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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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March 16, 2012 at 7:39am
March 16, 2012 at 7:39am
About a week ago, I outlined the next segment of "Poor Witch [E], which I project will require more than one sequel. I've written five Textbroker articles for a Direct Order customer who seems like he's going to be a regular, and I revamped the business website. We have a St. Patrick's Day party on Sunday with performances as well as carnival games and prizes, we've hired and trained six new employees, bought a new piano and set up a new lesson room, installed a new program in the computer lab, enrolled/withdrawn/enrolled/withdrawn (student count = 273), and prepared for Holy Week at church (one service on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and one service on Easter Sunday are my responsibility), including kicking off a brand-new praise band choir.

But I forgot to blog. *Rolleyes* I suppose I'm not a complete slacker.
March 10, 2012 at 10:08am
March 10, 2012 at 10:08am
Student count = 276.

I hate tax season. I sold my house and can't find the settlement statement, which is a problem when your accountant (mother) takes a vacation day from her regular job to do your taxes and can't because you're missing a critical document. In addition to (justifiably) irritated mothers, these scenarios cause headaches and hours lost searching for wayward items, neither of which is good for productivity. If you don't know me well, here's a summary: I'm a productivity junkie. And apparently an idiot who can't keep track of her paperwork. I think I'll wallow in my shame by blowing my diet again.

On the bright side, we're buying a camper today. Which means we might end up sleeping in the driveway tonight, just for practice. *Thumbsup*
March 8, 2012 at 9:56am
March 8, 2012 at 9:56am
I judged the February round of Ohio Idol video submissions this morning. Adele is great. Really. Love her.

DEAR IDOL CONTESTANTS: PLEASE STOP TRYING TO BE ADELE. Thank you for your attention in this urgent matter.

I blogged recently about song choice, but apparently none of the contestants thought to read the blogs of the judges (um... duh.) Want to sound good in an audition? Be yourself. Stop trying to be some singer you're not. You sound like a cheap imitation.

Moving on.

Student count = 277.
So I sent out our annual "we're about to increase your tuition" email and sat back to wait for the rotten tomatoes:

Ok. So, what would be the cost for us? I honestly don't know what we pay, so if you could break it down for me I would greatly appreciate it. (Ooh. She sounded mad. *Worry*)

Oh yeah, sure, the Federal Reserve prints more counterfeit money, further devaluing their currency, (a capital felony crime, by the way), which even now is worth less than two cents on the dollar, and Vista Plaza demands a greater amount of this ever-falling dollar for rent on the same property, and utilities are demanding more money for the same services, and your teachers can't pay for their yellow punch-buggies, and you want to take it out on your new students. I sure appreciate being regarded as a grandfather. (We informed 2011 customers that they'd been "grandfathered in" until April, where 2012 customers had the new pricing effective January 1st. Also, his teacher drives a yellow punch-buggy.)

You guys do some really neat and motivating things here at MT!!! Thanks for always emailing too! WE love it! (Just to explain, we also reminded parents about our upcoming St. Patrick's Day Party and Irish Carnival in the same email. Apparently she overlooked the tuition increase in favor of fun parties. I even asked her if I could post this on our testimonials page.)

You should handicap the price increase for those that are really bad and will need years of lessons to become respectable….just a thought. Luckily, he's got career prospects as a comedian.

So, yeah. Annual tuition hike: Check.
March 6, 2012 at 9:57am
March 6, 2012 at 9:57am
Student count = 275.5. This always happens around the last week of the month/first week of the next month: People go, oh, yeah, I was going to withdraw this month. We still have quite a few payments out, so the numbers may yet dip a bit before climbing back up through March. Last year, March was a big withdrawal month. Stupid spring sports.

I haven't posted goals in several weeks. Ironically, I received a Direct Order at Textbroker for an article about goal setting. I completed that, and the customer must have liked it, because they sent a second Direct Order for an article about weight loss goals. *Laugh* OMG, the irony continues.

And... a customer of mine, who also happens to be coordinating our St. Patrick's Day Party and Irish Carnival, told me the sad news that her family is moving away this summer. But in the same conversation, I discovered that her husband is writing a book! I invited him to WDC, and also sent a link to my novel, "Poor Witch [E], which her children (ages 6 and 8) might enjoy. I'd love to get feedback from kids that age. How fun is that? I'm suddenly inspired to pick up the NaNoEdMo paces and focus on that book. So much for not writing until 2025, LOL. I forgot: Goals are supposed to be reasonable and achievable. I can't stay away from writing that long.

Why do I feel like I never have enough time to do everything?? How can people complain of being bored? I need to find all those bored people and delegate a few jobs.
March 3, 2012 at 2:12pm
March 3, 2012 at 2:12pm
Student count = 278. Although, we have one withdrawal. Music is a universal language, but unfortunately, we can't speak music to our non-native English-speaking customers about our billing practices. I have no idea what her concern was, except she didn't like the late fee, and she said if she pays every month at her daughter's lesson, which is on Saturday, if it's not on the 1st exactly, she'll always be late. I suggested she could pay the Saturday before the first (for instance, last Saturday, the 25th) or go on autopay. She didn't like either of those options, and I couldn't figure out why. I suggested she could call in on the 1st (thinking, maybe she gets paid on the 1st or something), but she can't keep up and remember. We offered to send her an invoice in the mail since she mentioned several times that she didn't check email often. But in the end, she just paid the late fee and withdrew her child from lessons, obviously unhappy. If I could have just understood half of what she said, I might have been able to work out some kind of arrangement, but her English was so poor, I couldn't see the root cause of the problem.

So make that student count = 277.

It's sad, because we've worked out arrangements for people before. If she told me, look, I get paid on the first, can we make mine due by the 6th (by the end of the first week of the month), I could have arranged it. But I truly think she just forgot, and when we stopped her to get her payment today, it was too late. I think what she needed was a reminder on the 25th. Maybe. She was getting so frustrated, trying to explain the problem to us, because we didn't understand her.

You might not be surprised to hear that a large percentage of our customers are non-native English speakers. I feel like this is a problem we may need to address. But what am I supposed to do, hire an arsenal of translators? Many of them read and write better than they speak, so email correspondence works well. But this one doesn't check her email.


LETHARGIC AGAIN. And I felt that way before work today, so the withdrawal had nothing to do with it. Half a box of lemon Girl Scout cookies temporarily elevated my mood, but now I've crashed again (shock). I was productive, at least, putting together a new page for the website.   But this morning, before work, before the fam wakes up, should have been the most productive couple hours of my day. No dice. I sort of stared off into nothingness. It might be the book I just finished  , which came highly recommended, and which I hated. You know how a downer book stays with you?

Off to praise band. Yippee. Here's hoping we avoid any drama today.
March 2, 2012 at 9:18am
March 2, 2012 at 9:18am
My boyfriend's daughter (who is at her mother's during the week) on Facebook:

lauren plz answer ur phone I have called like a million times!!!!!!(hyperbaly) for ms. Davies
Unlike Ā· Ā· 12 hours ago Ā·
You, Brezina and Abigail like this.

Lauren im callin u
12 hours ago Ā· Like

Michelle Hahaha make sure you tell Ms. Davies you used "hyperbole" on Facebook, she'll love that. *Bigsmile*
a few seconds ago Ā· Like


Student count is still 276, but it feels like it should be higher. Poor Karen, the receptionist, has moved a million students (hyperbaly) to new lesson times this week, which takes about as much work as a brand new enrollment. On the other hand, we had a mass "Spring Sports" exodus last March, so I'll take the reschedulings over withdrawals any day.
March 1, 2012 at 8:58pm
March 1, 2012 at 8:58pm
Sammy is 1 year old today. *Smile*

Is there more? Let's see: Dinner was delish (grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, broccoli, all cooked to perfection) and work was... work, for a change. It was the 1st of the month, which is Payroll Day, and I kept getting interrupted (my own damn fault for sitting in the lobby), so it seemed to take forever. But it was still a fun day at the "office," and I'm reading a good book, so kudos to karma all around.

Student count: 276.
February 26, 2012 at 12:34pm
February 26, 2012 at 12:34pm
Student count = 271.

Church was fine. School yesterday was fine. Blah blah blah. On the bright side, I'm starting (to read) a new book.

I feel like I'm not meeting my goals, somehow. I haven't done employee performance evaluations; that's bothering me. I'm gaining weight instead of losing; also bothering me. But other than that, I'm meeting my work goals, I finally started to earn a salary, and we have money for vacation and fun stuff this year. Church is going well, and we're doing things there to grow both the praise band (adding a choir) and the church (adding a service). Home life is going well: Keith and I went out yesterday, and we're going out today, too. So I'm not sure where the unrest is originating. It must be bothering me that I have no writing goals.

Even though I know I'm not ready to devote the time and energy I would need to dedicate.
February 25, 2012 at 6:39am
February 25, 2012 at 6:39am
This is for Robert Waltz . Now they need to make one for dogs.

February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
I bought some. First time in a few years. Every time a sale came and went, I thought, I oughta... and then didn't. Well, I did this time, and the boy didn't care at all. He didn't get it ("what are they for again, exactly?"), but he still was fine with it. *Heart* So I went ahead and bought them. THEN I realized that buying a premium membership outright (with cash instead of GPs) is a better deal. Figures.

Just to document, we (MTMS  ) had 269.5 students yesterday, then today, one withdrew (-1) and one upgraded to extended. (+.5) We were so close to 270, LOL, but today we're back down to 269.

I'm feeling strangely writer-y. It must be because I set a goal to put off writing goals until 2025. All of a sudden, I crave all things writing. Sort of like how I try to diet and mysteriously eat more than I would have if I weren't thinking of dieting at all.

Sort of like that.

Completely off-topic - My pastor's wife is a 4th grade teacher. She posted this on Facebook today:

"So, in art class today, the teacher was having the children look at a famous painting of women dancing, and they were supposed to respond and describe the art. One of our lovely students yelled out, "Look at all of those white bit****." I don't think that was quite what she had in mind."

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
I bought some. First time in a few years. Every time a sale came and went, I thought, I oughta... and then didn't. The boy didn't care. He didn't get it ("what are they for again, exactly?"), but he still was fine with it. *Heart*

Just to document, we had 269.5 students yesterday, then today, one withdrew (-1) and one upgraded to extended. (+.5) We were so close to 270, LOL, but today we're back down to 269.

I'm feeling strangely writer-y. It must be because I set a goal to put off writing goals until 2025. All of a sudden, I crave all things writing. Sort of like how I try to diet and mysteriously eat more than I would have if I weren't thinking of dieting at all.

Sort of like that.
February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
February 24, 2012 at 8:34pm
I bought some. First time in a few years. Every time a sale came and went, I thought, I oughta... and then didn't. The boy didn't care. He didn't get it ("what are they for again, exactly?"), but he still was fine with it. *Heart*

Just to document, we had 269.5 students yesterday, then today, one withdrew (-1) and one upgraded to extended. (+.5) We were so close to 270, LOL, but today we're back down to 269.

I'm feeling strangely writer-y. It must be because I set a goal to put off writing goals until 2025. All of a sudden, I crave all things writing. Sort of like how I try to diet and mysteriously eat more than I would have if I weren't thinking of dieting at all.

Sort of like that.
February 17, 2012 at 10:36am
February 17, 2012 at 10:36am
It's the weirdest thing. I go through days of confusion and lethargy where I don't know what I should be doing, or if I should be doing anything at all. I realize that none of the tasks on my to-do list are mandatory. Then I realize that very little is truly mandatory - not just for me, but for everyone. I know it's easy for me to say, since we're managing to pay all our bills, and many families struggle to do that. But everything we do, besides fulfilling biological needs, is a decision we make. And I could choose to do nothing at all.

I must need a vacation.

Company Growth
I conducted a new employee orientation last night. This teacher is a strong percussion instructor, but also very well-rounded, able to teach beginning violin and intermediate piano and voice. *Thumbsup* I have two interviews this afternoon; one with a drama teacher, and one with a guitar, etc. teacher. And then I have an interview on Monday, as well. I'm still swamped with subbing for absent teachers, as well as trying to keep up with student growth, which exploded since the first of the year. But some relief is in sight, and that's welcome.

Advertising Woes
I had hoped that advertising summer camps early this year would encourage enrollments; it hasn't. But people are oblivious. We have signs hanging everywhere announcing our camps, and still, when you ask people, "Do you know about our summer camps?" They say, "No! What's that all about?!" I think we need a new marketing strategy that involves fireworks and a bullhorn.


I hope to expand MTMS   in the fall of 2013. Starting around the first of 2013, I'll be looking for funding sources. Now, I'm not looking for venture capitalists with long-term company ownership. I'm hoping to finance my next start-up strictly with loans, and I want 5% interest. I'd like to defer payments for at least 12 months, although interest would naturally accrue during that time. If you know anything at all about me or my business, you know that anyone who takes advantage of this opportunity will get a guaranteed 5% return on their investment, which is a heck of a lot better than savings accounts and CDs right now. Sooo... if you're interested in participating, shoot me an email.


If you read my blog around the first of the year, you may know that I resolved to improving "Balance" in my life (along with "Body" and "Growth".) My pastor gave me my performance evaluation earlier this week, and he made a point to say that I should be careful not to take on too much responsibility and to spend more time nurturing my relationship with Keith, along with both of our health (because Keith had a heart scare last year, and I've been gaining weight.) Is that weird? Or is that God throwing another brick at my head, saying, DUDE! You promised to balance family with career, and now it's the middle of February, did you forget?? Because, I'm thinking that maybe I forgot.

We had a good Valentine's Day *Heart*, so that's good.

No template today. If you've gotten this far, you've read enough already. *Smile* Peace.
February 15, 2012 at 7:08am
February 15, 2012 at 7:08am
I've just plotted out the next fourteen years of my life, which, incidentally, takes me to age 50. That was not a specific target when I started planning, but it's convenient. It's also scaring the Unicorn Poop   out of me. 50? Really? That should be so far away, but seems closer when you tabulate it like this:

2013 (age 38): Open Store #2.
2016 (age 41): Open Store #3.
2019 (age 44): Open Store #4. Buy a bigger house on lots of acreage.
2022 (age 47): Open Store #5.
2025 (age 50): Retire, live off of owner salary and excess profits of stores 1-5, and start a new career as a professional author.

"First world tour as famous musical act" didn't make the list, in part because I don't want to be discovered drowned at age 48 in a hotel room bathtub the night of a high-profile pre-Grammys party. (Was that crude? Sorry - I just don't want to be that girl.) In fact, I don't even want to attend a high-profile pre-Grammys party. I'm too down-to-earth (read: lazy, couch-potato-ish) to be a celebrity. I don't spend enough family (video game) time as it is. After all the introspection, I've decided I want to be rich, but not famous. So I've crafted a plan that I hope will get me there.

Now that I have a solid fourteen-year plan, I know that I'm not going to seriously pursue a new career as an author until 2025, after I retire from my first lucrative business endeavors (hey, if Terry Brooks can do it, so can I.) That lifts a burden, because for now, writing can officially and without guilt take second place to the other priorities in my life. I'll keep casually pumping out shorts and snippets, and each November, converting one to a novel. Then, when I'm ready for my new career, I'll sort through my own personal slush pile and find the nuggets of gold that will launch my new career, upon which I will embark from the comfort of my plush library with big picture windows overlooking a rolling, wooded Ohio landscape (the acres of which belong to Yours Truly.)

I'll keep performing, because I love it, but I'll stick to venues that advance my music school business. I'll keep writing songs every now and then, but it's not my primary focus. I'll keep writing blog posts because it's good for business, and because it will help me continue to develop my writing skills. I hope to be quite an accomplished writer by 2025. *Bigsmile*

Yay. I'm tired of stressing myself out over a list of goals I can't quite meet. I want personal time, family time, and time to focus on my health. And video games.

Focus. It's all about focus.

February 14, 2012 at 7:50am
February 14, 2012 at 7:50am
I may be insane. The jury's still out, but I'll let you know when they make a decision.

Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : *Thumbsdown* FAIL for last week.
Year-end closeout: In progress.
Post recital pictures online: We have a receptionist who does that now. *Bigsmile*
Hiring: In progress. We are looking for instructors for percussion, acting, saxophone, clarinet, violin, songwriting, and guitar for certain times of day in addition to computer lab attendants that can work the early shift. So far, we've hired a percussion instructor (yay!)

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: In progress. Er - stalled. I got the time-critical ones done. But I'm being lazy about the rest.

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: Pending.
Performance Evaluation: I turned in my self-evaluation and have a meeting with the pastor this morning.

Family goals
Um: For a second, I forgot I had a family. *Blush* Actually, that's not true. I did have a nice Valentine's evening with Keith last night, and we have more plans for tonight. I should do some laundry this week and go to the grocery store. I soooo neglected everything and left Keith to do all the chores, thanks to my recitals all weekend. Which went stellar, by the way.

Health goals
Weight: *Cry*
Exercise: *Cry*
Yesterday's points: I actually counted. It was about 40.

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 260 today, so there's the good news. And the samplers are filling up, which is more good news, because they will result in a surge of private lesson enrollments in about a month.

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: Nada, though I've performed a lot in the last week or so.
Yesterday, I listened to: Nada. Wait, not true. I watched "The Voice".
This week, I performed at: I performed at the adult recital on Saturday, sang a solo in church on Sunday morning, I'm playing at a nursing home Valentine's Day party this afternoon (how cute is that??), and my regular weekly gig at Senor Patron on Friday.
Songwriting progress: Nada. I even had on my goals to run through and refresh on my own original music, but I haven't played it in months. I could play a couple today at the nursing home, because they fit the theme.

I seriously need a day off. The soonest I could take off is next Tuesday, unless my interview candidate doesn't choose the Wednesday (tomorrow) options I gave for her interview time. Let's hold out hope for that, because a day off tomorrow sounds a lot more appealing than a day off next Tuesday.
February 11, 2012 at 3:44pm
February 11, 2012 at 3:44pm
Subscribing to the "third time's the charm" theory, I have officially deleted 750Words.com from my favorites bar. I failed to complete yesterday's entry, breaking my streak once again, and this time, I honestly didn't care.

I care more that it's been a week since my last WDC blog post - again - AND that I have not yet blogged at MT.Com   for the week, although I had the post outlined last week. I will complete this before the end of the week, despite the full days of work and recitals today and church and recitals tomorrow.

Along with subbing and scheduling subs, hiring has been at the top of my priority list for weeks. This may be in part because I'm tired of subbing and scheduling subs. I paid $300 for a job posting at Monster.com, and after four days, I've decided that it was worth every penny. I've already hired a percussion instructor, and I have an interview for drama and voice tomorrow. Not sure how that will go, because she's a little under-qualified, but considering the posting has been up four days, that's impressive.

My second priority is to expand my business plan. I have now projected out the next four stores (making a total of five by 2022), including loan requirements and payoff plans, staffing plans, and timing for everything. Pretty much the only thing not decided is where to open. We'll start looking around the end of the year.

And for some reason, I'm eating like I'm deliberately defying my own personal health goals. On the bright side, business is still growing. Hopefully Stores #2, 3, 4, and 5 will be as wildly successful as Store #1.

Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : Pending and scheduled tomorrow.
Year-end closeout: In progress.
process for students: Done. *Thumbsup*

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: In progress.

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: Done. *Thumbsup*
Get out and practice "Hold Me Jordan" before 8:00 worship Sunday: PENDING

Family goals
Be nice: *Thumbsdown* GOAL NOT MET.

Health goals
Exercise: No. *Thumbsdown*
Yesterday's points: Infinity + 1.

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 259.
Other upcoming things: (1) Fill the drum sampler that we scheduled as soon as we hired a drum teacher; (2) fill our summer camps; (3)

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: Scarlatti.
Yesterday, I listened to: Nada.
This week, I performed at: Senor Patron  . I also have a gig at a nursing home Tuesday for their Valentine's Day party. How adorable is that?
Songwriting progress: Nada.
February 3, 2012 at 11:12am
February 3, 2012 at 11:12am
Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : Done. *Thumbsup*
Year-end closeout: In progress.
process for students: Done. *Thumbsup*

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: In progress.
EdMo Prep Day 3: In progress, and I'll work on this for the next fifteen minutes, which may be all I have today.

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: Done. *Thumbsup*

Family goals
Groceries: FAIL, along with laundry and dishes reboot. I had to sub for Chris yesterday, the office manager who was out sick, and today for Steve, a teacher who's traveling with his band for an award. It's one thing after another with the subbing. So I'm scrambling. Tonight, I'm going out with Keith and his sister's family to see a local band. It feels like a chore at this point because of my hefty to-do list, and that makes me feel guilty.

Health goals
Weight: Dunno.
Exercise: No.
Yesterday's points: Dunno.

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 256.
Sampler Promo email: Done. *Thumbsup*

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: No.
Yesterday, I listened to: No.
This week, I performed at: New Albany Gardens yesterday, Senor Patron in less than an hour..
Songwriting progress: Nothing new.
February 2, 2012 at 11:21am
February 2, 2012 at 11:21am
Yesterday's post was "Wednesday" - it looks like I've posted consistently. Don't look too closely at the dates.

I don't want to even talk about the diet or the $50 I lost. I did blog all month, which means Storm Machine and I earned ice cream, which is great, since I my weight loss competition is over. *Bigsmile* I wrote and delivered ONE more performance evaluation - the one that came with a surprise bonus - so I'm glad I got that done, but I still have a dozen to go. Got W2s and 1099s issued, but we're still in the process of closing the books for 2011. We do know we earned a profit, and how much, but we're not entirely sure how much we spent on office supplies, advertising, and the like. So we're cleaning that up. Spent a bunch of money on some new stuff to go with the recent renovation - lobby tables, a baby changing table for the restroom, monitors for a repeating DVD with event photos and a display telling students which room they're supposed to be in. Interviewed two acting instructor candidates and didn't hire either one, so we're back to square one there. Subbed out the wazoo for absent teachers. And I have a gig this afternoon in addition to my normal weekly gig tomorrow at Senor Patron. And I've started looking at the business plan to think about our upcoming expansion, as well as possible plans for a business for Keith. And we've been making vacation plans. And I started this: "January Editing Month PREP Challenge! [13+].

Oh! And now I need to judge the January Ohio Idol entries. I hope they don't run yet another surprise video contest before the live dates.


It's been sixty degrees the last few days - the end of January, beginning of February. I don't know why that's relevant. It's just odd. In a very nice way.

Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : Pending and scheduled today sometime.
Year-end closeout: In progress.
Sign-in process for students: The display is ready, but I need a monitor/computer combo that will talk to one another (details). And I don't have a sign-in process yet. That's next on the radar.

I'm back to thinking about a database, because we use too much paper for stuff. Plus, I'm finding I need data analysis that I can't get without a lot of manual data entry. Performance metrics should just be readily available.

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: In progress.
EdMo Prep: Done through today. *Thumbsup*

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: OMG! I forgot about this. *scrambles to finish blog post*

Family goals
Create photo keepsake from Abby's State Meet photos: Done and received! It's cute.
Hang prints in the bedroom: Done. *Thumbsup*
Groceries: Pending.

Health goals
Weight: Dunno.
Exercise: No.
Yesterday's points: Dunno.

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 253. Oh, yeah. We passed 250.
Sampler Promo email: Done. *Thumbsup*
"This Week" ad: Forgot.
Other weekly ad: Forgot.

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: Nada.
Yesterday, I listened to: Nada.
This week, I performed at: Today, New Albany Gardens. Tomorrow, Senor Patron.
Songwriting progress: Nothing since 100 Times  .
January 25, 2012 at 9:57am
January 25, 2012 at 9:57am
It's been a weird morning regarding goals and writing. I woke to find two notifications in my Textbroker inbox: (1) a direct order, and (2) a message from a client asking about potential ongoing direct orders. I haven't written for Textbroker for almost a year, so it was odd to have two client requests on the same day. I went ahead and wrote the direct order, because it was a topic that comes easy to me (setting vision and establishing goals), so that was quick money. I responded to the message, but I'm not sure that's going to be for me.

It did prompt me to flip through the open orders (available for anyone to grab, as opposed to direct orders, which I receive exclusively in my inbox.) I found a few that caught my interest, and like the direct orders, they are the higher-paying variety. I haven't accepted any new orders, but it got me thinking about doing some more freelancing. Because I like money. *Bigsmile*

But none of this was on my goals for the week.

Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : Pending and scheduled tomorrow.
Year-end closeout: In progress, and I think Chris finished entering receipts yesterday, woo-hoo! It was such a relief when she offered to take that off my hands.
Sign-in process for students: Done. *Thumbsup* The monitor arrived and needs to be mounted on the wall. We'll do that tonight. The netbook that will run the monitor display is en route from Amazon.

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: In progress. I need to draft a data collection plan for volunteer Jasmine.

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: Done. *Thumbsup*
11:15 Bulletin: SERVICE CANCELED. *Thumbsup*

Family goals
Create photo keepsake from Abby's State Meet photos: Done. *Thumbsup*
Hang prints in the bedroom: Done. *Thumbsup*
Groceries: Scheduled Thursday.

Health goals
Exercise: Yes. *Thumbsup*
Yesterday's points: 35

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 243.
Sampler Promo email: Done. *Thumbsup*
"This Week" ad: Pending.
Other weekly ad: Pending.

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: Scarlatti.
Yesterday, I listened to: The Power of Your Name.
This week, I performed at: Pending.
Songwriting progress: 100 Times  .
January 24, 2012 at 10:48am
January 24, 2012 at 10:48am
Work goals:
Blog at MT.com  : Pending and scheduled Thursday.
Year-end closeout: In progress. I believe Chris is working on cleaning up receipts as I type.
Sign-in process for students: Done. *Thumbsup* Netbook and monitor coming from Amazon, which will require installation, so maybe I should call this "in progress."

Writing goals
Performance Evaluations: Pending. but I did write one this morning. I need a bunch of data that I'll have to compile. I have a teenage volunteer working all week next week, so I think I'll ask her to help with that.

Church goals
9:30 Bulletin: Done. *Thumbsup*
11:15 Bulletin: SERVICE CANCELED. With my blessing, Hallelujah. Therefore: Done *Thumbsup*

Family goals
Create photo keepsake from Abby's State Meet photos: Done. *Thumbsup* Ordered and shipped photo books from Shutterfly.
Hang prints in the bedroom: Done. *Thumbsup* I did it five minutes ago because it was on this list. *Bigsmile*
Groceries: Scheduled Thursday.

Health goals
Weight: Yes. I indeed have weight. Too much, in fact.
Exercise: Yes! We walked/jogged this morning. *Smile*
Yesterday's points: 37, which is not good.

Business Growth
Reach 400 students at MTMS   by 12/31/12: 244.
Sampler Promo email: Pending.
"This Week" ad: Pending.
Other weekly ad: Pending.

Music Log
Yesterday, I practiced: Scarlatti.
Yesterday, I listened to: Nothing.
This week, I performed at: Pending.
Songwriting progress: A poor-quality recording of 100 Times  .

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