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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1808259
"I could eat alphabet soup and crap better lyrics then that." - Johny Mercer.
From June 2016 entries are entered into "The Bard's Hall Contest"   by StephBee

From May 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor /right}
From June 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

From June 2016 entries are entered into "Blogging Circle of Friends "   by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

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I'm a writer, who doesn't write.
An artist, who doesn't paint.
I'm a blogger, who doesn't blog.
I'm a dreamer. And all I do is dream

I was born a donkey, but lived as a man. My parents sent me out from the paddock so that I could learn the secrets of corned bread. Seeing for myself the world of men made me curious because that was my weakness. Always my weakness. My hind-legs were strong and so began my masquerade. I became a man and walked the world of men.

I tasted many delights, and many disasters. But soon I found that I needed a thing called money. To continue my quest I would need to work. A courier seemed the most obvious thing. Although, was I not a man now and not a pack-mule? No. No couriers work for me. I chose a trade and worked in a factory.

I had not forgotten my quest for the secret of corned bread. Every night, while printing the newspaper on the night shift, I would see the grand old culinary designs in the food and drink section. There was so much more to food then corned bread.

Continue My Memoir of Magic and Dreams

This is my blog documenting my experiences on http://www.writing.com. In it, I will include my reviews of others works, links to offsite writings, and importantly, I think, moan and complain constantly about the machinations of this beautiful, sexy, inspiring and fearsome beast of a writing community.

I didn't do anything about my desire to write for over 20 years and I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm a little worried that I've left it all too late and I won't have enough time to become a good writer.

I'm always up for joining in on blogging groups and challenges, so if you have one - let me know here.

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May 13, 2017 at 3:38am
May 13, 2017 at 3:38am
Well, I've made up a logo, written an instruction manual, and thrown the baby to the wolves ... um ... not steampunk imagery... ok... anyway ....

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#2121161 by Not Available.

Is now a live concern.

In fact, it's ALL our concern!

*Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy*

I am quietly-excited about this project. I know there is some crazy-talented people here, who just KNOW how to go with the FLOW and will take to this like ducks to water.

I did have big plans of doing a wildly creative and atmospheric introduction to fire everyone up, but, you know, performance anxiety and such - so I went back to my journalistic roots and went for a pep talk vibe instead. I'm pretty chuffed with how the logo turned out, so I'm hoping I have ticked the boxes for credibility.

When I came back from my last hiatus from this site, I wrote this as my portfolio bio:

Last time I was here, I rescued and restructured the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. Then I hung out in the "The Steampunk Authors' Guild and released a record breaking newsletter, "Invalid Item Who knows, this time I might actually finish some stories!
But you know what? One of the things I missed the most about WDC while I was away - and the number one thing that brought me back - was the communities. I liked being part of something, and I especially liked being able to communicate with down-to-earth writers like me.
For this reason...
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#2087792 by Not Available.

I am hoping this is the project that really kicks the "The Steampunk Authors' Guild into gear to mark my time there like how I gave the 30 Day Blogging Challenge it's structure and gave that community activity new wheels. Gear, haha. Wheels, haha. You know, when I was 15 at a new school, one of my buddies turned to me and said, "The thing I like about your humour is that you never laugh at your own jokes." I responded, "That's because I don't get them." Now look at me, all grown up and laughing at my own jokes :)

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
May 13, 2017 at 3:30am
May 13, 2017 at 3:30am
Well, I've made up a logo, written an instruction manual, and thrown the baby to the wolves ... um ... not steampunk imagery... ok... anyway ....

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#2121161 by Not Available.

Is now a live concern.

In fact, it's ALL our concern!

*Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy* *Crazy*

I am quietly-excited about this project. I know there is some crazy-talented people here, who just KNOW how to go with the FLOW and will take to this like ducks to water.

I did have big plans of doing a wildly creative and atmospheric introduction to fire everyone up, but, you know, performance anxiety and such - so I went back to my journalistic roots and went for a pep talk vibe instead. I'm pretty chuffed with how the logo turned out, so I'm hoping I have ticked the boxes for credibility.

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
 Invalid Item 
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
May 10, 2017 at 7:31am
May 10, 2017 at 7:31am

Cultural Diversity in Australia is considered to be high. 40% of Australians are said to be immigrants, of whom 15% speak a language other then English in their home environment.

According to the 2001 census, in Queensland alone there were:
over 120 ethnic communities, over 120 languages, 23.3 per cent of the people born overseas, 3.1 per cent of the people who were Indigenous.

Australia's CALD structure is not just linked to nationalities and ethnic groups; cultural diversity is also seen in the many subcultures within and across the CALD groups, for example, youth culture, religious groups and other groups formed through shared characteristics and values
May 9, 2017 at 9:20am
May 9, 2017 at 9:20am
Edict zero or we're alive?

which should i review?

and with which emotion?

Both are the most awesome audio drama's I have ever had the fortune to listen to, 1 science fiction procedural, the other horror character drama.
April 29, 2017 at 12:56am
April 29, 2017 at 12:56am
My favourite book as child, besides comic books, was probably the Noddy series. My mum used to buy them for me; all hard covers and kept in a bookshelf at the end of my bed. I don't actually remember my mum reading them to me, although she assures me she did, and I put this down to her being a governess and teaching both my brother and I to read before we had started school.

These days I read to my kids, not as much as I would like to or as much as I should, but I do read to them. I read them books and I read to them comic books. I always do the voices, the sound effects; and make it into as big a production as I can. In the back of our copy of Watership Down I have a handwritten list of each of the rabbits and what their accent is - to remind us all who is who (especially me!). Doing different accents makes the characters easier to differentiate, bugger authentic dialects!

The voices, I admit humbly, have even entranced my wife much to the kids delight.
April 12, 2017 at 6:53am
April 12, 2017 at 6:53am
The closing date for my dream job is tomorrow. I have already applied of course, but after tomorrow I will be waiting patiently to hear if I've been selected for an interview.

It's for a prosthetic technician at the hospital that I do volunteer work at, fitting bicycles to disabled kids. While I'm not strictly qualified as a prosthetic technician, I come from a machining background and although I didn't finish my post trade studies, I did manage to wrangle a statement of attainment from the school for the units/fields I did complete. I told the employers in my cover letter I was prepared to mold my studies around their requirements to cover any technical gaps.

I'm hoping that's enough to get me the interview at least.

As for the interview itself, I can only put my fate in the hands of... Well, fate. I went for a similarish job at a different hospital late last year, and it was a complete balls up. It was actually my first job interview in over 20 years. It was more of an allied health assistant role, and it was that part that I bombed out on so spectacularly. I'm now in the middle of an entry level allied health assistant course online, so I won't repeat those mistakes.

This role, however, seems to be more technical. I really wish I had finished my technical engineering courses now haha. Can't win, always get it arse about!

When I didn't get the other job at the other hospital, I was devastated. This time though, I won't be as I don't have my heart and soul resting on it like last time. This time, I'm working in the industry and studying an industry specific course already rather then in the middle of dropping out of study.

Wish me luck, but don't be too worried about me. This time.
April 1, 2017 at 4:45am
April 1, 2017 at 4:45am

I made eye contact with an older lady sitting down to eat her lunch at an Aged Care home. Nice looking lady, nothing untoward about her. She hoarsely whispers to me, absolutely still... "help me! "

Freaked me out, I have to admit.

And then... I went to exit and I was locked in. They all have these security systems but the code is usually the Postcode. Post code didn't work.

I turned around: No staff.

So, I went back to the dining area and asked the kitchen ladies to let me out. They said they wanted me to stay for Lunch! Kitchen lady humour, I guess. After some polite banter, they told me the code. It was wrong! Then another kitchen lady came up and let me out, saying they told me the wrong code on purpose!!

I escaped.

The poor old lady did not. Subject to kitchen lady humour, no doubt.
March 23, 2017 at 5:14am
March 23, 2017 at 5:14am
I didn't read the invoice that said the patient wasn't being discharged until 10am. I turned up at 9.45am. I was then behind on my other patient calls, and had to return to the same place at 11.45.
January 29, 2017 at 4:44am
January 29, 2017 at 4:44am
The happy moth eats dirt,
and flies through the night.
He does not wish to be eaten,
or zapped
by electricity,
or have his butt end up
where his mind used to be.

He also doesn't want
a madman in the whitehouse.
He doesn't have the reputation for survival
like the cockroach.

Knowing his luck,
the happy moth
will fly towards the nuclear explosion
to come
and be
the first to be irradiated.
the best he can hope for
is too have his butt
end up where his mind used to be
as he slams bodily
into an actual

Makes a change
from electricity
and windscreens, he shrugs.
A non-plussed moth
and a happy moth,
not much difference,
truth to be told.
November 30, 2016 at 12:13am
November 30, 2016 at 12:13am
dropped out of my engineering course

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couldn't handle it anymore.

don't really know what to do now.
October 2, 2016 at 12:01am
October 2, 2016 at 12:01am
entry for "Picture a Story CLOSED/UnderConstruction"   by Cubbee

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Book 3 of The Secrets of Ghosts Series.

Praise for Secret Lives of Ghosts

"Covered in mystery" - Guardian.

"A spirited affair" - Sunday Times.

"There's no hiding the fact Secret Lives of Ghosts, and it's prequel Secret Past of Ghosts, are Absolutely FaBOOlous" Anthony Horowitz.

"A haunting thriller that reads like a cross between War & Peace and Like Water For Chocolate." Independent.

"Boockle your seatbelts, you're in for one heckuva ride!" - Observer.

Praise for Secret Pasts of Ghosts

"A headlong romantic and rich fantasy mirroring contemporary history and highlighting the danger in repeating it's mistakes." - Telegraph.

"As ever, Thundersbeard's story rattles it's chains at a breath taking pace with a cast of characters replete with authenticity and idiosyncracy and great taste in bedwear."

"Action-packed and ready for praise." - The Times.

"You can't hide from blanket statements saying this is the best in the series yet." - Eoin Colfer.

"More twists and turns then a crumpled sheet" - Guardian.

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
October 1, 2016 at 3:10am
October 1, 2016 at 3:10am
Prompt: Most of the happy people I know do one thing really well. Think about the people in your life do you agree or disagree? What do you think inspires their happiness? What do you do to inspire your own?

I think doing well at anything at all to the point where you can move forward with it according to any goals you set, big or small, is an awe-inspiring recipe for happiness.

But really, I think that the happiest people I know, one of my best friends included, are the ones with expectations. They expect to be happy, so even when things go wrong they are surprised, but they just wait for things to go right again. They do after all expect to be happy no matter how the turkey turns out.

I know some very happy people right now - lifelong Bulldogs supporters who have just won their first AFL grand final since 1954.

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
September 16, 2016 at 2:53am
September 16, 2016 at 2:53am
I love the fact, in John Strange & Mr Norell that amongst all that magic in this alternate history drama, the 'muggle" friend of a man who can sense magic unravels a puzzle to see reason in madness.

I obviously don't want to say too much so as not to spoil the magic of this BBC miniseries.

Needless to say: magic show. 5 stars.

IN other news: it's nice sometimes when I think how my 12 yr old daughter and I have developed a rapport centered around animals, art, and literature. This has nothing to do with the aforementioned television show.

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
September 7, 2016 at 8:08am
September 7, 2016 at 8:08am
I built a new workshop, and as such I moved all the machinery that I had accumulated downstairs into said workshop. The kids will be rapt, as they have been banned from being downstairs since the start of the year when I bought my metal working lathe.

Sat down at my desk in the cleared space, and since it was time to start on my drafting design homework, I decided to research and record story writing templates instead. I picked up an a4 (equivalent to letter or 8.5 inch paper) notepad that I have used on and off for the past couple of years for brain storming ideas. I couldn't find a pen at hand, so I used a black felt tip texta. Quite thick and slidey, perfect for drawing some quick sketches too.

So I started drawing some cartoonish kids faces, they quickly decided they had personalities, and the personalities needed to have a world to live in, and a drama to unfold around them.

Eight pages later, it was well and truly time to get stuck into my drafting homework. Luckily, my daughter let it be known it was actually dinner time.

I haven't randomly brainstormed for such a long time. Maybe even years. I even threw in some cartoony kiddish sketches of all five of my main characters in my fantasy novel. It was fun. A lot of fun. And I think I actually came up with two pretty good ideas out of the exercise.

In a world falling apart around my ears, it made me feel good to go with the flow and use a mix of words and pictures to create new worlds.
August 29, 2016 at 7:31pm
August 29, 2016 at 7:31pm
My daughter is turning 12 this weekend. What is it about 12 that seems to make me so misty eyed? I guess it's because it's the last birthday before her teens; the last birthday in primary school.

Ive missed a huge part of her life this past year since I was retrenched and I've been studying full time and working part time. I used to pick them up from school each and everyday except if I did overtime.

The hardest part to miss was our Wednesday art classes at the local community house. I would help out the art teacher, but really it was a chance to just hang with my kids and make some art with them for an hour and a half. On my birthday last month, I took the day off work so I could go to art classes again. My daughter loves art, she lives that the art classes are so hands on with crafty activities. When she first started she was disappointed it wasn't drawing and painting lessons. She's since moved past that, the art teacher has really opened her eyes. On my birthday, we did dry felting. An activity we did another time when I was able to be there more regular like. That time I made my own dry felt Flash doll for my youngest son. My daughter made an elaborate bird. This time, my daughter made an underwater scene like a painting, and I helped her choose some colours and helped my youngest make his own soft toy: helicopter. I also helped my middle child decide between making a boat or a bird. I was only there for the one session, so no time to make my own or get more hands on with the kids creations. It was nice to chat to the art teacher again, she is an older lady and an inspiration to me and my kids. Since I last saw her, she has garnered a new life for herself, at 60, making natural weaved material cubby houses.

My daughter turns 12 on Saturday, but she is still my little girl.
August 27, 2016 at 4:02am
August 27, 2016 at 4:02am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
18th-24th August 2016
Chief: Fivesixer

I will be judging as per the judging formula I formulated when I ran this baby.

SB Musing
abcoachnz-Sometimes around
Cadie Laine
Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST
Prosperous Snow celebrating
Moody Blue: Needs an Upgrade
💙 Carly
SandraLynn Team Florent!
Elycia Lee ☮
Carol St.Ann

SteamPunk Newsletter Out Now!
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#2092940 by Not Available.

Johny Thundersbeard
Editor, Mentor & Member.
"The Steampunk Authors' Guild
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
30DBC Administrator, Judge & Rejigger 2012.
Forum Master "Invalid Item 2016.
August 25, 2016 at 6:56am
August 25, 2016 at 6:56am
Can't shake this sadness. It's a physical discomfit in my face, sagging into my chest, and leeching into my body as it disperses all around my diaphragm. Ugh.
August 17, 2016 at 8:14pm
August 17, 2016 at 8:14pm
Dear Prosperous Snow celebrating ,

How are you today? I hope this missive finds you well. For the record you've never let me down. I don't really want to talk about any betrayals here though, as such talk can lead to a negative spiral that is hard to climb out of in one piece.

Instead, I thought I would share with you the ultimate tale of betrayal of someone else...


As the article itself says,
What a way to end your Olympic dream: thwarted by the one thing no man ever wants to let him down.

If the death of Julius Caesar is the ultimate story of betrayal, this is a close second.

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Kind Regards,
Johny Thundersbeard.
August 14, 2016 at 7:27pm
August 14, 2016 at 7:27pm
Dear Chrys O'Shea

I hope this blog entry for "Blogging Circle of Friends finds you well. I have to resit an exam tonight. My school is letting me resit it because the computer crashed in the middle of my last exam. Budget cuts.

In my pockets, I don't have anything that would help me in my exam. Quite the opposite. In my left pocket, I have procrastination. In my right pocket, I have inspiration. I haven't looked in my back pocket just yet.

I often find that I put both hands in my left and right pocket when I need to do something lifey and important.... Like studying. Then, I get inspired to get creative and produce art or write or some other impractical and inappropriate past time given the task at hand.

If I was to actively plan to create something.... Then my right pocket would be mysteriously zipped shut, and I would end up with only my left hand in my pocket.

Today, in my pockets, I have a recipe for artificial rock, sand & cement mix coloured with oxide powders.

I'm about to go out and do some sculpting.

Instead of studying.

Wish me luck on that test, won't you?

I still don't know what is in my back pocket. But you can rest assured that whatever it is its about to bite me on my butt!

Kind Regards,
Johny Thundersbeard.
PS: when I was an apprentice my nick name WAS actually Pockets.

> Tonight's prompt...
> Ring around the posy - a pocket full of.. .. .
> What are you pockets full of?
> Kristina
> Message from Writing.Com:
> You are receiving this email because you are part of the group "Blogging Circle of Friends .
August 12, 2016 at 9:11pm
August 12, 2016 at 9:11pm
Day 1367 August 12, 2016

Title Prompt: The Cyber- Thoughts

My cyber thoughts are yellowing,
They sound like a labor of love,
They taste like the spoiled fruits of hard labour,
They smell like the gentle frying of dust.
My cyber thoughts look like they're waning,
Feels like it's time for that new PC.


So I ordered a Skull Canyon Nuc barebones kit....plus hyperx impact 2400 mhz 32gb kit and a 1tb m2 ssd drive...The future is portable ....

It's what they call a mini-pc or small form factor SFF PC. About the size of a wireless router +- a few inches. They are just the processor, graphics card etc; u have to add your own hard drive and ram. This one comes with thunderbolt 3 adapter port, which means ONE DAY hopefully I can swap in and out third party graphic cards, which means I could conceivably have a graphics card for gaming and a more suitable graphics card for drafting/rendering

Importantly, it also means I can take it to school, downstairs, the bedroom, out in my workshop, in the lounge room, wherever I find myself, even out in the paddocks, and just hook it up to whatever monitor and keyboard set up is available. Cos you know I'm going to start installing monitor and keyboard setups in our feeding sheds now for the horses.

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Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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