Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/spiritspeak7
Review Requests: ON
44 Public Reviews Given
44 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Promptly Poetry  
for entry "Living a Lie
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.5)
hello miss angel, our paths cross again *Smile*
came across this a bit randomly when I was looking for something philosophical to read (and preferably a poem(I'm very fond of long poetic journeys!! *Smile*)
this one normally would be a bit short for my liking, but its solid depth to the point!
I thought of my time in Iowa upon finishing....a 58 hour factory work week takes away over 50% of our time being the other dimensions and aspects of being human -... and it's very very sad!
these people think they're getting was ahead but by the time they're retired their body's limbs and joints have certain ranges of motion they can longer through (more than a couple times). I know this from experience!

hope all is well *Smile*

Namaste - Wilder the Quiet
Review of Remembered  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.0)
this one reminds me of when I was homeless in Fort Collin's Colorado.
Review of My Mother's Poems  
for entry "Left in the Cold
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.0)
this reminds me of reoccurring dreams I have of malfunctioning coffee pots, which qualify as nightmares to me =-o
Review of Into The Darkness  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
if you are depressed and this is an emotion of it I sincerely hope you find some light soon, but being that you seem to write consistently you are constantly fighting the possibility

short but deep!
Review of The Coming Storm  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.5)
short but delightful and good descriptions!
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
kinda spookyish but well written.
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
very good poem! full of emotion
Review of Writing.Com 101  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (3.0)
where do I post my work to get feedback and reviews?

I've been posting my writings as static items, like I used to, and not getting any reviews
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.0)
this got me think'n bout someth'n either Lewis Carrol or C.S. Lewis once said, seeing someone immensely talented never improve or push the boundaries of their art because the person didn't practice much

Review of Lost Without You  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (3.5)
those who let themselves cry live far less tense and stressed lives
Review of Baby sitter  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.0)
I saw a comic joke of a babysitter taking the title just bit (sarcasm) to seriously and sitting on the baby...... funny funny lol
Review of Something Clicked  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
an entertaining story that flows well, it kept me interested... thumb up *Smile*
Review of HOPE  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
this got me think'n about two things: one - when I was in the Centennial state a couple years ago, going through some very weird and interesting stuff. at one point, when I was on a walking path, I let go so deeply (and my body was extremely tired (long story)) I started dropping consciously with my spirit from my body - thankfully my spirit guides caught me after a couple seconds and put me back in place with a "Woahh"!

two - the tidbits of psychosis I experience sometimes between dream and awake

namaste - Ruby Trish
Review of Echo Beach  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.5)
hi sir/ma'am, I like all the metaphors and perceptions of time (a very mysterious and interesting thing, time), and you made it long enough to allow all the nooks and crannies of the feeling to wind their way out

iv read so many poems on this site and elsewhere that felt to be a fraction of what the author was feeling and thinking. a think maybe a lot of writers are afraid readers will lose track or interest if a poem is too long

Namaste ~*~ a wilder moon
Review of Breakdown  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.0)
I can relate to this a bit. A few years ago I was woking endless 2nd shift overtime at a factory in Iowa. A little over a year into it my body and brain were so pumped on adrenaline I had some seriously bad sleeping problems. It was the first time I experienced hallucinations from sleep deprivation.
Thankfully I'll never have to go through any of that again.

I described (very metaphorically) my recovering from the sleep disorder it after I quite that nightmare in a poem called "broken flowers"

namaste ~*~ a wilder moon
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
this stirred me deeply in my reflections emotions of my own writings and traveling searches for truth and understandings of what I need to do for myself and the world and universe for the spirit and soul to thrive and evolve! :;.. where my life is going

living life moments and heartbeats at a time; having spaces in the togetherness:, its a beautiful way!

namaste ~*~ a wilder moon
Review of Prisms  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
coolest! .;, hello good madam, I believe we may share some functionalities in some part of the neural networks

perhaps you can work some magic end for following adventure! (might not show up correctly constructed on your end)

a Mount i Sing

The Valley Forged

Choose you’re own adventure chords

Time the boulders roll Slowly
c down the valley chord
e — holding the Forge
g the softness
Singing the river waters with the pines
a gently breeze i
bristling the flower people

Flute songs of the Gentley rocking
h praire grassets fold softly
e over the mossy rockings
— flutter bees in Fantastic
mirrors sWinging dance
o there
u mighty shadows in the flakes
n n f h
tain e e
ling dancing snow children

Glassy in the colliding scopes
h u
of e
village of Minerals
Forming in the hole below

Rainer Mist in the eyes of the
u a Cavernous fog Whisitling
Rumble s through the canyon
R b i — monuments in Haze
O l v
A e they Speak the languages
R of before …; o
R lASH you with their mighty
N winds
Review of Strange Mind  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
hello good sir... If you find yourself thinking its not easy being me, you're not alone .. DID i say i'm schizophrenic (extremely misunderstood) autistically brilliant humility here on my end *Smile*

I think you'll find this wonderfully stimulating. I am very very sensitive to chakra energies in many forms
from my recent brief phase in psychiatric care with practitioners who understand spirit very poorly unfortunately :~/


they pain, they pain,
whey they rain ,whey
they rain. , . Because
able to release from its the old game weiagyt
this craziness, ,;., if you feel our pain
insanity & cruelty we all might be

the screams we scream -;~ because eyes wide open
silently ... why?? of walks of wild wanderings
the patients asking.. why,? -:~ words of what the hell is
am I here. goin on!
The hospital crawls around
in projection quivers

ghostly's Spirit SZewn :;~ we LeveL cWwazZy

Authors note; post script; memoir of a memoir ., choose one that sound right *Wink*
I had speak a half truthful lie to those of narrow mind. an animal being here who has chronic anxiety and got released 2 days 2 late ,. 4 days post I'm leveling out now very well!

Review of Writing in Snow  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
hello sir, or ma'am *Smile* ,.. I have authentically lived this perspective for several months winter last year. had some deeply wonderful thoughts swim outa me watching the beautiful snow shine. greatly joyed knowing someone else understands the divinity of experiences this solitudic scenery.

my foresight and reflections of past lives is coming through now in almost bone chilling clarity, and throat chalkra even translating dialogue, my spirit from an Arapaho woman life

beautiful passage of wisdom..., and my wisdom to you, my meditating too much on a poor diet (hugely improved) put me psychiatric care for 2 solid weeks ;-!/ oops lol

further suggestions from your portfolio?
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
wonderful bummer :-;/

I seen one cat on americas funniest that liked a good bath but that may have been a bunny its a little funny now

me and my mama had a big mellow orange cat for 20 years that didn't much like the presence of another Little rambunctouus painfully playful kitty so he found homey welcome a walk through the woods for few months
Review of Who am I?  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (4.5)
I, a humosapien... am, very very close to writing that... on all applications in future... for what race? I already said.
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really good!!!
I got sucked right in!!

I will be reading more!
Review of State of Mind  
Review by WindSpirit3
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like the this is presented. The first two sections immediately reminded me of what Levar Burt said of his mother's approach "to give her children children the best education she could not afford.

I started less is more years ago and became a minimalist in Colorado and I'm very ok with that hahahah

An idea came to just last night about this philosophy
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/spiritspeak7