Anant Ambani's presence in the event also raised concerns as he is suffering from a severe form of disease which cannot be treated with conventional medicines. He has been continuously given steroids for treatment. One type of steroids, corticosteroids, is known to cause weight gain. This leads to uncontrollable hunger, causing individuals to consume food excessively.

Despite having billions of dollars in assets, Mukesh Ambani's beloved and youngest son is suffering from a disease for which there seems to be no solution other than the side effects of steroids. When his son was affected by the disease, resembling elephants, Mukesh Ambani converted acres of land into a safari park filled with facilities for the elephants' treatment, recreation, spa, and massage. Hundreds of tons of dry fruits are fed to the elephants daily in this safari park.

This is just a glimpse of Mukesh Ambani's personal struggle with his sick son. He couldn't buy a single day of complete health for his son despite all his wealth. Mukesh Ambani, addressing thousands of guests at the ceremony, said that his life has not been a bed of roses but rather a journey filled with thorns.

While Mukesh Ambani was speaking these words, the camera zoomed in on Asia's richest person's face, submerged in deep sorrow and tears streaming from his eyes. The pain and helplessness in those tears, that despite billions of dollars in assets, he couldn't buy a single day of complete health for his son.

The Creator has created the world in such a way that the picture remains incomplete. In this incompleteness, it shows us the essence of a being that is complete!

So instead of envying Mukesh Ambani's wealth, let's be thankful to our Creator for our incomplete picture of life. *Let's rejoice as we are, and express gratitude to the Creator...*
March 18, 2024 at 11:29am
March 18, 2024 at 11:29am
*Kiss in the tunnel*

A Commanding Officer (CO), a Lieutenant (Lt), an old woman and her young daughter are traveling in a train and during the course of time get themselves introduced to each other and become temporary friends.

The train goes through a tunnel and it gets completely dark.

Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap.

The train comes out of the tunnel.

The women and the Lt are sitting there looking perplexed.

The CO is bending over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap.

All of them remain diplomatic and nobody says anything.

The Old woman is thinking : “These aging Colonels are all crazy after girls. He must have kissed my daughter in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him.”

The Young girl is thinking : “The CO must have tried to kiss me but kissed my mother instead and got slapped.”

The CO is thinking : “Damn it. My Lt must have kissed the young girl. She might have thought it was me and slapped me.”

Now guess what the Lt is thinking.

Now hold your breath and read what the Lt is thinking………..

*"If this train goes through another tunnel I will make another kissing sound and slap my CO again. The Boss keeps harassing me all the time".*
March 7, 2024 at 10:42am
March 7, 2024 at 10:42am
Reasons why the US (South Korea, Japan) Yellow Sea exercise suddenly came to an end:
This is a "feat" that not even the former Soviet Union has accomplished. China's "super" task force is approaching the United States, shocking the world!
The United States' so-called largest-scale naval exercise in history was held as scheduled on China's doorstep. The United States' move is to deter China by threatening China's important political and economic centers!
It’s only 24 nautical miles away, so dangerous! This also made many Chinese people smell the "smell" of war, which indeed caused concern among the Chinese people!
Just when the Americans thought that China would mobilize all its forces to defend the capital, they did not expect that China would not fall into the trap at all!
China insists on “you hit yours, I’ll hit mine!”
On the eve of the US-Yellow Navy exercise, China actually assembled the largest and most powerful task force in history in the Western Pacific, including the Shandong aircraft carrier, 20 advanced warships, and 4 nuclear submarines! The total tonnage exceeds 200,000 tons!
It can be said that China's "super" fleet is unprecedentedly powerful, and some military fans say it is definitely a "nation-destroying" fleet!
What is surprising is that the Chinese fleet did not return to defend the Yellow Sea. Instead, after gathering in the Western Pacific, it suddenly broke through the first island chain and headed for the west coast of the United States!
This is the rudeness of not reciprocating. Since the United States is blocking the door of China's home, then we should also go to the United States to visit!
This move by China has greatly touched the United States. This may be the first time in history that a fleet of this size has approached the U.S. mainland. This also "shatters" the Americans' argument that their homeland is absolutely safe!
It really has a huge impact!
The current strategy of the United States is actually to copy the World War II model, stay away from the war at home and make a lot of war fortune on the rear!
You see, during World War II, the whole world was bombed to pieces, but because the United States was far away from the battlefield, it became the center of world reconstruction. The United States used this to solve the serious economic crisis and surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world's hegemon!
As for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States is still copying this model. Europe has been brought to collapse, but the United States has no impact at all. It has made a lot of money from the war and made a lot of money!
Therefore, the bottom line for the United States to trigger a war is that the U.S. mainland is not attacked, otherwise it would be meaningless!
The Chinese Shandong aircraft carrier formation leads a "super" fleet composed of more than 20 advanced fleets + 4 nuclear submarines to advance towards the west coast of the United States! It is to tell Americans that if a war breaks out, the United States will not be "safe". China has the ability and strength to cause a blow to the United States!
China's move will definitely put tremendous pressure on the US military, and it will also make the world soberly aware that China really has the strength to maintain world peace!
This is the reason why the US "Yellow Sea" military exercise suddenly ceased, because China really did it
February 7, 2024 at 3:24am
February 7, 2024 at 3:24am
A non-medical student attends a medical exam.

See his answers ...

1. Antibody - One who hates his body.

2. Artery - Study of Fine Paintings or military, not sure.

3. Bacteria - Back door of a Cafeteria.

4. Coma - Punctuation Mark.

5. Gall Bladder - Bladder of a Girl.

6. Genes - Blue Denim.

7. Labour Pain - Hurt at Workplace.

8. Liposuction - A French Kiss.

9. Ultrasound - Radical Sound that is above human hearing capacity, such as wife's talk.

10. Cardiology - Advanced Study of Playing Cards .....

11. Dyspepsia - difficulty in drinking pepsi.

12. Chicken Pox - A Non-veg, continental dish.

13. CT Scan: Test for identifying person's city.

14. Radiology - the study of how Radio works.

15. Parotitis: information about the parrots.

16. Urology: the study of European people.

February 6, 2024 at 8:53am
February 6, 2024 at 8:53am
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