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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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August 4, 2007 at 9:44am
August 4, 2007 at 9:44am
In my ramblings yesterday, there were several comments regarding the spiders and the violent behavior of the female after mating.

As a male many of the comments were quiet disturbing.

I feel I am not alone in my concerns. “Monk” seemed instantly traumatized with just the thought, and felt it imperative he let women around the world know he might have a slight sentimental side. He may even choose to stick with just riding baby for a couple of days, or until the jitters subside.

As stated in a comment yesterday “Destinydances” knows waaay to much about all that. Her profile states she is from the New England states. So should news stories begin to emerge in that area, causing speculation that the old “Legend of sleepy hollow” has been be revived, and the headless horseman rides again, we will know, it is no longer just a legend!!

As cheers went up from others “To just rip off the head” I realized the words after glow had suddenly taken on an entirely new meaning!!!

August 3, 2007 at 8:07am
August 3, 2007 at 8:07am
Greater minds ponder the mysteries of the stars, of a parallel universe, time travel and the like. Some wonder of the after life, others of what came before.

However, my thoughts run on a much less complex level.

Such as, the tiny little ears of corn found on most salad bars. Who shucks that?

And the food labels on some types of processed meats read: Made from “mechanically separated” chicken, pork or beef. Even the words miscellaneous parts are thrown around. So you have to wonder just what parts are mechanically separated. Not to even mention, just what mechanically separated mean?

I have also heard there is some species of spiders that tear the males head off after mating. I mean that just sounds a bit harsh. Don’t you think?
That is just something I certainly hope never carries over into the human species!
In the event it did. I wonder after a job well done if the simple courtesy of a last cigarette would be in order??

August 2, 2007 at 12:19pm
August 2, 2007 at 12:19pm
This is in no way a political opinion, Just a few thoughts.

Everyday when we click on our TV sets, we are flooded with debates on who should be our next president. I am sure the leader of the free world would look good on your business card or even sig for that matter. And the overall benefit package would have to be pretty good, and I am sure air force one makes for a much better commute than coach on U fly airline. I would suppose just the fact you don’t have to get naked going through security could be a huge plus.

But at the end of the day, why would anyone WANT the job. All the stress must be tremendous.

To put things in perspective I can think back to when my kids were younger and just how complex that small universe could be. Three kids in the back seat and three major fast food chains to select from. Need I say more? Keep in mind also, at this point in their life they had yet to be educated on their full bill of rights. I chose to just let them pick up all that knowledge from fully versed classmates, or older and much wiser high school kids they might come in contact with. Although I walked a fine line on the possibility of violating the full disclosure act, I was able to utilize the stern look and a firm “hold it down” voice for several years.

So a typical day as dad, verses the typical day as president, might go something like this.

Kid; (daughter).. Dad, why do you never wear that purple tie with the unicorns, I gave you for father’s day?
Dad; I was thinking on wearing it the next time we go to visit your aunt Helen. We will make sure no ones else is going to be there so she can enjoy the full impact. You know how she loves those unicorns!

Presidential advisor: Mr. President, it has leaked to the press you selected French vanilla creamer for your coffee this morning, and the Dutch are pissed!

President; So, I will have a scoop of Dutch chocolate ice cream after lunch today.

Kids: The man across the way with the beer belly is watering his lawn, and wearing those tight little shorts again.

Dad: Visual erase! Visual erase!

Presidential aide; Mr. President, Security has reported a man running across the east lawn buck naked, in an effort to draw attention to the fact public nudity should be a personal choice of each individual.

President; So how’s it hanging

August 1, 2007 at 5:35pm
August 1, 2007 at 5:35pm
I was feeling much better, made it through 2 soaps and “Dr Phil” without a single break down. I was also feeling like I could get through a sunset without tearing up. Then I get a comment in my blog from earlier today from a woman in Texas, suggesting I be used in place of a HORSE!...Is there no end!
August 1, 2007 at 1:33pm
August 1, 2007 at 1:33pm
My thoughts are heavy today for many reasons.

But I thought I would post these few thoughts in the hope it will help at least one man out of millions that cry each night, alone in the night.

A silent tear falls down his cheek as he sadly turns toward the wall, left alone in his silent frustrations.

Tonight, as other nights, he had offered her his heart and body, but as many times before she had only chosen to take the latter.

While his tears of sadness fall into the night he hears her begin to snore.

As she slips to peaceful dreams after taking her hurried pleasures from him, he is left alone with his thoughts, and to deal alone those sometime little male insecurities that sometimes creep into his thoughts.

His thoughts reflect to just the day before when he had ask her if they could do something special for the coming weekend. He had wanted to go for dinner at the restaurant down near the lake where he had heard his favorite band would be playing and hopefully dance beneath the stars.
He had even thought of wearing her favorite black suit, and the diamond cuff links she had given him in happier times.

But his hopes for the night out had soon been laid aside when she had informed him she had already made plans with the girls from work to meet for a few drinks and pool or bowling afterwards.

Is he so wrong to want for more, or is he just being selfish? Would it be too much to ask of her to hold him when he cries and gently kiss away his tears and calm his manly fears?

Could she not be made to realize he is not a machine to be switched on for her desires, and then suddenly switched off just because she cannot control her emotions?

But as he begins to fade to troubled sleep he realizes he might be just feeling a little sensitive. After all his truck needed new tires, and there was only one beer left in the fridge.

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July 31, 2007 at 3:12pm
July 31, 2007 at 3:12pm
Well, its day three of my blogging experience. From my window I see mountains of deep dark green. The moisture left behind by yesterday’s late evening rain causes the fog to slowly descend from the mountain tops and valley below. My coffee is hot and rich.
Yet, even in this tranquil setting no profound words of wisdom can be written.

My drive home yesterday was just 300 miles of interstate. The only exception was while at a rest stop a lady had a very white poodle. While looking at the dog and wondering how she kept it so clean, I noticed it ran up on its front legs when taking a whiz. Is that normal? Least it provoked a “weeell” before heading back to the interstate.

Thanks to all for stopping by yesterday, Destinysdances, I hope you did not roll around on the floor to long. Could cause your co-workers to call in the men in white coats!!
Brooke and Diva” I left a response to your comments in my blog.

I stopped in at the Chicken chicks port last night and it seemed she was having a bad day, so I refrained from any wise comments. I hope you are having a better day today. And the cat has re-gained control of his/her bladder. However, I did notice while reading some of her received comments, someone had a nice little jingle going about a chicken laying an egg. Then after reading other comments in my own blog, about the cycle of a chicken or egg, egg or chicken, I can’t recall which came first. So I am starting to feel the whole chicken thing is much broader than first suspected.

Just one more thought: With a broader scope on this whole chicken thing. I don’t mean to cause anyone reading this to become flushed or experience rapid eye blinking, shivers or sweats. But I suppose if we could set the above mentioned chicken jingle to the tune of the old song…”Crimson and Clover”. And play it throughout the hen house.
It might make the hens feel better about doing the same thing “over and over” everyday.

Rose, get off the floor!! You will be in the same faculty as destiny, writing your erotic stories with strange weird ending, and waiting on your meds.

Bugzy, I hate I left you with a disturbing image of the stout fellow. But its just one of those things in life, some things are good and some just stink! You know, thorns and roses concept. I do need to get over and check out your port and see what is happening over there. Also, my head is not that big, just of standard issue I think. Then again…..

Long time no hear…Dreamweaver…Hope all is well. I bet you’re one of those folks that hold’s a napkin in hand leaving a public restroom. Not a bad ideal considering the people that just “shake off” their visit and grab the door handle. Guess that is just in the mens room.Hu?

Diva, no eye rolling, I send Brooke GPs to say all these nice things about me. That last comment may break me…

Scarlett, This issue of being last, can be worked through, just give it time. Your bio says you were a former teacher. I hope you don’t give out bad grades for grammar and spelling!!!!

July 30, 2007 at 10:28am
July 30, 2007 at 10:28am
I will be traveling today. There is nothing, like the open road to clear your head and allow the time to ponder deep thoughts of wisdom. So hopefully I can finally come up with something profound to share.
Before the road calls to me, I will again leave you with a simple tidbit of road safety.

Should you ever find your self traveling the back roads and find the only usable faculties around is a small uni-sex bathroom, behind the Texaco station. Upon turning the knob you note the door is locked from the inside. When this occurs it always seems to intensify the need. But whatcha gonna do? In an effort to divert you attention from the immediate call, and not appear overly anxious, you take a look at the surrounding attractions. You might see an old Dodge charger, hood missing, engine removed. So your thoughts slip back to the days when the Duke boys could have jumped over a barn in that car.
Should you be male, and write an occasional erotic story you might have a look at the back seat, while reflecting on the length of Daisies legs……Then, your focus is returned to the present when you hear a click of the bathroom door lock and a turn of the knob. Yes!!!...........But the excitement level drops a bit when a very healthy gentleman steps out the small door. His attire is a comfortable pair of green jogging pants drawn well up above his belly button ( I mean this is just an assumption) He wears a pair of red high top tennis shoes with a string of tissue paper attached.

My safety tip is…..DONT GO IN THERE!!!!

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July 29, 2007 at 10:35pm
July 29, 2007 at 10:35pm
Been an interesting first day in blogville..Though I would check out a few of the other "real" bloggers that took the time to visit.
Seems to be a pretty normal group,on the surface at least. There is Sweet T down in the Lone star state at a birthday party. That seems a normal way to spend a Saturday .

Then everything kind of went South from there. There were comments about crabs, Ice picks, bad plumbing,locking doors, plumbers and pajamas. I understand Its my first day and most of these comments can be cleared up by checking out their port or blog...Hopefully!

Then along comes someone wanting to be a very special super hero,and I know she wishes she could fly.

Even the ideal of wanting to be a super hero may have crossed all of our minds, at some point in time..I did not even care if I could fly, I just wanted Superman's X-ray vision.But that is neither here or there.

HOWEVER...As I was clicking around to different Blogs I stumbled upon a blog where a lady repeatedly stated, she had not one single fetish in life. While reading I thought well, that is all good, saves money on special clothing, miscellaneous tools, toys, whips, swings in the bedroom,sharks teeth, or whatever it takes to set you boat a sail.

While I was still in the process of pondering all the savings..I look at the posted photo... "Folks" this same person has what appears to be, A "live" chicken in her mouth.....munnnn....deep thoughts my friends, Deep thoughts.......

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July 29, 2007 at 8:11am
July 29, 2007 at 8:11am
With a fresh cup of coffee, the thoughts of wisdom start to stir.......Just a simple tidbit comes to mind...Actually...... more of a safety tip than wisdom.

DON'T fry bacon in the Nude!!!!!

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