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Review of Hey im new  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, welcome to the site.

Hope you enjoy your time here. They are a good bunch.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Lovely sentiments, beautifully expressed. You paint a vivid, colourful picture of the good gifts we have been given.

It is refreshing to see such gratitude put into verse, especially when most people today do not acknowledge or thank God for the things they have. It is like horses munching on delicious apples, enjoying warn sunshine and drinking clear, cool water from a stream, but never raising their head to consider where these things came from.

Great writing.

I wish you peace.

Review of Lazarus  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Patrick,

I hope you are well.

I read this and I enjoyed it. Your writing is full of passion and insight.

Your line about being a Christian when “everything is rosy” is spot on. In fact, I do worry for people who have a fragile faith, who expect God to shield them from all calamities and make them rich and successful. I thought your view on God having “conditions” was very bold and unorthodox. Most churchgoers would shout you down for saying such a thing but, I agree with you and, more importantly, I believe that the Bible says the same thing.

You capture the essence of faith very well in your article, to see beyond our normal vision. That is deep trust – faith in God's promises isn't it?

I love the way you deal with an uncomfortable topic – Satan, head on and, once again, you say what the Bible says. We can't have Jesus without Satan, they are linked – one, as the superlative example of love and loyalty and the other as the example of hate and selfish ambition. Unfortunately, he is also “The ruler of this world” and “misleading the entire inhabited earth” as Jesus warned. The world certainly is “dancing to his tune,” as you put it. Like you, I find it very bizarre that so-called Christians can doubt the existence of the Devil. Maybe they should try actually reading the Bible! You are right about God giving us the wisdom and power to resist Satan's “Crafty acts.” Sadly, as I mentioned before, even Christians can succumb to his ploys. I have a real battle with old weaknesses that I am still trying to purge from my old personality but, I do get help from God's spirit - when I ask for it and when I use it!

So true about fear, Patrick, it does destroy faith and it is a strong weapon of Satan's. The only other weapon just as strong, in my opinion is – doubt. Doubt leads to a lack of faith, and can ultimately end in despair.

Your best line, in my humble opinion, is “Trust Jesus, and find out who you are.” - So very true, mate! The Bible, which, like Jesus, is the “Word of God,” compares itself to a mirror. Only by looking into that divine mirror, can a person see what God sees, both the potential for good and the weakness for bad.

Your powerful call for action is very persuasive and, I would imagine, will help some who are faltering in their faith.

It's an interesting word Jesus used, that confused Martha and Mary - “sleep.” Yet, they should have known what he meant because they would have known the scriptures of the Hebrew Bible, where it reveals that death is, in fact, very similar to a state of seep sleep, unconsciousness - “The living are conscious that they will die but, the dead are conscious of nothing at all.” says the Bible in Ecclesiastes. But Jesus has been given authority to wake people from the sleep of death.

Good observation, about Jesus weeping “for them”, a massive difference.

You are right about death crippling people and destroying faith. I have seen many people turn away from God because of the suffering of others. No wonder the Bible calls death “The last enemy.” Yet, what people often don't realise is that one of the reasons Jesus came to earth was to demonstrate the future power of God's kingdom, even over death, which will be thrown into the lake of fire. I still mourn for my dear mum and dad, and my younger sister, who died too young. But. My faith in the resurrection is strong – unbreakable, because of the promises of Jesus.

It's true that not many knew, until the end, who Jesus really was. Can you imagine what would happen today if Jesus walked among us again? Most people would want to lock him up, or study him or charge a fee to see him!

I like your phrase - “Growing pains.” That is a good description of our heavenly Father teaching us, and us sometimes falling down or stepping backwards. I have a lot of those pains!

Sadly, “seeing signs” is a still a requirement for too many people today and, they are often disappointed.

I read the verses you cited, they are one of my favourite accounts. I try to read and study the Bible every day of my life, to get God's thoughts into my life. I find it a real protection and comfort.

I have a bit of background information you might like to hear, Patrick. The Jewish people of Jesus' time did believe in the physical resurrection, which is taught in the Hebrew scriptures. However, they, as Mary said, believed that this would happen “on the last day” - God's day of judgement. By raising Lazarus and others from the grave, Jesus was showing everyone that he had the power and authority over death. Lazarus would have still died later, perhaps of old age, so he would still have had to wait until the final day to be brought back to life forever.

The other thing was that Jesus delayed going to Lazarus. Many have wondered why. Did you know, Patrick that, according to local tradition and superstition, (not scripture), a person's dead body would not give up the soul for four days? So, in waiting two days before setting out for Bethany, Jesus arrived on the fourth day of Lazarus' death. Could he have done this to dispel the myth about the soul? He certainly demonstrated power over death, even after this crucial period of time. Could anyone looking on doubt that Lazarus was truly dead?

Your article is powerful, sincere and encouraging. You are a rallying call of faith. Well done. We all play our part in directing people to God's love and the hope he offers.

I had two observations about spelling and content, if I may? You spell the word “their” as in – belonging to them, as “there” as in over there.

You and I seem to agree on most things about God and the Bible. One of the only differences in our beliefs is something that I understand differently from God's word. People often consider me to be unorthodox because of it and I have been accused of blasphemy on many occasions – an accusation that is deeply insulting to me. I won't elaborate on the issue. Suffice to say that you did mis-quote one scripture in your article. I think you were referring to Isaiah 9.6 where you quote it as saying “Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, God Almighty.” With respect, the verse says - “Mighty God” not “Almighty”, there is a difference, and it can distort people's view of Jesus and his Father. Just a thought, hope you are not offended.

Take care. I will try to read another one of your articles when I can. Am going through some difficult trials at present but, I will survive.

I wish you peace.

Steve (Moomin)
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Lovely article, full of wisdom. You have learned in six short years, what some parents never learn in a lifetime! Open communication is so important, in any relationship but, especially parent-child ones. From the sound of it, you are raising balanced, open, and down to earth children. It is good of you to think of other parents and to take the time to write this, I am sure it will prove very helpful to many new parents.

I would personally add to the list a couple of things that my wife abd I have learned, not just by our own interactions but, by observing some families that have sadly been torn apart.

Try not to spoil a child, giving them everything they ask for. This teaches them false lessons in life, that the world will co=operate and give in to them always. This can produce a frustrated, demanding individual who is often disappointed in life.

Don't burden children with our own anxieties but, let them keep their innocence. I have seen too many children forced to grow up too quickly because they were too aware of their parent's pains and sadnesses.

We started out, like all others, as amateurs in parenting but, later we took to heart the Bible's guidance on raising children. It is perfect and it really works. One example of this wisdom is the scripture which says "Do bot be exasperating your children, so that they become downhearted."

Great article

You could easily turn this into a book.

All the best,

Review of Music Trivia Quiz  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was interesting and fun. I like the way you had a good mix of old and not-so-old stuff.

Good works.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Charming, humble and positive. Flowers are a lovely metaphor for us, especially as we are all so different and colourful! I would probably add that, unlike flowers, we have joy and happiness and we seek to discover the secrets of God's incredible creation.

Your faith and enthusiasm in your writing are infectious.

Good work

Review of Our Last Walk  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so real and moving. I was drawn in to the world of a child who didn't quite grasp what was happening to her little world. You re-tell the memory as if it is so clear in your mind that it is as though it happened yesterday. Relationships like that are rare today in our fragmented world, you were one of the lucky ones.

I assume the little girl didn't walk with him again?? So sad.

Beautifully written.

Welcome to the site, I think you will enjoy it here, there are some nice people.


Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your words are very moving and honest. I like the way you begin each line with "They say." You touch on a very deep subject with your poem - prayers.

I think that most people feel that God isn't listening and that he has given up on the world. I personally don't believe that and I have found that God does answer prayers, if they are for the right reasons.

I have learned from the Bible that, although God will help us through our personal trials, he does not intervene in the activities of the nations. The Bible says that God has allowed a period of time to pass to allow humans to rule the world, to show that we really need him. And the terrible state of the earth is proof that we need God.

But Jesus taught us to pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." That kingdom is the answer to all suffering and injustice.

I enjoyed reading your poem and I understand your frustration and sadness but, there is hope, it is a promise from God.

I wish you peace.

Review of March 1st, 2056  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I left my feedback in your reply.
Review of Our World  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your words are sincere and insightful. You describe our sad world very clearly. It is only when people recognise and acknowledge what is wrong with the world that we can try to set things right.

I admire your zeal and optimism and your faith in God. I too have faith that there is a bright future but, my faith is not in governments or people but in God's Kingdom, as promised by Jesus - "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth." Unfortunately, the Bible says that most people will not,listen and that we will be at the point of "Ruining the earth" when God's Kingdom takes over.

Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy writing here.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Welcome to the website. I hope you enjoy writing and reading here as much as I do.

I enjoyed your personal experience about your spiritual growth, it sounds like you have seen and heard some exciting things. I particularly like your humility, not presuming on God's kindness or taking his blessings for granted. Some people I have met allow their egos to get in the way of their worship, they will only follow God if they can have a prominent place or a power.

I was curious about one thing you said. The man who encouraged you to speak in tongues quoted Acts 2.4 to show that everyone who received the spirit would speak in tongues and that the language they used would only be understandable by God. However, that is not my understanding of God's word. I have read and studied the Bible for over 20 years and I am very familiar with the scripture you quote. Although you are right about the spirit giving those disciples in the upper room the power to speak in tongues, that power was not an unintelligible language, but was the ability to communicate with others to teach them the good news of God's Kingdom, just as Jesus had commanded them. Jesus promised them (and us today) in Acts 1 "You will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth." And that is exactly what happened at Pentecost, the disciples went out of the room, filled with holy spirit, and "A crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Indeed, they were utterly amazed and said: “See here, all these who are speaking are Galileans, are they not? 8 How is it, then, that each one of us is hearing his own native language? both Jews and proselytes;  Cretans; and Arabians — we hear them speaking in our languages about the magnificent things of God."

God's power is manifested in various ways, "Some to be shepherds, some to be evangelizers, some to be teachers." At 1 Corinthians 14.4 Paul wrote "Now I would like for all of you to speak in tongues, but I prefer that you prophesy. Indeed, the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the congregation may be built up.  But at this time, brothers, if I should come speaking to you in tongues, what good would I do you unless I spoke to you either with a revelation or with knowledge or with a prophecy or with a teaching?"

Speaking in tongues has served God's great purpose but, Paul said that "If there are tongues, they will cease." But Paul added that the identifying mark of true Christians was, not tongues or powers but "Love." I have experienced that great love because I belong to a worldwide Christian brotherhood where I and my brothers and sisters spend a lot of time voluntarily preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. I hope that one day, you will join us because you have an obvious zeal for God and Jesus.

I hope you don't mind me sharing my faith with you.

May God bless you for seeking to do his will.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent work! You make a powerful case for the unborn.

I love your reasoning on the biological composition of "life." Have you ever considered becomeing a lawyer? (That's not an insult, by the way!).

If you needed more evidence that God himself declares abortion (and racism) as unnatural and immmoral, you might want to read Exodus 21 which holds men accoutable if they injure an unborn child.

Great writing, keep up the good work.

Review of Why  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found this very interesting. You ask some strong questions, and society is not answering them still.

I love the line about trusting God, very profound and true. You are brave to question your nation's ways.

Mankind will probably never find the answers to your questions, even if they ask. However, I suspect that you will find the answers, if you keep asking.

Good work.

I wish you peace.


"Keep on asking and it will be given" (Matthew 7.7)
Review of Time  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very deep and moving. I can sense the desperation of the journey and the constant self-doubt. I can identify with your description of the monsters, they devour us from the inside, like parasites.

It is a brave piece of writing, and I hope it helps others to see that there can be good endings. I am glad that you found yours.

Well written.

I wish you peace.

Review of Our Welcome Mat  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is lovely, a warm and open invitation that is in sharp contrats to the suspicious, selfish spirit of this world.

I am pleased that you use the name of God in your writing, showing that you honour Him. Most people avoid or even hate that name. Like you, I hold that name in the highest regard.

Well written.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I read your article with real interest because it is also a subject close to my heart.

I agree with many of the things you say, including the need to recognize what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf, making forgiveness and endless life possible. You are obviously very familiar with the Bible, which is refreshing in today's secular world.

We are not in agreement on all things though and I noticed that you welcome discussion on these things. I would like to make a couple of points, if I may?

You use God's name - "Yahweh, Jehovah", and I am pleased about that because most people refuse to recognize it. Yet, you then claim that Jehovah is actually Jesus, that Jesus is his own father? I am confused by this. Did Jesus not publicly pray "Father, glorify thy name"? Do you not see Jesus and Jehovah as seperate beings?

To me, it is crystal clear from Jesus' words to Mary where he says, "I am going to my God and your God."

Lastly, you say that humans could not concieve of a complicated doctrine like the trinity. Yet history shows that neither the Apostles nor the earliest Christians believed in a trinity. In fact, it was the Catholic church who made the trinity a church teaching nearly four hundred years after Christ's death.

Just some thoughts. I am happy to discuss further with you.

I wish you peace.

Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is lovely and encouraging. Your faith is woven into your positive words and it is infectious. I wholeheartedly agree with all your sentiments, particularly the last line, it really is the least we can do.

I hope you don't mind if I point out one grammatical error, the word "bare." I think it is spelled "bear" (strangely enough!). I often confuse those two words myself.

I was curious about your title. When you speak of "The Father" who "gave up his son", are you speaking of Jehovah, the Father of Jesus?

Hope you don't mind me asking.

I wish you peace.

Review of Jehovah  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful sentiments, humbly expressed.

Your lines about Jesus being your "guide" and "Only to you shall I bow" echo my own feelings towards our Lord. In these chaotic, confusing last days, where it is increasingly difficult to identify ourselves as believers, it is refreshing to see people like you who are willing to stand up and express their love and faith.

I did have one question, if I may? You spell out the name of God on the left, a name that was dear to Jesus when he was on earth. I recall Jesus praying "Father, glorify thy name." So, I am a bit confused as to your perspective of Jesus' Father. Have I misunderstood?

Just a thought.

Good writing.

I wish you peace.

Review of Death and Hell  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.0)
I read this with real interest because it is a subject that has facinated me for many years.
You develop the theme logically and in a very persuasive way. I like the references to the languages used in the scriptures. You are obviously very familiar with the Bible. Your point about the words "death" and "die" are well made, that this can refer to a spiritual death or physical one.

If I may, I would like to comment on a few points you raise?

You claim that the sinful humans in Eden "died" in a spiritual sense, on the day that they were cast out of Eden. I agree with you on that. However, the punishment of physical death was the threatened consequence of sin, as Paul later stated in Romans. When God warned Adam not to eat from the tree, He used an interesting phrase. Genesis records that God says “In the day that you eat from the tree, you will surely die.” Notice that it does not say “on” the day but, “IN.” That word changes the whole context of that statement. When we describe a particular day we always use the preposition “on” (on Monday etc.), yet when it comes to a longer period of time, we change to an adverb (“in January, in 1988”). Adam did not die on the same day that he disobeyed his creator, in fact, he went on to live for hundreds of years and had many children, and then he died, "in" the day - Peter tells us that “One day is as a thousand years to God”.

You say that "If there is no eternal punishment, why not live however you please if the Christian life is too “difficult” for you?"

The obvious answer for me is - love, because I love God and I want to live life his way. I, and millions like me, do not worship God through fear, but because we have come to know, trust and love him.

You make a fair point about the possible translation of "destroy" but, the account of Lazarus and the rich man can't be used to prove hellfire because it is symbolic. Abraham was in the grave, he had not been resurrected to Heaven at that time.

Two scriptures which I believe demonstrate the correct understanding of "Hell" ("Sheol" as opposed to "Gehenna"), are as follows;

In Revelation, Hell is thrown onto the fiery lake ("Gehenna"). How can Hell be cast into hell?

The other scripture is in Jeremiah chapter 7, verse 31. There God describes people who burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.” Elsewhere in the Bible, God describes such practices as “detestable” and “disugsting.” If God uses such punishment as fire to torture sinners, he would be contradicting himself, something that is impossible.

Those are just some of my thoughts. Feel free to respond if you feel I am mistaken.

Overall, a good, well-researched article.

I wish you peace.


Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (5.0)
You capture the epic tale with such eloquence. I love the way you describe his final prayer. You weave such a picture of that sad man's life.

My favourite line - "When love had trimmed his might." How many of us sacrificed our power for love. I wonder?

You might be interested to know (or you may already know) that Samson's strength was in his faith and his oath, not his hair. He was a dedicated Nazarite, sworn to never cut his hair.

Great writing!

Review of I'll Never Forget  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Lovely words, beautiful sentiments. It choked me up because I too have watched my daughters grow so fast and I treasure the memories.

You have a good mum.

I wish you both peace.

Review of expiry  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very bold and yet humble work. You open your heart to the reader, to try and convey the deep hurt within. Articles like yours can help many who are suffering because they remind them that they are not alone. The line that struck me most was;

"My once closed self harm wounds open, they are on fire as the salt pushes it's way into them."

No-one should hurt the way you hurt, no-one should feel worthless. Just because we don't match up to this shallow world's expectations of cosmetic popularity, it doesn't mean we are worthless. My own precious daughter suffers from PTSD and deep depression. She thinks she is a nobody and that she is unloveable. But she is wrong.

You mention the Bible in your words. Let me leave you with some reassuring words from the Bible. When you feel worthless and unlovable, remember the following words from God;

"Whatever our hearts may condemn us in, God is greater than our hearts and knows all things."

"A heart broken and crushed, you will not despise, oh God."

And if you worry about the future or death, remember these words from the Bible;

"God will be with them, and death will be no more, neither will sorrow, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore."

These things are promised by our creator. Remember the "Lord's prayer"? - "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Boldly written. I wish you peace.

Review of Heavy  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your words are so honest and humble. Articles like this enable others to reach out and share. Just reading your account felt so familiar, not just to me, but they reminded me of my lovely daughter who has severe depression and has self-harmed many times.

This world is so intense and chaotic that casualties of the mind are inevitible. We were not made to endure such heavy loads on our amazing minds.

May I share something that has helped both me and my daughter to endure, and even find some relief and happiness?

We have found genuine comfort and hope from the Bible. Jesus says;

"Come to me, all you who are loaded down and weary, and I will refresh you."

King David wrote;

"A heart broken and crushed, oh God, you will not despise."

And when we feel the worst about ourselves and think that we are bad or worthless, God offers words of comfort when he says;

"Whatever our hearts may condemn us in, God is greater than our hearts, and knows all things."

And, for the future, do not despair. The Bible promises that, when God's kingdom comes;

"God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will sorrow, nor outcry, nor pain."

The Bible even promises that God will stop the destruction of our environment when it says;

"God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth."

So take comfort, fellow sufferer, as we, and millions of others do. There is a wonderful future waiting for you, if you want it.

Good writing.

I wish you peace.

Review of Paradise  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
I relly like your words, especially the way your perspective changes as the poem progresses.
You start with an expression of beauty and you end in despair.

You seem genuinely concerned for our lovely earth. May I share some words of comfort about our environment?

Jesus promised; "God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth."

Those words were spoken thousands of years ago - when man was not ruining the world!

I wish you peace.

Review of Morbid  
Review by Moomintroll
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your words are evocative and true. You highlight a real inconsistancy in our huamn race.

I like your observation about us being human nature.

At times, I feel as you do that we are a waste of space. but other times, I am comforted by the words of Jesus when he promised us;

"God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth."

Those words were written thousands of years ago, when our earth wa not being ruined - think about it!

I wish you peace.

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