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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2260833
Blog attempt 1.
The first few entries come from a private journal I have kept for a few years now.
also home for my entries for

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30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer


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November 4, 2021 at 2:17pm
November 4, 2021 at 2:17pm
PROMPT November 4th

We've all heard of people who mysteriously 'go missing'. Tonight, write about a person who 'goes missing'. Someone that you read about in the newspaper or online, but nobody seems to know them, or remember them.

Ferguson flipped through her paper message slips. The only interesting one was marked urgent from Raen Davis, "Ferguson, I am investigating a shady situation, and if you don't hear from me to start an investigation." Ferguson checked the date stamp. It was from several days ago. Ferguson searched her memories. She hadn't seen or heard from Raen in much longer than that. She wondered what Raen was investigating. Leave it to Raen to find trouble.

Ferguson logged into the Baerd Guild database and scan on Raen's digital activities. She had probably sent the message and forgotten to get back to Ferguson. That was when the search got weird. The database gave a short error message, "No entry found." That couldn't be right, Raen was a prominent guild member. Ferguson used a back door trick to scan each of the other guilds with which Raen was affiliated. Again varying error messages that amounted to, "No entry found."

Ferguson got up from her desk and decided to follow the message slip to its origin. According to the origin markings, the message was dropped off at the front desk and Maleus Farkin was responsible for taking it down. Ferguson spent a few minutes tracking Maleus down.

"Guildsmen Farkin?" Ferguson tapped him on the shoulder as he bent over a sandwich.

"Yes, why are you interrupting my lunch break! Oh, I apologize Journeywoman Ferguson."

"I just received a message slip from five days ago, and it marks you as the one who took it down," Ferguson handed the slip to Farkin.

"Yeah, that is my stamp but I don't remember this message. Who is Raen Davis?"

"You know, the woman who saved Jayden Baerd from the silver striped serpent, and located the Basuram shipment that Totchky misplaced."

"I remember that shipment, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name of the member that found it."

Ferguson scoffed, "Come on man! Basuram! You really don't think you should remember this?"

"Probably, I just don't." He went back to eating. Ferguson held her hand out for the slip. Farkin noticed after a while. "What?"

"My message slip?"

"What message slip?"

"That paper tucked beside your sandwich wrapper."

Farkin plucked the slip from beneath his greasy sandwich wrapper with greasy fingers. He shrugged and handed it to her. The message was smeared beyond recognition. Ferguson sighed. She spent the rest of the afternoon questioning people she knew should know Raen. None of them could recall her in the least.

Ferguson went to the streets, she had met more than a few of Raen's friends and pseudo-family from her time on the streets and she knew they had a vested interest in remembering Raen's kindnesses. The trouble was she couldn't find them now. Word was that a lot of the street kids had died from some mysterious illness passing through the poorer sections of the city. It was particularly devastating and killed everyone infected. Word had been spreading to even the affluent portions of the city.

Ferguson was about ready to give up when she remembered Raen's relationship with Master Honor Baggood of the Apothecary Guild. Ferguson made her way to the shop he managed, only to find it closed due to quarantine. Despite the quarantine, a crowd had gathered outside. Ferguson recognized one of the shop's apprentices talking to a stranger dressed in a dark gray suit. The man in the suit laid a hand on the side of the apprentice's head and then walked away. It seemed odd.

"Hey Jobbie, have you seen Raen?" Ferguson asked the apprentice.

Jobbie, shook his head to clear it, "Who?"

"You know, Raen. Raen Davis?"


That is when the man he had been talking to walked up to Ferguson, "Miss, I hear you seem to be looking for someone, perhaps I can help you."

Ferguson looked the man over. He was particularly hairy and smelled of trouble, "No thanks."

He attempted to place his hand on the side of her head. She dodged him. He growled like an animal which caused her to look back in his direction. The moment she faced him he sprayed her in the face with a foul-smelling aerosol can. "What in the heck!" The man disappeared into the crowd before Ferguson could react. She swatted away the smell. This had been her last lead on what she could do to find Raen. Ferguson headed back towards the Baerd Guild Hall. By the time she reached the complex, she wasn't feeling well. She decided to head to her apartment and attack things again in the morning.

November 3, 2021 at 12:16am
November 3, 2021 at 12:16am
PROMPT November 3rd

You live in a tourist town. There's always an 'interesting' mix of visitors. But this year they are especially... different. In what way?

Raen had gotten used to the constant influx of new people, it was a resort town. Some locals feared these visiting city folk. Mrs. Shaney down the street feared the visitors were thieves and rapists. Raen didn't know how common those crimes were on this world but she was pretty sure that Mrs. Shaney's fears were unfounded. Either way, Raen wasn't afraid, Beaoul her companion was a born and bred female hellhound. Their relationship was complicated and often they didn't agree, but Raen knew she could count on Beaoul to have her back.

Frankly, the two of them had only lived there five years. The locals were barely considering Raen and her companion locals as opposed to extended visitors. Raen worked at the local grocery store and Beaoul worked for a local sheep farmer on occasion. Of course, Raen got paid for those services. A fact that really upset the hellhound. Beaoul was every bit as intelligent as Raen. Heck Beaoul could speak, though she wisely concealed that fact. This was earth and "dogs" had no rights or intelligence.

Raen regularly had to talk her friend down from making a hasty mistake. She usually didn't have to remind Beaoul of much more than the fact that they were in hiding. Mira Black, Beaoul's former mistress still searched the universe for them. This meant they couldn't draw too much attention to themselves.

The duo had settled rather complacently into a relaxed life, until the summer when the odd tourists began arriving. Most of the town thought them no odder than the rest. And perhaps Raen and Beaoul would have continued to ignore the newcomers if there wasn't one simple thing uniting them. They arrived in groups of two to four adults, wearing clothing in shades of mid-tone gray to black. The normal tourists arrived as family groups and wore clothing as colorful as anyone.

When Raen finally noticed the gray people it was nearly too late. She immediately contacted Beaoul telepathically, I think Mira has found us.

"I think you are right," Beaoul said aloud stepping up behind Raen out of thin air.

Raen smiled at her friend, "Your teleportation is getting way better than mine. I think we need to get out of here now."

Together they quietly ducked down an alleyway. Raen removed a necklace with a pearlescent key dangling from it from around her neck. She shoved the key into the back door of the nearest building and opened a portal to their place of refuge, a Middle of Everywhen entity they called Toni. Before the enemy operatives could close on their position, Raen pulled the key from the lock. Then Beaoul and Raen stepped through the portal.

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November 2, 2021 at 1:48pm
November 2, 2021 at 1:48pm
Prompt November 2

You are the curator of a museum. This museum has an area of interest to you. Take us on a guided tour of your latest exhibition.

Raen walked through the corridor, wondering where it actually came from. To her left and right were moving dioramas of scenes that The Middle of Everywhen thought were most illustrative of the prior omniverse. Raen didn't know what the creature/place used to define the list of dioramas.

The first diorama she encountered was full of stars, galaxies, and planets swirling into being against a background that almost had a pattern. Next, it was like this nascent universe passed through a prism and became many nearly identical universes. This is where Raen discovered she could zoom in on the dioramas. She zoomed in until she could see that the prism causing the universes to diverge was a generic-looking person.

Raen passed the next few dioramas not really clear on what they were showing. She stopped in front of one that looked like a web of glowing dots spread in a pattern through empty space. Curious she zoomed in on one of the clusters of dots to finally come to the understanding that each glowing orb was a person. It was pretty. Then a dimming of the orbs passed through the diorama until there was only a small corner of the diorama still properly lit. Raen zoomed in on the active border to discover that the dimming represented a stifling of individuality by a collective of parasites. Suddenly somewhere in the middle of the dimmed patch one orb shone more brightly than any in the uninfected area. As that brightness enveloped the whole diorama the orbs all began to shine as brightly as before.

So there had been a point in the old omniverse where individuality and free will were almost driven from existence. Interesting. Raen passed a number of other dioramas that didn't show much on the scale they were natively set at and she saw little reason to zoom in. She reached another like the darkening one. this time instead of a sudden bright glow spreading light back throughout the universe smaller spark-like splashes of light erupted like fireworks spreading out from the light section until almost all the orbs glowed as bright as before. Raen cocked her head at that.

The next several displays showed universes imploding in a pattern throughout the omniverse. They were interesting until it became clear the pattern was accelerating. The edge of the omniverse began to darken and thicken. Small fireworks flashed through the edge, some stabilizing beyond the implosive sphere of the omniverse, but most just burned brightly and flickered out. The next diorama was zoomed in on one of those still brightly burning sparks, Raen could see the nearly white interior of the Middle of Everywhen entity she stood within. It seemed highly compressed neatly wrapped around a woman Raen didn't recognize.

Then the diorama zoomed in on an even smaller spark, inside its swirling event horizon slept a little girl, with a bracelet, on that bracelet was stamped, "Raen Davis." Before Raen could try to rewind the diorama's scene back to the origin of that spark light filled the diorama in another dance of creation. The spark holding Raen and the spark that was the Middle of Everywhen were swirled randomly into the baby universe. Raen's spark opened on a small backwater colony of earth named Tradehub and she lost track of the other spark.

Sparks penetrated the new omniverse from all around. A large glowing orb existed just beyond the edge of the new omniverse. It glowed brightly as though the MOE wanted her to go there. Then the glow of that orb grew to fill the space until it faded back into the nearly infinite white space within the Middle of Everywhen.

Beaoul, the only other occupant of the Middle of Everywhen, walked up from behind Raen. "What did it show you?" There was the hint of an excited grin on her wolfishly hellhound face.

"I think it is sending us somewhere," Raen stated. "Did you know I wasn't from this omniverse?"

Beaoul sat on her haunches, "I had some idea that first night when I scratched you and it healed."
November 1, 2021 at 11:50am
November 1, 2021 at 11:50am
PROMPT November 1st

We all have possessions of some type. Tell us five possessions you can’t live without, and why they are on this list.

Possesions? Well since I personally can't call my furbabies possessions, I will have to start with my wedding ring because of the love it symbolizes. My second choice is my house because I have been homeless before and I remember how it feels to be told you have nowhere to go. Third choice? It would have to be my computer and fourth is my phone because that is where my friends are, fictional and real. Fifth I would have to claim my printer as a prized possession because it is the final line of backup for everything I write and it allows me to share my writings with members of the family that just don't get technology.

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October 26, 2021 at 9:37pm
October 26, 2021 at 9:37pm
We shouldn't be throwing stones at other governments' handling of the Corona Virus. We have a government of fifty conflicting microgovernments called states. Talk about a lack of polite conversation. Congress can't agree on whether or not to call the sky blue. The president (no longer the antichrist, Trump) has a bad case of, "do as I say not as I do." Masks? Everybody but me has to wear them because they have to, but I can go without because the American people will go into hock to keep their president alive. That said at least he is trying to manage the epidemic. Though interfering with constitutionally guaranteed rights and insisting everyone is going to get a vaccine that may or may not have been approved by the FDA.

Then again President Biden doesn't seem to have much interest in protecting any of those constitutionally approved rights. I have heard he has been neutering the right to free speech, free press, and religious freedom.

Did you hear my heavy sigh?

There I go, stepping out of polite conversation. So how is the weather where you are?
October 26, 2021 at 9:11pm
October 26, 2021 at 9:11pm
Okay, to start this chapter, I apologize for the brevity of the previous chapter, but it has been several months since I have written anything and the world has moved on and so have I. Welcome to the world of the pandemic. Covid-19 has most of the world shaking in their surgical masks, I take it fatalistically. If I am meant to die from this thing I will. It is the only point of view I can take. I am the designated shopper for our entire clan. I go into all the stores alone. I face the empty shelves. I face the stickers telling you one way only down the aisles, not that anybody pays any attention to that. I am the one who stands on the little Xs in line. Other than that, I’m good.

My health is good, as long as you don’t count the cough I have had since before this whole pandemic thing happened, or the deteriorating mental health. I can’t seem to make up my mind between mania and depression. I am energetically depressed. It is an interesting place to be. As for the cough, I am not too concerned, until the woman in the line ahead of me coughs, without a mask. Then the slightest tickle in my throat sends me straight to the panic button, but it is what it is.

Now to the irony of things. I believe my views on Trump are clear by now, if not you have not been paying any attention. That said, I can’t criticize how he has handled the crisis. There was a comment about using disinfectants to just flush the infection out of your system, but he wouldn’t be Trump without some show of his level of intelligence, or lack of. He closed the borders to keep out sources of infection. He closed non-essential businesses. He encouraged people to… who am I kidding? The man refuses to wear a mask! I know that the successful measures he has taken were someone else’s idea. All we can credit him with is actually taking the advice. Flush their systems out with disinfectant? Enough politics, how about the economy… The first stimulus payment was a real windfall. It was just what we needed when we needed it.

Okay, so we’ve talked about Covid-19. We also have another set of crises. There is the whole Black Lives Matter issue and the resultant riots- ehm protests. Also, there is the toilet paper shortage and other shortages of goods. Like for a while my Walmart was completely sold out of flat-screen tvs and if you want a Nintendo Switch be prepared to pay five or six hundred used on eBay. Then there is the more disturbing shortage that has come up recently, apparently there is a national coin shortage. A lot of retailers are accepting cards only.

So, if anyone is reading this, does anyone feel like I am watching the fall of American civilization? I mean, it sure feels like the emperor is fiddling as Rome burns. Trump refuses to wear a mask, how is anyone supposed to take him seriously when he tells everyone else to wear one. Is this like what the romans felt as their civilization fell.

We have major cities defunding or outright disbanding their police forces and then acting surprised when civil law collapses. I have heard that police in New York city aren’t responding to calls involving gunfire. A grassroot civilian group is trying to hold the line but they are just civilians.

Trump has shut up about the border wall, but no one is going out or working anyway, so I guess illegal immigration is down? Or he has just moved on to other issues that are more frightening to his constituents. I can’t tell if he is trying to scare his way into reelection or buy his way back into office. I heard he wanted his signature to appear on the first round of stimulus checks. Can anyone say bribing the vote? Well, his people must have checked the polls and done the math. They seem to have told him that the first round didn’t assure his victory because there is serious talk of another round before long. Economists are even calling for regular rounds of stimulus checks.

If there is another round of checks, most articles project that most of us will have received our money by September or October at the latest. Right before the elections. Hmm. Maybe congress is trying to buy votes too.

How is that going to work? Who is going to keep voting locations secure and prevent ballot fraud with a substantial portion of law enforcement on furlough? Maybe that is why the Black Lives Matter Protests fell when they did, to ensure Trump or someone, an unfair advantage at the polls.

I feel like someone or something is manipulating us all with these circumstances. What I find odd is the silence of religious leaders on this subject. In the past, all it took for some to holler Armageddon was a few round digits on the old calendar. But now, with a plague, collapse of civil order, border walls, the real possibility real money will be worthless, namely a switch to strictly electronic payments, I haven’t heard one peep about the antichrist, Armageddon, seals, vials, four horsemen. I mean come on people, that is all we heard for the last three decades of the last millennia.

Maybe I am just tilting at windmills, but things feel wrong here. Coincidence is too simple a word, maybe it is all interconnected, but that doesn’t automatically mean Armageddon. Sure, all the self quarantining could have made people irritable, lonely and more than ready to riot. And maybe the prospect of people not working made them sensitive to even minor shortages resulting in reflexive over buying or people having to skip work because of quarantines causing lumps in the supply chain. The coin shortage could just be the natural outcome of injecting so much extra money into the economy. They just had not prepared for so much of the population lacking bank accounts having suddenly sizeable amounts of money.

I suppose that is what is going on… But why aren’t people reacting to these things like one would expect? People talk about riots and cities under siege by riotous mobs matter-of-factly, like it is just how things should be. No alarm, no distress full of speculation on what should be done. Just "Oh, we’re out of change. That is funny, guess I’ll just use my card.” Come on people! Where are the conspiracy theory whackos? Did the virus preferentially kill them? Given what I am writing, does that put me on some kind of hit list? Only if I get published, which I am thinking will be increasingly unlikely. Nobody reads books anymore anyway!

Sorry. I didn’t mean to rant. NO WAIT! Yes, I did! I have to vent. Things are circling the crapper and things look only like they will get worse. I have heard some formerly sane people talking offhand about becoming doomsday preppers. Walmart now carries a bucket of emergency rations for a family of four for a week. You used to have to go to some quack’s website to get stuff like that. Stop. Breathe. Is there even a normal to get back to?

October 26, 2021 at 9:09pm
October 26, 2021 at 9:09pm
New chapter, same day, same s***, different angle, let’s get started. Curveballs, every life is full of them. Few of them qualify as polite conversation. I have come to find that they usually come with much swearing on my part. Even death and taxes can hit me like curveballs and they can be expected. You can expect death your whole life, but are you ever prepared for it? Even if it is someone else’s death, it comes as a shock. Not even the words hospice or terminal prepare you for it. You know it is coming as a midnight phone call, but when it arrives… devastation. For me, the death of my mother was a personal apocalypse. Even with my beloved propping me up it was almost too much for me. It wasn’t my beloved’s fault. We were still learning each other. She didn’t have as practiced a hand at offering me support as she does now. Apocalypse, the end of the world, it comes as a prepper’s wet dream. They spend much of their energy, money and time gathering what they think they will need. If the apocalypse happens, they will be as unprepared as the rest of us.

Unprepared, I am sitting in the middle of a situation. The possible outcomes are beyond preparation. Next week I go in for a diagnostic mammogram, followed by an ultrasound of my breast. They want a better look at a nonsymmetrical mass. Then next Friday I have to go in for a thyroid biopsy. I won’t say cancer until they do, but… There, we are back on polite terms. I am very politely terrified. I want to laugh, but I am not quite that sarcastic. How can you not be afraid when things like this happen? Is it cancer? I have two tries at that jackpot. If I win on both of them does it mean they are connected? Has it metastasized? Do I have it throughout my body? Am I already beyond help? It may be polite, but I physically cannot contemplate the situation any more right now. My beloved would cry if she read this page. She is in no state to face me cracking up like this. Too bad, I am in no state for it either. Let’s table this talk until next Friday.

How do you prepare for the inevitable? Tears? Screaming? Armageddon might be upon me and I have no earthly idea what I am supposed to do about it. I will fight of course. I can’t not fight. Editor hated that sentence. It worked for muse though. Muse sweeps the current situation into the fiction dustpan. It is so wrong it can’t be real. Editor taps her foot and checks the time. Still enough time to edit this book into oblivion.

My dogs offer me kisses. They don’t know our happy life could be swirling around the toilet drain. The cats don’t particularly care. But they only give a s*** about catnip treats, especially Malachi. He is an addict. One time he got so high all he could do was stare at the ceiling fan yowling “Mam, Mam, MAAAM.” I think it might have been a bad trip. We tried to get him to quit cold-turkey, but he kept waiting for the turkey… Then he broke into the treat drawer and ate every last crumb of catnip.

The weather is cold. October is almost over. That means November is days away. Happy birthday mom. The fourth is hers, the fifth is mine and my father claimed the sixth before either of us. I dread November. My parents’ divorce became final on the second many years ago.

Well howdy, it is December now. Yep skipped a whole month! Not really, I wrote a book of fiction last month. I already edited it and self-published. My first reader loved it better than any of my other books. I almost think I am ready to send something to a real publisher again. Yea, more rejection in my life…

I had a bad day today. I got through November with very few tears. Today I have been a waterfall. I don’t know. I just broke down and cried. No, I sobbed. I was wracked with grief, defeated and a failure. It all started with a word search puzzle.

My beloved’s mother asked me to type up and print out a word search puzzle she had been working on for my beloved for christmas. I tried three different programs and the damn things just wouldn’t line up the letters on the different lines. Okay so no big, not Armageddon, except I just cracked. The tears came and would not stop. I cried about everything and nothing. Of course it wasn’t about the puzzle. I am still not clear on what it was about.

The day went downhill from there. I spent forty-five minutes waiting in the checkout line at the dollar store for six foil pans to make Christmas food in. It is the twenty-second by the way. The shelves of the store were nearly bare. Then I needed to go to Walmart. I know it is a joy to shop there on a good day when nobody is cramming everything in reach into their carts. It is the twenty-second of December by the way. Yeah, good times…not!

I just love shopping, especially during the Christmas rush, the only thing better is Black Friday. I went Black Friday shopping, once. Never again! I don’t care if they are offering Samsung Galaxy 40s for twelve dollars! Never again.

That was almost polite conversation. New thought on a superpower, the ability to hurt other people. We as a species are incredibly self-destructive. We will injure or incapacitate each other even when it is detrimental to our own wellbeing, just to say we won. Example? Let’s go with the big one, war. We will shake sharpened sticks at one another over stupid things like which side of the impassible river our territory ends at. Everybody wants to own the river even when they can’t use it. Who cares how far our borders extend out into the ocean? It isn’t like we live there… Oh boy, I have an attitude problem today.
October 26, 2021 at 9:05pm
October 26, 2021 at 9:05pm
What shall I disturb myself with now? I was talking with my therapist today. (Yeah, I am in therapy. Given all we’ve shared here, didn’t you expect that?) Of course this document came up. I told her about my theory on our superpowers. She smiled nodded and told me I had forgotten our main one, Greed. Her argument brought up her belief that it was the only real deadly sin, since all the others were either caused by greed or were just another form of it. So we are supremely empowered with greed. Yeah, it fits, Trump is a poster child for that too. The only real problem with calling greed one of our superpowers is that I didn’t come up with it on my own.

What do we do with our greed? We drive other life-forms to extinction. We poison ourselves and the rest of the planet with our leavings. We inspire ourselves to some of the worst behaviors that we are capable of. When we are done with that we tell everyone else not to do what we have done. Maybe greed is our only superpower, hypocrisy and f***ing things up seem secondary to it. Then again, the comic books separate telekinesis, pyrokinesis and flying… It seems like pyrokinesis is just moving molecules with your mind so fast they explode into flames. The power of flight would most logically be explained as self levitation by means of telekinesis. On the other hand, superheroes can fly and they can start fires without being able to move things with their minds….

My inner editor totally rewrote that last sentence before I could stop her, and she has taken control of the backspace and delete buttons again. I don’t see myself as being all that productive today if my inner editor keeps it up. So what if the rough draft will be easier to follow… I am missing out on good thoughts and ideas because of her. Now I have nothing. My inner editor has dragged my inner muse into a dusty janitorial closet and chained her to the slop sink drain. I am not sure who let my inner editor out of her handcuffs. She isn’t creative enough to have figured a way out on her own. Maybe she scolded them into letting her go. I can see inanimate objects being afraid of her. She likes to use the delete button a lot.

I think my inner muse has smashed the cheap plastic slop sink and gotten loose again. I can see the two of them running around in my dusty memories. Editor is running in fear as Muse threatens her with colorful epithets and promises of torture. Editor is throwing boxes to the floor and releasing random thoughts from where she hid them. Like why does my dog like to be sung “You are my Sunshine” I mean it is all gray skies for him. Maybe that is why he likes it. You know, “You make me happy when skys are gray,” would sound to him like he is constantly making me happy. He doesn’t. I get pretty mad at him when he carries a pile of cat s*** up on the bed as a snack. I imagine he calls the litter boxes all you can eat buffets. When one of the cats starts farting warning shots that he is about to use the litter box my dog acts like it is a dinner bell. OMG, this discussion has degenerated to total literal crap… How can I possibly keep up polite conversation with Editor throwing things like that at Muse!

I remember the huge ash tree in the backyard of the last house my parents’ shared as a married couple. There was a bald tire hung from a sturdy branch. I used to like sitting in it and swinging for hours. It was a lot safer than the swing set which wasn’t properly secured in the ground and nearly tipped over when you started swinging on it for that reason. Shut up Editor, it does not matter how I spell reason. Anyway the ash tree was beautiful, and really old, at least fifty or sixty years. The crotch of the tree where the main branches spread out was very near the same height and within leaping distance of the flat roof on the rear addition to the house. There were wooden slats nailed to the one side of the tree to make a ladder up to what may have once held a tree house. I never had the balls to climb it. My sister scurried up and down it many times, I think she even jumped on the roof once.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I still dream about the blue and white house. I know it inside and out. But the version in my dreams no longer exists. Somewhere along the line, one of its owners chopped down the last two trees in the backyard. It was painted in two shades of hospital green when I saw it last. Seeing it that way, physically hurt. That was the last place I had a happy family. I can almost remember being happy there; for all my dad would spank us excessively or lock himself away. Not to mention the horribly overcooked dinners I would spend half the night eating, and then going to bed directly from the kitchen table. They might not all be pleasant memories, but that was the last house of my young life where I felt safe…until I had to make that call. Something about having to send one of your parents to jail does a number on your feelings of safety.

Parents are supposed to love, support, and build you up. Even once she went into actual construction, my mother did her best to be that. My father…I am not sure he ever was that. He didn’t know how to be that. I really can’t imagine what growing up with a dying mother was like. It sure as hell didn’t teach him any of the skills he needed as a parent. I know communication is hard on him, with his hearing loss, and because he doesn’t know how to express himself. (Hey, dad, you still hanging in there?) It is my understanding that he was only passing English comp away from a degree in computer science. I believe he totally flunked it, possibly several times? He doesn’t know enough words to express himself, although I know he is fluent in several computer languages. It is almost like computer is his native tongue. I regularly received his computer hand-me-downs from age nine until at over twenty-one I bought my own computer. That’s that, I became technologically independent. I have since owned laptops, tablets, and now a phone that is smarter than any of the computers he gave me. I’m not writing on the phone right now, but I have.

I no longer need paper to pursue my authorial fantasies. It’s weird. For the longest time I carried composition books to have paper should inspiration strike. I would write in them in pen, to confound Editor. Muse likes the feel of paper and pen, or she used to. My well developed writer’s callus has notably diminished in the last decade. It actually hurts to write too much out long handed. Am I lazy to not want to have to go back and type things over, because handwriting in ink doesn’t really hassle Editor, it just postpones her until I begin typing. My inner Editor can backspace on autopilot, that right there, autopilot was corrected by Editor. I can’t separate her from my fingers tapping on the keyboard, no matter what I try. I feel like I could be ever so much more productive if I worried less about putting a perfect manuscript out on the first try. Just the impulse to delete can derail any valuable insights that might be whirling in the back of my mind.

Thought derailed. My dog is in heat. She has a live in boyfriend. At some point soon I will hear a yelp and discover them stuck together. What would it be like if a pair of humans got stuck. I have heard it happens on very rare occasion. Imagine a pair of teenagers just discovering one another… he gets stuck… they have to call 911… her father is the EMT that responds. His reaction, “Get the jaws of life!” I can just see the blood going out of things. The boy would remove himself and begin frantically grabbing for his clothes, “I’ll be going now, Mr. Father, Sir!” And they never see him again. Sorry, just had to put that out there. I actually do think of things like that, far too often. You don’t even begin to know the trains of thought that pass in the dark reaches of my mind, well maybe you are getting the idea.

So, (imagine me clapping my hands together) global warming, I hear it has officially killed its first mammal. It is- was a little rodent type thing. It looked like it was fairly cute. If people in power weren’t so busy denying global warming, the darn thing might be cute enough to get people to do something about it. Yeah, cuteness is our kryptonite. Show even a razor toothed, tatted biker a picture of a fluffy kitten trying to climb out of a tea cup and they would melt into murmurs about how cute it was. Sometimes cuteness can cancel out our power to f*** things up, or at least slow it down. Occasionally cute little endangered species can manage to stop housing developments. Unfortunately, greed can usually…

My dog in heat just reacted to a bottle of drinking water as though it was holy water and her surname was Dracula. Seriously my love hands me a bottle of water from the fridge and Precious leaped away from it and me. So, of course I held it out in her direction and she ran like our living room was on a marathon route. I chased her butt around the living room with it. It makes me think of the stupid cat videos on the internet that show cats freaking out at cucumbers. My cat loves vegetables I have never shown her a cucumber but I feel like she would just salivate. Googling why cats are afraid of cucumbers. Wow, it is a thing! There are people doing scientific studies on it! Who would have thought? I mean a lot of my thoughts are just random but scaring my cat with a cucumber really would not have come up.

What kind of person would enjoy making their cat jump like that? Sorry, my hypocrisy is showing. I like sneaking up on my cat as she lays in the sunshine, and grabbing her while shouting, “Gaaaah.” She jumps a mile and scratches me. Sooo worth it! Yeah I am a hypocrite. I said they were our superpowers, didn’t I? I embrace my superpowers! Yes, I am a super-villain. The first step in solving a problem is admitting that it exists. So, where does that leave me? Is there any hope that I am not irredeemable? Much of conservative America would say no. Okay hold my horses...not, irredeemable, saying no… A triple negative, my inner editor is apoplectic (A word I understand as meaning “ridiculously upset.”) Poor deary, I have been torturing her quite a bit with this manuscript. Maybe I can get editor to go on strike? Yeah, like that could happen… just in this sentence alone, she has use backspace ten times. I think the only way to keep her fingers off of the delete button is to chop those fingers off. They happen to be my fingers. I am not that self-destructive. Muse would do it though! That bitch is crazy. I think that is how VanGogh lost his ear… editor kept whispering in his ear about the paintings and muse had enough, and a knife. Mental illness is no joke though. Trust me I am not really joking. I have had points in my life where leaving me alone with muse could have gotten me in trouble. I am my own worst enemy, especially when muse and editor get to working together.

Editor doesn’t just critisize my writing. My inner editor has commented on virtually every aspect of my life at one time or another. She has a bad habit of echoing my father’s less than supportive words, “I don’t have a real job,” “I’m fat,” or “If only I actually tried to accomplish something...” Those times muse can be very close to powerless. She is a child at heart, and takes to heart the words of the parent she desperately desires to please. Muse know’s the echoes by heart.

Bummer man! Editor has silenced Muse. She is rocking on her heels, cowering in the corner of my mind humming tunelessly to herself while editor cackles in malicious, superiority near the center of my being. I am doing everything I can not to make a mistake that my inner edititor needs to fix. My psyche is badly bruised and I can blame no one but myself for poking at the livid colors of it. Emotional pain resonates within me.

Today has been a bad day. My sweet beloved is going through her own internal struggles and she cannot keep them from overflowing into our interactions. She awoke in a sour mood and the curdled emotions of that mood have affected me. Whoa awesome, I think I used “affected” properly without Editor’s help, though writing this sentence required five separate instances of backspace use.

The weather is cooling. Winter is coming! I have never watched a whole episode of “Game of Thrones,” so I am just throwing around a phrase I have heard spoken by others. From what I have picked up, doesn’t winter in that world last like generations? I could be wrong… what do they eat? I don’t really care, at least not enough to research the topic, watch the show, or read the books which inspired it. I like science fiction more than fantasy. It was twenty years from the point when someone told me I HAD to read The Hobbit before I ever picked up Tolkien. I liked it when I read it, but not re-reading liked it.

Some things I re-read almost every year or at least every few years. The Stand is one I like to read just as winter is coming on. I read it one year and just as everyone was dying, I was living in a small town where the streets rolled up at six pm and living on Mainstreet I did not see another living soul from my front porch from noon through sunset. That was a lotta bit creepy. Another set of books I read is the Earth’s Children series, Clan of the Cave Bear and the rest… That was another book someone reccomended to me but it was like twelve years before I pulled my nose out of my own ass to read it. I finished the first book and devoured the rest faster than the author could publish them. I like Anne McCaffery’s books too. She has at least three series that I really enjoy, but I mention her more because I mentioned metaphorically devouring books. Sophia, the dog I bottle raised and later lost, literally devoured my copy of White Dragon. I didn’t find that funny at all. She did it spitefully too. I left her to go to school and she was pissed. That shows me for adopting an animal at the beginning of summer break. I had to crate train her after that. Neither of us was happy about that.

I am also a vain reader. I read my own series of novels at least once per year. It helps me keep the ongoing story straight, and the style of writing consistant. When I am actively working on a book I only read books off of this relatively short list because I have fully encorporated them into my style of writing, whereas a new book might change my style mid-book and I really don’t want that to happen. So, I am re-reading Clan of the Cave Bear right now, not because I am working on this, but instead because I am getting ready to work on another novel. I have it started, I am intending to finish it in the next couple of months.

At the mention of working on a novel, Muse has come out of her near catatonic rocking. I am seeing pictures in my mind’s eye of magnificent vistas and glorius battles. Okay, so I have never written a glorious battle scene, but I do have one planned. In my stories it I usually focus on one or two characters. I don’t do large masses of people often, and so far it has never been in a single battle. I guess it comes from my point of view on the world. It is me and my beloved against whatever comes, but fortunately we don’t face armies or huge battle scenes. Usually the villans in our life are singular, or more often, non-corporeal. I sigh, at villains. It is unfortunate but they are found in every life. Sometimes it is us against ourselves, or nature, or the law of man. I say law of man because we are only starting to take into consideration the will of women when it comes to law. We still make less per hour, and have fewer jobs truely open to us. I think I am going to call this chapter done on account of…being done talking about this, for now.

What shall I disturb myself with now? I was…
12 Pages | 2,974 Words | 0 Today

What shall I disturb myself with now? I was talking with my therapist today. (Yeah, I am in therapy. Given all we’ve shared here, didn’t you expect that?) Of course this document came up. I told her about my theory on our superpowers. She smiled nodded and told me I had forgotten our main one, Greed. Her argument brought up her belief that it was the only real deadly sin, since all the others were either caused by greed or were just another form of it. So we are supremely empowered with greed. Yeah, it fits, Trump is a poster child for that too. The only real problem with calling greed one of our superpowers is that I didn’t come up with it on my own.

What do we do with our greed? We drive other life-forms to extinction. We poison ourselves and the rest of the planet with our leavings. We inspire ourselves to some of the worst behaviors that we are capable of. When we are done with that we tell everyone else not to do what we have done. Maybe greed is our only superpower, hypocrisy and f***ing things up seem secondary to it. Then again, the comic books separate telekinesis, pyrokinesis and flying… It seems like pyrokinesis is just moving molecules with your mind so fast they explode into flames. The power of flight would most logically be explained as self levitation by means of telekinesis. On the other hand, superheroes can fly and they can start fires without being able to move things with their minds….

My inner editor totally rewrote that last sentence before I could stop her, and she has taken control of the backspace and delete buttons again. I don’t see myself as being all that productive today if my inner editor keeps it up. So what if the rough draft will be easier to follow… I am missing out on good thoughts and ideas because of her. Now I have nothing. My inner editor has dragged my inner muse into a dusty janitorial closet and chained her to the slop sink drain. I am not sure who let my inner editor out of her handcuffs. She isn’t creative enough to have figured a way out on her own. Maybe she scolded them into letting her go. I can see inanimate objects being afraid of her. She likes to use the delete button a lot.

I think my inner muse has smashed the cheap plastic slop sink and gotten loose again. I can see the two of them running around in my dusty memories. Editor is running in fear as Muse threatens her with colorful epithets and promises of torture. Editor is throwing boxes to the floor and releasing random thoughts from where she hid them. Like why does my dog like to be sung “You are my Sunshine” I mean it is all gray skies for him. Maybe that is why he likes it. You know, “You make me happy when skys are gray,” would sound to him like he is constantly making me happy. He doesn’t. I get pretty mad at him when he carries a pile of cat s*** up on the bed as a snack. I imagine he calls the litter boxes all you can eat buffets. When one of the cats starts farting warning shots that he is about to use the litter box my dog acts like it is a dinner bell. OMG, this discussion has degenerated to total literal crap… How can I possibly keep up polite conversation with Editor throwing things like that at Muse!

I remember the huge ash tree in the backyard of the last house my parents’ shared as a married couple. There was a bald tire hung from a sturdy branch. I used to like sitting in it and swinging for hours. It was a lot safer than the swing set which wasn’t properly secured in the ground and nearly tipped over when you started swinging on it for that reason. Shut up Editor, it does not matter how I spell reason. Anyway the ash tree was beautiful, and really old, at least fifty or sixty years. The crotch of the tree where the main branches spread out was very near the same height and within leaping distance of the flat roof on the rear addition to the house. There were wooden slats nailed to the one side of the tree to make a ladder up to what may have once held a tree house. I never had the balls to climb it. My sister scurried up and down it many times, I think she even jumped on the roof once.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I still dream about the blue and white house. I know it inside and out. But the version in my dreams no longer exists. Somewhere along the line, one of its owners chopped down the last two trees in the backyard. It was painted in two shades of hospital green when I saw it last. Seeing it that way, physically hurt. That was the last place I had a happy family. I can almost remember being happy there; for all my dad would spank us excessively or lock himself away. Not to mention the horribly overcooked dinners I would spend half the night eating, and then going to bed directly from the kitchen table. They might not all be pleasant memories, but that was the last house of my young life where I felt safe…until I had to make that call. Something about having to send one of your parents to jail does a number on your feelings of safety.

Parents are supposed to love, support, and build you up. Even once she went into actual construction, my mother did her best to be that. My father…I am not sure he ever was that. He didn’t know how to be that. I really can’t imagine what growing up with a dying mother was like. It sure as hell didn’t teach him any of the skills he needed as a parent. I know communication is hard on him, with his hearing loss, and because he doesn’t know how to express himself. (Hey, dad, you still hanging in there?) It is my understanding that he was only passing English comp away from a degree in computer science. I believe he totally flunked it, possibly several times? He doesn’t know enough words to express himself, although I know he is fluent in several computer languages. It is almost like computer is his native tongue. I regularly received his computer hand-me-downs from age nine until at over twenty-one I bought my own computer. That’s that, I became technologically independent. I have since owned laptops, tablets, and now a phone that is smarter than any of the computers he gave me. I’m not writing on the phone right now, but I have.

I no longer need paper to pursue my authorial fantasies. It’s weird. For the longest time I carried composition books to have paper should inspiration strike. I would write in them in pen, to confound Editor. Muse likes the feel of paper and pen, or she used to. My well developed writer’s callus has notably diminished in the last decade. It actually hurts to write too much out long handed. Am I lazy to not want to have to go back and type things over, because handwriting in ink doesn’t really hassle Editor, it just postpones her until I begin typing. My inner Editor can backspace on autopilot, that right there, autopilot was corrected by Editor. I can’t separate her from my fingers tapping on the keyboard, no matter what I try. I feel like I could be ever so much more productive if I worried less about putting a perfect manuscript out on the first try. Just the impulse to delete can derail any valuable insights that might be whirling in the back of my mind.

Thought derailed. My dog is in heat. She has a live in boyfriend. At some point soon I will hear a yelp and discover them stuck together. What would it be like if a pair of humans got stuck. I have heard it happens on very rare occasion. Imagine a pair of teenagers just discovering one another… he gets stuck… they have to call 911… her father is the EMT that responds. His reaction, “Get the jaws of life!” I can just see the blood going out of things. The boy would remove himself and begin frantically grabbing for his clothes, “I’ll be going now, Mr. Father, Sir!” And they never see him again. Sorry, just had to put that out there. I actually do think of things like that, far too often. You don’t even begin to know the trains of thought that pass in the dark reaches of my mind, well maybe you are getting the idea.

So, (imagine me clapping my hands together) global warming, I hear it has officially killed its first mammal. It is- was a little rodent type thing. It looked like it was fairly cute. If people in power weren’t so busy denying global warming, the darn thing might be cute enough to get people to do something about it. Yeah, cuteness is our kryptonite. Show even a razor toothed, tatted biker a picture of a fluffy kitten trying to climb out of a tea cup and they would melt into murmurs about how cute it was. Sometimes cuteness can cancel out our power to f*** things up, or at least slow it down. Occasionally cute little endangered species can manage to stop housing developments. Unfortunately, greed can usually…

My dog in heat just reacted to a bottle of drinking water as though it was holy water and her surname was Dracula. Seriously my love hands me a bottle of water from the fridge and Precious leaped away from it and me. So, of course I held it out in her direction and she ran like our living room was on a marathon route. I chased her butt around the living room with it. It makes me think of the stupid cat videos on the internet that show cats freaking out at cucumbers. My cat loves vegetables I have never shown her a cucumber but I feel like she would just salivate. Googling why cats are afraid of cucumbers. Wow, it is a thing! There are people doing scientific studies on it! Who would have thought? I mean a lot of my thoughts are just random but scaring my cat with a cucumber really would not have come up.

What kind of person would enjoy making their cat jump like that? Sorry, my hypocrisy is showing. I like sneaking up on my cat as she lays in the sunshine, and grabbing her while shouting, “Gaaaah.” She jumps a mile and scratches me. Sooo worth it! Yeah I am a hypocrite. I said they were our superpowers, didn’t I? I embrace my superpowers! Yes, I am a super-villain. The first step in solving a problem is admitting that it exists. So, where does that leave me? Is there any hope that I am not irredeemable? Much of conservative America would say no. Okay hold my horses...not, irredeemable, saying no… A triple negative, my inner editor is apoplectic (A word I understand as meaning “ridiculously upset.”) Poor deary, I have been torturing her quite a bit with this manuscript. Maybe I can get editor to go on strike? Yeah, like that could happen… just in this sentence alone, she has use backspace ten times. I think the only way to keep her fingers off of the delete button is to chop those fingers off. They happen to be my fingers. I am not that self-destructive. Muse would do it though! That bitch is crazy. I think that is how VanGogh lost his ear… editor kept whispering in his ear about the paintings and muse had enough, and a knife. Mental illness is no joke though. Trust me I am not really joking. I have had points in my life where leaving me alone with muse could have gotten me in trouble. I am my own worst enemy, especially when muse and editor get to working together.

Editor doesn’t just critisize my writing. My inner editor has commented on virtually every aspect of my life at one time or another. She has a bad habit of echoing my father’s less than supportive words, “I don’t have a real job,” “I’m fat,” or “If only I actually tried to accomplish something...” Those times muse can be very close to powerless. She is a child at heart, and takes to heart the words of the parent she desperately desires to please. Muse know’s the echoes by heart.

Bummer man! Editor has silenced Muse. She is rocking on her heels, cowering in the corner of my mind humming tunelessly to herself while editor cackles in malicious, superiority near the center of my being. I am doing everything I can not to make a mistake that my inner edititor needs to fix. My psyche is badly bruised and I can blame no one but myself for poking at the livid colors of it. Emotional pain resonates within me.

Today has been a bad day. My sweet beloved is going through her own internal struggles and she cannot keep them from overflowing into our interactions. She awoke in a sour mood and the curdled emotions of that mood have affected me. Whoa awesome, I think I used “affected” properly without Editor’s help, though writing this sentence required five separate instances of backspace use.

The weather is cooling. Winter is coming! I have never watched a whole episode of “Game of Thrones,” so I am just throwing around a phrase I have heard spoken by others. From what I have picked up, doesn’t winter in that world last like generations? I could be wrong… what do they eat? I don’t really care, at least not enough to research the topic, watch the show, or read the books which inspired it. I like science fiction more than fantasy. It was twenty years from the point when someone told me I HAD to read The Hobbit before I ever picked up Tolkien. I liked it when I read it, but not re-reading liked it.

Some things I re-read almost every year or at least every few years. The Stand is one I like to read just as winter is coming on. I read it one year and just as everyone was dying, I was living in a small town where the streets rolled up at six pm and living on Mainstreet I did not see another living soul from my front porch from noon through sunset. That was a lotta bit creepy. Another set of books I read is the Earth’s Children series, Clan of the Cave Bear and the rest… That was another book someone reccomended to me but it was like twelve years before I pulled my nose out of my own ass to read it. I finished the first book and devoured the rest faster than the author could publish them. I like Anne McCaffery’s books too. She has at least three series that I really enjoy, but I mention her more because I mentioned metaphorically devouring books. Sophia, the dog I bottle raised and later lost, literally devoured my copy of White Dragon. I didn’t find that funny at all. She did it spitefully too. I left her to go to school and she was pissed. That shows me for adopting an animal at the beginning of summer break. I had to crate train her after that. Neither of us was happy about that.

I am also a vain reader. I read my own series of novels at least once per year. It helps me keep the ongoing story straight, and the style of writing consistant. When I am actively working on a book I only read books off of this relatively short list because I have fully encorporated them into my style of writing, whereas a new book might change my style mid-book and I really don’t want that to happen. So, I am re-reading Clan of the Cave Bear right now, not because I am working on this, but instead because I am getting ready to work on another novel. I have it started, I am intending to finish it in the next couple of months.

At the mention of working on a novel, Muse has come out of her near catatonic rocking. I am seeing pictures in my mind’s eye of magnificent vistas and glorius battles. Okay, so I have never written a glorious battle scene, but I do have one planned. In my stories it I usually focus on one or two characters. I don’t do large masses of people often, and so far it has never been in a single battle. I guess it comes from my point of view on the world. It is me and my beloved against whatever comes, but fortunately we don’t face armies or huge battle scenes. Usually the villans in our life are singular, or more often, non-corporeal. I sigh, at villains. It is unfortunate but they are found in every life. Sometimes it is us against ourselves, or nature, or the law of man. I say law of man because we are only starting to take into consideration the will of women when it comes to law. We still make less per hour, and have fewer jobs truely open to us. I think I am going to call this chapter done on account of…being done talking about this, for now.

What shall I disturb myself with now? I was…
12 Pages | 2,974 Words | 0 Today

What shall I disturb myself with now? I was talking with my therapist today. (Yeah, I am in therapy. Given all we’ve shared here, didn’t you expect that?) Of course this document came up. I told her about my theory on our superpowers. She smiled nodded and told me I had forgotten our main one, Greed. Her argument brought up her belief that it was the only real deadly sin, since all the others were either caused by greed or were just another form of it. So we are supremely empowered with greed. Yeah, it fits, Trump is a poster child for that too. The only real problem with calling greed one of our superpowers is that I didn’t come up with it on my own.

What do we do with our greed? We drive other life-forms to extinction. We poison ourselves and the rest of the planet with our leavings. We inspire ourselves to some of the worst behaviors that we are capable of. When we are done with that we tell everyone else not to do what we have done. Maybe greed is our only superpower, hypocrisy and f***ing things up seem secondary to it. Then again, the comic books separate telekinesis, pyrokinesis and flying… It seems like pyrokinesis is just moving molecules with your mind so fast they explode into flames. The power of flight would most logically be explained as self levitation by means of telekinesis. On the other hand, superheroes can fly and they can start fires without being able to move things with their minds….

My inner editor totally rewrote that last sentence before I could stop her, and she has taken control of the backspace and delete buttons again. I don’t see myself as being all that productive today if my inner editor keeps it up. So what if the rough draft will be easier to follow… I am missing out on good thoughts and ideas because of her. Now I have nothing. My inner editor has dragged my inner muse into a dusty janitorial closet and chained her to the slop sink drain. I am not sure who let my inner editor out of her handcuffs. She isn’t creative enough to have figured a way out on her own. Maybe she scolded them into letting her go. I can see inanimate objects being afraid of her. She likes to use the delete button a lot.

I think my inner muse has smashed the cheap plastic slop sink and gotten loose again. I can see the two of them running around in my dusty memories. Editor is running in fear as Muse threatens her with colorful epithets and promises of torture. Editor is throwing boxes to the floor and releasing random thoughts from where she hid them. Like why does my dog like to be sung “You are my Sunshine” I mean it is all gray skies for him. Maybe that is why he likes it. You know, “You make me happy when skys are gray,” would sound to him like he is constantly making me happy. He doesn’t. I get pretty mad at him when he carries a pile of cat s*** up on the bed as a snack. I imagine he calls the litter boxes all you can eat buffets. When one of the cats starts farting warning shots that he is about to use the litter box my dog acts like it is a dinner bell. OMG, this discussion has degenerated to total literal crap… How can I possibly keep up polite conversation with Editor throwing things like that at Muse!

I remember the huge ash tree in the backyard of the last house my parents’ shared as a married couple. There was a bald tire hung from a sturdy branch. I used to like sitting in it and swinging for hours. It was a lot safer than the swing set which wasn’t properly secured in the ground and nearly tipped over when you started swinging on it for that reason. Shut up Editor, it does not matter how I spell reason. Anyway the ash tree was beautiful, and really old, at least fifty or sixty years. The crotch of the tree where the main branches spread out was very near the same height and within leaping distance of the flat roof on the rear addition to the house. There were wooden slats nailed to the one side of the tree to make a ladder up to what may have once held a tree house. I never had the balls to climb it. My sister scurried up and down it many times, I think she even jumped on the roof once.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I still dream about the blue and white house. I know it inside and out. But the version in my dreams no longer exists. Somewhere along the line, one of its owners chopped down the last two trees in the backyard. It was painted in two shades of hospital green when I saw it last. Seeing it that way, physically hurt. That was the last place I had a happy family. I can almost remember being happy there; for all my dad would spank us excessively or lock himself away. Not to mention the horribly overcooked dinners I would spend half the night eating, and then going to bed directly from the kitchen table. They might not all be pleasant memories, but that was the last house of my young life where I felt safe…until I had to make that call. Something about having to send one of your parents to jail does a number on your feelings of safety.

Parents are supposed to love, support, and build you up. Even once she went into actual construction, my mother did her best to be that. My father…I am not sure he ever was that. He didn’t know how to be that. I really can’t imagine what growing up with a dying mother was like. It sure as hell didn’t teach him any of the skills he needed as a parent. I know communication is hard on him, with his hearing loss, and because he doesn’t know how to express himself. (Hey, dad, you still hanging in there?) It is my understanding that he was only passing English comp away from a degree in computer science. I believe he totally flunked it, possibly several times? He doesn’t know enough words to express himself, although I know he is fluent in several computer languages. It is almost like computer is his native tongue. I regularly received his computer hand-me-downs from age nine until at over twenty-one I bought my own computer. That’s that, I became technologically independent. I have since owned laptops, tablets, and now a phone that is smarter than any of the computers he gave me. I’m not writing on the phone right now, but I have.

I no longer need paper to pursue my authorial fantasies. It’s weird. For the longest time I carried composition books to have paper should inspiration strike. I would write in them in pen, to confound Editor. Muse likes the feel of paper and pen, or she used to. My well developed writer’s callus has notably diminished in the last decade. It actually hurts to write too much out long handed. Am I lazy to not want to have to go back and type things over, because handwriting in ink doesn’t really hassle Editor, it just postpones her until I begin typing. My inner Editor can backspace on autopilot, that right there, autopilot was corrected by Editor. I can’t separate her from my fingers tapping on the keyboard, no matter what I try. I feel like I could be ever so much more productive if I worried less about putting a perfect manuscript out on the first try. Just the impulse to delete can derail any valuable insights that might be whirling in the back of my mind.

Thought derailed. My dog is in heat. She has a live in boyfriend. At some point soon I will hear a yelp and discover them stuck together. What would it be like if a pair of humans got stuck. I have heard it happens on very rare occasion. Imagine a pair of teenagers just discovering one another… he gets stuck… they have to call 911… her father is the EMT that responds. His reaction, “Get the jaws of life!” I can just see the blood going out of things. The boy would remove himself and begin frantically grabbing for his clothes, “I’ll be going now, Mr. Father, Sir!” And they never see him again. Sorry, just had to put that out there. I actually do think of things like that, far too often. You don’t even begin to know the trains of thought that pass in the dark reaches of my mind, well maybe you are getting the idea.

So, (imagine me clapping my hands together) global warming, I hear it has officially killed its first mammal. It is- was a little rodent type thing. It looked like it was fairly cute. If people in power weren’t so busy denying global warming, the darn thing might be cute enough to get people to do something about it. Yeah, cuteness is our kryptonite. Show even a razor toothed, tatted biker a picture of a fluffy kitten trying to climb out of a tea cup and they would melt into murmurs about how cute it was. Sometimes cuteness can cancel out our power to f*** things up, or at least slow it down. Occasionally cute little endangered species can manage to stop housing developments. Unfortunately, greed can usually…

My dog in heat just reacted to a bottle of drinking water as though it was holy water and her surname was Dracula. Seriously my love hands me a bottle of water from the fridge and Precious leaped away from it and me. So, of course I held it out in her direction and she ran like our living room was on a marathon route. I chased her butt around the living room with it. It makes me think of the stupid cat videos on the internet that show cats freaking out at cucumbers. My cat loves vegetables I have never shown her a cucumber but I feel like she would just salivate. Googling why cats are afraid of cucumbers. Wow, it is a thing! There are people doing scientific studies on it! Who would have thought? I mean a lot of my thoughts are just random but scaring my cat with a cucumber really would not have come up.

What kind of person would enjoy making their cat jump like that? Sorry, my hypocrisy is showing. I like sneaking up on my cat as she lays in the sunshine, and grabbing her while shouting, “Gaaaah.” She jumps a mile and scratches me. Sooo worth it! Yeah I am a hypocrite. I said they were our superpowers, didn’t I? I embrace my superpowers! Yes, I am a super-villain. The first step in solving a problem is admitting that it exists. So, where does that leave me? Is there any hope that I am not irredeemable? Much of conservative America would say no. Okay hold my horses...not, irredeemable, saying no… A triple negative, my inner editor is apoplectic (A word I understand as meaning “ridiculously upset.”) Poor deary, I have been torturing her quite a bit with this manuscript. Maybe I can get editor to go on strike? Yeah, like that could happen… just in this sentence alone, she has use backspace ten times. I think the only way to keep her fingers off of the delete button is to chop those fingers off. They happen to be my fingers. I am not that self-destructive. Muse would do it though! That bitch is crazy. I think that is how VanGogh lost his ear… editor kept whispering in his ear about the paintings and muse had enough, and a knife. Mental illness is no joke though. Trust me I am not really joking. I have had points in my life where leaving me alone with muse could have gotten me in trouble. I am my own worst enemy, especially when muse and editor get to working together.

Editor doesn’t just critisize my writing. My inner editor has commented on virtually every aspect of my life at one time or another. She has a bad habit of echoing my father’s less than supportive words, “I don’t have a real job,” “I’m fat,” or “If only I actually tried to accomplish something...” Those times muse can be very close to powerless. She is a child at heart, and takes to heart the words of the parent she desperately desires to please. Muse know’s the echoes by heart.

Bummer man! Editor has silenced Muse. She is rocking on her heels, cowering in the corner of my mind humming tunelessly to herself while editor cackles in malicious, superiority near the center of my being. I am doing everything I can not to make a mistake that my inner edititor needs to fix. My psyche is badly bruised and I can blame no one but myself for poking at the livid colors of it. Emotional pain resonates within me.

Today has been a bad day. My sweet beloved is going through her own internal struggles and she cannot keep them from overflowing into our interactions. She awoke in a sour mood and the curdled emotions of that mood have affected me. Whoa awesome, I think I used “affected” properly without Editor’s help, though writing this sentence required five separate instances of backspace use.

The weather is cooling. Winter is coming! I have never watched a whole episode of “Game of Thrones,” so I am just throwing around a phrase I have heard spoken by others. From what I have picked up, doesn’t winter in that world last like generations? I could be wrong… what do they eat? I don’t really care, at least not enough to research the topic, watch the show, or read the books which inspired it. I like science fiction more than fantasy. It was twenty years from the point when someone told me I HAD to read The Hobbit before I ever picked up Tolkien. I liked it when I read it, but not re-reading liked it.

Some things I re-read almost every year or at least every few years. The Stand is one I like to read just as winter is coming on. I read it one year and just as everyone was dying, I was living in a small town where the streets rolled up at six pm and living on Mainstreet I did not see another living soul from my front porch from noon through sunset. That was a lotta bit creepy. Another set of books I read is the Earth’s Children series, Clan of the Cave Bear and the rest… That was another book someone reccomended to me but it was like twelve years before I pulled my nose out of my own ass to read it. I finished the first book and devoured the rest faster than the author could publish them. I like Anne McCaffery’s books too. She has at least three series that I really enjoy, but I mention her more because I mentioned metaphorically devouring books. Sophia, the dog I bottle raised and later lost, literally devoured my copy of White Dragon. I didn’t find that funny at all. She did it spitefully too. I left her to go to school and she was pissed. That shows me for adopting an animal at the beginning of summer break. I had to crate train her after that. Neither of us was happy about that.

I am also a vain reader. I read my own series of novels at least once per year. It helps me keep the ongoing story straight, and the style of writing consistant. When I am actively working on a book I only read books off of this relatively short list because I have fully encorporated them into my style of writing, whereas a new book might change my style mid-book and I really don’t want that to happen. So, I am re-reading Clan of the Cave Bear right now, not because I am working on this, but instead because I am getting ready to work on another novel. I have it started, I am intending to finish it in the next couple of months.

At the mention of working on a novel, Muse has come out of her near catatonic rocking. I am seeing pictures in my mind’s eye of magnificent vistas and glorius battles. Okay, so I have never written a glorious battle scene, but I do have one planned. In my stories it I usually focus on one or two characters. I don’t do large masses of people often, and so far it has never been in a single battle. I guess it comes from my point of view on the world. It is me and my beloved against whatever comes, but fortunately we don’t face armies or huge battle scenes. Usually the villans in our life are singular, or more often, non-corporeal. I sigh, at villains. It is unfortunate but they are found in every life. Sometimes it is us against ourselves, or nature, or the law of man. I say law of man because we are only starting to take into consideration the will of women when it comes to law. We still make less per hour, and have fewer jobs truely open to us. I think I am going to call this chapter done on account of…being done talking about this, for now.

October 26, 2021 at 9:04pm
October 26, 2021 at 9:04pm
Can I really pretend this is a polite conversation, when I have been dredging up the crappiest most painful realities I have experienced in my life. Weather deteriorated into a quasi-political rant. My health brought up the bile of bipolar, and my mother’s decision to lie down on railroad tracks. If possible, politics and religion degenerated beyond the disasters Miss. Manners warns of. Holy hell am I digging deep into my dis-functional psyche. I think everyone is now thoroughly aware of my rather twisted views on reality. Does this mean I am deep? Or does it mean I am treading water in the shallow end of our gene pool? I am pretty sure there is no way to discuss politely the shallow end of our collective gene pool, or the superpowers that come with it. After all our gene pool seems to be all shallow end. How can we criticize other species intelligence when we elect people to lead us on a basis of how photogenic they are rather on their competence. What is next for our presidency? A professional wrestler? How about a talk-show host? Or what about one of those oh so good examples of competence in MTV reality shows?

When I think of the future, I can’t help but feel tears welling up in my eyes. They are most definitely not happy tears, but I can’t tell whether they are from desolation or the kind you get when you roll on the floor laughing your ass off. That’s right people I just wrote out a text acronym. If you can’t properly communicate by spelling the words out, how can you possibly read the context when you use an acronym. Smileys and emojis I can see. But taking the meat out of the words and expecting them to mean the same thing? It sounds lazy… but that is coming from someone who loves words enough to have asked for various dictionaries and thesauruses for birthdays and Christmas. Yeah, I am a geek… get over it you have followed me so far. I am soooo not done mixing metaphors to the point I have brought my food processor to bear on them. Lets see; don’t count your eggs until you cross the street, home is where the toilet is, a bird in the hand is worth twice as much as a lucky penny. I really like the layered complexity of that last one, but that is just my two cents worth. I am not just sticking metaphors in my food processor. I am tossing sayings, wives tales and other crap in too.

Have I made clear how much fun I have playing with words and trying to wring new meaning out of words that have existed far longer than I have. It is my hobby, perhaps it will be my vocation at some point. I think things have to get you paid for them to be a vocation, until then words are my vacation. I can vomit up ideas all over the page, sometimes they come out the ass end to. Yea, I write out my ass like Trump speaks out of his. The difference between us: I don’t necessarily expect people to listen. Though if you listen to Trump for long you might notice that he doesn’t seem to expect people to listen either for as much as he contradicts himself and verbally weasels about. Not that I am calling him a two-faced weasel or anything…

You know what I really like, when people find their calling in life and it just happens to mesh with their name. Like a chiropractor named Krickrak, or a house painter named Brush. A trump card is used to win a trick in cards. An alternate definition is a resource to use at an opportune time… So, who is using Trump. Is he in office to use our collective superpowers to soften us up for something worse? Is his, “absolutely necessary,” border wall for some other purpose? I think if he starts moving for one across the Canadian border I am outta here! I don’t want to end up in the middle of some conservative totalitarian state. Totalitarian states tend to eliminate people who do not live up to their norms. Ahem, cough <GAY>, <FEMINIST.> Yikes!!!

I know if Hitler had his way I would be taking a short, “shower,” off a shorter pier. Boy this whole book idea is starting to sound like a bad idea. Do I really want to tell the whole world I am a sarcastic, lesbian, feminist who has little to no confidence in our very popular/vilified president? Cause that is kind of what this is doing. I am telling everybody and god’s developmentally delayed cousin, (You know, the one god put in charge of platypuses, dodos, Trump, and blue footed boobies. ) that is what I am. Leave it to a lesbian to mention boobies.


My inner editor just had a seizure at that paragraph! It is screaming, “DELETE!” louder than a cyberman. At least it isn’t my inner Trump yelling “EXTERMINATE.” I don’t know if I have gone too far… I mean I have always wanted to write a banned book. I feel like banned books are the ones people feel strongest about. If enough people haven’t read them to organize a banning, then they really haven’t been read. Even the bible has been banned. Not that I feel this mess of verbal diarrhea is in anywhere near the bible’s league. Now I am wondering if this is a significant moment in my own history. Is this pile of words what people will remember me by? Will I be remembered at all. At 27 pages, this is the longest I have managed to keep my inner editor at bay in years. It has been about a month for me since I began this verbal voyage, if I don’t count the decades that preceded it and colored my world view. Will this be the work of my life?

I wish I could think that this would actually be published, and read… by a lot of people. At this point I am not sure I even care whether they are fans or hate me to the core. I would like to think that these words would shake something loose inside them. If the time I put into these words makes one person pause in their preprogrammed thought for just a moment and go, “Hmm,” I will have been successful.

This is sort of a second draft of an old purpose. About seventeen years ago, I self published a book of poems and essays, four of the copies I titled, Painted with Words. The fifth I titled, “Who I Am.” I did everything from write to print to hardback binding the copies. I think I donated one to my local library, I gave some to some of my college instructors. I gave one to my mother. The last copy, the one titled, “Who I Am,” I gave to my father in an attempt to get him to understand me. I made the cover from a blue glitter night scene fabric, and spent nearly a week figuring out how to print it out successfully on my printer. At the time I had one of those old black and white printers that required the perforated tractor feed paper with the holes on both sides. Trust me it was not easy, that is why there were only five copies.

Back to the point. I started this voyage, into the darker places in my mind, with the vague purpose of writing something that would help my father understand me better. At this point, I am pretty sure he hasn’t hung in to see where I am going with things. Maybe I need to consider another purpose. To make people think? To express my disgust at modern society? To help me understand myself better. I like you, oh gentle reader, have been surprised and shocked by what has ended up on these pages. I think I have a better understanding of my own life than I did some twenty or thirty pages ago. I am kind of curious what more there is to learn.

I feel pretty wrung out by today’s words. I have had more prolific days than this, but I am not usually so honest with myself or my readers. I write a lot of fiction. I spend hours a day lying to myself about reality. In my little universe, good always beats evil, and there is always a good reason for the bad things that happen, and that reason is discovered before you reach the last page. It helps me face the real reality that those things are rarely true. Superheroes never swoop in and save the damsel in distress trying to teach herself to fly off of a bridge. People hurt people for no good reason, sometimes for no reason at all. Sometimes people hurt themselves worse than other people ever could. Things are lost, for good, and they aren’t discovered to have been merely displaced at the beginning of the sequel. Fact is I can neither confirm nor deny that there is a sequel to this life.

Let’s start with the lies we tell ourselves, “I will just have one more drink,” “I don’t need my glasses for that…,” “I am not cheating on my diet, per se, “I will just make it up next month….” I seem to like lying to myself about the type of person I am. For the longest time I told myself that I like boys. I berated myself for being short and horribly overweight. I thought of myself as doing things a year younger than the other people around me. I defined myself for nine and a half years as a year younger than everyone else in my grade, and that was the one thing that made me special. Dropping out for a semester changed that. I lost some of who I was at that point. After graduation, as I got older that identity as a year younger fell flat. A year younger at what. I was an adult and all the crap I went through in school, all the teasing and abuse coming from my peers that I survived because I was special and a whole year younger than them was long behind me. Except that it wasn’t. I still don’t relate well to other people. For the most part I go through my days sarcastically oblivious to people. The only way I can handle them is by thinking they aren’t there. I don’t listen to people around me for fear of hearing them laughing or whispering. If I heard it I would be certain they were talking about me or laughing at me. Somehow I still haven’t reached beyond the adolescent me that thinks everyone is happier, smarter, prettier,or otherwise better than me, and I am the only one that feels this crappy about myself.

That all admitted to, I do have one shelter from all the storms in the world. She makes me feel special, important, loved, in a way not even my mother could. Since I found her I have known what smiling was for. It wasn’t just what other people did after making a sour joke about my insecurities. I know what happy is for because of her.

For the first few years we spent together she subconsciously attempted to push me away. She had been hurt so many times. I knew it for what it was and I dug in my heels. After a time the waves of self-protective rejection broke over me and she embraced me heart and soul, finally believing me when I said forever. Nine years in, several of the married couples we count as friends are spinning wildly apart and the word divorce is the common topic of conversation. When couples get divorced they expect you to choose sides. You are either for one or the other. This epidemic of separation has made my beloved anxious. She asks if I am mad at her with every other breath. In her sleep she latches onto me and begs me not to leave. I do everything to reassure her I am going nowhere. I didn’t wait more than thirty years to find her to decide monogamy wasn’t for me. I said forever and meant it. I still mean it! I expect to go forward into the sequel to this life with her at my side, FOREVER. I would sooner cut off my right arm than walk away from what we have. Besides, if I left who would clean the cat boxes.

Yes, I am a crazy cat lady. Each of them has a name and I can tell them apart with my eyes closed, except for Callie she is schizo, sometimes she lays down on me like Ruby, sometimes she just walks over me like Smokey. I can tell she isn’t Malachi though, he weighs like thirty pounds. We got his balls chopped and he went into depression, and developed a binge eating disorder. He also has a self-destructive catnip addiction. We have tried interventions… but you try and tell a cat not to do something. It isn’t just cats, we have dogs too. I am much more of a dog person. I understand them much better. When a dog wants something, they butter you up with a stupid grin and those deadly puppy dog eyes. Cats...sometimes they stare at you like they are trying to use the Jedi mind trick, other times they just walk up and start slapping you, either way I am confused.

I love my animals, but I think sometimes I spend way too much time with them, but I like them more than people. The worst one of them can do to disappoint me is have an accident. No big, we only have carpet in one room the rest it’s just a mop and squeegee away from a memory. People can disappoint in oh so many more ways. They lie. They treat one another badly. They don’t apply their brains to problems they apply brute force or worse. People swear and talk behind other peoples’ backs. I question the wisdom of collective society. I think as a species we would have been better off as a species that lived quietly alone until breeding season. Then it would be wham bam thank you ma’am, and everyone would go back to their solitary territory. The one problem is you can’t develop a civilization as a society of one. Language skills would be lacking if all you had to talk to was yourself for the majority of a year. Then men would beat on each other because they wouldn’t be able to discuss who got what female. Never mind that the world is too small for everyone to have enough suitable territory. Okay, so there would be a smaller population, but also, women would have to look after several children at different ages all by themselves, unless the children matured faster. Now we are just discussing an animal population, because there is no way children could learn everything from their mother in one season.

So civilization is dependent on people gathering together. Except when they gather, they tend to become noticeably uncivilized. Damned if we do damned if we don't. The great book of western civilization, The Bible, indicates we are just plain damned regardless of what we do or who we are. I remember being a child and being told I already had god wanting me dead and in hell. I couldn’t even fathom what I could have done to make him so mad, well except for the feelings I had… But everyone started out damned, and most people liked who they were supposed to like. To even think of getting a reprieve we had to apologize to god for every sin everyone before us had discovered, and any more we might think up on our own in the future. If he didn’t want us to sin, why give us free will and creativity. Was it to make us more like her? Does that mean that god can sin? If he made us in his image… now I am flirting with heresy. Okay, so god doesn’t sin but he created it… Why? Why does bad s*** happen to good people? If original sin exists… are there good people? Is everyone just bad? Even the ones who have made their apologies and accepted the gift of god’s own son’s death for our sins. Did I ever have a hope of not being damned even if I could have resisted the temptation of love? Am I damned now? I made my apologies, repeatedly, I accept that Christ died to pay for my sins, especially my sin of love…

Maybe life is just a cosmic hamster wheel. We just keep going around until we drop dead and fall off. I think we’re big enough that god won’t flush us with his goldfish, but how big is god’s toilet. Hmm… probably about the size of a blue-green ball circling a medium sized star. We are just the floaters that haven’t flushed properly. So, people really do end up sleeping with the fishes. I wonder what god has against fishes.

New topic- who decided what written language should look like? I mean was it decided by committee? Or did one dude just say here is an “A” and it sounds like AAAA when you read it. Who decided to separate letters into consonants and vowels? Why couldn’t “O” be a consonant, and “J” be a vowel. I know the establishment of writing was a process through centuries, or millennia bringing us to where we are. Countless generations of scribes were born, worked and died, so I could annoy you with my rantings like this. Let us bow our heads in respect for these underappreciated men and women, but mostly men. Why does “P” begin a word like “penis” but it looks like the side view of a woman’s chest.” One would think that the name for that particular organ would be more phallic looking, like “olo.” Now I am just being silly. We have a phonetic alphabet not a pictographic one. That is a good thing because pornography would be very different. I mean… you wouldn’t necessarily need photos, just the text could be arousing? Nah, Asian alphabets are current examples of pictographic alphabets and I think they still have pictures in their porn, all be it anime, but still erotic images. When I sat down this morning to write, I don’t think I thought the word erotic would come up. I am not sure how I got there from being a crazy cat lady. There is nothing erotic about crazy cat ladies, nothing. Although, cats can be called “pussies….”

That paragraph has me scratching my head. How am I boarding these trains of thought. I don’t know, but I am pretty sure I am not paying for my tickets. I am writing about the journeys though. Hmm does that make me a travel writer? I never wanted to be a travel writer. I am just ever so slightly agoraphobic. I really don’t like leaving the house. If I could afford to get everything delivered, I probably would. I could see me shutting myself in our bedroom and writing nearly constantly. I think it would be just about as close as I may ever get to heaven, just me, my love, and my animals. A pleasurable sigh escapes at the thought of it. The only thing lacking for the fantasy to come true is enough cash flow. Maybe this book is my ticket to paradise? Only you would know. Did you buy this book? Hardcover, paperback, or ebook? Did I end up self-publishing again? Or do I have an actual publishing house signing off on the quality of my words. I might just get banned! Woo to the whoo!

I feel like I am getting somewhere. I have written twenty-two thousand words, hopefully I haven’t bounced about my subjects too quickly to keep up. I suppose I could go back and delete the really impolite stuff, but what in the hell would be left. Let’s ask god’s developmentally delayed cousin… Okay so I might have one half page of boring musings on my cats, and maybe a little about my health and the weather. This is not how I usually am… I am quite polite. I tend not to speak my mind in public, if I speak at all. I do very little to be noticed. I can’t count how often I havebeen in a group of people and had several ask where I was, like I wasn’t in the room. I am a wallflower ninja with natural camouflage even I can’t see. Still this, these words are who I am. I have these thoughts all the time, this is just one of the highly limited occasions I have chosen to give these words an outlet. It is cathartic, and frightening. Some of this I really didn’t realize about myself. Some of it I knew but never admitted to. How could I? So much about them is just so… wrong.

I don’t question god’s existence, but I question my place in his world. How could he make me the way I am and always have been, and condemn me at the same time. Most churches would say, its okay you just have to resist your urges, if you don’t like men just stay celibate. How many of those heterosexual church goers choose to do the same. It isn’t like I am sexually driven, most of our relationship is about our emotional, personal, even spiritual connection. I am supposed to deny that kind of passion just to keep myself out of hell. Yo, heteros you spend your life alone, without your soulmate so you can get to heaven! I would accept your criticism then. Why would god make me this way and expect me to spend my whole life alone and incomplete. What sin did I commit to deserve that. Surely my life is better than one spent lying to myself and my husband every single day, until I resent him so much we end up divorced… Isn’t lying a sin as well. How could I stand before god and promise to love, cherish and obey a husband I am not even sure I like. That would be lying to god too. I was left a choice of three untenable positions, being alone, marrying without love, or sinning against god by loving my soulmate. WTF. Did god wind up this toy just to watch us fail??? Are we the type of toy that is supposed to spin wildly out of control?

I am feeling really low energy again. Writing these kinds of words takes more out of me than the fluffy nonsense scifi I usually write, but I think they are worthwhile. Even if no one else reads them, they are giving me insights on myself. Some that I might not have come across any other way. I mean I knew how I feel about my beloved, but I don’t think I fully expressed it before. Some things I have come to realize because of these words I haven’t found a way to express yet, but we are only twenty-three thousand words in what could be a one hundred thousand word adventure.

Thinking about adventure, I remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. You know the ones where you go to a different page depending on your choices. I would always keep my thumb on the old page until I was sure I wasn’t going to end up dead. They were fun, but they give kids an unrealistic view on life. You can’t leave your thumb on the page for most decisions, and no matter what you choose you end up dead. There is no “safe” path through life. Some choices let you live longer, but you never find out until much later on, long after you would have taken your thumb from the page.

The way my life unfolds reassures me that the plot devices I use in my stories are not entirely inplausible. I mean life happens according to certain patterns. I have noticed that my author is heavy handed with the foreshadowing. Small life events have been fore echoes of larger ones, like Cinder Sue’s diabetes, or the way my mother ended up on the ventilator twice before she ended up staying on it. Another thing is the sarcastic or dark sense of humor my author seems to have. There have been several things large and small; like the kidney stone, or the time I predicted the winning lottery numbers a week before they were drawn and didn’t buy a ticket. Ironic huh.

Yes, some of the foreshadowing in my life has been as subtle as my dreams. For the longest time I had dreams in two flavors. In one type, the normal ones, I wasn’t able to read anything in the dreams. The words would always blur beyond recognition. The other type of dreams, the ones where I was seeing things about to happen, I could read fluently. Like Sofluffy, the dog I raised on a bottle, I saw her in a dream long before my mother ever thought of visiting that junkyard. In the dream she communicated with me and told me I would name her Sophia. A month later I was figuring out how to bottle feed a puppy. The trouble is now I am so used to reading that I read words in my dreams as easily as I see in color. I still have trouble getting my phones to work in my dreams though, but I am a recent convert to smartphones or cell phones in general.

Speaking of phones, did I mention that I wrote an entire page of this manuscript on my phone. I am a cell phone addict now. For the longest time I needed to carry notebooks and pens in case inspiration hit. Then lap tops happened and carrying a computer case worked in my favor. Then tablets happened and I could throw one and a bluetooth mini keyboard in my purse and write anywhere. Eventually even that became a bother. I had switched to mini notepads for ideas, but I have forgotten the pads or pens on occasion and lost brilliant inspiration because of it. Now I just open an app on my phone and… I have a page of text I can copy and paste into any document. I almost never go anywhere without my phone. It even follows me into the bathroom at home, as if I would loose an idea over toilet paper and a walk of ten feet.

I still remember typing manuscripts on an electric typewriter or an early computer the size of a large microwave, which required two five inch floppy drives to write on it. The first drive held the program the second is where I would save the text. The, actually floppy, floppy disk could only hold like twenty thousand words. So it took between two and three floppies to hold a short manuscript divided into three files. Plus it didn’t take much for a floppy to get bent and the data became corrupted. I lost thousands of words that way. It was almost enough to make me quit. But I always kept hard copies, usually handwritten in a little booklet of twenty five sheets stapled together into a fifty page segment. The trouble is my natural handwriting style is something a little less legible than the proverbial chicken scratches. Even I can’t read the early bits. Plus it took forever for me to type it up because until I was sixteen I was a hunt and peck typist. It took less time to hard boil an egg than it did for me to type up a sentence. I could maybe type ten words a minute from a handwritten manuscript. That didn’t even include the time it takes to think of what word goes next, the words were already strung together. Now, thinking up what I am writing and typing it takes up a lot less time and I can read every word. I think I have about a fifty word per minute writing speed and a sixty word per minute speed if I am just transcribing.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China, or the location of Trump’s comb over? Nothing, except it was on my mind. Technology has advanced so fast. I am falling behind on learning about it. That is something that makes me uncomfortable. My true love is tech savvy and about ten years younger. There are times she makes me feel downright stupid, like when I spend five minutes trying to get my phone to do something and she taps it four times and gets it done. When I figured out how to video chat on Facebook, I felt like our nephew making it to the toilet on time. I feel old, older than I am. Pretty soon words and phrases like, whippersnappers or back in my day…, will be coming out of my mouth. My hair is losing the battle against the gray. It was never as thick and luxurious as my love’s but it is thinning out even more. My father’s hair is still thick and only slightly receding. I seem to have been dealt the crap cards, general metabolic issues, immanent baldness, arthritis in my formerly cracked tailbone. I tell you that one is a pain in the ass!

Time to stop bitching about s***. What do I have to celebrate? I have written thirteen books, drawn three coloring books, and have about five books, not including this one, in the works, basically outlined with perhaps a chapter or two written. Those kind of accomplishments are beyond the average. Even if everyone who says they are going to write a book wrote one, very few of them would make it beyond that single book, let alone thirteen, and not everyone who says they are going to write a book ever manages it. I can’t imagine a life where I didn’t finish writing a book. I write books faster than some people read them. I have finished three in one year, not on a regular basis, but it has happened. I feel like I started reaching my writing goals late in life. My early manuscripts were just not organized enough to finish. My writing project from when I was ten until I was fifteen never got finished. There just was no way for me to shape that loose jumble of plot and characters could work. I named the characters after their jobs, like Rocky Stone, team geologist, or Cam Eras, the photographer. The setting for that one was just a false start at the universe most of my books have been written in. At fifteen I gave up on it and started my second book. I was a little more organized, but still wasn’t working from an outline. I kept writing myself into corners and ended up with a mess almost as bad as my first one. I worked on it for about six years. Then I began playing with sculpting my universe into what it is now. I finished my first book at around twenty two, it took about a year and a half from rough planning to finished book. I then managed my second book in a year from formal outline to publication. Books started piling up from there. I had my lulls where I wrote little more than journal entries, but always I would come back to the same characters and universe when it came time for a book.

This book is my odd man out. So far it is nonfiction. I don’t write nonfiction. The words are too real in nonfiction. You start talking about capital “T” truths in nonfiction. I don’t want to go down those roads. I want to stay off of those trains. It is all so much more confrontational than I can handle in public. Thinking about discussing those things makes me want to melt back into the background unnoticed. I want to be so invisible that people ask where I am when I am standing two feet from them. I want to be the quiet one. But, I also want to be heard. I want to put images and thoughts into other people’s minds that they wouldn’t even consider otherwise. I want to make people think about just what normal and safe is.

I am trying desperately to write what I know, or at least what I think I know. These words are a desperate beacon blipping out my existence to the universe, or at least to people I know. I wonder if I have the courage for anyone to read this manuscript all the way through. Am I a coward? I hide. I avoid conflict, but god help you if you threaten someone or something I love. I will bite, claw, kick and pull the hair of anyone who messes with them. Ironically if someone f***s with me I just curl up in fetal position and hope they don't kick me in the metaphorical head. It is like I expect abuse. Like people degrading and devaluing me are just doing what I deserve. I am seriously f***ed in the head! Or are those feelings more common than I think. People aren’t all mean girls picking at your every flaw. I am not the only quiet one watching from the sidelines.

If life were a sport what would it be. This is going to be another f***ed up metaphor because I know very little about sports. I was a year ahead my peers intellectually, but I was in remedial gym. Yes, that is a thing. I literally could not walk and chew gum. I choked on it once. Another time I walked right into a door frame. That’s really okay, back in my day gum was the top controlled substance in school. Chewing on school property was a visit the principal offense. Your parents were called if you were a repeat offender. I still equate gum chewing with hard drugs. Seriously, I only chew it when I have to go through a sharp change in elevation, like going up into the mountains or getting on a plane. Medicinal bubble gum anyone?

Back to life as a sport. I think it is mostly like golf. A lot of hitting goals around and then chase them to hit them again. Or maybe it is like… wait are metaphors the ones where you use like or as, or are similes. f*** if I can remember. Anyway, life is like contact football. You spend your time trying to keep what you care about safe and within your group of friends, the rest of the world just wants to take it and grind you and yours into the astro-turf. If they get a chance they will sack your quarterback. Whatever that means. Maybe I should bury this comparison, in a compost and manure pile. Sports just are not and never will be my thing.

Other than the liking other girls thing I really am a goody two shoes. I don’t smoke and have never tried illegal drugs. I only drink on rare occasion. My big vice is food. I love it and it must love me because every ounce that I eat sticks around on my waistline. I have an almost impossible time losing weight. I can walk five miles in a day and eat less than 700 calories and GAIN weight. Or at least that was how it was before I got put on diabetes medicine. I lost fifty pounds over seven years. My diabetes improved to the point I got taken off of the medication, I regained fifteen pounds in three months. Well, so far I have kept to polite conversation on this page. You know that isn’t going to last though. Don’t you? I think I will put in a chapter break here just to say I had one polite page in this whole damned thing. Oops.

October 26, 2021 at 8:59pm
October 26, 2021 at 8:59pm
Had to leave that train of thought there… or risk shorting out my laptop with tears. Today is my birthday. I am feeling pretty numb. I just really don’t want to feel right now, yesterday was rough. The roughest part was that it was so ordinary. Inside I feel like it should be a national holiday, but people still made plans, went to work, ran errands. I ran errands. I… I don’t know what I feel about that. What is a birthday supposed to be when you are grown up? Do people even celebrate them anymore. Today is pretty much sucking. It would take a lot for it not to suck. I fell down, hard, last night I am covered in bruises. I physically hurt. I am emotionally hurting. It is all so much my mind has really shut down. I was going to talk about things today. I had things to say. I was going to wring meaning out of this weekend. There is nothing there but a dull ache.

How about some polite conversation? The weather is positively dreary today. It is cold, which I don’t mind, but it is also wet, which I do mind. My dogs love this kind of weather. They race outside and wallow in the chilly mud then whine to come in and shake it off, sharing their “fun” with me. I had to shower after my shower. I had to mop the kitchen floor. They had made it slippery and I did not want to fall again. There have been days like this I have had to completely change my outfit because I had perfectly formed muddy paw prints on my chest, or butt.

I hurt. My arm is sore and it is making typing unpleasant. My neck has a kink in it and, I just hurt okay? I feel like being unreasonably grumpy today. Nobody deserves it but I still feel like just being a plain argumentative bitch. Lucky for them I didn’t sleep well. I just do not have enough energy to manage it. I could probably take a nap right now. Some asshole called at dawn thirty and woke me up. I won’t mention his proper name but he is on my official s*** list today. I don’t foresee that position down grading any. Especially when I really want to be bitchy! Crappy birthday to me, Crappy birthday to me, who gives a f*** that it’s my birthday, crappy birthday to me.

Bad mood’s happen. The key is to roll with them until you roll out of them. If you fight them too much you can end up wrapped up in them for much longer. Then you are the bad kind of brooding, sullen. I like words. They can express so much. Especially when they are written. Stringing them along like beads can soothe or it can rile. Words have started wars and put ends to them. Words are the seeds of revolution and of common sense. We would not be an independent nation without the written word. There is no way that the signers of the Declaration of Independence would have had the balls to walk up to the king and say it to his face instead.

How powerful does that make a picture? In the math of things, they are supposed to be worth a thousand words. Written ones? That is powerful. One picture taken by a journalist in Vietnam turned an entire country against the veterans of that war. It took more than a generation for them to receive the respect they deserved. The journalists in The Gulf were a little less sensationalist, and we sort of won those wars…. Is there any such thing as winning a war? Even with the best in training and weapons both sides both loose troops, living men and women that are no longer there for their families. Property is destroyed, sometimes property of great cultural value. Even when the war is contained, overseas, that doesn't mean the loss is nothing to the country not being invaded. A great deal of history and prehistory has been lost, often to the point that the civilization that “loses” becomes a myth. With as often as they have been invaded and conquered, there has to be a divine force protecting the Jewish people, since they still exist, heck they have even been restored as a nation. When was the last time you met a Babylonian, or a member of the Olmecs? Not every society has been so favored. You know that is probably why many Arabic people hate them so much. No one has given their fallen civilizations much of a do-over. It smacks of favoritism. Or guilt… maybe because Hitler nearly wiped them out? A lot of countries considered Jews a nuisance until “The Final Solution,” was put in motion. Then the world did a collective “My Bad.”

Cultural groups, races and countries aren’t the only things that are persecuted. I am talking bullies. Juvenile humans can be the worst behaved animals. Mid-teenaged individuals can be the worst. They go from moderately civilized in junior high, to completely inhumane over one single summer. Most blame it on the changes involved in puberty. I agree, the main one being their sense of empathy. I would put forward that they do not lack empathy, rather they suffer of an overabundance. Unfortunately, it is not finely tuned or understood. They see the fronts others put on and mimic the “okayness” of their peers, while inside they feel alienated and confused. Since everyone is fronting they believe they are the only one who feels like s***. The baser instincts and a warping of the “golden rule” leads teens to attempt to do unto others as they have done unto you. So they are caught between clawing for independence from their parents and trying to get into the group of “Happy People” in school. The teenage years are s*** served up on a rusty hubcap.

That was the first two years of high school for me. Then, somehow I managed to find a high school full of people who were decent to each other. I went from “Lord of the Flies” to civilization. I loved my last three years of high school. I was active, I lettered in Drama, though I am not the best actor. I was really good at sets and costumes though. I was also on the Knowledge Bowl team. It was like Jeopardy, only with teams of four. I didn’t have the reflexes to buzz in fast enough but I usually had the answer, I wasn’t necessarily the smartest on the team, but I knew the most trivial things.

With a deep sigh I leave the pleasant memories and drag myself back across the border into “Impolite” territory. The government is about as coordinated and logical as a manatee on land. I don’t want the government to collapse under the weight of its collective stupidity, but it is incredibly likely. We elected a businessman I know has been in bankruptcy at least once into the highest office of our land. It is probably because he was a reality TV star. Now I know the fear my parents must have felt when an actor was elected. That didn’t go too badly. Maybe this will end well? I don’t know about that though. He seems intent into starting a war with immigrants that just want asylum.

Said president is bent on building a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. He is willing to shut down the government not once but very probably twice to try and get it built. I have some strong reservations about this wall. A wall which is secure enough to keep people out, is just as good at keeping people in. Considering I am not sure the president isn’t the Antichrist, I really don’t want something like that blocking me from fleeing into “uncivilized” areas. If he is the Antichrist, then I figure the only safe places will be in South America, there is still plenty of rain-forest to hide in. Actually that is the biggest argument that he isn’t the Antichrist. I figure before the Antichrist comes along that we will have successfully destroyed the wild places of the world. There will be nowhere to run. Still, I wouldn’t mind having that back door left open. f*** the wall! The way the dumbass is going he will run our country into another Great Depression, and all the illegal immigrants will be running across the border in the other direction for a better life. I might join them. At least they know how to treat one another.

There are times that I really worry that some kind of Armageddon is soon to come. I fully admit I have fantasized being able to create a self-sufficient compound for friends and family. It would have everything culturally necessary to restarting civilization. The fact is though, if civilization did collapse, there aren’t enough of the easily accessible resources necessary to restore it. We have mined all the easily mined minerals, we have to move mountains to get at them anymore. Oil is running out and the cheap energy it provided was necessary to fuel civilization to reach as far as it has. Most of the post petroleum technologies rely on a continued supply of oil to reach levels where they are self sustaining. If we use up oil before establishing them, we might get knocked back into the stone age, permanently.

The damage we have done to the natural world is such that any survivors of the collapse would be hard pressed to survive. We have lain waste to entire swaths of rain-forest, they are so nutrient poor it could take millenia for them to support even a quarter of the diversity they once had. Of course that diversity will have been long gone by then and nature would be doing its damnedest to refill niches. The nutrients in the soil of our farmlands have been depleted by factory farming to the point that they require fertilizer to grow nearly anything. Unless we correct these practices soon, a lot of people could go very hungry in the deserts the farmland will become. Civilization is affecting weather patterns and global warming doesn't help in the least, even if it is not entirely our fault. I am not really optimistic about the future.

Heck we might not have enough time to worry about environmental collapse, the turd in the presidential seat might just get us nuked by our allies before we can totally f*** the environment. I really don’t feel optimistic about his legacy. I think I would even vote democrat to oust him, and I am not a democrat, or a regular voter.

How much about me is regular? My feet are too small, I can wear size three shoes. My waist is larger than average, my BMI is in the obese range. Actually that might make me average. I think of myself as too short and too fat. The family I have fallen into thinks of me as skinny, and they aren’t that heavy. I have noticed something anecdotally. When I go to church, I tend to be one of the taller people, and yes I appear thinner, but compared to the population at science fiction conventions I am short and fat. Is the forward thinking nature of science fiction more attractive for the tall beautiful Darwinian success stories. Does that make churchgoers the next replacements of neanderthals, an evolutionary dead end? No, religion encourages reproduction and the dystopian nature of science fiction encourages birth control. It really is not uncommon to hear many variations on, “I don’t want to bring children into the world as it is,” coming out when sci-fi fans discuss children and reproduction.

Church and sci-fi fandom are the two major groups I have identified myself as a member. Recently I have been considering participating in the LGBTQ community. Even consideration was more than I ever thought I would get to, Hellfire and all. I don’t really understand myself completely on this account. If I admitted to my feelings, I spent the longest time contemplating my damnation, but I have had friends and acquaintances with non-standard preferences and never thought of them going straight to hell. I remember the gay couple that lived in our driveway while they renovated their camper home for a cross country excursion. I remember the transexual woman my mother worked with at drywall finishing. There were others, none of them seemed damned at the time. They were good people that happened to feel differently about their sexuality. Even knowing them I was courting damnation for the longest time for my own feelings.

Feelings, I find, are best put down on paper. It is easier to trace their source when you are staring at them. The sense of damnation could have come from my long ingrained belief in my own inferiority. I couldn’t put a finger to anything I was inferior at, but I always felt I was never… enough. I can trace why I feel I am overly short, I went into school a year younger than everyone else, and was quite reasonably shortest of my peers. The feeling of being fat stems from my growth spurt where I began growing out of waistbands before length. I am clumsy and uncoordinated. I am not technically mobility impaired, but I am not much more than adequate when it comes to getting around. I have good stamina. When I have to I can walk several miles to get where I need to be, or I can stick to a job until it is done, without breaks. Why do I think I am so inadequate? My eyes are dry but the question threatens tears.

Writing, that is one thing I can do well. I have written over a dozen sci-fi books. I rely on spell check but who doesn’t anymore? I don’t like writing reality based things. I usually write to escape the uncomfortable questions and problems of reality. Writing lets me turn the unfixable circumstances into a tiny bump in the plot easily solved with one Maguffin or another. When my characters need a safe place, I create shields that somehow block their enemies from entering. When my characters are injured or sick, nannites or scanners and laser surgery fix them. Heck they can read each other’s minds, so crime is something nearly impossible to pull off. In my little universes no one is murdered or raped, war is over in a few chapters, and the worst of all evil is contained in what appears to be a marble. (Actually the marble bit hasn’t been written in yet, but it is outlined.)

All that said, why am I still writing this over twenty pages in? Short answer I let some trusted people read it. They raved and insisted I keep going. But that is not why, if I am honest with myself. I think that is it, these words are the first time I have really been honest enough with myself about any of this. Well, not the first time, I wrote an essay in college. The assignment was to commemorating someone or something. Hey want to read it? Here it is.

November 21,1996

I love You!

A young child sits with a box of crayons and her little spiral notebook. She calls it her Book. It is February 13, the day before Valentine's day. Today she made valentines in her first grade class. The girl is proud she learned to write "I love You!" Now she sits with her crayons and decides to make a valentine in her book. It will be for someone special! The crayons are not grown up enough to make this special valentine for this special person, so she goes to get a pen.

First comes the gigantic letter "I" it goes from the top of the page to the bottom. Then a slightly smaller " love". Below the love she writes a tiny little "you", because she made the love so big there was little room left. Last comes the huge bubble exclamation point that she fills in with black ink.

A young girl sits in the center of piles of spiral notebooks and other papers. She calls them her books. It is the day after her father tried to hurt her mother. It is the day after she called the police on her father. She did nothing in her fifth grade class, because she did not go to school. The girl is angry and afraid! Now she sits with her notebooks and decides to tear them up. It will be because she lost someone special. The books are not grown up enough for someone that called the cops on her father, so she goes to tear them up.

First out comes a page of gigantic numbers. The rip goes from the top of the paper to the bottom. Then the page with a slightly smaller alphabet. On the page below that are teddy bears and flowers, ripped out because he made the love so small they didn't fit. Last page comes the huge "I love you," with the exclamation point filled in with black ink.

She stops. Who was the special person she wrote this to? It was someone proud that they could write "I love you," and happy because she meant it. That was who she wrote it to. Her eyes fall to the paper, she reads emphasis in the gigantic letter "I." "I love me?" the girl asks herself aloud, not knowing if the, lost someone special can be found. It sounds good. She says it again! "I love me." It feels good! She shouts it. "I love Me!"

A young woman sits at her computer, near a disk she calls her book. It is November 27, the day before Thanksgiving. Today she boiled potatoes and defrosted turkey. The girl is stressed she needs to write an essay. It must be about someone special! None of the people she can think of are any more special than any other. So she goes to get her files to find someone she wrote about before.

First comes a gigantic file labeled history reports. Then a slightly smaller file called TV people. Below the files lies the cover marked My Book. Last beneath that cover lies the page with the huge "I love you," with the exclamation point filled in with black ink.

So she-I commemorates this woman, girl and child.

I’m back, funny that essay comes back to me so near Valentine’s day. I don’t know what happened to My Book, it was safely packed in one of the boxes stacked in storage in the house I had to give up. That was before a couple of preschool children moved in with their mother. I have little hope that I will see it again. That page should be mounted and framed. It has helped me so many times when I was very deep in the dark places of my mind. I could recreate it… I just might. Maybe I will play with the words in my art journal. Here I am making myself cry again, and I wondered why my English composition teacher referred me to student services for counseling.

It seems like every time I let the real words inside me out on paper, someone asks me if I want to hurt myself. One of my beta readers for this, whatever it is, essay, book… one of my beta readers asked me if I needed to go in (to the hospital.) Okay, so my real words come from a dark place. I have seen a lot of dark places. Shortly after my dad left us my mother saddled me with the knowledge that if she hadn’t aborted my older sibling or siblings, she would never have gotten pregnant with me. I wouldn’t exist. What child is ready to hear that someone had to die for them to be born…. Sorry mom, you weren’t perfect. You did make mistakes and telling me that was one of them. She had named him, her or them PB, every so often she would wistfully mention PB and I got a knife to my gut. I would spend the next two days worrying that she felt ending them and making me possible was a mistake. I was a planned mistake. My sister has it worse. She was conceived to fix my parent’s marriage, and the experiment was a failure, probably because my dad repeatedly argued she wasn’t his. I am absolutely sure my mother slept with no one but him.

God, this is dark. I need to light things up. Polite conversation time, but wait even that has been deteriorating into a dark place, global warming, debilitating depression, hellfire and brimstone. How about a light and fluffy subject? Puppies! Puppies are good. Have I mentioned that I had a dog my sister was named after? I can’t remember and I don’t want to lose the flow by looking over what I have already said. So, yeah, I had a dog named Melissa for over a year before I had a sister named Melissa.

Melissa Puppy was never a mother, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. We tried for puppies. We got her a male companion she was quite fond of, but there was never a litter. I also remember my first cat. It was a gift from Charlie. I am fairly certain I have mentioned him if not I will… I named the cat Mikiki. Miki never had kittens, even after we brought her home a male for the express purpose. We also had 40 guinea pigs at one point but I only considered one of them mine. Her name was Flan, like the Hispanic pudding. She was less than a month old when I got her from the breeder. Her mother had died or refused to nurse her and she was a vet trip away from heaven. The breeder gave her to me for free because after taking care of Sophia, I was willing to try to save Flan. We grabbed Mexican food on the way home and I fed flan some of my flan on the way home, instant name. Flan probably had some internal defects. She never reached the normal size for a guinea pig. She had other issues, like when she got too upset she would pop her eye out of its socket and we had to put it back in. We gave her a cage mate at one point, and it was the biggest mistake. We thought he was a she, and Flan got pregnant. The babies didn’t make it to full term and delivering them left her back end paralyzed. She had to be put down. It about killed me.

Anyway… I know I haven’t mentioned the belief I carried from some point between Mikiki and Flan that their being barren was god gently explaining to me I would never have a baby. I was never desperate to be a mom, but… I still believe it was a message from above, just like Cinders. None of my animals had any offspring until after I formed that opinion and accepted it. That acceptance made a continued message unnecessary. My cat had babies last month.

There have been lots of points where I could practically feel god yelling messages at me like that. The main ones were the April fools kidney stone, Cinder Sue getting diabetes, and the one about my fertility. I know god exists as completely as I know water becomes ice. Coincidences seem to me to be far too coincidental. I think the great big author in the sky inserts foreshadowing and symbolism as much as I do. I wonder sometimes when I am manic if god is having a hard time sleeping, or when I am sleepy if god is trying to sneak in a few pages before going to sleep. Seeing god as an author is the way I can best understand his, her existence. I wonder if she outlined things or if we are off the top of his head. Does god edit things. Does she have a giant delete button? Does he ever have to ctrl+alt+delete reset things? How many times has god lost a hundred pages because of a faulty memory card? Or does god write longhand. Is prehistory prehistory because god lost the section he wrote about it?

If the universe is god’s novel, who are his main characters? Jesus of course, and Moses, Methuselah? God help us all if Trump is a main character, I pegged him as comic relief. I don’t know which archetypal descriptor worries me more, comic relief or Antichrist. If he is the Antichrist, then hello Armageddon. If he is comic relief, does that mean that the plot is about to take an ironically unfunny turn? Hello, Armageddon. God must be sleepy, I am yawning as I type. Maybe I shouldn’t put too much reliance on this metaphor. It was fun to entertain.

Good morning all, today is positively dreary. The sky is white, and the temperature is low, possibly below zero. Snow is probable. It is winter. Winter, what a strange word. If you didn’t know its meaning it would be one of the stranger ones, I think. Then again, most words are fairly odd, especially in their written forms. How natural is it that certain assemblages of patterns should have such specific meanings. Words, chimpanzees don’t possess many and they survive just fine. They still can go to war, but their wars don’t risk every life on the planet. Imagine world war chimp, not going to happen. We have far more words, what is worse is that they each can possess so many meanings. Just a change in tones can even turn, “I love you,” into a sarcastic insult.

I love words, but I have to wonder if humanity wouldn’t be better off if we did not have so many. Two people can be speaking the same language but can place far different meaning on words than the person they are sharing them with. When talking the tone and body language helps, but written or “texted” words don’t have those cues. It is up to the mood of the reader and the context to decide which tone is being used by the writer. Texts are the worst. There aren’t by necessity enough words to catch contextual cues and the short-cut acronyms can cloud things up even worse than that for anyone not familiar with them. ROTFLMAO, my grandmother would think I was speaking in tongues. The meaning of many words depends on context and shared understanding.

In the past, like my grandmother’s childhood, “Gay” was a feeling of happiness, “Queer,” meant odd or puzzling. How did they become derogatory terms for groups of people who just come from a different point of view? I have heard of “Boston Marriages,” which were an acceptable form of same-sex relationships way back when. Words can exclude people or include them. Words, despite the rhyme, can hurt very much. My sister is not a Worm, she is a person. My beloved is a woman but we are not Gay. We love each other. Why do people want to hurt us with words because of that love?

Will there ever be a time when “Straight,” will become a swear word. Has it in LGBTQ circles? I can’t rightly say. What I can say is that if it has, then the ones using it as such are hypocrites. I guess that would make them human. I think I found another human superpower, hypocrisy. It isn’t as powerful as screwing things up, but racially speaking, it is a newer ability. We were screwing things up before we learned our advanced language skills. We are like children we have learned about swear words and we are really taking advantage of them.

Hey, I just had a disturbing thought. If humanity's main superpowers are screwing things up, and hypocrisy, then our electing Trump was inevitable. Follow the logic, superpowers, Trump. He is the poster child for screwing things up, and hypocrisy. We were destined to elect him. SCARY, huh. I wonder if we have any other disturbing superpowers. Dear God, I hope not, but we will see.

If you could see me you would see a plump woman sighing deeply at our species stupidity. It frightens me that Trump is swimming in the same gene pool. His mere existence means it is much shallower than I would prefer. I would like to blame the population bottleneck that anthropologists theorized occurred in prehistory. We came very close to extinction before we had much of a chance. I think our survival alone demonstrates the reality of divine intervention. Us being here is one of god's true miracles, though the autocorrect gave me the idea that “mistake” would be a good replacement word. I wonder how many times a decade he sits back and hangs his head in disappointment at our collective behavior. Why is it when I think of god's disappointment that he becomes fully and decidedly Male. Decades of fatherly disappointment?

My dad has never had a single reservation about outlining my every flaw. My hair tends to be mussed. I never smell pleasant enough. I don’t have a “real” job. I waste my time writing. Boy if this gets published will it prove him wrong on that account. Actually in the last few years he has been almost supportive of my writing.

Actually I kind of miss him at times. He still lives in Colorado, I haven't seen him much since I moved east, but that isn't his fault. That concession is a big one on my part. There was a point in my life when I felt like he was a supervillain, but then aren't we all. I said we had superpowers, not that we were superheroes. At best humans are the kind of antihero you could almost root for. We don’t exactly have a sympathetic backstory. We started raping the natural world almost as quick as we could depersonalize it. I seriously wonder if, as a whole, humanity is at all redeemable.

What we need is to have God spank us good and send us into the next decade without any supper. Here We Go Again, an odd word. Supper, where I grew up we called it dinner. We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now there is brunch, supper, and high tea too. I would also like to mention the second breakfast of the hobbits. There are an awful lot of words relating to food. Hmm I am kind of obsessing about food now. I wonder if God is hungry right now.

I just ate. Now I am feeling tired. My eyeballs ache. I might have a sinus infection or I could just be a hypochondriac. I do have a history of psychosomatic illnesses. My brain doesn't always act like it is on my side. I know I mentioned my history of depression. It is due to a chemical imbalance. I am a bit more unbalanced than many. There is a family history. So I probably shouldn’t make an issue of other people making the gene pool shallow.

I have written a lot today. I have shuffled alongside many a train of thought today. Sometimes I overthink things. Okay, a lot of times I overthink things. Another name for overthinking things is worry. I am addicted to the art of worrying. I can worry myself up into a fine state over nearly nothing. I am not sure if it is a superpower or a weakness. Hmm, superpower, I am Worry Girl. Duh da dun, I can turn any anthill into an insurmountable mountain, or a slight drizzle into a deluge. Some f***ing superpower, add to it f***ing things up and hypocrisy. I am truly dangerous, but mostly to myself. I am my own arch-nemesis. Who isn't?

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