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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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March 8, 2013 at 8:05pm
March 8, 2013 at 8:05pm
*Note* Dang. The last time I blogged, it was Christmas Eve.

*Note* We moved into my mother's old house in January. I like it better than the house we were living in. It's a bit smaller than the other house, but that's one of the things I like about it. The other house was laid out funny. The kitchen was a hundred miles from the family room, for instance. I don't know why that was worrysome to me, but it was. So there.

*Note* I got disgusted at work and stopped turning in lesson plans a few weeks ago. Something the principal said today made me realize that she didn't know the difference. Evidently she doesn't pay attention to who turns them in and who doesn't. Heh heh heh! This gave me the big head with myself.

*Note* We are having Spring Break this coming week. A whole week out of school - wahoo!

*Note* I had to go to the store for laundry detergent. You couldn't have washed a flea with what we had left. In the store I just happened to walk by the bubble bath. It tempted me beyond my endurance. It doesn't take much to make me happy, fortunately.
December 24, 2012 at 10:21pm
December 24, 2012 at 10:21pm
Oh holy night,
The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night
Of the dear Savior's birth!

Merry Christmas!
December 18, 2012 at 6:26pm
December 18, 2012 at 6:26pm
We have three fifth grade classes at our school. I was given the assignment of watching one of these fifth grade classes from noon until 2:00 - the best one, thank goodness. The Gifted Teacher was watching one class and the Guidance Counselor had one. This was to give the teachers uninterupted planning time. Well, I kind of dreaded it. I don't really like going to other teachers' rooms in order to keep their classes - I'd rather be in my own area, but the library was being used as the testing center. We are having semeter tests this week, and they use the library to hand out and take up the tests.

The Gifted Teacher and I went to talking and we came up with a plan. We decided to throw our two classes together and put a movie in. The Guidance Counselor fell in with us too. We had to take them to lunch, then all three of us went to the auditorium (which which was right across from the cafeteria, so no transport problems) and used the TV on the stage to put in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It actually worked out. I kind of enjoyed it. That was super-nice, for something that I had dreaded to turn out so well. Plus, the teacher for my class came back early to pick her students up. Wahoo!

The Gifted Teacher and I have two of the third-grade classes tomorrow. Looks like we will be doing the same thing. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon!

December 17, 2012 at 8:49pm
December 17, 2012 at 8:49pm
I got an iPhone today. Haha! You can't tell me anything, I have the big head with myself! My husband and daughter both have one, so naturally I had to get one, just like a kid. I have been with Cspire for a year, so I got on their website to see if I had any free upgrades and the iPhone did happen to be one of the freebies. Wahoo! I'm syncing it right now.
December 16, 2012 at 2:56pm
December 16, 2012 at 2:56pm
I'm trying to get back into the blogging groove. My mind flashed back to when I blogged EVERY DAY. That seems like a million years ago.

It is raining like crazy in central Mississippi. The ditch in front of our house is full. It makes me feel good for the rain to fall, since it so rarely happens. It makes me think our grass and trees are getting nutritionalized. I feel sorry for them in the summer, but not sorry enough to water them. Our water bill would be a million dollars if I did that. Plus, the grass doesn't seem to be hurting enough for me to have to stop cutting it.

Our church had our dinner on the grounds for Christmas today. I took homemade, not-out-of-a-box macaroni and cheese. Of course, most churches don't have it on the grounds anymore, we have it in the fellowship hall. The name is a holdover from when they actually went outside to have the dinner. I remember doing that when I was little. Good thing we did have it under a roof or we would have gotten wet.

Emily went to babysit for a family in a church. However, when I told her that she could pay for the presents she wants to buy her two friends with her babysitting money, she still looked at me crazy. Alas . . .we are talking about a CD and a poster, here.

We rode around and looked at lights last night - one of my pleasures in life.

My mother wants me to come drink coffee this afternoon. I told her I would, but only if we could have it in the raccoon cups. Drinking coffee is not my thing - I am a Coke person, but she has these precious cups that look like raccoons, and if I just have to drink coffee, raccoons make it better.

I suppose that makes me weird. Ah . . . so be it.
December 15, 2012 at 5:35pm
December 15, 2012 at 5:35pm
Well, I was supposed to be evalauted this week by my principal. The last time that a principal came in to evaluate me formally was four years ago, in 2008. That was the principal who hired me. We are on our second principal since that lady retired. This is our current principal's second year to be at our school, and she certainly didn't come in the library to evaluate me last year. She just totally made something up. Our assistant principal was supposed to evaluate me, but that didn't work out because she had to have surgery.

The principal asked me several times for a good time for her to come. I named several times, all of which were not possible due to scheduling conflicts. Wednesday I e-mailed her with two more suggestions: 1:00 Thursday and 9:00 Friday. I never heard back from her. When she didn't show up at 1:00 on Thursday, I assumed she would be there at 9:00 on Friday. Nope - she didn't show then either. I assumed she would make something up again this year.

At 12 noon on Friday, here she came. Problem: I had asked my 12:00 class to come at 10:00 because my books desperately needed straightening out, and I wanted several uninterupted hours to work on them, never thinking that the principal would try to show up at that point. Besides, I would never ask her to evaluate me with this class because of their behavior. She had put a note in my box to that effect and I had never checked my box - I had been looking for a return e-mail. Ha! Silly me.

My allergy to administrators is not getting any better.

December 8, 2012 at 7:59pm
December 8, 2012 at 7:59pm
Thank you to catty for the gift of a costumicon. I love having a costumicon, but rarely buy one.

We haven't moved into my mother's house yet. We must have a dog door and a fence before we do. My dogs are used to a dog door and a fence, and I don't propose to work all day without them. My husband is planning on working on the fence next week. We are also adding a bedroom, since all three children have gotten used to their own room, and we don't really want to go back.

My birthday was a week ago. I told everybody not to give me anything, since I am about to move and don't want anything extra to fool with. Naturally, as a result, my husband gave me something this year. Last year, when I wouldn't have minded a present, I got nothing. This makes sense - to somebody. Just not me! Anyway, it wasn't much: a Snoopy doll that plays the Snoopy theme (I needed that, now didn't I?), some earrings, and a suncatcher in the shape of a flower. My mother gave me some socks and some makeup, both of which I can at least use.

My little town, Richland, had their Christmas parade this afternoon. Haha! It was nice and medium-warm for this year's parade. I remember a couple or three years ago it was frigidly cold, plus it was trying to rain, and the parade lasted about 10 minutes. No kidding! It may have been shorter than that. That's Mississippi for you - we can do cold, and we can do rain, but we don't deal with them too well together. This year it was about 30 minutes long, which is normal - a good length for a parade.

There used to be a show on TV called Upstairs Downstairs, which I never watched, but my mother did. I found a fictionalized version of this show at a flea market. They do that sometimes, take a TV show or a movie and make a book out of it, instead of the other way around. I have been about to kill myself reading it. I have also been re-reading Catcher in the Rye.

My mother is at a Christmas party. We are babysitting her dog. One of my dogs is a go-with-the-flow type of dog, and she's fine with this. The other one is the Alpha dog of the household, and she has been registering her objections with us about having a visitor. We have just about succeeded in getting her over herself, mostly by ignoring her. Haha! It's not good for anybody, even a dog, to get their own way ALL the time, now is it? I tried to tell her that Santa Clause is watching her, but she seemed unconcerned.
November 29, 2012 at 10:07pm
November 29, 2012 at 10:07pm
Madeleine L'Engle's birthday is today. She would have been 94 today. She wrote A Wrinkle in Time, which I blatantly stole my handle from. Happy birthday, Madeleine L'Engle! It also happens to be Louisa May Alcott's birthday. Little Womenis one of my favorites too, but not like Wrinkle. Happy birthday to these two literary giants.
October 28, 2012 at 6:40pm
October 28, 2012 at 6:40pm
I didn't realize it had been two months since I blogged. My computer croaked. It has something to do with Windows Vista being the operating system. I've been using my husband's computer when he wasn't using it.

The biggest news is that my mother got remarried. She had known this guy when they were kids. When my mother moved with my grandparents to Jackson in the 1950s, they rented an apartment from his family. Both of them got married to somebody else (in my mother's case, two somebody elses). My other stepfather died four years ago and his wife died one year ago. They got married last Saturday, October 20. His name is Conrad. I actually went to high school with his son, but I don't remember him - he was a year behind me. He also had two daughters, only one of which is still alive. She lives in South Carolina and the son lives around the corner from my mom. He and his family came to the wedding, and I could tell that he felt funny about his dad getting remarried. His parents were married for almost fifty years, so I can see why. My mom was only married to my real dad for around 10 years, only 9 of which I was around for, and to my first stepfather for 23 years, so I'm used to her being remarried. It's kind of odd.

They have bought a house and Mama is going to let us move into her house. We are waiting on the final paperwork to go through on their house, which will take a couple more weeks.
September 4, 2012 at 9:15pm
September 4, 2012 at 9:15pm
*Note* As you know, the air is out in my room at work. We usually have staff meetings in there, but our principal decided it was too hot and moved to another room. I stay in there all day and she can't stay in there for one hour? Gotta love administrators.

*Note* I am listening to my country music on my iPod, which I haven't done in a while. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl. My grandfather - no, let me tell it straight: my Papaw - loved Willie Nelson. It makes me think of him to listen to country music.

*Note* I hate being down to my last trash bag. I rarely let it get that far, but this time I did. I swear, my family will pile the trash up to the ceiling rather than just take it out of the can and put a new one in. I had to go to the store and get a new box just so they wouldn't have an excuse.

*Note* Let me tell the truth: I really went because we were out of ice cream. *Bigsmile*

*Note* If Friday doesn't hurry up, I will hurt somebody.

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