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Review of NANOWRIMO  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC K8! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

Your inspiring note showed up on the Random Reads today so I thought I would say YAY and GOOD for YOU for jumping into NANOwriMO! *Salute*

It iw wonderful that your children are excited for you too. It is so great to have a cheer squad to keep the blahs away and to remember that the idea is to write without the critic voice! *Smile*

Do you mean STATIC item for SYatic item. I think it is a typo. *Wink* and "Im" needs to be "I'm" but don't sweat the small stuff. You are NANO ing! *Bigsmile*

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm. Good luck with the task! *Starstruck*

PS did you join the NANO wrimo group here or did you miss it? Great support. "NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon
Might be late to join the fun here--but you can find others involved in Nano! *Heart*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

Review of Bad Move  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloonp* Hiya winklett! This little poem popped up on Random reads! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

The title made me curious so I had to read on and was happy to be entertained by your short rhyming verse. *Delight* I like the idea of your first line--like a dictionary entry. Brilliant.*Star*

The poem was fun to read with its consistent rhyme, and alliterative quality. I like how the words flowed off the tongue especially with its consonance. The enjambent in line one was effective as well to emphasize the action of "swish". I wondered about adding the word "a" before "reptile's.." though I do see your lines are balanced with syllable counts, which is so cool too.

The description of images was vivid and the notion of "witless" and the last words were appealing and clear in meaning! *Thumbsup* I had to smile! And say aww! at the same time.

Thanks for sharing this unique creation which gives a clear observation to define the mangrove environment. Well done! *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fairy* HI Pure SciFi! Oh my gosh!*Shock**Delight* These cnotes are absolutely stunning and so cool for the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group group. I love the space theme as I see our Power ship flying through WDC Space. The coloured fonts are happy and positive like rainbows and make me think of our quality of kindness and fun!

This is a wonderful contribution and surprise for us all! Having one for each occasion like Anniversary, Birthday, New crew and Just thinking of you is convenient and practical! I will be using these for sure!

Home Away from Home is awesome thought as we do kind of get addicted here. *Laugh*

I would have no idea how to do this. Good for you!!

You so rock for creating this to make the group shine. And They will come in useful for our 10th anniversary celebrations next year. I am so thrilled. I have to go send one! *Wink*

Thanks for your creative vision! *Starstruck* If you like I will add this shop to our "Superpower Reviewers HUB and mention it in my next group note! *Heart*

*Salute* Power Crewman!

WDC Power Personal Star sig
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Treepine*Greetings! Thank you so much for entering the "Haiku Hunt Contest! *Delight* Here I am with my brief comments on your shining entry.

This is a fascinating poem and my mind pondered your two contrasting images that may or may not be. I saw a poor woman show up at the door and then we switch to a squirrel mother. I am not sure if you meant those two images--it is what I saw--which adds to the surprise element so hard to get in haiku. The drawing of the reader's mind to reach their own conclusion and enter the dream is part of haiku magic.

I might have dropped the word "mother" as you say "with child" and so we can assume the noun.

I could really see the image of the squirrel as begging for food too. *Smile* With the word "she", one does relate to the squirrel where at first I got the idea of a woman. Nice play!

Thanks for sharing your vision and creation of haiku! *Starstruck*

Good luck in the contest! *Shamrock*


** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Balloonp* Hi Lelouch! This interesting item popped up in the Random reads today! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

*Star*What Brilliant idea to tabulate and expand on your interactive characters. Wow! You really know them well and have lots of interesting details that wrtiers could use in the interactive. Impressive and well conceived.

I like the idea of adding the characters that other writers add during the interactive as well. It makes a handy reference if folks need to quickly get a handle on whose you---especially inf interactive is long and new ones may not be reading it all.

The scope of characteristics held by the characters is wide and makes for interesting possibilities of interaction!
I get a feel that you really appreciate the interactive and its participants and really want the story to rock!

It was pretty easy to read and follow too. I noticed "tuotor" should be "tutor" if you mean mentor under Melanie Silverman. *Wink*

I am sure this will be a helpful reference for your interactive and does save space on its intro page! Good thinking. *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

Review of Mom  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC thomasmcharg! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

This wonderful tribute to your mom touched my heart too with its gentle sincere voice. The picture you share of mothers is vivid in the examples of her wisdom and caring that you chose. *Thumbsup*

The poem seems to be a freer style though it does have consistent rhyme scheme and it flows well. There are places where the rhythm count is not exact but it did not take away from the read and meaning.

I did notice the rhyme pattern where every two lines rhymed. IT was off a bit in the middle with "near" "be" and "dear". tough to get those ideas in and rhyme. The poem was still pleasing to read aloud.

I did wonder at the one longer line ending in reside. It did throw me out a bit. I wonder as the idea of "going to God" and "heaven" has similar meaning, you could just use one of the symbols to help the flow. eg. "you've gone to Heaven, where you now reside". Or not, as your intent may be it emphasize both as you do mention her love for God. I was just speaking about the poetic flow. Only a POV. *Smile*
Might need to tweak the grammar of the line though.

I just had an idea for the rhyme there--as I see you have an off rhyme with "eyes". Maybe get an image of "skies" or "rise". *Wink*

The overall feeling and flow of the poem is strong as you have us enter the experience and many can relate to the mom archetype. The voice is so personal and vulnerable and easy to receive its message. It feels like it could be about your own mom. Good job! *Star*

*Fairy* Thanks for sharing your vision and craft.

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pay It Forward  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Heart* Helloooo Bears! I could not pass by this altruistic program in my search for Positive uplifting items at WDC as part of my "a very Wodehouse challenge! *Wink*
I have been the recipient of such wonders and it lightened my spirit and my day! *Delight*

*Sun* It is marvelous that you created this based on that movie and your intent is very clear as to what you do. Your explanation and rationale is detailed and easy to follow on a page that is organised and appealing. Very professional style with a friendly inviting voice.

*Sun* I like that you clarify what you are not and cannot do so people cannot misundertand your function.

*Sun* I was struck by the line "we try to help where we can". I think it can be more potent to say "We help where we can." The last bit cancels the need for try. And in the words of YODA--no try, do! LOL The energy of try in also heavy to me.
You either sit or not, not try to. You have made clear what you do and why. *Wink*

*Sun*I wondered if it would be of value to link your Guest book or other forum for readers to find to see more. *Wand* Curious minds want to search. *Glassesp*

*Starstruck* This is a well conceived and inspirational program and I appreciate its longevity and *Heart* Thanks for sharing the dream and vision of a supportive
community who contributes because it is kind and fun and says we are all loved. We are all in it together on this planet after all. Thanks too for acting on the vision and inspiring us to do so! *Angel* Carry on. *Butterfly* *Fairy*

A  birthday gift

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Sun* HI Jay! I was searching for positive uplifting vibes as part of my "a very Wodehouse challenge and was drawn to this shining item! *Delight* The title was evocative in its contrasting the two ideas and I was curious to read it.

*Sun* The poem is a lovely tribute to the notion of determination, teamwork, doing your best and that winning is not always the important thing and to persevere can lead to the most unlikely winners. Your chosen examples are heartwarming and the images are vivid. I was caught up in the positive vibes that are reflected in each verse. I could really see that little "fat boy" kicking his heels. *Delight*
You really capture the essence and strength of the human soul and how the good vibes of others can help rally others. *Thumbsup* And even failures can lead to triumphs.

*Sun*I was inspired when reading of these events and some I do recall!

*Sun*The poem is well structured and fun to read with a consistent rhyme scheme and pleasing rhythm.

*Sun*Thanks for sharing this upbeat and moving expression that evokes us to ponder what greatness we may have within, as these folks found out. What else is possible?

Keep on sharing you light as you write on, being the *Star* you are. *Starstruck*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Sun**Delight* Hello Kiya! I was cruising WDC seeking Positive and inspirational vibrations for the "a very Wodehouse challenge and saw this shining there. Can't believe I haven't seen or reviewed it before now! *Shock**Sad*

*Ribbonp* The concept of offering a challenge to inspire as you were inspired is brilliant and a ray of hope and light as indeed, so many people suffer with this illness. The facts you share are chilling and the courage of survivors and those who deal with it, win or lose, is incredible and gives the rest of us pause. Your intent for running this challenge is clear and I like how everyone can be included.

*Buttonp*The rules are well laid out and the date easy to find. The mission of a personal letter will give the responses potency--good call! *Smile*

*Painting* The page is so aesthetically appealing and well organized as it catches the eye and reflects a upbeat vibe. Pink serves the cause well too in keeping in line with the pink ribbon symbol. I love the vivid picture that exudes joy in the midst of it all!

*Trophyb*The prizes are incredibly generous too! *Heart*

*Tulipp* I notice the link to Susan Gorman leads to a page no longer there. *Wink* Yep , I was curious so I checked it out. *Smile*

You are such a beacon of light here as your vision is a fabulous way to celebrate Cancer Awareness Month, and do your bit to get folks involved in raising vibes to counter this disease. *Angel**Starstruck* Thanks for your contribution to the light of the world. *Heart*

Keep on shining like the *Starp* you are!

Sig for WDC Power Reviewers to share
Review of Autumn Leaves  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Pumpkin**Leafr*Halloooo ! I am here with a review to celebrate you in our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Fall into Hallow-Scream Raid! *Jackolantern*

*Delight*Wow! I have never heard of this type of poetry so I was curious when I saw your tagline.
Thanks for sharing the rules for the form. I would put them at the end of the page to give your poem the top spot as it deserves. *Wink*

*Treefall3*The theme is clear and I was charmed by the vivid images. I had to smile at the end as I imagine one hiding in the leaves like a little cave. It is so childlike and sounds fun. It really suits the Children's Genre as well. The language is kid friendly.

*Pumpkin* The form is well constructed and I can appreciate how tricky this would be, especially the third line having to rhyme as well. The flow was pleasing and the use of consonance and assonance added to the overall effect as I read aloud. The enjambments are effective. I liked the emphasis on "I'll" and leaves us hanging for a surprise. Well done! *Sun*

*Leafr*Thanks for sharing this delightful vision. I am inspired to try one of these! *Star*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*


** Image ID #2060108 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Pumpkin**Leafr*Halloooo thea marie! I am here with a review to celebrate you in our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Fall into Hallow-Scream Raid! *Jackolantern*

*Leaf*Wow! These photographs are stunning and captivating, bringing the beauty of fall to the screen! The title caught my eye in my search for fall items to review. I love the play on the word "seen"! Brilliant and fun!

Your short intro explained your mood and intent and it is interesting how the mood you started out with contrasts with the joys of fall! You really showed how nature can indeed be inspirational and lift the spirit. I always feel received by nature--it doesn't judge me and my being can just breath and be!
I like how you allowed nature to change your mood. Having this collection is uplifting I am sure.

One little glitch that struck me was the part: "and my muse --needed" I felt there was a word missing in the flow. *Wink*

Thanks for sharing this marvel. It made me day!! *Starstruck* Catching that sunlight shot is magical!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2060108 Unavailable **

Review of The Witch's House  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Smile**Sun*Hey Webwitch! I am doing the Wodehouse challenge to find positively vibed items and guess where I found one! *Wink**Witch* I can't believe I have never reviewed this.

*Sun*The concept of the group is summed in your happy tag line and the title relates to your handle! IT is so creative to develop a persona with its own environment of a witch's garden. Brilliant! *Star*

*Sun* The idea of a group page that changes with seasons and activities to play with the community is brilliant. Dynamic flow is also a mirror for life and nature and keeps your creative juices alive and current. Wow!

*Sun*The intro content is simple and you state your purpose with heart and simplicity. The page is aesthetically pleasing with pictures appropriate to activity, season and your own special identity.
Your tone is friendly and enthusiastic and magnetizes other creative spirits. You make it sound fun. I liked the word "decaversary" too. *Wink*

*Star* That hawk photo is amazing too!

Thanks for your generous contribution to WDC as you fly by on your broom! *Starstruck* It has a vital vibration and adds "light" to the world!

Write on and fly high as the *Star* you are.

A  birthday gift
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Balloonp*HI Purpleprincess! Your trinket brought me to your cool newer contest and so here I am to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight* I had not seen it before!

We can't have too many poetry contests and I like that this has a specific theme! It is awesome to plug other poetry contests too! *Thumbsup*

Your page is aesthetically appealing with colours and pictures that suit the theme. The font is easy to read and I really liked the quote and the picture with the people making the heart. The photo of the tree with heart is wonderful. The vibe of the page is positive and inviting.

Your introduction in friendly and sets the tone and challenge that gives us a good idea of what you are looking for. It is clear that it will be a personal choice. The rules are clear and the idea of making it your best by editing a long the way is useful as folks can benefit from reviews that might come in before the end of the contest.

The prizes are generous and it is interesting that an MB goes to the winner. I would have thought that a ribbon would show off a winning piece in a port more vividly. It is just a choice though and I have seen it before like this. *Wink*

Thanks for sharing this *Heart* contribution to WDC! I am looking forward to reading the winners of last round. Thanks for posting them. *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Thing! I am back with a review to celebrate you! *Star* I love your dog and see I missed this cool poem about him!*Shock* Limericks are fun too and you have a knack for them!

*Dog1* The title gives an original and vibrant vision of the the twin themes of spring and your pup! It is appealing as I imagine a lively dog happy to be outdoors after a long winter. It evokes joy.

*Dog2* Your expression is so delightful with vivid images of spring and the visions you behold while walking your dog. I kept expecting the dog to do the opposite of what you show him doing. He certainly is well trained--or the limerick is a joke and a wish! LOL

*Flowerp*Your language is descriptive and your rhymes are brilliant. The energy is lively and spring like. You capture the contrast of the activity of spring with the calmness of the walker! Word choice shows use of alliteration, rhyme, assonance and consonance. It was a joy to read aloud.
I really liked "so danced the Possums" and the "toss em". The last line is so cute too! The idea of "conquering seasons" is evocative! *Thumbsup*

*Flowerr* The limerick form is well constructed in each verse with effective punch lines. The vibe is light with lots of active movement.

This is a fine weaving and so deserving of its ribbon! Wow! Thanks for sharing your gift and your love of your hound too! *Heart**Starstruck*

*Cake* I hope you have had a wonderful and fun Annviersary Month! I so appreciate your gifts and friendship! Keep shining as the *Cow**Hand* *Star* you are! *Heart*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review of Endless Night  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

*Balloonp*Ahoy hiryuu! it's WDC's 16th Birthday and your 7th and time to celebrate so here is a review for you!*Delight*

I liked the title which evoked my curiousity and then really reflected the father's point of view in the poem as he was not too keen on the party, and may well be true for the girls as well. Good choice.

The poem was entertaining and your showed the dad's response is vivid way. I had to laugh!

The form was balanced in verses with a consistent and effective rhyme scheme. The chosen words were interesting too, eg. "rookies", "cookies". The idea that sleepovers aren't for "rookies" is brilliant. And I burst out laughing at the vivid image of dad as "herder"!

I think you need a comma in the first line after "friends". The first line is the weakest I think.
Your images are vivid and the voice narrative as you reveal the contrast of the kids, moms and dad's reactions! *Thumbsup*

The rhythm was not regular but did not detract from the enjoyment of the read. The last line looks like it may have been a prompt and is a perfect end line to bring us back to the title too--an endless night! This is a really creative response to the prompt line and it is orginial that you did not make it spooky as the line can lend itself to that idea!*Wink*

Thanks for sharing this vision and craft. I had such fun! *startruck*

*Star*Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review of Muzdawidj poetry  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloony*Hi dogpack! *Delight* I am happy to review to celebrate you as a part of your win in "Invalid Item! *Bookopen*

Oh I have never heard of this form of poem before so it is fun to learn. Thanks for the helpful link so I could check it out! *Delight* It looks like fun and a challenge to get triple rhymes. I notice it does not have a specific syllable number in the lines so that is cool. Might make it a bit easier to do.

I enjoyed the theme on writing and the images of "pen in ink" , "word art" and "with might" are evocative. The rhymes are well done and you chose interesting words like "instinct" and "dare". Cool.

I like the style of the first two lines being a phrase together and the third line as a summation.
I still wanted to add punctuation like a comma after "ink" and question mark after "instinct."
The last line in the second one stands out with the word "declare" as If one is proudly displaying the work! You need "readers" to be readers' or reader's to show possession. I was not sure if you meant plural readers or a singular reader.

The tone is strong and the idea of the "gift" of writing is well expressed. This was fun to read and I had to smile at the last one! *Laugh* Thanks for sharing your vision of the form and the art! *Starstruck*

Keep the ink flowing as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
Sig for blog/reveiws

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Balloony*Hi dogpack! *Delight* I am happy to review to celebrate you
as a part of your win in "Invalid Item! *Bookopen*

Wow! This is a truly moving expression, both as a poem and commentary on cruelty to dogs and cats! I had not idea of the extent that folks can go. Your care and poem are a tribute to these innocent beings. Thank you for sharing.

The free style is a good choice to share and reveal the images and information on this theme. Using a personal voice directed to the animals themselves is a potent choice and the emotional intensity shines through it. *Thumbsup*

Your details are vivid as we follow the pet's journey on the boat and your sentiments are strongly shown as well. It was easy to follow the verses though I feel some punctuation might assist with the flow to help us pause at key points and add coherence to split lines.

A few typos:
The word "bate" needs to be "bait".

verse 4 : "bates life" needs to be "bait's life" to show possessive.
verse 6: "dispised your thrown" needs to be " despised, you're thrown"
Last verse: "your pain and fear gone for you are no more" would be less wordy with "your pain and fear are no more"

In the second poem, the voice changes as it speaks to the humans and asks vital questions to wake them up. I wonder again if punctation might help the flow and add to the potency or your message. So we can really pause to ponder! *Smile*

In verse 4 :"someones" needs to be "someone's" to show possession.
In verse 5: missing an "is"
In verse 6 : a typo: "pur" > "purr".
Also I felt the last line didn't end. I wanted to say "what"? *Wink*

*Heart*Thanks for sharing this heartfelt commentary! Well expressed and gives a lot of pause for thought. The links were a convenient idea for any who would want to see. The first one requires one to sign in as adult so it must not be very nice.

Light on the path as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
Sig for blog/reveiws

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloony*Hi dogpack! *Delight* I am happy to review to celebrate you
as a part of your win in "Invalid Item! *Bookopen*

Wow! This makes a wonderful theme for a poem and the children's contest too.
You share some of the tasks of a service dog in a way children might understand. I smiled at the sock and toys she picks up! That she does it for a "good girl" and happiness is so wonderful.

I enjoyed the rhyming couplet style where each verse centers on an aspect of her service. The images of her joyfully helping, opening drawers etc are vivid. The rhyme is well done even with the off rhyme words like "drawers" and "reward"! I imagine it took some thought and effort to get words to fit.

I wondered about adding a bit of punctuation in the middle of some lines for clarity.
eg. a period after "me" in verse 3. OR you could say "Bella helps as she picks up a toy".
eg. a comma after "her pay" in the last verse just for a pause. *Wink*

This was fun to read with its upbeat tone and positive vision! The love and appreciation for Bella is so clear. *Star* Thanks for sharing this with us!

Keep the ink flowing as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
Sig for blog/reveiws

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloony*Hi Dogpack! *Delight* I am happy to review to celebrate you as part of your win in the "Invalid Item. *Bookopen*

I couldn't resist hearing more about your dog friends. Mono rhymes are fun too as well as challenging. You made really good choices for rhyming words and the lines are coherent.

The poem describes your dog, her purpose and comical little lines about her. I like the idea about not knowing about crime and not whining. I assume you mean "whine" as opposed to "wine" the drink? *Smile* A little typo there.

I enjoyed reading the flow especially in the first two lines that have a jaunty feel to them. I wanted to take out the word "then" in line 6 as I do not see why it is needed.

The last line connects with the first in revealing the closeness of the relationship! Good job!*Star*

Thanks for sharing your gift and craft! *Starstruck*

Keep the ink flowing as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
Sig for blog/reveiws

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Jeary! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Dragon*I enjoy fantasy and I think it is a great idea to have an interactive in the genre. Medieval Fantasy gives a fine tuning for setting and time line. Your opening page is brief and gives the basics and gives a few paramaters and this chapter is vital for the beginning of the story.

*Fairy* Your description of the races is interesting and give a good idea of their essence while leaving room for authors to build on them. Your choices given are useful to make sure you get characters for all races. *Smile*
It is unusual to have orcs in medieval times. Mermaids are a unique and fun choice.

*Wand*A few glitches I noticed: In the paragraph on the Fourth race--- typo: "a humans" >> "a human's".

In the Mermaid part two instances of the word "there" should be "their" to show possessive.
eg. "their abilities", "their nature", "their unique .."
"they're" means 'they are' Both is Mermaid and Orc part you use "they're " for "their".

You need a few commas where you have longer sentences with phrases. eg. after adverbs and between descriptive phrases as you tend to use long sentences.

I think the phrase "which leads us to choice" is redundant.*Wink*

*Fairy2* As I read ahead I see you have done a good job of getting character choices ; eg, male, female with a brief encouragement. Looks like some interesting entries already!

*Star* Thanks for sharing your vision and offering an opportunity to write in this vein. I don't write stories but I do enjoy adding snippets, so I am sure others will too.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2094141 by Not Available.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Thing! I am back with a review to celebrate you! *Star*
I was wondering through your Hooves's pasture and lookie what I found! *Heart*

*Cow*This campfire is absolutely fab and right up my ally! What a fabulous idea to celebrate 10 years with a WDC anniversary friend! And a great challenge as well! I don't think I have ever created a campfire though I have participated in a few! Now you have me pondering! *Wink*

*Hand* I like the premise of creating a poem or paragraph and giving each other a challenge word. Your intro is brief and I was impressed to see that this also represents an anniversary of an older campfire. *Thumbsup* I think it is a great inspiration.

*Cow* I enjoyed reading the poetry and marvelled at some of the unique word prompts like Netflix, outing, manoeveur, and how some entries led to personal anecdotes of life at the time. Cool!

*Hand* I liked the wisdom in Believing, the charming beauty of the BRadford pear Tree, and Diamonnd Hooves is my fav ! You gals are very creative and good with prompts. I am not always good with them. *Smile*

*Star*Thanks for sharing yet another of your unique expressive creations, which embodies a love for writing and community too. Happy happy anniversary month and may you have many more fulfilling and fun years to come. and hey, we may have to do one of these. I will dream. there may be an select few of us who can have some fun together in the barn yard. *Wink*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

"Invalid Item
Review of A Thing For Socks  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI W. D.Wilcox. I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

Ok! I had to check this one out as I saw Hai_cootie! I enjoy Haiku and have been studying the form so I had to bite into the comedy here. Brilliant!

What a humourous topic to play with in the form. After all smell is a natural thing. LOL While not exactly true to traditional haiku it is so worth a read. Each verse does have the 5-7-5 syllables and you evoke some thought. The images are clear and the life of a sock is well documented here. *Salute* The details are vivid.

I like when you talk to the sock! *Laugh* The last verse lets us imagine what the stiffness is. *Thumbsup* I wonder why a sock would be angry. The first verse drew me in and tickled my funny bone. Good hook!

This was entertaining and made my day! *Star* Thanks for sharing your sense of humour in a unique way. Hai-coootie hilarity! *Starstruck* Happy 14th! Thanks for all of your wonderful contributions to make this space shine over the years! *Balloongo*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

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#2094141 by Not Available.
Review of Mixed Fortunes  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI DR.Taher! I am back with a review to celebrate you! *Star* I was on my way out and saw this form!

The title is evocative and it really fit the poem theme. I enjoyed the way you contrasted the "have's" with the "have not's" when it comes to wealth. The situation of you just thinking is easy to imagine. It is like you observe the world and put yourself in both situations.

I had to laugh at the last line as I think so too. Nice to have money even if more kin show up with hands out. "nice" is so mundane a word and it made me smile! *Smile*

The Huitain with all the other words after it. *Shock2* looks like fun to do if you can get it all in 8's! Your version does it brilliantly and with the rhyme scheme intact as well.

It is a simple poem with a pleasing flow and interesting rhymes.
The soundscape creates a bit of fun to read too as in "kith and kin" and all the c and k consonance sounds were appealing to me. Well done!

I wondered if line two would flow better with "now to sink" although the splitting of the infinitive verb form is different. Also line 7 is a weaker line--with adverb. I had to think about how you'd get ill--with all the energy coming at you, or sick at heart at the greed of people, mm. lots to think about here. *Wink*

I had fun reading this one and it gives something to ponder as the way the collective in the world respond to money. *Wink*
Thanks for sharing your vision! *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

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#2094141 by Not Available.
Review of Hot and Cold Days  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Dr. Taher! Happy Anniversary I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star* I had fun digging into your massive port! I came across this in a form I had not heard of so...checking it out. I love irish lore too.

I can see how the title describes the contrasting verses that were directed by the prompt! Good show! I am just between the two of these seasons now. *Leafr* I had to read the directions for the poem style and it took me a while to get it. LOL IT is really mind boggling. The last point where you have to use the fist syllable in the last line also affects the rhyme you use in the second verse. Whoa!! Lots of planning required here and it looks like you did get it to work! Patience is not my suit at times. *Wink*

The syllables and rhyme are right on! I counted. LOL I did wonder aobut "fashion" and "Darwin" as a bit of a stretch but you did have to get that "win" in there. So kudos! I can see where this form can get difficult.

The images in both verses are vivid and I notice you use a lot of LY adverbs, which may not be the best poetically. I am not familiar with the phrase "sweat wholesmome". The word "just" is weak too. I think you could tweak this verse eventually. I know this is a first effort at this form too so it is not that vital. *Smile*

I enjoyed reading the piece for its sound elements of assonance like "snow", roam, blows" and the consonance of "w" and "m"! It adds to the flow.

This is an amazing first vision of this form. I don't know as I could do it. You are an inspiration as now I may have to try! Thanks for leading the way into new vistas and sharing your poetic knowledge with WDC. Thanks for 14 years of wodnerful contributions and may you enjoy many more to come. *Balloonp**starstuck*

*grape*Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"Invalid Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Howl  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Dawniebelle! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Wolf* I have often heard wolf calls and your title called to me! Your personification of the the wolf is wonderful and I could visualize his features from your clear descriptive images.

*Wolf* It was pleasant to read aloud and the question at the end has a mournful tone, as if he is waiting long and wondering.

*Wolf* One thought as I was entering your vision was that the adverb "softly" seems redundant. You have the evocative word "padding" which suggests quiet and the next line you say he does not allow a sound. *Wink* Adverbs are not as descriptive in any case and I think it adds to the flow and potency of the line to drop it.

Also, there are a number of gerunds in the first verse. I think it would be mre powerful to change 'piercing" to "orbs pierce the dark" to have a direct action happen as he is padding, and searching. It will fit well with your next verse as well.

I stumbled on "gaits achieved" and not sure I get it. I like the "loping gaits" picture.

*Wolf*I would use consistent punctuation to assist the flow and drama. What you have is well done but then some places you have none. Periods maybe after "around", "night", "me". *Wink*

*Moon* Your wolf persona is a tribute to the clan! Thanks for sharing this vivid dream vision. I loved entering into the moment. It is well worth tweaking. *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

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#2094141 by Not Available.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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