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Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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August 14, 2007 at 9:53am
August 14, 2007 at 9:53am
I know I mentioned yesterday I would follow up on the “Lovers by the sea” story, from my Sunday post. But when I went to review their life through the years I was saddened to find the budding relationship had ended.

I discovered that shortly after the couple returned from their vacation by the sea, she had soon met someone else and is now living alone in a mobile home just outside of Little Rock, Arkansas.

It seems while engaging in side chatter during an online game of Canasta she had met a man that she felt was her true soul mate. This revelation became clear to her, when after several inspiring games, she had found out he could give her a much more definitive answer to what was ”actually” within the mysterious waters of the sea, as opposed to the guy in my story who just kind of sat there with her and wondered about it.

The guy in the story still lives alone in the small house they had planned to share. He was so distraught by the loss of her, he has never married. He soon dropped out of law school, but seems to enjoy his job as a cart wrangler at Wall Mart.

He smiles at the costumers, sometimes grabbing them a cart, or engages with them in idle chatter. But at night when alone, he thinks of why things went wrong. So he flips on the TV and searches for the discovery channel, trying to always learn more, about the mysteries of the deep.
August 13, 2007 at 12:39pm
August 13, 2007 at 12:39pm
Well folks, yesterday I sat down and wrote a sweet little love story to hopefully ignite a bit of Sunday afternoon romance, should anyone stop by to read.
But it appears even the best laid plans of mice and men, can go wrong.
Somehow I ended up possibly tied up in the back of a gas guzzling panel truck with a chicken. I do take heart in the fact there were no staplers involved. So hopefully my reputation may be improving as a blogger, stripper, lawn boy or whatever the case may be. I do think the discussion is still on going as to the type weedeater I get.

I did notice a chicken has been thrown in the works. I do think the chickens of today have a heavy enough burden cast upon them, providing food for the masses,(except Bugzy of course), not to even mention egg production and the responsibility involved in waking folks up everyday. So I hope the chicken can be dropped off at a peaceful, happy farm somewhere along the way.

ANYWAY! Back to my little love story, from yesterday.

I need to put names in place for the couple sitting by the sea. I would guess the couple to be around 25. I will change the names after they age a bit, to protect the innocent.

Because, if time permits, I plan to re-visit them taking the same walk 25 years later. I hope to capture in a humorous way, how the conversation or thoughts “may” have changed through the years.
August 12, 2007 at 12:48pm
August 12, 2007 at 12:48pm
Today I have no comedy. Or meanless thoughts
It is Sunday and a day for relaxing, So shut off your computer(after you read my blog) grab your Significant other and try the below recipe..never know ,you might get something cooking. If you dont have an ocean you might modify the recipe slightly with even a back yard kiddy pool. Just set it close to the sand box, though.

The soft gentle breeze rustles through the palms over head as we finish dinner. Drinks are cool the conversation warm. The breeze brings to us the old love song the band plays in the distance. As our hands and smiles connect across the table we enjoy the familiar warmth, as the sweet magic of the age old chemistry flows between us.

We decide to take a walk along the waters edge to continue absorbing the beauty that surrounds us. Your hand in mine is as warm and soft as the ocean sands beneath our bare feet, as we move along the shore. The beauty of the setting sun captures our attention and we pause for a moment and you lean back against me.

My arms encircle you to draw you even closer. My lips brush your cheek to acknowledge your closeness and to savor the softness of your skin.
I inhale the smell of your hair and feel your shiver of quiet emotions stirred, as I breathe soft kisses against the soft warmth of your neck.
Holding close in a comfortable lovers embrace we watch in silent wonder, while the setting sun seems to simply descend into the distant sea.

The cooling night breeze touches our skin as we continue our walk. With the setting of the sun the moon moves up to claim its rein of the night sky.

To shield us from the sand I remove my shirt for us to sit on, as we watch the unfolding wonders of the night. You again lean back in my arms as we allow the night to surround us. We listen to the sounds of the ever moving ocean, its rolling waves sometimes moving closer as if to warn us of its power. But as the moon claims full rein of the night, its dancing golden shadows seems to bring calmness to the vast waters before us.

Relaxing in our embrace we talk of the vastness of the sea. We wonder of what distant shore it touches and what ancient treasure might hides beneath its great depths.

You shiver at the thoughts and vastness before us, and for a moment I hold you close allowing you to feel my strength, never to harm or exert power over you, just too always keep you safe. In this moment in time we feel small within the vastness that surrounds us and our daily cares slip away, allowing us to simply hold each other as male and female, neither more, or neither less. As two, we combine our strength and share our weaknesses to make us complete.

Within my arms I hold the awesome power to create life, combined with understanding and a gentle softness that can with just a look, or fingertip against my skin, calm my harsh male emotions that sometime rage like the moving sea. .

When we rise to return from our walk, I see the moonlight dancing in your eyes, I gently caress back your hair blown by the ocean breeze, my hands encircle your face and silently search your eyes for a kiss……………………

I know this is just standard everyday stuff for most. I just thought some might need a little jump start after a big Sunday lunch!

August 11, 2007 at 1:28pm
August 11, 2007 at 1:28pm
I know we all have seen them as we go about our day. What we see may just be a quicken step to get ahead at a grocery check out. They may cut us off in traffic, or just seem to enjoy the sound of their horn when someone in front of them moves a bit too slow.

You guessed it “rude people”

I know we all have our days. We may be running late for a work appointment or picking up the kids from school. Most of us just except it as today’s busy life style and let it go at that.

My thoughts here are in wonder of just, rude mean people, who seem to wake up every morning in a bad frame of mind.

I am a very laid back person for the most part, and sometimes just enjoy sitting back watching the “special people” go about their day. I know you have seen theses people everywhere. You may spot one at an airport, he is the one that walks up to the ticket counter several time while waiting for a flight, demanding his plane be brought to the gate immediately. I mean you have to wonder just what he expects the lady at the counter to do. Should she call someone and say, Mr. Special is here, so hold all the other planes that are attempting to land and bring in his plane first. Don’t worry about the other ten thousand common folks that may be delayed when they miss connecting flights, or their ride home has to circle the terminal another 500 times. Mr. Special will be oooon time.

In my laid back thinking Mr. Special is just getting his blood pressure up and providing entertainment for the rest of us. In this case no real damage is done, with the exception of the ticket counter employee, whom I assume with today’s security could touch a button or make a call could send Mr. Special hitchhiking to Chicago.

But the thing that really gets me going with the Special folks is when you are in a restaurant for example, and an entire family of special people get seated close by. Immediately one of the specials takes issue with the position of the table location, even the way the hostess went about bringing them to this undesirable location.

While looking over the menu, the specials see little that meet their dining standards. Usually the name of a much more expensive restaurant is tossed around. Where of course, as you may guess, is their first choice for fine dining?

I just have to wonder at this point if someone put a gun to their head and forced them off the highway to park the car, open the door and walk inside.

Up until now the specials have just spent time establishing the fact they are more special then the rest of us, who for the most part could care less. The real damage occurs when the waitress arrives to take their order.

With her arrival the Specials begin to set into motion all the insecurities of a life time.
The drinks are not right. The many changes they made to the menu item, to make it somewhat eatable are all wrong. With her running back and forth trying to make it right the specials are usually always sure to drop the name of the owner or manager of the establishment, so she will know she must try harder. After all, they are not just anyone, her next months rent could very well rest in their powerful hands.

I am not sure why the specials choose to direct their frustration toward the waitress, and maybe that don’t. I am sure they are fair in their rudeness and distribute it all around, and her job is just more visible, too me anyway.

I am not sure why I choose to write about this. Rudeness has always existed, and always will. So to wrap up my rambling rant I will leave you with a few thoughts for the next time you dine out.
In the past, over business lunches or dinners, I have let otherwise favorable contracts go unsigned. Applicants with excellent qualifications have remained un- employed. Even potential relationships have went unexplored, all because of the way the person or persons involved, treated the waitress. I have always assumed if the power was reversed, and they were given the upper hand over me. I would suffer the same, rude disrespect as the waitress. So, I suppose at the end of the day treat everyone around you with respect, seems the lowly waitress might have more power than first assumed.

August 10, 2007 at 9:18am
August 10, 2007 at 9:18am
In my blog yesterday I was struggling to make the transition from sensitive man to “macho”. I even spoke of getting a dog that would project a more macho image. I blew off taunting
comments said to make my image all better
Suggesting a poodle in a cute little sweater.

Maybe even a beagle with some frilly tether .
Sure to make ones loafers seem light as a feather.

I tried hard not to cringe with the image of pain
At the mention of “boy parts” frozen to a chain.

Toward the end of the day, despite all the above comments, I was feeling very manly.
I had even entertained the thought of not even carrying a gun, while enjoying my new found hobby as a bear hunter. I did consider taking a small pocket knife in the event things turn really nasty, and the bear tries to chew on my boots.

I suppose all the above is just idle thoughts, possibly a way of avoiding getting to the real concern and too let you know my mind set when the comment came in. The comment I refer too, seemed to have a few folk from all across the country, rolling around on the floor.

I will not call any names in relation to the comment. That could have so easily striped away all my chest pounding thoughts of the day. However, despite all of the laughter, and the fact there was no “slapping” mentioned in the comment, I was able to resume making plans for my hunting expedition.

Though I myself, sustained the blow of the comment, I simply make this post as a warning, should any sensitive men venture into my port.
I extend this warning because in past comments this nameless person has made comments regarding shackles and the like, suggesting, “ sipping tea and crumpets” may not be foremost on her agenda.

So my sensitive friend, though the name only resembles “Charlotte” I say, still use caution, should you become entangled in her web!

August 9, 2007 at 9:10am
August 9, 2007 at 9:10am
I have been in Blogville almost 2 weeks now and it has been very interesting to say the least. I enjoy the humorous side of life, and believe we should grab a smile when ever possible. Heaven knows there is enough stress in just day to day living to bring us down.
However, my skills as a writer are very limited, making it hard to capture the context of what, or how I am thinking. I may toss out a serious line from time to time, but its mostly just STUFF.

With that said, I will try and get to the point. Just yesterday I had two comments assuring me my words were manly, and I do appreciate that. I do admit my post last week about the sensitive man crying after sex was a bit over the top. I am still getting condolence mail from readers across the country on that one!! ( little side note here, and I will, as promised get to my point.) From the mail I have received regarding the sensitive man post, I am lead to believe there may “actually” be some men out there that have that level of sensitivity. So if any of the ladies reading this is blessed enough to have one of those. All I can say to that is: FOR GOD SAKES HOLD THE MAN!!

Okay, to ward off any miss understandings in the future I will refrain from any soft words or sympathetic comments that may be misconstrued as unmanly.

Since the doctor handed me to my mother many years ago and said “you have a son” I had, up until now, saw no reason to question his remark. I mean of course there were the early childhood things, of curious girls on the play ground. I guess I was having to prove my boyhood even then, and did not realize it.

I have been considering getting a dog and was leaning toward a beagle; they have a good demeanor about them, don’t eat a lot, and kind of just hang out without a lot of barking and such. I suppose now that I am on the defense I will have to revise that plan and get a more viscous beast that can support a name such as “Rambo” or “Killer. Tie him up on the back of my pickup with a log chain. Then I will have to have larger tires on my truck..This may get expensive!!

I suppose to off set the cost of the tires and such, I can save money on this site by down grading my membership. I will need to remove my somewhat “sensitive “stories, so how much space do you need to say: “Get over here woman”

I guess I have rambled enough for today. Better get my gun out and target shoot a little. Bear season will be here SOON!!!

August 8, 2007 at 11:41am
August 8, 2007 at 11:41am
This morning over coffee and a couple of smokes, I took a browsing tour through blogville.

I like the way some folk choose to just toss their emotions out there and allow the world to take a peak into their daily lives. Then to read the comments in response, you can see that others actually care and understand. You can see the heart felt thoughts in their sincere words. Though others may care and understand, they, such as yours truly, choose to wrap their deeper thoughts in subtle humor. However, when all the diverse rambling is combined it makes for interesting, and sometimes humorous reading.

In the many pages of written words you find happiness, where folks just seem glad for another day, to touch the sunshine or feel the rain. You read of close nit families, of dear friends, and favorite foods. For those of us that battle our hidden or not so hidden dragons each day, and to hold our envy to a minimum, we have to silently wonder: Good drugs?

In the many pages of written words you find sadness, of shattered dreams and broken hearts. In their shared stories, song’s, or poetry, you feel their subtle tears. You hear their hopes for romance, and of that one true love that will one day set them free. You feel the pain of the broken hearts, and have to hope the heart will mend and reflections of pleasant memories will replace the sadness.

Foot notes.

Scarlett. I notice you openly use the “M” word in your port. In time this may become offensive to Bugzy as she continues to refine her diet.

I had always thought “pink fluffy clouds” were nice, and implied fair weather to come. But what do I know.

In several of the ports I saw the possibility of male bashing. I do not take offense and just mention as an idle comment, because without exception I prefer the company of a female.

Brooke? When you go work on the habitat for humanity project, do u get your own tool belt??

I also saw in one port (after reading a preceding entry that was not very friendly toward men, I read the others very quickly) there was much discussion what a date might be. All of the suggestions seem logical and informative, but I think the context in which the question was asked implied teenagers?? I think in America, kids go out and check out a few hormones ect. But in all reality they are discussing better methods to raise their parents in the hope that one day they will be presentable to introduce to their friends.

August 6, 2007 at 10:54pm
August 6, 2007 at 10:54pm
I just heard one of those adds for different types of medication where they list all the possible side effects. Like for example: You're heart may beat really good but you crap your pants frequently!!! *Blush*

The one I just saw does something good for women’s legs. But the side effect is intense sexual desire, and creates a desire for gambling. I am thinking, Hummm? Nice leg’s, enhanced sexual desire! Hummm
I would be worn out, but broke *Frown*

Then I thought: What to hell!! I am already BROKE!! *Bigsmile*

Update on the 8s

Saw the advertisement again this A.M.
Another side effect is: Can case drowsiness at times.

So with this info, the heavy capital outlay for gambling urges could be minimized, when the drowsiness is combined with hours of afterglow, resulting from the strong sexual desires!

August 6, 2007 at 4:19pm
August 6, 2007 at 4:19pm
I was reading a blog yesterday that had a song posted,regarding net dating. I loved the song..Funny! So I pasted this from my port that was written a couple of months ago. A few years back I found myself single after years of marriage and at the end of a long term, insane relationship. My job or social life did not offer a lot in the way of meeting the opposite sex, so I signed up on an online dating site, which was actually suggested by my teenage son. I think his hope was anything to get me away from the woman I had been dating for a while. A few of you may have been down that road, so yeah, it was one of those relationships.

It did not take long to round up a date or two. But I soon found out folks did not always look or seem as the profile might suggest.

(I must say a lot did, so I am by no means saying that it is not a way to meet people.)

I enjoyed reading all the different profiles and trying to figure out when the picture posted might have been taken.

But what really interested me was the must have criteria for a date with a lot of the women. I was thinking; damn no wonder you are single. Keep in mind we are just “guys” out here. Not, gods sent from another planet.

After I talked with several of the women I learned that the gents on the site were know to blow a bit of smoke as well as the women. More so,I would say, but anyway.

So, at that point I took all I had learned from stories shared with me by the women I had met, and composed the mail below to send out. You might call it kind of a read between lines for some of the profiles.

I entitled it:

“A thorn in the rose garden of profile perfection”

I hope this mail finds you in the best of health and happiness. I like your profile and can see I enjoy many of the things you do. I have come to enjoy hiking of late, as one of my New Year resolutions is to get back in shape. Seems over the last few years my six-pack has turned into a 12 pack. I have learned however, I need to cut back on the cigarettes, as I seem to spend more time sitting beside the trail hacking my brains out, than actually walking on it. Therefore, I may have to put more focus on quitting smoking than the hiking.

I enjoy dinning out, with the exception of seafood, it makes me swell up like a toad frog and have trouble breathing.
A good steak is my favorite, but my teeth make it slow going unless the steak is extremely tender. They had promised to fix my teeth prior to my release from prison but I was released early when some court decided I would never catch up on my back child support if I remained incarcerated.

I enjoy the beach for a moonlight walk or just soaking in the sun, but right now my drivers licenses are suspended due to a DUI a couple years ago, but I hope to get them back in about a year, assuming I can pay the fines. However, if I met someone with a car I am sure my parole officer would allow me to go, if just for a long weekend or something.

I am working to get a picture posted. But I am using my neighbors computer at the moment, since I lost mine in the divorce, and not sure how to do it anyway. I would say my looks are average for my age. I am slightly bald on top but the sides are long and I can comb the sides over to cover most of the bald. My counselor says the slight twitch in my right eye and the occasional head jerks should go away with my current medication and the calming effects the love of a good woman can have on a man.

I read that most folks say chemistry is a must. Just to let you know, I flunked chemistry in school and that is part of why I quit. But I may be able to learn all about it now. The only thing that impressed me much in school was when the teacher sucked the hard-boiled egg down in the milk jug in science class.

I don’t know if your into the Harley scene or not, But seems most are, but I have a moped until I get my license back. Its pretty fun and a little fast if you are going down hill.

Hope to hear from you soon.

August 5, 2007 at 12:01pm
August 5, 2007 at 12:01pm
Today I have no stories today, of sex or violence committed against my gender after mating.*Worry* Think it may have just been to traumatizing for male readers. Also could leave some female readers pondering something less than positive thoughts.*Delight*

From time to time in life I find the need to retreat back to the mountains to kind of sort out my life and collect my thoughts on just who this person writing theses words really is. That within its self may be an impossible task. It seems over time we subconsciously, or consciously modify our personality to somewhat conform to relationships and even the workplace. So it is sometimes good to back up and decide which of these modifications made us a better person and which ones cause us stress. Not to imply you toss out the day to day courtesy’s learned, and choke someone at Wallmart when they cut you off with a shopping cart.*Smirk*

Anyway that is just rambling thoughts, and brings me too my point if there is one.

In seeking my solitude I am just up the road from my nephew. He is in all respects a decent enough guy. He works everyday and parties a little and never married. But at the end of the day, if he ever decides to get one of those personal tags for his truck, it would for sure read “country boy”. Not to say there is anything wrong with that, he seems happier than most. And that’s the bottom line I suppose.

About 3 months ago he decided he would buy a computer!!!!*Shock*

Last evening he and I decided to grill a couple of hamburgers and catch up a bit. I knew I was in for a long evening, when he walks in with his laptop under his arm. He said it seemed slow and his “yahoo” tool bar was gone, or at least different than when we set it all up.*Frown*

So anyway, he says he will fire the grill if I will see what is wrong with his computer.

I discovered the slow speed was caused from his discovery of several popular sites of his generation, and had felt the need to save most of it. That was easy enough to delete and get him moving again.*Bigsmile*
Then there were issues with his font size and a few other things that did not seem just right to him.*Confused*

When I ask him how or why he had changed it. He would say someone at work said: Then he would take me to some set up screen that I had never had the need to visit, much less change, while working daily with a computer for the last 15 years.

Keep in mind I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer either, when trying to undo a series of wrong clicks. But after we reset set a few defaults and stumbled through a few other things, her was for the most part pretty happy.*Smile*

BUT! After running a 100 different set ups, and a few downloads the big red “Y” on his tool bar, that for some reason seems to rank right up there with water and air in the guys life, still remains elusive.

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