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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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July 22, 2022 at 4:06pm
July 22, 2022 at 4:06pm

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examzine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa , and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said,''People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?'' The Six-year-old continued,

''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. Think good thoughts for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE...Getting back up is LIVING...
July 21, 2022 at 12:57pm
July 21, 2022 at 12:57pm

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Queen with large breasts.

Nick, the Dragon Slayer, obsessed over the Queen for this reason. He knew that the penalty for his desire would be death, should he try to touch them, but he had to try.

One day Nick revealed his secret desire to his colleague, Horatio
the Physician, the King's chief doctor. Horatio thought about this and said that he could arrange for Nick to more than satisfy his desire, but it would cost him 1000 gold coins to arrange it. Without pause, Nick readily agreed to the scheme.

The next day, Horatio made a batch of itching powder and poured a little bit into the Queen's bra while she bathed. Soon after she dressed, the itching commenced and grew intense.

Upon being summoned to the Royal Chambers to address this incident, Horatio informed the King and Queen that only a special saliva, if applied for four hours, would cure this type of itch, and that tests had shown that only the saliva of Nick would work as the antidote to cure the itch.

The King, eager to help his Queen, quickly summoned Nick to their chambers. Horatio then slipped Nick the antidote for the itching powder, which he put into his mouth, and for the next four hours, Nick worked passionately on the Queen's large and magnificent breasts. The Queen's itching was eventually relieved, and Nick left satisfied and hailed as a hero.

Upon returning to his chamber, Nick found Horatio demanding his payment of 1000 gold coins. With his obsession now satisfied, Nick couldn't have cared less knowing that Horatio could never report this matter to the King and with a laugh told him to get lost.

The next day, Horatio slipped a massive dose of the same itching powder into the King's underwear. The King immediately summoned Nick.

The moral of the story : Pay your doctor bills properly !!! 😀😊😂🤣😜😜
July 20, 2022 at 11:43am
July 20, 2022 at 11:43am
In this world he has the credit of being the husband of Sri Ma. His character is especially
praiseworthy and astonishing. He is the main receptacle to receive and unfold the Leela of the
descent of Mahashakti onto this earth. Being the chief companion of Sri Ma in all the Universe, his
ideas, and way of conducting himself were of the highest.
In Bajitpur, he was the eyewitness of Ma’s Sadhana Leela, the leelas that stunned as well as
delighted him. He never questioned these actions but his interest grew. With time as Sri Ma’s
powers became public talk and a crowd of the curious swelled at their home Bholanath remained
unperturbed and calm. Contrary to the prevalent system of ‘Purdah’ (veil) he brought people face to
face with Her, carefully managing them as they turned into devotees, and later disciples.
Bholanath faced objections from his own relatives and friends. But never did he stop Ma in
Her leela. Occasionally, being a human being, he got excited over certain trivial matters - when Ma
Herself would beautifully manage the situation. At times he got worried when Ma went into
samadhi for long hours. He would then do kirtan and japa to bring Her back to worldly
consciousness. At that time nobody was allowed to touch Ma’s body without Baba’s permission. He
was definitely an outstanding soul with a character full of dynamism. In 1922, Bholanath became
Her formal disciple. He remained Her faithful guardian until the last (1938).
As the number of devotees swelled, so their life-style changed. This change was very ably
managed by Bholanath, who gave each turn of life a definite shape. In between if She would travel
incognito, either he himself would accompany Her or he would send some respectable person with
Ma was his spiritual Guru on the one hand, and a loving, obedient wife on the other. It was
Ma’s kheyal that Bholanath rarely intervened in Her way of doing things. But if that did happen,
Ma would convince him of Her own way of doing things.
Sometimes, Ma would employ unique ways of putting forward Her ideas and suggestions.
At times, adamant like a child, Bholanath would stick to what was in his mind. He had a
very helpful nature and Ma never went against his wishes.
Here is one example — they were invited to some devotee’s place for puja, and Bholanath
wanted a goat sacrifice after the puja. However the devotee was not inclined to this idea. But since
Bholanath had said it, the sacrificial animal was brought. The devotee disclosed his feelings to Ma
who asked him to wait and see.
They took the goat to the Kali temple for sacrifice. On reaching there, they came to know
through the priest that it was ‘Sudi Dashami’, a day on which no animal could be sacrificed. The
next day, Bholanath completely forgot about it.
Now what did Ma do at the time the goat was being taken to the temple? She merely raised
Herself from Her reclining position.
During the Dhaka Religious Congress, in 1927, many delegates came to Ma for serious
philosophical discussions. Aware of Ma’s samadhi and Her divine experiences, the delegates were
stunned to hear such quick, simple and straight answers from Ma who could hardly read or write.
Bholanath started his sadhana in a shack near the Siddheshwari Kali temple, while Ma lived
in the only room in the Ashram premises to help him in his sadhana. She had restricted the
meetings with devotees to ten minutes each, for his sake. For two months, Bholanath’s sadhanacontinued, during which time he went through several spiritual exercises and moods. During this
period, he initiated many Ashram Brahmacharis and others.
From 1930, he himself started doing Kalipuja at Ramana ashram - where he also established
a beautiful Panchavati. In Ma’s presence, he planted a Banyan, Asoka, Neem, emblic myrobalan
and peepul tree there and got a ‘Beej Mantra’ for planting each tree.
When he was doing his sadhana at Siddheshvari, he had seen the headless image of Kali.
When he disclosed this to Ma, She suggested he should visit Tarapeeth and continue his sadhana.
Bholanath went there and put up in the veranda of the temple. There, despite flies and mosquitoes,
Bholanath did his sadhana for several days at a stretch without leaving his seat even once. It was in
Tarapeeth, that he stopped his habit of chewing tobacco. In just seven days he attained a very high
state of spiritual bliss.
Bholanath noticed that Tara Ma’s jewellery was taken off in the night, and again in the
morning She was redecorated with it. Now he remembered the headless figure of Kali which he had
seen resembled Tara Ma.
After the Ramana ashram was opened in 1929, daily functions were held with Ma being the
focus. In three years, She attracted a massive following. Yet, without the slightest hesitation She left
Dhaka in 1932. She left all — Her established Ashram, thousands of followers, all facilities — for
an unknown destination! Evidently She had little difficulty in coping with extreme situations. They
went to Raipur, Dehradun which was liked very much by Bholanath. Nobody was known there, nor
could they speak the local language to make acquaintances. Hence, Bholanathji quickly renewed
his sadhana. Perhaps this may he one of the reasons Ma left Dhaka.
Bholanath went on a pilgrimage to Gangotri and other places and then stopped at Uttarkashi
for his sadhana. He lived there on an open veranda facing the north flowing Ganges. Here he
practiced severe austerities in his food during the two years of his very serious meditation. Ma
came once in that period to see him. He attained to spiritual heights.
The people of Uttarkashi loved and adored Bholanath, who had gradually transformed into a
different personality. With Ma’s blessings, Bholanath’s sadhana was accomplished with the
installation of a Kali image at Uttarkashi (1935) where he did his rigorous meditation. Ma and Her
followers were also present on the occasion.
Bholanath enjoyed Naam kirtan very much. He would spend ten-twelve hours without
getting tired and even without drinking water. In Shahbag, Ma’s father, playing the Do-tara led a
kirtan group in some splendid recitals. When he got tired, Bholanath could not restrain himself and
would take over so that kirtan went on without a break with new words and changes in the tune. He
sang loudly, his voice reverberating in the surroundings.
In 1938 it was the turn of Hardwar to host the Kumbha Mela. Ma and Bholanath were put
up in the bungalow of Dr. Pant. In the early morning, Bholanath and party would start their kirtan
with sandal paste on the forehead and garland round the neck. After holding it for a while in the
bungalow's courtyard and in the presence of Ma, they would go out into the streets of this holy city
doing ‘Nagar Kirtan’. Many passers-by joined him in what turned out to be three hour moving
The main Kumbha bath was on 14 April 1938. On that day, when Bholanath and his
disciples went to the Brahmakunda for the holy bath, Naga Sannyasis present there bathed him with
great care and devotion. Only they would know what they saw in Bholanath, but some of the
special spiritual exercises that Bholanath did there remained a secret during his lifetime.
While Ma returned to Dehradun after the holy bath, Bholanath stayed there for ten more
days. He returned to Dehradun on 24 April with high fever and a stomach ache. Soon the symptomsof small pox appeared and he became seriously ill. Ma took upon Herself the entire care of
Bholanath which confused even the doctors attending on him. During this time, Bholanath
started calling Her Ma, Ma, like a child.
Ma said, “Somehow proper care was being taken... Why does it happen, do you know?
Everything is the same, the disease, the patient, and the medicine. One must not think about
consequences of the patient when nursing him. The care should be aimed towards the satisfaction,
and contentment of the patient. That’s why everything happened spontaneously when it was
Affected by small pox, there was great pain in Bholanath’s body. Ma asked him, whether
the suffering was too much. He nodded in the affirmative but could not speak. With great care, She
appeared to caress his body but actually she did some ‘kriyas’. She asked him again how he was
feeling then? Bholanath indicated there was no pain, he was now very happy. In the evening,
Bholanath was shivering. So Ma covered his body with his new saffron coloured clothes.
Sometime back, when the taking of sannyas by Bholanath was discussed, Baba said to Ma,
“I have considered you as my Mother, but I cannot make this feeling public. When I will take
Sannyas, the first alms I will ask from you will be calling you Ma in public.”
Ma asked him, “Do you remember the sannyas mantra?” "Yes", he said. The mantras were
being uttered within Bholanath.
Ultimately, realising Ma’s real form, Bholanath addressed Her as ‘Ma’ and attained Nirvana.
At that moment of his ‘Mahanirvana’, Ma’s palm was placed on his ‘Brahma randhra’. Bholanath
left his mortal coil, pronouncing the sannyas mantra amidst kirtan recital at the Kishenpur ashram
on 7 May 1938.
After the death of Bholanath, Ma disclosed, “For long, Bholanath had a bent of mind
towards sannyas. He wanted to take ‘dandi’ sannyas from some big saint of the ‘Tirth’ order".
When he said this to Ma, She supported and asked him to go ahead with his plan.
Bholanath, however, became angry at Ma’s response. He hoped Ma would go against his
wish to take sannyas. If the situation had been one of a family, then it would have been normal.
But here it was different. Ma further said, “At Kailash Mansarovar the sannyas mantra came out of
This body and continued for the next day also. This body saw Bholanath taking a bath at
Manasarovar and said, 'if you wish, you can take the sannyas mantra coming out of This body'.
Bholanath said he knew better mantras to pronounce. His words were partly true because he had
taken down several mantras from sannyasis while at Uttarkashi.
This body told him, what it felt had to be said. It is up to him to follow the suggestions or
not. After some time, Bholanath was seen repeating the same mantras coming out of Sri Ma’s lips.
On the previous night before the Hardwar Kumbha this body had a kheyal that She should
remind Bholanath about the sannyas mantra. Next day, Bholanath returned from his bath and said,
he had done everything needed.
So Bholanath’s sannyas at Manasarovar remained a secret in his lifetime and came to be
known only after his death. He was given the name of Tibatanand Tirtha.

July 19, 2022 at 8:37am
July 19, 2022 at 8:37am
Only Gary Sobers...could ever do it...
Throw back... memories of the great sobers!!!!!
Sobers recalls: “I went in to bat in the first innings and Dennis came up with a short-pitched ball. I played a little bit early and Keith Stackpole picked me up at second slip. That evening I went to the dressing room where Ian was sitting and said to him, ‘You’ve got a boy here called Lillee. Every time I have gone in, all I have got from him is bouncers. I want you to tell him that I can bowl quick too, and I can bowl bouncers. So watch out for me when he comes in.’ ”
Lillee came in with the score reading 285 for nine.
I bowled this bouncer, and it whizzed past Dennis and he looked at me and he had turned completely pink. I knew by that time that I had got him.”
Sobers had gone in to the Australian dressing room yet again and Ian Chappell confided to him, “I’ll tell you something: when Dennis came in, before he reached the room, the bat hit the wall, and he said, ‘That little so-and-so, I will show him. I haven’t really bowled quick at him yet’.”
The legendary all-rounder replied, “Well, he’s got the ball, I’ve got the bat. I’ve never met the one who can scare me before, and I don’t think that I will.”
The next day, Sobers came in to bat at 146 for 3. The lead less than fifty and the balance was still tilted well in favour of Australia. Lillee charged up and bowled short.
What followed was carnage. Sobers started with a blistering square-cut past point that sped to the fence at a rate almost approaching the speed of light. It set the tone for the day. When the ball was up, he drove — with timing and power beyond the capability of lesser men bound by the limitations of the mortal. When it was short and wide, he cut or drove off the backfoot with a ferocity that was primal in beauty and brutality. And when deliveries came rearing into his body, he rocked back to pull and hook, furious and fearless.
Lillee, Bob Massie, Terry Jenner and Kerry O’Keeffe combined into an intimidating attack. All of them were slaughtered with a blade that flashed in a manner both savage and sublime. The fast men were carted all around the wicket. The spinners were driven and lofted with uncanny quickness of eye and feet, and a thorough disdain for their length, line and reputation.
Everyone at the ground was aware of an exhibition beyond the ability and dreams of all but that one man on the planet, and there were plenty of great cricketers assembled for the match. The few hours at the crease saw dominance never witnessed before.
“I had three men square on the off side for the short delivery, and I remember him driving and cutting repeatedly between them. It was amazing stuff,” recalls Lillee.....
By the end of the day, he was on 139 and World XI at a respectable 344 for 7. Ian Chappell trudged into the rival dressing room that evening. “I head over in his direction to congratulate him … just the two of us are in a quiet corner, and after I pour him a beer, he has a sip and then says, ‘Prue’s left me.’ Prue being his wife who lived in Melbourne in those days. I said: ‘Sobie, if that’s the bloody thing that’s annoying you so much, give me her phone number, and I’ll tell her to get bloody home straight away.’ You know, he just laughed. And it didn’t make any difference — he came out and belted us again.”......
The crowd stood as one to applaud each time he reached a milestone — hundred, hundred and fifty, double hundred, two hundred and fifty. And when he finally fell, lofting Greg Chappell down the throat of mid-on, he had scored 254. The Australian fielders clapped him all the way back to the pavilion. Lillee looked at Sobers and said, “I’ve heard about you and now I’ve got my tail cut properly.”
Sitting in the stands was the great Don Bradman, who thought it was the greatest innings he had ever seen in Australia. And he had seen quite a lot.....
July 18, 2022 at 4:30pm
July 18, 2022 at 4:30pm

From my very childhood, I was prone to adore Sakti as my cherished deity (Ishta).The world itself appeared to me as the manifestation of God's omnipotence, the translation of His divine vigour. The popular idea, that Siva remains merely a Sava, (corpse) without Sakti, was also patent enough to make me aware of the supremacy of Sakti over other forms (swarupas) of the Lord Almighty.
This worship of Sakti on my part went on with a strong urge to find Her in a human form having a definite Personality. That longing within me grew deeper and deeper and I got firm on realizing Her through Sakama bhakti and seeing my ailing husband recovered through Her grace.
It was in the year 1949 that one fine morning I was told to have Ma Anandmayi's darsana. The very idea of seeing a woman saint thrilled me to the core of my heart. As a girl of fifteen, my innocence was beaming to bow down at Mother's feet. At the first blush, I had a wonderful expe rience of seeing Ma surrounded by Her sevikas and devotees all with their eyes fixed at Her face. It was as if I had been caught up in the spell of Her eternal serenity shining on Her face and I felt as if Her one glance had blessed me to the point of becoming desireless. Ignorant as I was I had, that moment, nothing to offer at Her lotus feet except a garland. Ma accepted that humble gift of mine and blessed me as my Sadguru with Her kind and compassionate look. I then experienced that She had given me graciously what I needed most in life by purging me of my past vikaras. I recalled again and again the lines.

Tulsidas Pattrain JalasyaChulukenava,
Vikrinetai Swamātmānam Bhagwana Bhakta vatsalah

(God who loves His devotees sells Himself for only a tulsi-leaf and a handful of water.)

Bhakta vatsala Ma, my Sadguru, blessed me by giving Her dariana at a time when I was pining to see Sakti face to face. This is how Ma Anandamayi fulfills Her bhaktas desires.
Ma does, many a time, advise us to become desire through our sustained sädhana, since desires are the cause of the cycle of births and deaths.
However, human nature is such that one cannot easily be free from desires, even if one grapples with them con stantly. It is by the Sadguru's Kripa (Grace) that One begins to feel the simplification of one's needs. Lord Krishna says in the Gita :

Dhyayato visayan pumsah sangastesupajāyate.
Sangat sanjayata kamaḥ kämätkrodhobhijayate. Krodhatbhavati sammohaḥ sammohat smritivibhramah. Smritibhramsätbuddhinaso buddhi näsät pranasyati.

(When a man thinks of the objects of sense, attachment for them arises; from attachment desire is born; from desire anger arises.
From anger comes delusion; from delusion loss of memory; from loss of memory the destruction of discrimination; from destruction of discrimination he perishes)
Hence the key to eternal bliss lies in the elimination of desire. In this humdrum of temporal life, none can make us free from desires except a Sadguru like Mataji. Two or three personal experiences will reveal how Ma has graced me by fulfilling my desires to the point of rendering me a sharanagata, surrendered at her lotusfeet.
My husband's weak health was a matter of constant worry to me. With a view to invoking Her grace, I used to worship Her day and night for my husband's speedy recovery. In the meantime I was asked by someone to pray directly before Mataji for his health. It was in the year 1959 that I made up my mind to beg of Mataji to cure my husband..
Luckily, Mataji came to Etawah in February 1960 and I decided to go and see Her there. It was my first private visit to Mataji. I quietly approached Her as a petitioner; but no sooner did I enter the room, than what I had to say and how I had to say it completely vanished from my mind. To my utter surprise, I found that the mental fog, in which I had been enveloped, dissolved at the sunny smile of Ma. On Her asking me about my problem I found myself speechless. Somehow, I regained my original self and told her that I wanted to see my husband cured of the serious disease he was suffering from, upon which Ma with Her usual ineffable sweet voice advised me to have faith in God and pray to Him for my husband. Although there was nothing new in Her advice, yet Her words were spoken in such a sympathetic tone that I had the experience of drinking in Mother's infinite compas sion oozing out of Her lustrous eyes. Soon I reached the state of empathy, the state of oneness where Ma was mine and I was Hers completely. It made me feel as if Mataji had yielded to my wish and my husband was completely cured. Thereafter I would go nowhere else for his treatment. This is how Ma, my Sadguru, infused me with the spirit of welcoming the impending misery in the shape of my husband's prolonged ailment and made me content with my lot.
Mataji offers us many an opportunity to wash away the dirt of our samsakäras collected in countless former lives. She always asks us to welcome temptations and dis tractions and to look upon them as God-given opportunities for our advance and to turn our eyes inwards.
Even our good deeds make us egoistic unless we offer them to the Creator of the world. Man feels himself to the doer . Thus he is liable to be caught in the clutches of his ego. Being ego-ridden, I was proud of my services rendered to my husband during the period of his illness. As a result I used to feel that my beloved was not subject to decay and that I was chaste enough to obstruct the speed of Time and Death, and to fight even with Death like Savitri, if some misfortune came my way.
With this intensity of delusion I continued to serve my husband, feeling that I was the doer. This had wrapped. me in the veil of moha (attachment ). Then it happened that the tidal wave of the inscrutable Will struck hard and deprived me of my husband's company forever, in May 1963. The blow was terrible for me. As the attachment was intense, the grief was equally intense. My vision became clouded, my senses paralyzed and I remained unconscious for three days. It was on the fourth day that I recovered from that state of torpor and started uttering: "Ma, Ma, Ma, Ananda mayi Ma, Dayamayi Ma !" My eyes closed again and to my consolation, I saw Ma in Her very subtle form consoling me with Her benign touch. I cried:" Ma! You have desert ed me. I have lost my life's joy forever." I still remember the wonderful experience when Ma took me in Her affection ate embrace and said: "Your husband was not yours alone. He was God's first, yours afterwards. He needed Him more than you. As regards your life, you have other duties to perform. Now look after your children as you used to look after their father". The vision had faded away. The next moment, I opened my eyes and felt I was a differ ent person altogether. The grief had subsided and the state of normalcy returned. Since then, my tears disappeared and with a calm mind I began to console those who came to mourn my husband's death. I encouraged them to read the Gita and Ramayana for the benefit of the departed soul. His loss made me feel that the services rendered to him egoistically had been insufficient to satisfy his Maker. I, then, understood the meaning of Milton's famous lines:

"God doth not need
Either man's work, or His own gifts:
Who best bear His mild yoke,
They serve Him best."

Who else can give me such insight except Ma, my Sadguru ?
Ever since, I have endeavoured to act as Mother's instrument and carry out Her commands as best as I can. My salutations again and again to the Goddess who resides in all beings as 'Mother' and shows them light as Sadguru in the moments of gloom.
July 17, 2022 at 10:23am
July 17, 2022 at 10:23am
*The greatest fortune in this world is to be a disciple, or a devotee. Those who have become a disciple or a devotee only know the value of it.*
*A disciple in Sanskrit is called Antevasi. This is a magnificent word. Antevasi means one who dwells inside the Guru. It is not that just the master is in the heart of the devotee, the devotee also dwells in the heart of the master. Antevasi - means one who dwells inside the master. There is nothing other than the Guru.* *Everything around is Guru. You dwell inside the heart of the Guru all the time. The love of the master is surrounding you all the time. The one who realizes this is a disciple or a devotee. What else would you want once you realize that you are surrounded by unconditional divine love all the time. No lack remains in life. It is all bliss.*
*Antevasi - this is such a beautiful name!*
July 16, 2022 at 10:54am
July 16, 2022 at 10:54am
I’ve been reading
every expert
from every country
All warning of global catastrophe when corona did come to india

When it came
we controlled our borders
Like no other
They said
all fake measures
All are fake reports
India must have lakhs of cases
India isn’t doing testing etc

Well it’s been 2 months
since WHOs warnings
India has placed
the strictest controls
of any nation on earth
(Like China)
That is acknowledged
by WHO & UN & Economist
India’s rates 100 along on the measures index
where countries like US etc are at 70
We still have the lowest numbers of infection per million across earth
Some may argue, we don’t test enough,
But in 14 days even those untested should have shown infection ? Or died ?
It’s now more than a month and we still have it under control (except for one big incident in delhi)

Look at our Mumbai
See how well they have fought this Corona
Listen to our CM on FB/twitter see the steps taken daily,

Look at our BMC,
who would have imagined such precision in epidemic control
Roads r being swept,
washed & sanitised
Water is being treated
Waste is being disposed off
Buildings in lockdown
Areas in containment
They work silently,
whilst we r at home in lockdown

People laughed
at the idea of Taali bajao
Both in India & also foreigners,
but after India doing it ,
You have UK NYC Paris Italy
all doing similar things

People criticised India’s lockdown as stupid
And said look at Singapore
They have nothing
Yesterday Singapore was forced to bring in a one month lockdown as Corona is back

Spain is now doing a
3 week lockdown again
UK is doing a one month lockdown
Italy has been in lockdown
The day is not far when even NYC will also be forced to do a lockdown the cities borders

Think of our own brave crew
Who are flying to bring back our own
And take other people to their homes

A few days ago even Pakistan & Iran ATC praised our pilots & our Airlines flights
Also spare a thought for our cabin catering staff & the BMC guys who dispose off our bio waste / hazmat suits

Yesterday I watched Donald Trump in his press briefing saying “I called PM Modi,
because India makes a lot of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID treatment ,
They need a lot too for their billion-plus people, but ‘Mr Modi promised he will try to help USA”

A Bangalore doc is treating the British Royal family for Corona with Ayurveda and we laugh at our own culture & people

India inc has stepped upto the plate
Tata’s & Mahindra’s stopped making cars
Now inventing ventilators in their factories
Taj Sats catering stopped supplying Airlines
Now it gives daily meals to Hospital doctors free
Taj hotels has opened its doors for all doctors & nurses
Reliance gave it’s hospital for COVID & also equipped 7 hills for treatment
Vedanta is supplying lakhs of PPEs across India
A sanitary pad IIT startup has been making masks for free distribution
A microbrewery Meadery in pune is making sanitisers
Domestic Airlines have carried more than 1500 tonnes of Medical Cargo gratis
Many more companies have done lots of things free
Our Sikh gurdwaras supplying lakhs of meals free daily
Even in NYC & London more than a lakh meals daily

That’s the level to which India & it’s essential services - Doctors Nurses Cop’s airline staff, Industries have risen to fight this new war

That is the spirit of our India
In my 34+ yrs in AI
Ive never seen anything like this
And I’ve seen coups, 2 Gulf wars, SARS Ebola, 9-11, volcanoes etc

We are the Stalwarts group
So let’s not criticise anyone’s efforts,
So let’s as Air Indians at least praise the brave efforts of all our colleagues & also the workers, Air Indians, ATC, Airline workers, CISF, Police, Doctors, sanitary workers firemen, essential suppliers first responders & ourselves.

We should be proud of our country 🙏🏻🙏🏻
July 15, 2022 at 6:20am
July 15, 2022 at 6:20am

1. " Whenever you Feel a negative emotion - BE ALONE - In a room and just sit down with it and FEEL. Don't Judge it, Criticize it, Intellectualize it or Explain it away. ALLOW yourself to Feel the pain. It's OKAY. Accompany it - Breathe into it - and after a while, you'll feel the anger or fear or sadness Lose it's urgency and power. Allow GOD to tenderly EMBRACE you in your pain. And then, At the Right Time, You Can LET GO.................".

2. " Hug and kiss Whoever helped Get You - financially, mentally, morally, emotionally - TO THIS DAY. Parents, Mentors, Friends, Teachers. If you're too uptight to do that, at least do the old Handshake thing, but I Recommend a HUG. DO NOT let the sun go down without saying " THANK YOU " to Someone, and without Admitting to YOURSELF that Absolutely NO ONE Gets This Far ALONE..."

3. " Before you can Inspire with Emotion, you MUST be Swamped with it yourself. Before you can Move Their Tears, YOUR OWN MUST FLOW. To Convince Them, You Must Yourself, BELIEVE...........".

4. " I am NOT a believer in Love at First Sight. For Love, in its TRUEST FORM, is NOT the thing of Starry-Eyed or Star-Crossed Lovers, IT IS far more Organic, Requiring NURTURING and TIME to Fully BLOOM and, as such, Seen BEST NOT in its Callow Youth BUT in its Wrinkled MATURITY........

Like all Living things, LOVE TOO, Struggles against Hardship, and in the process SHEDS its Fatuous skin to expose one composed of more than just a storm of EMOTION – one of LOYALTY and DIVINE FRIENDSHIP. And though it may be TEMPORARILY Blinded by Adversity, it NEVER GIVES IN or GIVES UP, Holding TIGHT to Lofty Ideals that Transcend this EARTH and TIME–while Love's Counterfeit simply concludes it was mistaken and quickly runs off to find the next real thing......." - Richard Paul Evans.

SO VERY TRUE........
July 13, 2022 at 9:04am
July 13, 2022 at 9:04am

Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee has so often taught us that vasanas (desires, want) is the root cause of rebirth. She has in various interactions explained the interactions between desire, avidya(ignorance), karma (actions) and results. A couple of poignant vanis of Ma are presented blow, which in many ways summarize the teachings of our Vedic scriptures.

Ma emphasized, “One's actions themselves create a sense of want. Again one's actions only will destroy this feeling of want. One has to strive for one's own fulfilment. By enjoying sense objects ,one gradually advances towards death. Father, become the one to drink nectar. Enjoy immortality. On that path, there is neither death nor disease.”

Elsewhere, She advised, “The more time spent in remembering God the greater is the advantage gained. Where there is the world,there is want. That is His nature. One can only hope for peace by keeping the mind at His feet, willingly or otherwise.”

Ma says,”Human being is manifested in the form of want. He thinks of want only. And ends up in want. That is why he should contemplate on his real nature. Otherwise: want–inactivity–
inertness–misfortune–death (continue).


The transmigratory cycle of birth and death has been aptly brought out in much of our treasured scriptures.

In the immortal classic, ‘ Upadesa Sahasri’, Sri Adi Shankaracharya says, “ Actions ( both enjoined and prohibited) bring about one’s connection with the body ( as it is through this that we perform actions). When the connection with the body has taken place, pleasure and pain must surely follow. Thence comes attraction and repulsion ( from our actions and results of the same). From attraction and repulsion, actions follow again as results of which merit and demerit appertain ( as appropriate and applicable) to the ignorant man ( jiva, who is shrouded with the layer of ignorance veiling his real Self). These ( merit or demerit) in turn again lead to a connection with the body. This transmigratory existence is thus going on continually for ever like a (revolving) wheel).” ( Part 2, Chapter 1, Verses 3 and 4).


Ma says, “You attempt to appease want by want; hence want does not disappear and neither does the sense of want. When man awakens to the acute consciousness of this sense of want, then only does spiritual inquiry become genuine.”

And for us to introspect Ma said, “You must bear in mind that only when the sense of want becomes the sense of the want of Self-knowledge does the real Quest begin.”

July 12, 2022 at 2:48pm
July 12, 2022 at 2:48pm

●I'm a nobody,
nobody is perfect,
and therefore I'm perfect.

●I've got to sit down and
work out where I stand.

●If I save time,
when do I get it back..???

●I am free .... of all
prejudices. I hate
everyone equally.

●Take my advice,
I don't use it anyway.

●Statement below is true.
Statement above is false.

●As I said before,
I never repeat myself.

●Sometimes I need what
only you can provide:
your absence.

●A conscience does not
prevent sin. It only
prevents you from
enjoying it!

●Best way to prevent
hangover is to stay drunk.

●Doesn't expecting the
unexpected make the
unexpected become
the expected?

●A bus station is where a
bus stops. A train station
is where train stops. On my
desk, I have a work station.
What more can I say!

●If it's true that we are
here to help others,
then, what exactly are
the others here for?

●How come _abbreviated_
is such a long word?

●Living on Earth may be
expensive but it includes
an annual free trip
around the Sun.

●Your future depends
on your dreams.
So go to sleep !!

●Alcohol kills slowly. So
what? who’s in a hurry?

●Can you do anything that
other people can't? Sure..
I can read my handwriting.


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