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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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August 22, 2007 at 10:41am
August 22, 2007 at 10:41am
Nothing happening today, I solved the coffee pot issue from yesterday. Today I am low on coffee, so I have to head back to the corner with my sign. Its just a viscous cycle!!

Have a pleasant day.
August 21, 2007 at 9:19pm
August 21, 2007 at 9:19pm
In front of, what I assume was a thrift shop!!

USED: WEDDING DRESS…worn only once by mistake
August 21, 2007 at 10:28am
August 21, 2007 at 10:28am
It all started as a typical summer morning. From my window I see the green of the surrounding mountains. I note a few of the trees are starting to show the colors of fall, hastened by the lack of rain and the unusual intense heat of the southern summer.

In the valley below I see a school bus roll to a stop on the winding country road. For a moment I watch what appears to be a pre-school child board the bus, as the mother stands by assuring her child is safely on the bus. Before turning away from the window I briefly wonder of the child, and of what lifetime patterns will be established or reinforced over just the next few days, as the child enters a big new world. Will it be a leader or a by stander, a victim or a bully.

As I turn from the window I smile and wonder of the mother of the child, and of what she must be thinking. I know she must feel a touch of sadness at the turn of a new page, as little Johnny/Susan has been her constant companion for the last five years. But when she steps back behind closed doors does she secretly do a little hip twisting dance of joy??

But all the window musings are neither here nor there. Life will go on. My morning coffee is first on the agenda.
Three measured scoops of coffee, four cups of water. I flip the switch and get the confirming little red light. All is well. I soon hear the familiar sound, then the pleasing aroma as the dark rich liquid flows into the pot.
Soon I will savor the flavor of the hot liquid as it quenches the morning thirst. Oh yeah. I pour cream into a cup while I wait for what seems to be the coffee makers last gasping struggle. The sound that will tell me it has given up all it has in the last few gurgling breaths. The ending sound arrives, but to quickly. Did I not add enough water? Before I can determine the problem, a stream of clear water streams from the counter to wet my bare feet! Turning the coffee maker slightly I see the reservoir is cracked…………………DAMN!!
August 20, 2007 at 12:13pm
August 20, 2007 at 12:13pm

So Monkey ask if I would post his info.

Name: Monkey
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Height: 3’2”
Eyes: Brown?
M/Status; N/A
Kids: 38?
Sign: leo

About me.

I am shy as a general rule, and don’t like talking about my self. But friends say I am out going, loyal, fun loving, and sometimes straight forward. I enjoy the beach as well as a mountain cabin. Sometimes swinging through the trees can be very relaxing and enjoyable. I am comfortable in nothing, jeans and Tee, or the occasional Tux for an evening out. However, I find hanging out at the local produce stand works well for me. I love quiet evenings at home, just chewing on take out bananas, or a romantic candle light dinner for two. I seldom cook but, can crack you a pretty mean coconut. I enjoy rainy Sundays to snuggle on the sofa with a book or a movie. Old re-runs of Tarzan or George of the jungle, being my personal favorites.

My lovemaking style ranges from traditional monkey style, to acrobatics, swinging from the bed post or ceiling fan just comes natural. I do prefer the ceiling fan to be in the off position, as it tends to be distracting. Flopping out on the floor or vomiting can sure wreck the mood rather quickly. Various fruits and occasional veggies are always welcome. However should a chicken be introduced, please make sure all clocks, pictures and miscellaneous ornaments are secured, as a chase may be in order. Since my domestication I have calmed to some extent, but sometimes natural instincts will prevail.

I do not like big dogs, leopards, lions, tigers or being locked in the closet!!

August 19, 2007 at 1:51pm
August 19, 2007 at 1:51pm
You might see a few words that sound a bit familier.

With the kids returning to school, seems to signal an end to another season. Though the heat has been intense and still surrounds us, making the backs of our necks all sweaty and gritty. The cooling summer rains it seems have been few, when the lightening flashes and the thunder rolls.

In spite of the heat I am sure pleasant memories were made with summer vacation. Good times, with the kids at the beach or a little late night fun, dancing and shagging on the boulevard. Or even enjoyed the sun in a little yellow polka dot bikini, making all boys go wooo awww who?

Maybe driven down country roads to take you home, to family and friends where you feel you belong. At the place where you grew up, had your first taste of love and strawberry wine, or sat on the lawn on a summer afternoon and became a day dream believer. You may have enjoyed Saturday at the park and just hummed a summer song. You might have picnicked by the lake hoping every one knows ,it don’t take spiders and snakes to love you.

I hope when you look back and reflect over the summer you can remember dancing in the dark, middle of the night, or just slow dancing, swaying to the music. Along with the memories of someone laying you down and softly whispering, pretty love words in your ear.

With the sun comes the rain, so I hope no one carved there name in the seats of a pickup truck, when blues eyes were crying in the rain.

I have to stop. 10 pages could be written with words, just form old songs that just sometimes float through your head. You might see one you might remember??

All easy words today..cause I am easy like Sunday mooooorninnnng

August 18, 2007 at 1:18pm
August 18, 2007 at 1:18pm
Been another interesting week in Blogville. I have had to re think my writing, catch monkeys, feed chickens, shoveled watermelon, and ate waay to much fruit.
But, with the arrival of the weekend I find my refrigerator is empty, and cupboards are bare.
With that said, and if my Moped will start, I need to find a suitable intersection and get out my tattered cardboard sign. Wish me luck, going to be another hot one!! Hope everyone has a.........

Hold on..I had thought the monkey was back safe and sound with his original owner. Where he could chill down and throw back a few bananas. lick his eyebrows, sip on a little mango juice, but now this???

I just received word the above mentioned MONKEY was kidnapped and being held for ransom. The details are still coming in, but it appears the ransom has been paid, and the monkey is being held in a house boat someplace, and is trying to develop a taste for raw carrots and lettuce. I hear a bid has been put in from the southern US. offering exotic fruits and such.

Hold on….Someone just handed me a note…..In a surprising development, It has been confirmed a deal was made, and said monkey will be transported as soon as he regains strength to travel and can clear customs…..No details have been released as to what zapped his strength, but full recovery is expected.

Okay, better crank my moped. daylight is wasting. Hope everyone has a great day.

August 17, 2007 at 2:16pm
August 17, 2007 at 2:16pm
With my limited skills as a writer I try to a least create a visual for any one stopping by to read. So in the past I have tried to capture the connection of the two lovers in my erotic stories. But after being around blogville for the last couple of weeks I have been forced to realize my writing has little to do with real world wants or desires, so to speak.

The below story was in the works before I learned of the change that has swept over the average reader. So I am trying to change it to some extent, to capture a broader scope of what one would like to read. I actually just started the new form of writing so most of it is still my antiquated words. But inside the ( ) throughout the story, you will see things I will have to address in future stories.

For anyone that has not seen my blog ,or comments over the last couple of days this may seem a bit out there...even then it may still ring true. *Bigsmile*

The grass of the huge meadow is soft beneath the blanket as we watch the summer
sun set slowly into the western sky, leaving in its wake a burst of pink and
red, as if to set the few drifting clouds to fire.

We speak in close whispers as if not to intrude upon the night, as one by one
we see the stars appear in the distant sky, to seemingly dance their twinkling
dance just for us.

Drifting to us on the warm, yet cooling evening breeze is all the pleasing
smells of a summer the night. We enjoy the simple smells of the grass and
flowers from surrounding fields. Blending with the savory aroma of lilac, is
the scent of new-mowed hay and honeysuckle blossoms. From near by vineyards
drifts the sweet smell of grapes, ripening heavy on the vine. Possibly from
past harvest from theses same fields ( No, I don’t want to get up and go pick
any grapes for later, can we just enjoy the peaceful night?) came the wine that tastes
so sweet to me, when softly kissed from your lips.

This same breeze brings us the sounds of the night. From somewhere in the
forest along with other ( No babe, I don’t think that is a chicken, chickens as
a rule are quiet at night, and no, I did not notice any chickens on the drive
up) sound of the night, an owl announces his presence, and from a nearby ( No, Not around here, how many monkeys have you ever actually seen, except at the zoo) lake a frog joins in, with his distinctive throaty cry.
. As the breeze subsides, the fire flies are allowed to take wing and flash their mysterious lights. Neither of us seem to know the role they play in the great scheme of things, except to enhance the beauty of this lovers night.

With the darkness now surrounding us, I feel you shiver slightly, and we cover with a light blanket to ward off the night chill. I draw you
( Well……………… I would have taken your clothes off in time, but I do suppose it “is” more comfortable beneath the blanket) close to me offering warmth and shelter in my arms.

With our occasional connecting kisses, I continue to taste (Sweetheart, smells can travel along way, so it may be a mile to the vineyard, trust me, we can work without the grapes) from your lips the sweetness of the wine we share,but the easy connection
between us and the beauty of the night provides its own natural magic.

The moon has risen now to claim the night and for a moment our thoughts return to the wonders we have seen tonight. We reflect on the red sunset to the twinkling of the stars, and wonder how many lovers past and present have placed their wishes upon these very same stars. I suppose, as all the lovers that have gone before us, we want to try and (I have no ideal which came first the chicken or the egg, And I am sure the chicken has various reasons for crossing the road) understand our place and feel somehow unique in the intriguing
vastness of it all.

As we lay close beneath the blanket, just the closeness of your bare body stirs emotion with in me. To try to hold with the slow mood we have set beneath the stars. My hand gently moves over the soft bare
( Yes, honey I know you like the feel of my tongue in and around your belly button searching for the chocolate, and I know you brought the squeezable kind, but I ate that last piece of pie, so enough with the sugar) skin of your stomach. My hand moves upward to cup your breast from beneath, and then lighten my touch (I told you
not to eat the last piece of that mango) to allow the
slight roughness of my palm to tell ( I know how you like my tongue through the hole in the sliced pineapple. I admit the cooling sensation to your breast, combined with the warmth of my tongue does cause a very firm reaction, but you threw the last piece trying to get the squirrel to come closer) me of emotions

What? No whipped cream? Don’t cry…………….get your clothes back on!!!

We may as well pack it in, we don’t have the supplies needed in the wild

August 16, 2007 at 11:10am
August 16, 2007 at 11:10am
Wake up, wake up! I know you ladies had fun here last night while I was
sleeping, but my kitchen is a wreck!! I can’t even get to my coffee pot!! And
just who threw out all my potted meat? I forgot to mention (just assumed you
knew) that your new state of the
skin purses will shrink when left hanging.

There you are Destiny, Would you go put on some clothes!? I need my coffee bad.
Then go wake up Brooke and *BM*.

You ladies are always welcome here at the playbilly shack, but this place is a
total wreck this morning!!

Evidently *BM* became impatient with her purse and Over Dosed it on Viagra and
shopped it hard, cause its all shriveled up now. Looks more like a clutch this
morning. But from the looks of the stuff that rolled off the kitchen counter,
when it shrank, she must have had it rocking for a while at least! Least she
was thoughtful with the sack of carrots and Brussel sprouts. She must have
thought Bugzy was dropping by.

I see too four plastic bags of sun ripened grapes, two whole pineapples, flat
of strawberries, squeeze on chocolate and a pack of juicy fruit gum.(who
knows?) I am not sure what she had in mind for the two water melons that
rolled off the counter
and spattered on the floor. Is she awake yet? Geeze!! I better go get a shovel
before your chickens make a bigger mess with the melon than what we already
have. Please get Brooke up also, tell her to come get her Rooster of your hen.
Whooo! Check that
move out. He must be getting a buzz off the Viagra she had in the purse!!

DAMN!! Look OUT, Who brought the frigging monkey!!!

August 15, 2007 at 7:37pm
August 15, 2007 at 7:37pm
This afternoon I was browsing through a few ports and came across a question, as to why some cultures choose to circumcise males at birth. The question was also ask as to what might be done with the foreskins, once they are removed. Since most Americans are circumcised at birth I felt compelled to try and answer.

Though I have no medical back ground, and know very little about religious rituals. I tried to answer the question, to the best of my knowledge. At the same time being as honest and forth right as I possibly could.

My brief answer below.

The main reason American men are circumcised, is to make it easier for our mothers to carry us around as babies. For example, like most American men, when I was first born I weighed 15 pounds, after I was circumcised I only weighed 7.5 pounds.( actual weights may vary, when the BS is factored out)

As far as what is done with the foreskins once removed. I hear they have been used for making a kind of a multi purpose hand bag for women. For day to day use, it is a normal hand bag. But should you need more room, just rub on it a bit, and presto!!, you have a full sized shopping bag!!
August 15, 2007 at 1:13pm
August 15, 2007 at 1:13pm
I am busy today trying to get a new cell phone that may actually work, and helping a friend move. She has been subletting my blog since
I first built this place. Though I enjoyed her company, and she will continue
to drop by for visits, we decided it was time she find her own place. Though I
am pretty secure in my manhood, since comments about her big-dicked beagle named
Rover, I have felt some level of intimidation. Her constant desire to bring
chickens into the conversation, was also somewhat disturbing to me. So it was a
mutual decision that destinydances GET HER OWN DAMN BLOG!!!!
"Random Thoughts"

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