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Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Chris it is a joy to read your creative machinations. It reads in a super rational way. I like mostly the line
"electric revulsion of horror untwined
unrav'lling threads that consciously bind".
It reads in a very lucid way about how mechanical renderings can tie anyone of us in knots. I like the dictionary idea. What would a picture of this look like.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.0)
It was a fun read that left me reliving my own attempts at graceful movement in times past. I like the way the words dance off the page, uptempo frenetic displays. Your choice of words light the way to seeing the sculpted gems. I only found myself wondering about your choice of words at the end. An articulation of glamour seemed awkward. An articulation of glory may be another perception to explore. Tx
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tim, my take on your poem is that there is a seeking for the divine in nature. Isn't one's pureness a specialty throne", speaks as an invitation to discover and embrace God in the images of bird in flight, ridges with peanut butter laughter, a coven and birch filled with seed.(Potential)
My favorite sentence
Thy mercy be candles, so cherished and bright.
It left me hopeful, finding the image of God in creation could lead me to a better deeper appreciation of grace. Tx
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Very intriguing. I feel drawn into the story by the whistling sound that calls as if in a whisper. The storm allusions serve as preparation for a crisis of some kind. I lived this sentence "Shrieks of fury engulf the waves of faceless shadows consuming my mind." I like the atmosphere and ambiance of mystery, I long for the characters who can help me make sense of it all. I need to know more about the old man who slips into the narrative. Tx for sharing
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for sharing Tim. You offer in your poem an opportunity to choose heaven or hell. The answering of God is in contrast to the unending questioning and confusion that leads one from God. The idea of the martyred and demonized one as relating to Christ offers a passionate rebuke to all that would try to distract from moral truth.
It comes across as a parable of the reckoning of Easter resurrection in opposition to the shame of the cross.
"Belief in heaven's built up morals rose". comes across as ambivalent. How are moral's built up in a heavenly perception. Maybe belief in the potential of what it means for us to be humane in the light of the cross. Tx
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.0)
A fun read Tim. I especially hooked by the title about grief and solace, tomorrow resists. It is a reminder we can not put off grief. As a chaplain I saw many a patient anchored by unresolved grief.

I could share some of my own changes of wording. The dynamic you offer offers a lot of freedom to explore. The last words are confusing. It eats away at everything we womb and worship. Maybe want and worship. Tx
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Funny to look at Bear. It is one of those anthropological musings that faces one with the essence of humaneness. Is it possible that animals can teach us more about our skewed attempt at looking and acting human. I like mostly the groundhogs response to an end date of December 21st. And we think narcissistically we know it all. One need only observe a creature to see how they teach us.
Review of Why in the World?  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Open Door To Grace ♥  
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is a fun read Joto Kai. In one of my first sermons I talked of how it is too easy to settle for a God in crisis to be, why not invite God to be with us in our joys. The truth stays with me even as I am healing from Covid. I can choose to focus on suffering and healing or look for joy inside that I can share with others. God bless
Review of AN ODE TO TREES  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
I immediately think of the tale the giving tree as I read this. Through the lens of a tree I might learn how to "leave" and learn. The poem flows and makes logical sense. Thank you Gupta for your qualitative assessment. Makes one want to hug a tree. Tx
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello lone Cyprus I loved the way you challenged you readers to make choices in accordance with integrity of being. I love the idea of the star fish story. It takes only one of us make a difference in taking care of God's creation. Why can't it be me,?
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well said Gulpta. There are so many masks that any of us wear that it can be difficult to be the person God created us to be. Beyond the message your poem flows well is easy to read. I like your ultimate question. So how do we even discern which are the empty masks that get in the way. God bless and keep writing.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Anna Carlson, I sense a profound depth as to how you formulate something misunderstood by so many. Your writing is very poetic offering us invitation to the image of a waterfall of encapsulated tear drops leading one to a deeper kno
Review of Day of Awakening  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello waynemart, thanks for your words for thought. I can recall my own dad telling me often to think for myself. I enjoyed the idea of waking up as if to finally discovering what it means to have a soul. In a pinnochio world finally becoming real. I left wondering if parents plant seeds in exploring the world of fantasy as escape in offering santa and the Easter bunny etc. I am well into my sixties and sometimes letting my mind be playful and dream is the only thing keeping me alive. Thanks again.
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (3.5)
Thanks for sharing healing mind, the names of the Lord stir up an invitation to relationship. I would like to know what these names mean in relation to your own experience. I am a pastor by vocation. How do you take these names and make them work in the lives who need it most. God bless thanks for sharing!!
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Curious offering Leslie, it flows well and opens me up to enter a world that I have never known. I need to know more about what it is like to be a slave at the orphanage. I would like to know more how the men you talk about. In some ways it seems sinister and in other ways just curious. Good luck with uncovering the truth of your title.
Review of Tomorrow  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello hunters moon. I am mostly drawn in by the image of a man that prays in the midst of the presence of children in the dark. It could be someone such as I that prays in hope for myself and the children I love so much.
Review of Broken Pieces  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Profound in scope healing mind. I catch a very spiritual depth and an invitation that allows me to discover peace that I have not known before. I leave wondering what it takes for me to trust. That is the bridge that I have yet to cross as a reader of your poem. What do I risk to let go. Thank you for sharing.
Review of The Blue Apple  
Review by drifter
Rated: E | (4.0)
There is a creative niche in the metaphor of the blue apple. It speaks to me about that which is unique in my own perception and given the choice what will I do about this knowing rejection is the rule. So you let it loose for a a worm to devour. Does anyone care? Do I care?
Review of A Day In The Life  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello pumpkin, I loved the surreal plunge into the world of being a grandparent through the eyes of Kathleen. It seems that we start it off with special k. The grandkids come later. I can recall my own grandmother referring to her grandkids as the kings kids. It was a nice trip down memory lane, especially as I serve my own sentence as a grandfather. Thanks for writing. It kind of put it all into perspective. Someone cares.
Review of Study of the soul  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Latcherous, it sounds like a lot of trauma, drama in relation to grades and what they reflect about who you are a person. The stanza about falling too deep looks like a failing at life and therefore dying. Hopefully over time life means more as one enters into sleep. The time of wake up is learning that life is the big test and what we do with our life reflects who we are in relationship to the God who made us. God bless. I would like to know more about how grades erase the dawn.
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very curious prosperous snow, to lead an expedition back to earth so that paradise might be regained. I enjoyed Eden's voice thru the mask of an oak tree. I am left with many mysteries to solve which includes what brought these people here and how does Eden survive!? Maybe there is hope. I do not understand Eden watch( maybe watched). Thanks for writing.
Review of The Sea  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The few words in an ocean coming to the surface Babe. I like the whole concept. There is the vision of the wave like a hand reaching outward in the ebb and flow. There is an invitation to enter and become a part of the dance. Thanks for sharing. Nicely done.
Review of Losing Your Voice  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jatog, I love the way you offer all manner of metaphor in a spirit of lightness to make your point. It makes for a very easy enjoyable read. I am reminded of my own mom's struggle when she had als She could only use her fingers and thumbs and I am guessing she may of thought many of the things ou suggest. I especially like these lines:
Losing your voice is a silent wind-bagging;
(now pleasure lingers without spousal nagging).
Tone and inflection are mere memory;
voice dissipation lets quiet run free.
Review of Minty  
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Charcoalsleeves, your poem feel very authentic and real. I can picture, experience you with Minty in a unique way among others, longing for a chomp on the hands.
I read the first lines and am a bit confused. There is heat and the personalities. Are these dogs or people.
"Each personality contrasting starkly to the...(meaning what)
Thanks for sharing
Review by drifter
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Choconut, there was a measure of irony in what you wrote. "I can't find it anywhere". Maybe the reason that it can not be found is that we are not looking in the right place. I then watch as you share an environment whereby discovery of the precious code can happen. The main character Daisy listens in a caring way and eventually the bomb or "catastrophe is mitigated. The end was a bit too quick. The world was quickly saved from what? Maybe that is what I might find out in the next chapter.
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