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Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the message in the midst of chaos, the least likely can become our friend. I am guessing that all are pups or adult dogs. It is fun to see how they get information and learn to trust each other over time. Some of your letters are seemingly without punctuation unless you meant it that way. Tx
Review of Lost now Found  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thanks for honest authentic sharing. It makes it even more fun to share in poetry. I know that for myself nothing is more healing than to put my thoughts on paper. Otherwise I tend to think and worry too much. Thanks about your own testimony. I have noticed that it helps to review others before I trust others to review something I write. Tx
Review of Two Lunches  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Jacky, I am not sure I understand completely. It appears that a trumpet Vine is talking to someone about the whole idea of identity and then there is a shift that sees someone talking to Dr. White about being a therapist, maybe the person talking to the trumpet vine and along comes Dehlia who he orders two lunches from and for some reason she has his knife. Then we see another character Darren who is hearing the story. I understand that you know what is happening. I would like to be clearer.
Review of random etchings  
for entry "Winner
Review by drifter
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello Rhyssa, Fun ride. There is a boy who is a racing car driver at heart . There is nothing that can get in his way. It is more of a game than reality. He gets the high score and then sets the out to do better. I am on the edge of my seat with him a few feet from the finish line and is told he will meet the bus. It put it all in perspective. Thanks for sharing
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello ruwth, I love the way you share the good word. It is one of those times I need to hear them. I am in retirement and people are calling me friend all of a sudden, my wife's health is in decline, I am recovering from shingles and working at the same time. Trust God knowing it won't get any easier. Most recently my church has lost a pastor due to his retirement. All could be set up for a real nasty storm and even Jesus knew how to still the waves. Maybe it is the voice of God's word that can help me overcome. I will see. Thanks for your challenge.
Review of I long for Heaven  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Happy to write, I enjoyed thinking of heaven as I read your message. The bottom line is longing for the coming of the Lord, to join with Him in the work of what heaven is all about. There is no more pain, a place to learn, a beautiful place, walking with those you care the most about. Thank you for the vision that you stir up. There is so much to look forward to. I long for Heaven Lord is today the day I can join you? And yet part of the mystery is in the he Lords prayer on earth as it is in heaven. Tx for sharing.
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Gupta, You certainly put it in perspective, someone as attractive as the one you love needs a lover to make their life complete and no one can love her as much as you. The reality is that all beauty can fade and yet one truth says there is one meant just for me(you). It feels so romantic. I hope you have indeed found that love from which there is no retreat.
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello hdarling, I enjoyed your piece. It read like one day in the life of your job. It was fun to follow you and Elizabeth to the scene of the crime and to be with you when you were able to give them the evidence they needed. It helped me appreciate what happened on the job at Stockton in less than an hour. Tx
Review of LADA  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, wake up and live, the story of your Lada brought back great memories for me. I recall one of my first cars. The top of my engine lid would fly off at the most inconvenient times. I am grateful for the way your story is a call to interact and talk with you. I would have loved to meet him, knowing all the Adventures and people that made it worthwhile. Thanks 🙏.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Gupta, seems pretty deep to me. It starts with the word Christmas and then proceeds to talk about being nailed by a mass for saying the truth. It sure makes a person wonder about what Christmas is about. It is a lot more than getting, it is in recieving in the mass the only gift that matters and that is truth.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thanks Tim, enjoyed your impressions about what constitutes a woman's unfailing love. There is passion to heal and thrill, to await timing to delight day and night, unique beautiful, and something to look forward to day after day. Thanks for sharing.
Review of Becoming  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Fyn, It sure sounds like you know your origami, love the similes. Right after that offering ideas as a flash of silver beneath the surface, elements of mystery and anticipation. It builds to share what becoming is all about. There is the fuel and fire of emotion and realization of flame leaving no shadow. It as if you see the light. Thanks, well done!
Review of Princess  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Jenni, a very moody bit of writing, emotions beaming, blue, fighting and then depressed in need of a hero and in the end a diva who needs nothing and nobody to make her the best. She seems quite wild and out of control and yet so is the person she is with not a hero. Hate seems to be the goal and in the end she seems better off not being your princess.
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Cheshire, a lot of deep thinking in this piece. I hear one part of the argument as being under the right conditions someone becomes a fighter. It might also be said under the right conditions diplomacy might take place. The lion's way of looking at it says that under the right circumstances you fight no matter what, not just for yourselves but others who might suffer otherwise
Review of Panda-monium  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Hunter's Moon, the writing was beary, there were endless references to bears, whether it was koala kola, smoky bear or a take on survivor,"survibear. I did like that Theodore very quickly broke down to Teddy and I can't help thinking Yogi bear was somewhere nearby fast asleep. Was this story written about the same time as Kung Fu panda? I also hear the song "when everybody was Kung Fu fighting". Thanks for sharing. I wonder if Ursa fits in to your bear story.
Review of Unfettered  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (3.5)
There are times that an image can say more than words can convey. At times love happens and two souls meet in lustful union without a quick fix formula that can be written on paper for all to try. I experience that something has happened and it is beyond words to explain it. Tx for sharing
Review of Storm  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello storm, the word ecstasy stirs up all kinds of images, colorful, fast, slow and above all graceful in the midst of intoxicating sound. I love that make it dance in the rain and then let the storminess of the heart take over. It makes this journey, wild, unpredictable and worth waiting for. Thanks for sharing. Even after stormy weather there is potential for much beauty, even ecstacy.
Review of Sidewalk Soldiers  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
I loved reading your poem and I could not go wanting to empathize. There were quite a few from my generation that went. I knew people that knew the horror of coming back a villain. There was one guy so angry and bitter, and another who picked up body parts in helicopters and had ptsd. Your poem certainly deserves a bronze star. Thanks for having the courage and decency to share!!
Review of Smile for Life  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jay, I love the title of your poem. Who doesn't want to have that forever smile. The way you unpack it leaves me longing for more. There are young chicks looking for food while light and then a cluster of celebration follows with pansies and Lilies showing that life can overcome death. Tx for sharing. We can always use a poem about hope.
Review of The Nightmare  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Jacky, a fascinating story. It seems to be a dream within a dream. It starts with her and her sister as rescuers in a revolution. Then upon going back to sleep she is faced with whether she is to be awakened to go to school or to fight a revolution. Or maybe sis is waking her to go to school.
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hello neo, I need a lot more information if I am able to give a clear review on what you are writing. The introduction of the Digimon reminds me of the Pokemon world. There is a vision of a digital monster who needs to survive. I don't know what that means. Then I am asked what starter digimon am I.
Review of Monday  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello Jacky, a curious piece. The main character seems to be Ms. Collins who wants a raise and looks for the right moment to ask. Her boss is dealing heat coming to his face, turning red. At some point Ms. Collins calls for medical help and Charles ends up going home. Who is in control in this story, certainly no Charles. I am not clear as to why Collins knows she will get a substantial raise. A reward?
Review of Fly Away  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Dave, the key is to follow the rhythm of your heart. I immediately think of a tempo, a pacing in relationship to life. I like the conclusion you come to in your poem be faithful to who you are. It is in a need to spread our wings that we discover we are no longer ruled by a clock. In another place I find the sunrise my robe and be served coffee cake and apple tart from a celestial snack bar. Thanks for sharing.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Sum I, what a sensuous erotic poem that leaves her wanting for more and more. I was made to wonder about the torn and tattered nightgown, it seemed almost violent and then in the midst of meeting this man she realizes she still has a mom and kids to take care of. So is it all a dream after all? There seems to be endless meetings, no sense of getting married. It makes me wonder what happens in Jim's life that brings him to this place. Tx
Review of Repetitive  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello sixberry, I feel like I am on the set of an experience that happens over and over without end. One person seems overprotective and the other person more willing to take risks regardless of circumstances. On the one hand it could be a relationship to lovers, on the other hand parent child. I am not sure. The theme is the constant.
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