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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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September 14, 2007 at 8:42am
September 14, 2007 at 8:42am
Wishing everyone has a great weekend.

I hope your Girlfriend/wife/Boyfriend/husband/or both/or any combination there of/monkey/donkey/Basset hound/Otter.(or whatever it takes to get your boat in the water)All feel really frisky this weekend!

And kisses are felt,emotions are touched,passions reve.........................................You can take it from there.I got tooooo go.


September 13, 2007 at 10:58am
September 13, 2007 at 10:58am

Endless thoughts of a broken heart

She wonders of her life. The past lives deep within her; the present overcomes her. Her future is elusive, but tightly woven by both her past and present.Inside her pretty head the thoughts abound. They at times offer her a chance for happiness... it comes so close she can see it on the horizons, feel the warmth of the sun, and inhale the fresh clean air. When her heart begins to taste the freedom other thoughts begin to creep back in... thoughts that are darkened with the logic of the moment and reflections from her past. Her emotions spiral downward and the pleasant thoughts quickly retreat, leaving behind a vacuum to be quickly filled with her lost hopes, broken heart, and insecurities.

Her thoughts of despair travel a well-worn path though her mind.
Within her thoughts she has walked what seems to be a u-shaped
path many times. When she reaches one end, her sunshine and
freedom always appears to be on the other end. She can see it
shining brightly at the other end of the U but she cannot step across the cavern to link her thoughts and find peace and warmth in the distant sunshine.As she sits alone, overwhelmed in the darkness, her tears fall like rain as her body tries so desperately to save her from herself. Through her tears, her spirits rise and for a moment she feels the sun... but she knows, until herheart is mended and the cavern can be bridged, she will again soon travel back over the same path of darkness and despair.

September 11, 2007 at 5:49pm
September 11, 2007 at 5:49pm
This may be hard to read. I was out most of the day,but wanted to post something for the 11th. So I put the words down in a hurry so it did not appear "I" had forgotten.

The the day the world stood still, I was on my way to do a job just 10 miles south of Washington, DC. Though we deeply mourned the lives lost in NY and the Pentagon there was yet to come a time when I would again feel a deep troubling sadness in my heart for all America.

While driving toward DC that day I saw a change come over people on the road. Travelers that were usually to busy in their own thoughts to even offer a nod of recognition too a fellow traveler, were actually talking and in their own way finding comfort and extending it as well. For a moment we remembered we were Americans and one nation under God

I felt the shock of our borders being penetrated when I drove past the pentagon and saw the smoke still rising from the rubble left behind. But I slowed the car in silent, pride, when the huge American flag was lowered over the wall. A flag of stars and stripes that symbolically allows 50 separate states to be united as, America, one nation under God

I was booked at a Hampton Inn just across the road from Dulles airport. When they closed the airport down, travelers from all across the nation and from all walks of life filled the rooms. To each other we extended common courtesy that so often gets lost in the daily rush. Hands we shaken, stories we shared, tears were dried. For a moment we remembered we were Americans, one nation under God.

I watched our pathetic politicians forget for a moment of their personal agenda and their hungry desire for achieving more power and wealth. At least for a moment our leaders called a truce across the halls of Washington and bowed their heads and prayed a single prayer of Americans, one nation under God

The area I was working in the next day was in the flight path of the jets that periodically flew protective flights over our capital from down in VA. The speed of their flight and roar of their powerful engines would stir a sense of pride, not only for the strength of the awesome machine, but for the men that pilot them. I know they fly with American pride and in full knowledge of the strength and destruction they hold at their fingertips. They also fly with the distinct knowledge that the power within their touch, if it were not restrained by political pressure, world opinion, and used with common sense and tempered with human compassion. Rest assured there would be many more innocent lives lost, but from the highest mountain, driest desert, or deepest cave many would regret the day they sneaked inside our border. They would also pray to the highest heavens that WE remember, we are Americans, one nation under God.

As I said in my opening paragraph, the sad day for me was when that unity so quickly slipped away and all our enemies cheered at the dissension they had caused, and further weakened the great nation of American, one nation under God.

September 10, 2007 at 3:05pm
September 10, 2007 at 3:05pm
I was driving through the mountains the other day and heard a song
that sent me back a few years, to when I was a teenager living in Southeastern New Mexico. As my thoughts traveled back to that place in time, I remembered my first love.

Must have something to do with the season, maybe the end of summer and another year winding down, but for whatever reason there seems to be an epidemic of reflections around blogville.

I don’t think my first love, so to speak, was the soul mate type
love that some seem to remember. It was just easy to enjoy someone at that time in life. There is no past to drag you down and no future lessons yet learned, that could hold you back. You just enjoy the day and the person. Like most, I had tried a few hormone loves before I met her, but she left an impression that I suppose will always be a part of me.

I remember meeting her parents, and they were not, as I still recall, in the least impressed; but, I assumed they tolerated her decision, at least for the moment, to hang with a guy who was kind of a drifter from back east. Once the parent introduction was behind us, there was no formal protocol between us of what I should or should not do. A phone call was enough to let her know I was on my way. When my pick up truck rolled up in her drive, there she was, and before I had time to get out, there was 105 pounds of girl and smile that slid across the seat next to me. Strawberry blonde, blue eyes, wearing a pull over tee, tight bell bottom jeans and tennis shoes. We were ready to rock!!

We had no agenda, we just had the next four or five hours. Anything beyond that did not matter. We continued this little romance for the length of the hot New Mexico summer and most of the winter and then I decided I would return home for a few. The days I was gone from her turned to weeks, then months. I received my x’s and o’s letters six days a week for the longest time, then they slowly tapered off, then the "Dear John" arrived. I suppose I was not shocked, but it took a couple of days to get the money together for a plane ticket west.

By the time I made it back, I was too late, her decision had been
made. I did not give up so easy though. The guy she was dating should have just killed me plain and simple, but he never said a word. That part is another

Time passed and I started dating another girl, but would run across her from time to time and still missed her in some way. More time passed and I heard she was getting married. That stung a bit, but there was little I could do.

Months later I was in a fight that had nothing to do with a girl, just some idiot with nothing better to do. I was the one still standing at the end, but it was pretty bad. I was hurting, covered in blood, just barely able to stand, my shirt all ripped up. There was a crowd of people around, as a good fight was great entertainment for a small NM town. I was standing there trying to get my head straight and someone was trying to get my coat back on. A car pulled up and someone asked what was going on, or who was fighting I guess. When the names of the two fighting clowns were directed toward the car, the crowd opened a bit, I saw the driver’s door start to open on the car.

I guess in that moment a lot of things gone unsaid were put to rest. Though things change and life takes its many turns, I at least knew she, along with me, still remembered our first love.

Before the car door was completely open, out between the steering
wheel and the driver, and heading my way,was 105 pounds of girl, with strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, pull over tee, tight bell bottom jeans and tennis shoes..........

September 9, 2007 at 11:54am
September 9, 2007 at 11:54am
Nada, Barb and Bugzy….Collecting a few bags and mail is not that weird. However, At this very moment, Somewhere, someplace there may be someone punching a few air hole's in a plastic grocery bag with the full understanding that the only way they can achieve personal satisfaction is too hang upside down with the bag over their head. Tapping out a rendition of “I am woman hear me roar” on one Folgers and one Maxwell house coffee can clamped to their nipples, while barking like an Einstein-coiffed Pooch. I mean this could be border line weird. But whatever works, ye know

Thanks, Miss Shelly it just seems like normal stuff to me also. I even trashed a few coffee cans yesterday and tossed a bag or two of mail out of my car. Gas mileage should improve.

Ayena you have to love old George, he just cuts to the chase. I would like to sit in with his writers when they are running his dialogue for a show. Bet there is some wild conversation in that room. I don’t think the mail is a security blanket for me. It might be in some ways. But I actually have a blue blanket I keep with me most of the time. Sometimes gets me a few strange looks when I show up for a sleep over with my shaving kit and blue blanket tucked under my arm. But Hey. What can I say!

Special Kay. Dont drink coffee!? Where are you in the world? Hope you aren’t sitting with Scarlett drinking Tea from a recycled cup! Wondering if the Balloon will swerve to the right or left.

Monk. You may want to stash a few of your twisty wraps in a plastic bag, could come in handy if you end up on one of those creative gigs, and someone ask you to hang them upside down.

Al. I am glad you understand my need to save these things. However, I say that with guarded enthusiasm, considering I read some of the “Stuff” you write in your blog.
I suppose the rest can take comfort in the fact we don’t live on the same side of the world.*Shock*

Eagle..I have used the baby food jars for small thing, screws, tacks, ect. Works, really well. That was when I was when I was a non-Blogger, and was somewhat of a normal guy.

Destiny. I suppose after rubbing those purses for 20 years and they still stayed the same size. You just trashed them hu? I do admire your perseverance.

Sweets. I agree, if I can imagine it being used again I save it. Kind of where I am with lil Cowboy at the moment…That is why I fought his emancipation request. He could end up in England, thrown in a recycling bin. Then come back as a purse and have to hang out in a basement for 20yrs

Beauty from ashes. See? If you would have a few bags stashed, all would be well.
And thanks for the ride from the party the other night. Lil’ Cowboy says Hi and his apologies for throwing up and fainting at the end. He just said it was late, and a long ride to Texas.

SweeT Where do you buy those handy dandy sleeves, elastic and fabric? Is that a Victoria Secret item? Actually I know what you mean, my X was the queen of organization, and she had one on the door where she kept the can food. I do keep mine in a drawer, even being a guy. They can be slippery if you just toss them on the floor.

Dee. I think you are mixing a little special smoke in the air you’re collecting .That me be why you need to get as much in as you can and hold it. They say it’s not addictive though. I think you have been slipping Eagle a toke of that special air. She seems really happy. I will not comment on men and their bag collecting.

September 8, 2007 at 10:51am
September 8, 2007 at 10:51am
I don’t consider my self a real pack rat I don’t think. I mean I have met folk that clutter up their home so they only have little walk ways to move about. I am not on that level by any means, but there are just certain things I just have problems throwing away.

Like the plastic grocery bags for example, I have to make myself put them in the trash. But actually I usually don’t., I find someplace to stash them. I mean a few can be nice to have a round…but…

Another thing is the metal coffee cans with the plastic lids, they just so handy to have a round. Before I became a blogger and might actually have done something constructive they were good for miscellaneous bolts, screws or just “stuff.” But you only have so much of that stuff, and I drink a lot of coffee. So I still have to have someplace to keep them even though I need very few. They just seem SO handy.

But if anything ever forces me out of house and home, it will be mail. I just keep hanging on to it, thinking I may look at it later. I seldom ever do, but I keep it anyway. Most of it is never opened, just lots of junk offers that I know I don’t want, but I keep it anyway, and just move it from place to place when I get tired of looking at one particular pile.
September 7, 2007 at 12:08pm
September 7, 2007 at 12:08pm
Sometimes when you end a long term relationship you have to, or need to, just step back for awhile and spend a little alone time.
Since most of us seem to modify ourselves to conform to what may be expected of us, or to just get along, we need this time to regain who we are. I suppose I need more serious modifications then most, but anyway here I am. For the last month or so I have been doing just that. Hanging out just pretty much by myself.

In some ways it is pleasant, I don’t have to account for where I
have been, lapses in time, ect. But a couple of weeks ago “Little Cowboy” asked what to hell was going on, wondering if perhaps I had brought in a sub-contractor or something and cut him out of the picture. He said we had always been a good team from his point of view. He said I could talk and write a decent enough game, and he felt he had held up his end fairly well, except that one time years ago when he cried "uncle" and suggested we all go to Wallmart. But even then, he had fought a gallant fight right down to the end.

So, after listening to him bitch and moan for a while, I just shut
the little prick down pretty harsh and quick, informing him he was
usually in charge of things, and to this point had failed miserably in his leadership position over the years.

With that, he went off to pout and hang with his buddies and doing
his usual job of waking me up every morning and such. Then last night he came at me again, acting all “cocky and shit” asking me if I had forgotten the weekend was coming up and all. I informed him I still know the days of the week and to just get back to doing whatever it is he does and leave me be.

So with that he relaxed and that was it. Then here he comes again
this morning all agitated, waking me up waaay too early. He said he and the boys had been talking, and asked if I would at least hear him out. So, I listened for awhile to his bitching and moaning about all the in's and out's and.ups and downs of his life, then I had to finally shut him down again when he just went on and on.

I told the little smart-assed dick head that I did not give a big fat rat's ass if he had read up on the Emancipation Proclamation and knew his rights, he was not going any damn where!! Can you imagine?? The nerve of the little prick!!!

September 6, 2007 at 2:04pm
September 6, 2007 at 2:04pm
Did laundry today. Even my jeans have a pinkish tint.. Boxers are cheap, Jeans were pretty worn.

But had this favorite blue shirt, we had been so many places together…

The box said color fast!! .Least I have my health, ye know. But the box did say color fast.

I just looked at a few handles on the list today.

Bugzy..Looks like the raw is clearing up a bit, sending over a case of Vaseline. Think we can get the rest cleared up right away!!!

Dee is just loving the Birthday party and checking for comma placement!

Brooke has been hugging for days now..Your are going to starve to death my friend if you don’t stop it SOON!!

Nicola..Is getting, really really friendly with the Squirrels!!!

Monk is riding like the wind.

Sensual rose must be on a boring date.

September 5, 2007 at 11:59am
September 5, 2007 at 11:59am
Driving down the road yesterday, I saw written on the tailgate of a truck: “Better to live in your pickup, than in the house with a woman scorned”. I thought… damn……mercy! Maaaan…..You must reeeaaally be pissing your woman off!! The lettering looked to be hand written, and to be a recent creation. I was tempted to follow him and see if this was something he had just done, and see if today was going to be the big day in which he planed to make the presentation, of this little written master piece to the bride. I then decided I was not properly dressed for an episode of “cops” so I just went on my way.

At this writing, there has been no reports of any murders, or serious injury in the area. But will keep you posted.
September 4, 2007 at 10:45am
September 4, 2007 at 10:45am
Taking a moment from her travels my muse had logged in to check on me. After reading my blog and realized without her input I had ventured far from my basic simple words, and was trying to solve the problems of men through out the ages. In a panic that I might continue to write senseless words, she caught a red eye flight out of Detroit and arrived last evening.

And this morning over coffee she told me there would always be a divide between men and women. But she gave me a few words. Words with no profound complexity, but words that might narrow the gap for some who might read and understand,

Her night gown is soft against my skin as she quietly curls up in my arms. I savor the smell of her hair, the warmth of her cheek against my chest. I lift her face to me, my lips move tenderly to brush away her tears.

In time she will share her cares, but for now I just hold her warm
and safe against the world. In time I will again hold the woman that can absorb all the cares of her man, and know all the passions that so entails; but for now, my arms surround the little girl in her that I know lies just beneath the lines of the beautiful woman I now hold.

Within the salt of her tears I taste, and I kiss away all the hurt of
her past broken heart and mend her shattered dreams. I do not question her tears of emotion. I just know her cares run deeper than I can ever know. In my arms I can simply offer her calm waters, and sanctuary to rest.

In time she may need to feel even closer to me, her eyes may lift to search mine and her emotional kiss may touch my lips. Her soft warmth may consume my strength when she moves to make us one.

While her body moves in her sensual search, my touches and soft whispers will encourage her, as we brings her passions high. When her emotions overwhelm her and she slips through ecstasy’s gate, I will again hold her tight against me and love her when she cries.

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